taken [loki laufeyson]

By reverieloki

136K 3.6K 1.7K

❝for now, you are my prisoner. And i am your king.❞ ⋆ status: writing, unfinished. editing soon. a loki fa... More

author's note β™‘
1: bad dreams
3: realms
4: brothers
5: library
6: safe
7: torn
8: midgard
9: scared
10: hurt
11: out of reach
12: ambiguous
13: the truth from a liar
14: yours
15: omen
16: rescued
17: the pawn
18: complication
19: surmise
20: square one
21: connection
22: interrupted
23: plans into action
24: accident
25: opportunity
26: lifeless
27: person of interest
28: jurisdiction

2: the king

9.7K 263 197
By reverieloki

Though the prison cell is quite large, I don't feel like exploring it.

Hours go by as I sit against the wall as far back in the cell as I can. I struggle to remember how long ago it was when I was just sitting in my dorm, before being kidnapped. Hours? Days? Weeks? I have no idea, but I do know that I've been here too long. I finger the hem of my dress and stare out into the darkness. It is completely silent. I can hear my heart beating quickly inside my chest in reaction to being kidnapped. Anxiousness overwhelms me. The darkness beyond the cell walls gets louder and louder, until I think something is going to jump out and grab me. I close my eyes and hold my legs tightly against my chest.

Maybe this is all a dream . . .

Dear god, I hope this is a dream.

Outside in the dark hallway, a sound bounces off the walls and disrupts the silence. Footsteps. I push down my feelings and, once I'm not paralyzed by fear, curiosity gets the best of me.

The footsteps echo louder and closer. They are slow and proud, meant to strike fear in the lowly.

One torch-lit light directly across my cell burns to life automatically. The slender figure that had kidnapped me e and had appeared in my dreams is illuminated by the torch. Those glowing green eyes glare at me with a hunger that I don't know how to interpret. Usually I am fairly well at reading people, but this man, this god-like creature has a defense like no other.

His features come into focus once he stops right at my cell, leaning forward to get a good look at me. His eyes drink up my appearence.

Kidnappers have, sort of an expectation  to be rugged and dirty and perverty. By all means, all kidnappers are perverts, but this man certainy didn't look like it. He had a pale but handsomely sculpted face, with sharp cheekbones and a stare that said 'Mentally Undressing You RN." He had a slicked back mane of raven-black, feathery hair, worthy of a god. His tall and lean legs made him at least 6 feet, with a slender but well-muscled body type that I would want to do dirty things to me. He is dressed in black and green leather, with gold accents (he is an unacceptably good dresser). I am so lost in his appearence-- I was expecting some sort of troll or monster, or maybe a horribly scarred face. It takes me several tries to remind myself that this man is a kidnapper and a criminal.

We sit in quiet for several minutes, the silence like a wall of glass.

"What do you want with me?" Each word is seperated icily. My voice shatters the silence and echos throughout the chamber. The man steps back slightly into the shadows around him. The light behind him casts haunting shadows across his face.

He takes his time in replying.

"Why I took you here is none of your concern. You're the mortal captive vital to my project. The rest is classified." He speaks slowly and enunciates each word precisely. He has a slight accent that I can't quite pinpoint. I'm not even sure if I have ever heard it before. It's foreign and strangely attractive-- it suits a villian-type like this man.

His lip twitches as he watches me again, staring intently at my eyes, lips chest, legs, feet, his gaze slowly dipping lower and lower. Despite being terrified, I blush profusely out of discomfort. I tug on the hem of my dress again, hoping it is long enough to hide my legs.

Then, without a word, he disappears, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Alone with the darkness.

Just barely I can figure out the time between his first visit and the next one, and the time between each visit after that. He comes to my cell several times after the initial kidnapping, seperating his visits by a few days each. There are clusters of days between visits when I sit alone for a long time, crying quietly to myself. I don't want to be here. I don't want to be alone in the dark any longer.

It's horribly miserable in the cell, even though it is probably quite luxurious in the world of prison cells-- I wouldn't know. Strange noises echo in the dungeon sometimes. I have a feeling they could be actual monsters. That's why I never sleep.

Multiple days go by when the man comes back. He slowly steps into the hallway in front of my cell, like always. The torch behind where he usually stands has already been lit.

Once again, we are both silent. His eyes scan me up and down. The dig deep inside me, hunting for my secrets hungrily. His expression shifts from a cruel one to a softer, empathetic one, back and forth.

"You've been crying." He says it like its some kind of surprise.

My tone is sharper than I expected. "You think?! You leave me trapped in here every day, isolated in the darkness, in some-- some other world, and you think I'll be okay with it?!" Tears well up again, threatening to run down my face and expose myself completely to a man I don't feel safe exposing myself to.

He disappears for a moment and reappears inside the cell, as far away from me as possible. He walks very slowly closer and closer to me. He stops      a couple feet away. I scrunch myself up closer to the wall. I must look so pitiful.

"I wanted you to come with me," his expression turns serious. "I would like to show you around this realm. Only now do I realize how little your sad mortal mind actually knows about where you are."

I think that's as close to kindness as I am going to get with my kidnapper.

He tucks his arms behind his back and I think over his offer. Something inside me wells up-- an unexpected instinct. The man that kidnapped me wants to take me somewhere else that I don't know. He wants to get physically close to me. My safety (if you call being isolated in a strange prison in the dark for more than a week safety) feels threatened. I stand up slowly. What an idiot this man is, thinking he can show me around his realm like I'm going to be living here.

My back still against the wall, he steps back slightly. "You think that I am going to go with you?"

"You have no choice, prisoner." He says it with a certain venom and flame in his voice.

Fear propells my instincts. I pull back my fist and punch him square in the nose. He falls to the ground, his hands flying to his nose. He winces in pain on the ground.

He starts to get up, and rethinks his decision, slowly lying back on the ground. A steady trickle of blood streams from his nose. He shakes his head slightly and then gets up. His green eyes fiercely glare at me. He is barely controlling his fury-- his nose twitches slightly. His fists dangle at his sides clenched tightly.

"You should be killed for that."

He turns to the side. He shakes his head and blood spatters on my dress. I flinch. He looks at me again, flames blazing in his eyes. The man tilts his head a little to the side and closes his eyes, then smiles. A blood-curdling smile that is the type you would see right before he killed you. Suddenly I don't feel good.

His black boots send echoes rippling throughout the room as he walks away silent. He stops far across the cell, back turned away. The look he gives me over his shoulder sends thrills racing through me and makes me want to hide from fear. It excites me, and also terrifies me. He must sense it in me.

He turns away again and disappears. I slink back down to the floor and hide my head as the torch outside the cell flickers off with a puff of smoke.


How was the second chapter? Comment!!!

I liked writing this chapter and describing loki. He's so mysterious 👏 ! I hope i did him justice.

Btw Did you like those gifs  i added? Look at him in that last one! AWWW

please vote!!


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