Love Me Now || Trayce Thompson

By DodgersKings

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One sometimes finds what one is not looking for - Alexander Fleming Completed February 25, 2017 ✓ More



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By DodgersKings

Stella's POV- May 2016


I glanced up from the eggs I was scrambling and smiled at Israel who had just woken up.

"Good morning" I told him.

"Do you need help?"

"I'm almost done, but I don't mind company" I said signaling for him to sit down.

He nodded slowly and took a seat across from me.

"Sonia still asleep?" I asked.

"Yeah, she had trouble falling asleep last night so I figured she'd want to sleep in"

"Sleep well?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm surprised I slept in"

I raised an eyebrow as I looked at the time, 9:55 AM.

"I'm still on Minnesota time"

"Give it a few more days" I told him.

He looked at me.

"How's Florida like?"

I scrunched up my nose earning a chuckle from him.

"I mean I liked my time at the University" I stated.

He hummed and nodded.

"I wasn't ready to leave that far" I told him.

"Is that why you graduated early?"

I smiled and nodded.

"School kicked my ass since I was an athlete, but I just wanted to come home" I said.

"Why not just transfer?"

I shook my head.

"I liked both the programs in my major and in softball" I stated.

"How were the hurricanes likes?"

I laughed.

"Mom likes to exagerrate. I was pretty safe from any hurricanes since Gainsville is like in the middle of Florida" I said.

He nodded.

"Are you excited to go to the beach?" I asked.

"Will the water be any warmer?"

"It's the Pacific Ocean, the water is always cold" I said.

He made a face and I shrugged.

"You'll be wearing flip flops by the time you head back in August" I stated earning a chuckle from him.

"I've never been to a baseball game"

I smiled.

"I'm a bit biased but you're going to love your first baseball game"I said.

He shrugged.

"My boyfriend Trayce plays for the Dodgers, and he kinda went all out for you and Sonia" I stated.

"That's nice of him"

I handed him a plate with food.

"Coffee?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded.

"It's kinda why I came down"

I laughed and reached for the coffee mug.

"Why am I not allowed to give you coffee?" I asked.

Sonia told me I wasn't allowed to give him coffee.

"Most of my calorie intake last week was coffee"

I smiled and poured coffee into two mugs.

"This can be our little secret" I told him.

I set the coffee pot and took a seat next to him.

"When are you done with school?"

He took a gulp of coffee as he looked at me.

"Second week of June" I said.

"So everything is either due this weekend of the following?"

"Yeah, and I got midterms as well" I stated as I cut of the French toast on my plate.


"I had one yesterday, and I have one Thursday" I listed off.

He nodded and reached for the syrup.

"It's why I've been kinda MIA" I said.

Trayce was a little bummed out that I didn't go to any of the games this weekend. He understood that I really needed to study for my exams. I had agreed to meet Nolan and I would be traveling to San Francisco to meet his brothers once I was done with my finals. Klay didn't let me pay for my flight, so I promised I would make him food.

"I didn't think you'd be home, your french toast is really good"

I smiled and turned when I heard Bailey cry from the small patio where he was sun bathing.

"Hey Bailey"

I stood up as the doorbell rung. I recognized the voice on the other side of the door, and I was not expecting her. My phone was upstairs in my room so there was a chance I had been warned.

"No fucking way" I said.

I rushed over to the door and laughed as I opened the door to see who it was.

"I'm back!"

I let out a sigh and shook my head as I smiled.

"I was not expecting you back until next week" I answered as I stepped forward for a hug.

"I messed up on the dates, sorry about that"

A hiss was heard as my closed fist made contact to the person's shoulder.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"For being gone almost 6 months" I stated.

"Hey now, you said you wouldn't use this against me"

"I didn't think you'd ignore me for 6 months" I admitted

"Well I am back and we have a lot to catch up on"

"Well I just started eating so you're going to have to wait" I said.

"And who might this be?"

I looked at Israel.

"Clara this is Israel" I started.

"Your boyfriend?"

I shook my head.

"No, Sonia's boyfriend actually" I told Clara.

Clara was my childhood friend, one of my close friends in fact.

"Little Sonia has a boyfriend?"

I nodded and she looked at me.

"What about you?"

"What about me?" I asked.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

I glanced up as I heard Sonia.

"Stella, Trayce is calling"

I made my way to the staircase as Sonia made her way down. She handed me the phone and screamed when she saw Clara.

"You're back!"

"Hello" I said putting the phone against my ear.

"Morning, do you mind if I drop by?"

"Of course not, how far are you?" I asked.

"I'm here, I just need to park my car"

I laughed.

"See you in a bit"

"Bye" I said.

I ended the phonecall.

"Who's Trayce?"

I turned and smiled at Clara.

"My boyfriend" I said.

She gasped.

"I'm gone for 6 months and both of you have boyfriends?"

"It's not like we had any way of contacting you" I sassed.

Clara had been away doing some humanitarian work for the past 6 months.

"Well when can I meet Trayce?"

The doorbell rung and I smiled as Bailey let out a howl from the patio.

"Can someone let Bailey in?" I asked.

Israel stood up and made his way to the sliding door as I went to the door. I turned to look at both Sonia and Clara.

"Best behavior" I stated.

They both nodded and I opned the door. Trayce grinned at me as I stepped back to let him in.


I smiled as he leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"What's in the bag?" I asked.

"I bring you snacks"

He gave me a tight squeeze and closed the door behind him.

"How was your midterm?"

I shrugged and he smiled.

"I'm sure you did great, you spent all weekend studying"

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

"Alex made all of us breakfast"

I nodded.

"I'll take a cup of coffee though, we're out at the house"

"I'll get you that cup of coffee in a minute" I said.

"I got it"

We both heard a throat clear.

"Stop hogging him and introduce him"

Trayce turned and smiled as he looked at both Sonia and Clara.

"It's nice to finally meet both of you"

Clara looked at him.

"You've heard about me?"

Trayce nodded slowly as I took the bag from him and made my way to the kitchen.

"You're Clara, right?"

Trayce knew about Clara because he was curious to know who the girl next to Anthony in pictures was. I was close with Clara, but not as close as I was with Anthony.

"Did Stella tell you how she and Anthony are in love with each other?"

I laughed as Clara glared at Sonia who smiled in return.

"It's nice to finally meet you Sonia"

Sonia grinned and stepped forward.

"I've talked to you many times, so I expect a hug"

Trayce smiled and gave her a hug.

"Babe, what are you drinking?"

I looked at Israel who smiled as he put the mug closer to his lips.

"Hot chocolate?"

Sonia looked at me.

"I plea the fifth" I stated.

I turned to the door when it opened. Anthony stepped inside and closed the door behind him while looking down at his phone.

"You're back early" I said.

Anthony nodded and cleared his throat when he saw Clara.

"Yeah, my professor canceled class and section. I didn't sleep well last night, so I'm going back to bed"

I nodded.

"Did you eat something already?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Yeah, I had coffee with Bella"

He adjusted his backpack.

"Morning Tony"

He chuckled and looked at Sonia.


He let out a yawn.

"Hello to all of you, I'm going to sleep. Thanks for the ticket Trayce, see you later"

Trayce smiled and nodded as he took a gulp of coffee.

"No problem"

Anthony nodded.

"It's nice to see you Clara"

With that he made his way upstairs.

"Who's Bella?"

Bella was his thesis advisor, but Clara didn't need to know that. Anthony didn't date and it was because Clara broke his heart. Anthony actually met Clara through me. I went to an all girls' school, and Clara was my closest friend. She always had a crush on him, and she finally did something about it last year. They both happened to be home and decided to go out for dinner to catch up. Things got heated after dinner, and they had sex. He tried to pursue things with her, but she said they were better off as friends and that having sex had been a mistake. I wasn't supposed to find out, but a drunk Anthony confessed it to me. 

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