Daddy's Girl

By shaaunaa_b

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Sophia is the daughter of two New York's CSI's, Danny Messer and Lindsay Monroe. Sophia helps the CSI's with... More

Sophia Messer
Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

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By shaaunaa_b

Sophia's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar room,

"Hello?" I called out,

"Hi! My name is Nurse Tammy. I'm the attending nurse. You got shot and survived. Your parents are on their way" I'm in the hospital?

"Sophia? Honey?" Mum said,

"Hey mum. What happened?" I asked as I sat upright,

"I dunno how to say this. Dad will explain it" I nodded,

"Dad? What happened?" I asked. Dad took a deep breath,

"After you fell asleep, I went back to the lab to figure out everything. I bolted the door shut cause I didn't want to take a chance. Half an hour back at the lab, Mac tells your mum and I to go home. We arrive home and mum rushes in. We heard a thud coming from upstairs so we ran up and saw you on the floor. I called an ambulance and they took you away. Your uncle came and visited you. They found 7 bullets in you babe and weird wounds on your back" dad explained,

"I can remember vaguely what happened" mum and dad look at each other then at me,

"What can you remember honey?" Mum asked,

"I remember getting up to get a glass of water and that's when I heard the lock being opened. I thought it was one of you guys so I said hi and it was this guy with a shotgun. He shot me 3 times. Then I managed to get upstairs and he shot me once. Once I got into my bedroom, that's when he shot me again. Another 3 times then when he thought I was dead, he ran downstairs and that's when I heard the door lock again. Then when you guys came home yelling out my name I fell off my bed and mum rushed to my side. The last thing I remember was dad calling the ambulance and me being hauled away" I say,

"Is that all you remember baby?" Mum says,

"I fought him off the second time. I scratched him on the right arm. Real deep" Mum and Dad looked at each other,

"You fought him?" Dad says,

"Yea" dad then got the kit out,

"I'm going to take a sample okay sweetie?" I nod as dad takes a DNA sample of the skin under my fingernails,

"Do you remember what he looked like?" I shook my head,

"No. No I wasn't really paying attention" I say. Dad nods and finishes up,

"I'm going to stay with her for a while. See if this matches the suspect we have" Dad says. Mum nods and takes the sample away,

"What suspect?" I asked,

"Are you ready for the truth sweetie?" I nod,

"What's going on dad?" I asked,

"Okay. Remember Joshua Hudson?" I nod,

"Yea. His sister was killed. What about him?" I say,

"Adam tracked down what gun was used on you using the bullets taken out of you. It was a shotgun. He tracked down the owners and one of them was Josh. The bullets were also a match to the ones pulled out of Harry. Josh killed Harry and almost killed you. Instead he put 7 bullets in you and you survived" dad says. I started to tear up,

"Why?" I asked,

"I dunno. Is there any reason why he would do all this?" Dad asked me,

"No..I remember trying to help him with his sister. She was a troubled teen with issues. Josh has always wanted her dead" I say,

"That's it!" Dad says,

"What's it?" I ask,

"Josh didn't want you to help him investigate his sisters death. When you got too involved and almost cracked the case, that's when he struck. Honey, did you ever give your ex a key?" I shook my head,

"You gave clear instructions to Harry and I not to" I say thinking about Harry,

"My theory is that Josh killed Harry, swiped the key off him and then when he saw me leave the house, that's when he opened fire at you using Harry's key to get in" then dad rang mum. Dad put it on loudspeaker,

"Hey" mum says,

"Hey. You're on speaker. I told Sophia already" dad says,

"Okay. I ran the tests and the DNA you collected from under Sophia's nails and cross referenced it with Josh's DNA" mum says,

"And?" I asked,

"It's a positive match" both dad and I sighed,

"So we have everything on Josh from Harry to me. Why target my family?" I say,

"I can answer that" I heard a voice say. It wasn't coming from the phone. It was coming from my door,

"Who are you?" dad asked,

"Dad. Remember Kevin?" I say,

"Is that him?" Dad says. I nodded,

"Yea. So how can you help us Kevin?" I asked,

"Joshua was always jealous of you and wanted to find a way to kill you" Kevin said sitting down on my hospital bed,

"Is this where you've been for past 3 months?" I asked,

"Yep. Here for another 3 months. Damn doctors don't want me going just yet. How's school?" Kevin asked,

"It's alright I guess" I say, "not the same without you though" I say looking at him,

"Wait" dad says. Shoot I forgot he was still here,

"Danny" mum says on the phone. Fudge I forgot about her too,

"What?" dad says,

"Kevin and Sophia briefly went out. Take a hike" mum says. Dad sighs and talks to mum on the phone while walking around the hospital,

"How am I the last to know?" dads voice trails off,

"Yea. How come your dad didn't know about us but your mum did?" I chuckled,

"My brother Harry found out after going through my phone and told mum. I thought she told dad but I guess not" Kevin goes silent,

"I heard about your brother Sophs" Kevin says. God I miss him calling me that,

"Yea. It was Josh who killed him. Why did he try to kill me?" I asked,

"I dunno. All I know is that he wanted to kill you but he failed cause here you are gorgeous" Kevin says. I smile,

"My ex was in on it so yea" I say. Kevin nods,

"I understand. I'll be back" I nod as Kevin walks off somewhere. I turn on the TV and watch the news where they are taking away everyone involved with the case I just closed,

"In other news, several have been arrested after the murder of Jenny Hudson, Harry Messer-Styles and the attempted murder of Sophia Messer. We wish Sophia a safe recovery and our condolences here at the newsroom for your brother" I smiled,

"Hey" dad says walking in,

"The channel 9 news sends their condolences for Harry" I say,

"That's nice. They say anything else?" Dad says. I nod,

"They wish for me to make a safe recovery" dad smiles,

"That's good" dad says,

"Where's Kevin?" I ask,

"Back at his room. Doctors orders" I nod,

"I think he wants to get back with me" I say,

"Go for it. Mum explained everything. You didn't tell me about his backstory" I sighed and looked at the window,

"I thought mum told you" I say,

"Not his backstory. She said for me to get it out of you" Dad says. I sigh,

"He had a troubling childhood. When I met him, he was in tears so I cheered him up and we slowly became friends. Then best friends. Finally he asked me out. Harry found out and told mum. Mum said that she would eventually tell you about Kevin and I, but I guess she didn't till now" I say,

"What happened after you two went out?" Dad asked. I look at dad,

"When you had to go to that meeting in Washington with Mac, Kevin and I uh broke up. It was a teary breakup, so teary that I spent three months locked away in my bedroom. Harry came every now and then to give me ice cream while mum tried to contact you but you had forgotten your phone charger and had to wait to get home" I said,

"I'm sorry sweetie. How'd your break up happen?" Dad asked,

"Kevin got really sick and said we couldn't do it while he was sick. I looked at him with teary eyes and said 'Kevin. No matter how sick you are, I'll always be here for you' and then he said 'Sophia. I can't do this while I'm this sick' then he left. I broke down at school and got taken home by Harry. Turns out that Harry was at the school to pick me up early to take me to lunch and he heard the cries" I said in tears,

"Awe honey.." dad says then pulls me in for a hug. Dads phone then buzzes. He breaks the hug and checks his phone,

"What is it dad?" I ask,

"Josh was arrested. It will be taken to court. Won't be until you are healed up probably" dad says. I nod and cry a bit,

"He was such a good friend" I say crying,

"I know sweetie" dad says comforting me. There was a knock at the door,

"Come in" I said all teary,

"Sophia Messer?" A nurse said. I nod,

"That's me" I say,

"Kid in room 34 wanted me to give you this" the nurse said passing me a note. I opened it and instantly recognised the writing. Kid in room 34 was Kevin,

"Thank you" I say. Dad watches me as I read the letter. Tears start to form,

"You alright sweetie?" Dad asks,

"Read the highlighted section dad" I say about to burst into tears,

"Okay" he says as I hand him the letter and he reads the section,

"See what I mean?" I say,

"He still loves you. He says he's sorry for the way he had treated you back then. He just didn't want to put you through so much pain.." dad says,

"Please go and talk to him" I say,

"Me? Why?" I sigh,

"You are my father. You have the right to talk to ex-boyfriends and current ones. Go! Plus you never knew about us!" Dad nods and goes to room 34 to talk to Kevin. I give out a big sigh and flick through TV channels until I land on the one where it tells us about Jenny's life,

"Jenny Hudson was a 15 year old student at Hilltop High. She went there with her 18 year old brother, Joshua Hudson. Joshua was a fellow classmate of Sophia Messer, the daughter of two NYPD Detectives. Detectives Lindsay Monroe and Danny Messer are relieved that their daughter is safe but angry that their eldest, Harry Messer-Styles, never made it home safely. The case took an unexpected twist when interrogating suspects. Jenny Hudson was going out with a guy named Mark Lopez who is in year 10 and has a best friend named Tyler Anderson who was going under another name; Jake Henderson. Tyler was going out with Mark's girlfriend but when he went by Jake; he was going out with Sophia Messer. This case had many twists and turns but in the end, it got solved and someone was arrested with evidence backing it up. Sophia, have a speedy recovery and our condolences for Harry. That is all. Good evening and goodnight" I turn the TV off just as dad came into the room,

"Okay so I spoke with Kevin and he said that he wants to give you two another try. He also said he doesn't actually know when he gets outta here so I checked with the nurses and they said that once Dr Evans gives him the all clear, he can go. Thing is, no ones seen or heard from Dr Evans in 2 weeks. He had 7 surgeries to perform last week but he had to be replaced. I just rang Mac and told him about this and since we just closed Jenny's case, he was wondering if he could get the all clear from you to investigate where Kevin's doctor has disappeared to" Dad said,

"2 weeks and there hasn't been any contact whatsoever?" I ask. Dad nods,

"Everyone is willing to work this case knowing that Kevin isn't like your ex with two alias'. They want you to be with someone who cares about you. I want you to be with someone who cares about you and so does your mum. Harry would too" dad explains. I sigh,

"Ring Mac and tell him he has the all clear. I wanna know where Kevin's doctor is" I say,

"Okay. Here's your phone, I'll ring Mac" dad says. I take my phone off dad and ring Stella while dad rings Mac,

Her ~ Bonasera

Me ~ Hey Stella

Her ~ Hey Sophia! How are you feeling?

Me ~ This and that. How's Adam?

Her ~ He misses you. He's been trying to distract himself from you being in the hospital

Me ~ Put him on

Her ~ Sure

Stella gives the phone to Adam,

Him ~ Sophia?

Me ~ Hey you

Him ~ Oh thank god you're okay

Dad then comes back,

Me ~ So I've heard that you've been worried about me

Dad looks at me,

"Whose that?" He mouthed,

"Adam" I mouthed back. Dad nods,

Him ~ Heh, who-who-who said that?

Me ~ Stella. I love it when you stutter Adam

Him ~ Thanks. When do you come back to work?

Me ~ Doctor hasn't given me the all clear yet but when he does, my parents will probably take turns in looking after me until they think I'm good enough to go back to work

Him ~ Good good. Um Stella wants to talk to you about something plus it's her phone I'm on so uh just yea. Bye Sophia. See you soon

Me ~ Bye Adam

Adam hands Stella her phone back,

Me ~ Some guy

Her ~ Tell me about it

Me ~ So what'd you wanna talk to me about?

Her ~ Since we have the all clear from you to investigate Dr Evans case, we need to know more about Kevin

Me ~ I'll video chat with you guys later. Doc says I need to rest

Her ~ Alright. Talk later

Me ~ Bye Stella

Her ~ Bye Sophia

I hang up,

"Mum just texted me and said 'Mac doesn't know where the hell to start on this case'. Wanna help us there hon?" Dad says. I sigh,

"Tell Flack to get down here immediately and start questioning the nurses around here. I want Flack to know as much as he can about Dr Evans. You can ask Kevin questions like 'how long has it been since you last saw your doctor' you know stuff like that. Get Adam to check security cameras, make sure he has Hawkes' supervision as he is a doctor. Mac should ask family members. Mum and Stella can get a warrant to search Dr Evans' apartment/house. Got it?" I say,

"Flack - Interviews
Me - Kevin
Adam and Hawkes - Security cameras
Mac - Family members
Stella and Mum - Apartment/House" Dad says reading from his phone,

"Do we have an extra person we could have for this investigation? Cause they can search the vic's house/apartment with Mum while Stella and Mac ask family members" dad thinks about it,

"There is this guy that started 11 months ago. He asked Mac if he could be in the field but Mac said no" I look at dad,

"Why would Mac say no to someone who has been with us for 11 months who just wants to be in the field?" Dad sighed,

"Because he isn't qualified enough" I sigh,

"Dad, we need an extra person in this case!" I yell. I grab my phone and ring Mac,

Him ~ Taylor

Me ~ Give me one good damn reason why you said no to that guy!

Him ~ He tampered with evidence Sophia. He blew the case right up in front of us. I let him go last month

Me ~ Please find someone qualified enough and smart not to tamper with evidence to help us in this case! They can go with mum to Dr Evans' apartment while you and Stella go to talk to the family members. Where's Flack?

Him ~ He's on his way. Adam and Hawkes are combing through the security cameras

Me ~ Adam should be combing through the past month up until Dr Evans went missing

Him ~ Yea he knew you would say that so he has. Look Haylen has another 3 weeks with us until she goes to the FBI, want her?

Me ~ Shoot. I forgot about her. Yea put her on this case. She'll be good

Him ~ Alright. I'll put her with your mum on the scene. Gotta go

Me ~ Okay thanks. Bye

Him ~ Bye

"Well?" I sigh,

"Haylen has 3 weeks left with us until she moves to the FBI so she's on the case" I say,

"The chick that Adam is jealous over?" I laugh and nod as dad said that,

"Hahaha yep. God love that kid" I say,

"Alright well Flack is here. I'm gunna go ask Kevin questions and Flack will interview the nurses and other doctors as to where this doc has vanished to" I nod,

"I'll rest" I say,

"Good. See you in a bit sweetie. FLACK! LET'S DO THIS!" Dad yells as he walks out. Dad and Flack started their sides of the investigation. I look at the letter Kevin wrote for me. I saw at the bottom it had P.T.O meaning 'Please Turn Over'. I turned it over and gasped,

"Sophia, while in this dreadful hospital, I've had time to patch up my art. I remember you saying that I was a terrible artist so I've spent my time in here wisely and became a better artist. Below is the very first artwork I did when I was with you; beside it is the very same artwork, a few years later. Let me know how much I've improved. Love Kevin xx" I looked at the artworks and cried a bit. He's improved.

Flack's POV

"So it never occurred to you girls to call Dr Evans?" I asked the nurses,

"Look, we said it before and we are gunna say it again, Dr Evans was put down 'On Leave' for a month. When doctors are put down for leave, we don't annoy them. We let them have their peace. They have to put up with sick patients and dying ones. They deserve their leave" I sigh,

"Okay. Thanks for that" the girls nod and walk off. Danny comes back from talking to Kevin,

"Got anything?" He asks,

"All the nurses are saying that Dr Evans was put down as 'On Leave' for a month. They don't annoy the doctors while they are on leave. What did Kevin tell ya?" Danny sighs,

"He said that Dr Evans wasn't going anywhere until he; Kevin, was outta hospital. Why would he go on holiday when Kevin is still here?" Danny says,

"Maybe someone doesn't want Kevin out of the hospital, but who?" I say. Danny and I then look at each other and run to her room,

"Honey!" We say startling her awake,

"Dad! Flack! I'm trying to rest! The doctor will get angry if I don't rest! You two better have a good reason for bursting in like that!" Sophia says,

"Dr Evans was put down for 'On Leave' and the nurses don't disturb doctors while they are but according to Kevin, the doctor wasn't going anywhere until Kevin was outta this hospital" I explain,

"Then why is Dr Evans away while Kevin is still in this hospital?? Unless someone wants him to stay in hospital!! Oh my god" Sophia says,

"What honey? What?" Danny says,

"Kevin goes to my school! Jake AKA Tyler!! He was the one who put Dr Evans down as 'On Leave' but in reality, he was kidnapped! By Tyler!" Danny and I looked at each other,

"That bastard ties into everything" I say,

"I know. Honey, rest. Flack and I will take care of this. Okay?" Danny says to Sophia. She nods,

"Yea okay" she says. As we leave her room, Danny pulls me aside,

"I want uniformed officers posted at Sophia's AND Kevin's rooms while we solve this case. Got it?" I nodded as I dialed in the number,

"Got it. Hey it's Flack, we need uniformed officers for two patients here at St Trinity's 24/7 until we figure out where Dr Evans is. PRONTO!!" I say screaming the last bit loudly then hanging up,

"You alright buddy?" Messer says,

"Just hate it when criminals tie into everything and end up harming a friends friend" I say,

"Hey just sit down, I hate it too. He hurt my daughter! And a guy she loves!" Danny says as we sit down. I sigh,

"Sophia is our best bet for anything. Josh had some ulterior motive for keeping Kevin in the hospital" I say to Danny. He looks at me as if something clicked in his head. He heads towards Sophia's room who was on a video call with Mac,

"Hey dad, hey Flack, what's up?" Sophia asks with despair in her eyes,

"Just wanted to see how you were holding up. I see you are talking to the big boss" I say,

"Yeah everything is coming to a dead end. Everyone is back at the lab and Adam is on his way here" Danny and I look at her,

"Adam is coming here?" Danny asks,

"Yes dad" she says. Danny then pulls me out of the room,

"What's going on Danny?" I ask,

"When Adam gets here, bring him to me" Danny says as he walks off,

"Where you going?" I shout,

"To get answers!" He shouts back. I sigh and walk back into Sophia's room,

"He's confused Flack. He thinks I'm solving Dr Evans case to help Kevin to get out and get back with him but Kevin and I already made a decision on not to get back together and just stay friends" I look at her,

"And Adam?" She sighs and puts her phone down,

"Adam asked me out a month ago and I said no because of everything that's going on plus I was still dating Jake/Tyler" Sophia says. I laugh,

"Do your parents know?" I asked,

"Mum does but not dad. But I think he might be catching on" she says,

"What did Mac want?" I say changing the subject,

"Questions about Kevin. I answered everything honestly" she says,

"SOPHIA!" Adam's voice rings through the hallways,

"Your dad wants to see him first" I said. She scoffs,

"Of course he does. He knows Adam the best! He works with him! Bring Adam here and make sure dad doesn't see you with him" I nod and successfully brings Adam to her, "now close the door and Adam lock the door" I nod and leave those two alone. Danny approaches me,

"Flack what the hell?! I told you to bring him to me!" I sigh,

"Messer, your daughter has been through enough and Adam cares for her. Now where did you go earlier?" I say. Danny sighs,

"I got a lead. Let's go" I nod and follow Danny who drives us back to the precinct?

"Danny what are we doing here?" I asked. Danny sighed,

"Just follow me" he says then leads me to Sophia's ex,

"Danny?" I ask,

"He's our best lead. We are cuffing him and personally taking him to the hospital. Just trust me on this Don" I nod. I go inside the room and cuff Jake/Tyler,

"What name do I call you? I'll just go ahead and call you scumbag" I say. We all get into the car and head to the hospital,

"What are we doing here?" Scumbag asks. We take him to Sophia's room,

"Behind those doors are my daughter and one of our best lab technicians. Joshua Hudson killed his own sister because Sophia was getting close to helping Jenny. In retaliation, he put 7 freaken bullets into my baby girl and it landed her here. My own damn family has been through enough so just look at what Joshua Hudson did to my daughter" Danny says then opens the door. Sophia and Adam look up to see the scumbag,

"Sophia?" Scumbag says surprised,

"Hi Tyler" she says using his real name,

"Did he really put 7 bullets into you?" Tyler says. Sophia nods and slowly puts up her gown revealing the bullet wounds,

"I survived Tyler. I loved you for the time we went out and it ended up being a lie" Sophia says. Danny nudges me out of the room,

"Adam" Danny says. Adam comes out of the room and we closed the doors leaving the two ex lovers to talk,

"What are you guys hoping to achieve?!" Adam asks angrily,

"If he truly loved my daughter and forgot about the reason why he got with her, then he will lead us to where Dr Evans is!!" Danny says angrily back at Adam,

"You gotta trust him on this Adam" I say. Adam calms down and nods. We just wait outside.

Sophia's POV

"I don't like this any better than you do Jake" I say using the name he used with me,

"Sophia I didn't like what my stepfather and I agreed on. I truly did forget why I was dating you. I dated you because I fell in love with you" Jake says,

"My other ex, Kevin, is in this hospital wanting to get released and live on with his life. His doctor was put down as 'on leave' but he told Kevin that he wasn't going anywhere until he, Kevin, was released" I told Jake. Jake sighed and sat down on the chair,

"Sophia. I will forever love you but I don't even know who Kevin is" I then whistled and in came Kevin,

"This is Kevin" I say. Jake looks at Kevin like he knew him,

"Wait a minute. Aren't you Kevin Keyes? The former quarterback at our school?" Kevin nodded,

"That's me" Kevin says,

"Kevin was the quarterback until he started to get sick. Dr Evans was on the fast track of curing him until someone decided to make him disappear. There were several boys wanting to be the star quarterback but there was one with a true motive, you. Now tell me where Dr Evans is and I can sort something out with the DA on your case" I say. Jake sighs,

"I rent a storage unit. He's there and he's alive" Jake says,

"You got that dad?" I said. Dad walked in with Flack and Adam,

"I'll head there now with my men" Flack says. I nod and Flack goes to get Dr Evans,

"I knew the nature of yours and Kevin's relationship and didn't want him to be released from the hospital because I didn't want you two to get back together. I was truly in love with you Sophia and still am" I just look at Tyler/Jake then my dad,

"Take him away Messer" I say. Dad nods and takes the scumbag away. I start to cry and Adam comes to the rescue,

"I loved him too but he broke me Adam..." I say crying into him,

"Shhh it's okay, just rest okay?" I nod. Adam and Kevin leave my room so I could sleep.

Flack's POV

I head into the storage unit and rescue Dr Evans,

"Dr Evans?" I ask. He nods,

"Is Kevin Keyes okay?" He asks me as I untie him,

"He's fine, he's at the hospital wanting to know when he'll get released" I say as we head to my car,

"I was about to sign off on his release papers when I got attacked by this crazy guy" Dr Evans says,

"Yeah we got him. He was involved in another crime but in the meantime let's get you back to the hospital so you can help Kevin Keyes" I say. He nods and I take him to the hospital,

"Dr Evans?" Kevin says,

"Hey Kevin! How are you?" Dr Evans asks,

"Can't wait to get out of here" Kevin smiles,

"I'll have to redo your tests to ensure there will be no further complications in the future. I'll have a nurse come to your room shortly, go back and rest" Dr Evans says. Kevin nods and goes back to his room,

"Dr Evans, can you follow me please?" I ask. Dr Evans nods and follows me to Sophia's room,

"Flack is this Dr Evans?" Danny asks,

"Yeah this is him" I say,

"Hi Dr Evans, my name is Danny Messer, this is my daughter Sophia Messer and Adam Ross who works with us" Danny says,

"Nice to meet you, what happened with you Sophia?" Dr Evans asks. Sophia pulls up her night gown,

"Got shot 7 times, front and back" Sophia says,

"I'm sorry to hear. You have a great support system. How can I help?" Dr Evans says,

"Kevin Keyes is my ex. Went to school with him" Sophia explained. Dr Evans just looks at her,

"Kevin has drawings of you in his room. I thought you looked familiar" this time it was Sophia looking at Dr Evans. Danny then spoke,

"Doc can you just tell us what is happening with Kevin?" Danny asks eagerly,

"I have a nurse going in to explain everything regarding his care. I'll have to get changed and go over the doctor stuff with him but he'll be released today if there are no further issues to address" Dr Evans explains,

"Thanks Doc" I say smiling. Everyone else was relieved. Dr Evans gets back to work,

"Flack, Dad, can I have the room with Adam?" Sophia asks. Adam looks at me and Sophia looks at her dad,

"Yeah sure sweetie. Let's go Flack. Hospitals freak me out man" Sophia just laughs and so do I,

"We will be outside the room" I say. The 2 nod and we give them the room,

"Mr Messer?" Kevin says scaring Danny,

"Yes Kevin? What's up buddy?" Danny asks,

"Can you give this to Sophia?" He says holding out a drawing,

"Is that...?" I say,

"Yes. It's Sophia and Adam. Sophia always spoke highly of him. They have a strong friendship. She even told me once that Adam witnessed a murder and she was able to calm him down. I felt bad for the guy" Kevin says. Danny just tears up,

"Thanks Kevin" I say. Danny just nods and Kevin goes back to his room. Adam then comes rushing out,

"Danny! Flack!" Is all he says to alert us. We run into Sophia's room to see her spazzing out and bleeding,

"WE NEED HELP OVER HERE" I screamed while Danny was freaking out. I pulled him back along with Adam whilst they worked on Sophia.

Adam's POV

I got nervous when she wanted to speak with me alone,

"I just want to thank you for all your support Adam. I know it must have been hard for you to see me like this" Sophia says. I smile,

"You are my best friend through thick and thin, we made the commitment didn't we?" Sophia laughs,

"Yeah I remember" she says,

"I'll always be here for you Sophia, no matter what" I say kissing her forehead. She smiles then winces in pain,

"Ouch" she says,

"Woah you okay there?" I ask worried,

"It's nothing" she says. Then I saw the blood,

"That's not nothing Sophia. Your stitches must have opened up" I say then the blood becomes more. I quickly get Danny and Flack then before I know it, hospital personnel were working on my best friend.

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