Uninvited guest (sollux x rea...

By InhabitedMind

44.9K 958 1K

Funny how just a knock at a door can change your life. You (the reader) find yourself living with an alien na... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Another story

Part 6

4.6K 145 258
By InhabitedMind

I originally had a lemon for this chapter but i cant find it so I'm either gonna be like pft doesn't matter or write it again i don't know yet. But this is nex chapter just keep in mind you both fucked and it was great or whatever . Yay for you both.
Oh this is the last chapter sorry it is short but i post another story either later (tomorrow) or next week
You open your eyes to the beautiful sight of Sollux sleepy face. You enjoy the sight till actually waking him up. You lean in a kiss him softly on the lip, as you pull away he brings you back in. he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you close closer deeping the kiss. You smiled into the kiss then parted to look into each other's eyes.
"Moring thexy," Sollux says with a toothy grin. You smile along with him and sit up, kicking your feet off the bed. As you go to stand up Sollux grabs you a pulls you back down into the bed. "where you going?" he asks.

"well I gotta go to the bathroom and I'm hungry," you answer.

He removes his arms from around you slowly;" ok then I'll make breakfatht what you want?"

"Pops cereal, please," you answer. You stand up and head to the bathroom, not before turning around catching Sollux staring at your ass. You chuckle slightly before doing your business. Once you head into the kitchen you find your food all ready but no Sollux. You grab the bowl and enjoy your yellow milled corn pops with milk. Proceed to walk into the living room to find, never would have guessed it, Sollux on the computer. You roll your eyes and sit down onto the couch and enjoy some television.

After about an hour Sollux starts flipping his shit, his face excited and typing faster than before. You decided to ignore it but it got kinda hard when his typing was as loud as cannons firing. You turn towards him and enjoy the happy stupid Sollux till ending this jumping fest.

"What the hell is wrong with you," you question. He stops and turns to you; he walks over and stops inches away from you. He places his hand out as if saying "let us dance". You roll your eyes and take his hand; he pulls you up into his arms. He slides his hands into yours and begins to dance like an idiot. You dance along; swing your arms around and jumping in a circle.

You final stop after five minutes of being extremely stupid . "Ok now why are you so happy?"

"well I have good newth and maybe thome bad oneth," he answers back

"Ok what is it," you ask hesitatively. He looks down at his feet, collecting his thoughts.

"Well good newth ith I am going home finally," he says hesitantly, "bad newth ith-ith you can't come with me." You stand up and hug him; he slowly hugs back before letting go. You look at him taking in his looks and place a small kiss onto his lips.

"Will you get to come visit me?" you ask.

"uhh, im thorry but I cant come vithirt you they barley have enough power to get here in the firtht place," he answers back. You hug him again; holding him like you would never would again." I hope you can underthtand im needed there."

"yes i-I understand," you answered back choking on your words.

'Time skip'
you open the car door, stepping out smelling the salty air. You and Sollux decided to spend your last day doing something neither of you have done, go to the beach. You exited the car closing the door behind you and examine the land. They place wasn't empty but it wasn't packed, just perfect. It was a lovely sunny day and fairly hot for the middle of spring.

You felt an arm wrap around you waist, you look up and see Sollux examine the land. He looks back down at you a grin slightly. You return the grin and kiss him on the nose. He removes his arm from around you allowing you to walk ahead. You do so, walking ahead making your way to the sand. You stop at the divide of the concrete and the sand, waiting on Sollux. You look back and motion for him to hurry up. He rolls his eyes and jogs slightly towards you.

You haven't set a foot on the beach for your entire life, your parents were overprotective. They thought you'd exploded, well maybe not that but the same thing. You look down at your sandals that protect your feet. You lift it up slowly and place in back down onto the sand, pressing it down allowing the sand to flood your shoe. It felt strange but it wasn't too different than any other grain.

Sollux watched as you took a slow step onto the beach, he thought you were being a bit to melodramatic. He followed after you place his feet into the sand feeling the tiny rocks. You looked up at him and grinned before running ahead.

"Come on slow poke or we won't get a good place," you said. You slowed to a slower pace and gazed over the miles of sand and ocean looking for a nice spot to put your stuff. You finally come upon a spot and plopped down waiting for the slowest boyfriend you ever had.

After a moment he walked up to you and dropped the bag he was holding. "did you really have to run, it'th to hot for that," he wined. You rolled your eyes and pulled him down next to you.

"You complain too much, enjoy the view for a little alrighty." You kissed him on the cheek before lying down on the hot sand. You winced slightly at the heat but quickly got over it. You close your eyes and inhaled the salty air. Once you open you turn and notice Sollux chilling on a towel and a umbrella shading him.

He looked down at you and patted the towel next to him," you gonna thit in the thun all day or what?" You rolled your eyes and got up and sat down next to him. He wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on yours.

"I'm gonna miss you so much," you said cuddling closer to him.

He kissed your head," me too."

"we gonna go swimming or what?" you asked sitting up.

"yea you go ahead im kinda thirthy," he says. You roll your eyes and stand up. You take off your shirt revealing your [f/c] bikini top. You toss it to the side along with your shorts. You weren't chubby but you were anorexic skinny, in other words slim. You began to walk towards the water getting a few head turns, you even saw a man get hit by his lady for staring. You chuckled slightly and took a step into the water. You walked until the water was to your knees, it was fairly warm water not too bad.

You sat down in the water, it coming up to upper stomach. You gazed at the other people splashing, surfing, or playing in the sand. your view of an amazing sandcastle done by a young child was blocked. You looked up at the somewhat large man standing in front of you.

"May I sit with you?" he asks.

"Yea sure," you answer back. He sits down next to you allowing you to get a better look at him. He was fairly skinny, short black hair that barely touched his eyebrows. He had a slight mustache, you didn't find that very attractive on most but for him it worked.

He noticed you staring and grinned," hi I'm Shane and you'd be?"

Shane, what a nice name kinda fit him for some reason. " ____" you answered back. He smiles and turns his gaze to the water then back at you.

"you here with anyone?" he asked.

'oh gawd ' you thought. "yea I am, my boyfriend," you answered back. His face lost some of the happiness it had from that answer.

"oh your taken, wouldn't be a surprise your very attractive women," he says. He stands up and bids farewell. As he turns around he runs into Sollux. They both were about the same height, Shane being slightly taller than him.

"what are you doing talking to her?" he asked. 'oh know ' you thought. You quickly stood up ready to stop whatever was gonna happen.

He looks over at you and back and Sollux and grins slightly. "You're her boyfriend?" he asks.

"yeth what'th it to you," Sollux spat back.

" aww you even have lisp that's so cute," he turns his gaze over to you," you need a real man in your life, not this little bumblebee." You roll your eyes, and as Shane turns back towards Sollux he is met with a fist to the face. He stumbles back a little clenching his face, you had a slight shocked face on. You never thought Sollux would be the guy to hit someone.

"no one but her callth me bumblebee got me, not move your athth before I kick it," sollux says. The guy just stands there shocked, Sollux step over towards you and put his arm around you and walks you back to the towel.

You both sit down and Sollux speaks, "thorry bout that." He kisses you on the head and reaches for his drink he bought.

"Never thought you'd actually punch a guy, bit of a turn on actually," you say with a grin. He turns his and glances at you with his eye brows raised.

"really, that'th nice to know," he answers back. You cup the side of his face and pull him closer to you. You give him a peck on the lips before letting go and laying down on the towel.

You both stayed for another hour before leaving because the uncomfortable sand and hot sun. you went home and fell onto the floor.

"im tired!" you exclaimed.

"You know your getting thand on the floor?"

"Yes yes I do know," you flipped over onto your back staring at him," wish to join me in the shower?"A slight blush grew onto Sollux's feature before he agreed.

You entered the bathroom and began to remove your clothes, Sollux entered in shortly after you did. He watched as you slid your bikini bottom off and tosses it with the top. You turned and notice him stare and blushed while slightly covering your torso. He takes a step closer moving your arms away from your chest.

"your beautiful," he comments. You smile at leave his hold and turn the water on. Once you turn around you notice him removing his boxers. You give him a small smile then enter the shower, the warm water flowing on your skin washing the sand and salt away. Once you were pretty wet Sollux entered( not the first time he saw you wet hahaha ...back to the story) he wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you slightly close. He kissed you a few times on your neck before letting go.

Timeskip (ive ruin all your dreams of shower sex haha)

Sollux walked out the door, hand in yours, heading toward the tall, Large horned troll. The large horned troll had similar looks to Rufio from peter pan, you use to have the biggest crush on him pity he died. Sollux stopped right next to him and turned his head to look at you.

"well I guethth I gotta go now," he said motioning to the Rufio look alike.

"you sure you cant visit?" you asked, tears starting to form in your eyes. He took notice and brought you into a embrace. You snuggled your head closer into his chest, enjoying this little moment before it was gone.

"im thorry I cant come thee you again, but it wathnt gonna work out anyway you're a human and im a troll," he said. You began to cry a little, make his shirt damp. He let go of you, looking into your eyes.

"I love you," you said. His eyes began to water as well. He cupped your face and brought it close to his.

"I love you too," he said before crashing his lips into yours in fiery passion. He didn't hesitate from diving his tongue into your mouth gaining dominance quickly. After a moment he parted, cheeks slightly wet from falling tears.

"Bye," he said before disappearing in thin air along with the imposter Rufio. You collapsed to your knees, tears falling quicker than before.

time skip~
I sit alone in my room balled up in my bed crying. I lift my head up from my knees and look over at the pregnancy test that sat on my nightstand. I begin to cry again. I am pregnant with a child of a man I can never see again, how could this possibly get any worse. I lift my head once again and wiped my eyes. I kick my feet over the side of the bed and sigh. I miss him so much, the time we had together was too short.
I stand up and head to the kitchen. I make a sandwich, turkey and cheese, and sit down on my couch to cry some more. I force myself to eat, and then roll into a ball again. I heard that time heals all wounds but I'm finding it harder and harder to believe from every passing second. It's been almost two month since he left and I haven't left the house. I'm finding it harder and harder to live without him near me, but since I'm pregnant I have to force myself to live. I don't want a life ruined because I don't wanna live. I place my hand on my stomach and force a smile onto my face. Life is growing inside me and it's gonna have to grow up without me. I've decided that after I give birth to this child I will give it up for adoption and go off somewhere else. I don't wanna keep it knowing that it's his child; it will just be too hard.
I lie down on the couch and cry myself to sleep. I wake hours later, its dark out and cold. I look at the clock, 10:54. I sigh and stand, walking over to my room. I sit on my bed and look at the dark empty room that is in front of me. I lay my head upon the soft pillow and drift off to sleep.
I hear a knock at my door. I open my eyes slightly but close them ignoring the knock. I hear it again this time louder. I sigh and roll off my bed and walk to the door. I look through the peep hole and see a man with a baseball hat, similar to the one Sollux wore when I first met him. Could it be, my Sollux has returned? I perked up a little and swung open the door. I look the man up and down; it's only the post man.
"Package for ____," he says. My smile is quickly replaced with a frown. I take the package away from him and shut the door. I throw it off in to some unknown room and fall onto my knees. Why did I honestly think that he would be here, he said he can't come back. I fell onto my hands and slowly fell to the floor. I lay there alone and depressed, this was horrible. The pain that I was feeling was the worse I could ever feel. I would wish this upon even my worse of enemies.
I laid there for what felt like hours till my stomach growled. I picked myself up and went into the kitchen; I swung open the fridge and grabbed the last remains of turkey I had left for a sandwich. I walked over to the pantry to grab the bread when my foot kicks the package on the floor. I bend over and grab it. I inspected it, no return address. I set it on the counter and grabbed a nearby knife and cut it open. Inside laid a single red rose and a note. I removed the rose first and placed it to the side. I grabbed the note and looked it over. ~to my beloved it said on the front. I ripped the side off and removed the note. I read it over.
Dear _____,
Hello my love. It2 been a long time 2ince we have 2poken, way too long in my opinion. I like to 2ay that I love you with all my heart and that I mi22 you terribly. The la2t month and a half was the mo2t painful and horrible month I've ever endured in my entire life and wi2h to never go through that pain again. I love you
As I finish the letter I feel arms wrap around my waist. I turn around to see the one and only, Sollux Captor. My eyes widen and a large smile is plastered to my face. I wrap my arms around his neck, jumping up and wrapping my legs around him as well. He hugs me back, holding on like he would never let go. I look up at him and kiss him dead on the lips.
"Mithth me much?" he questioned.
"Shut up and kiss me," I said and I pushed my lips onto his.
After a long moment of us hugging he finally let go, setting me down on the counter. We look into each other's eyes and just smile.
"You don't know how much I've miththed you," he says placing his hand on either side of me on the counter.
"I was so close to just ending my life, but I couldn't," I said placing my hand on my stomach. Sollux smile is replaced with a confused look. He looks down at my hand then back up at me.
"Are you?" he asked. I nod my head, trying to hold back a smile. He gives the biggest smile I've ever seen him give and picks me up spinning around the kitchen.
"I'm gonna be a dad!" he exclaims. I chuckle at his attitude.
And we lived happily ever after


Sollux and you lived a long happy life together. you had a healthy baby boy named Andrew Captor.

Andrew grew up to be a successful writer and married a gorgeous and lovely women. they both had two children. a boy and a girl

you and sollux stayed together till the end, never leaving each others side again.

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