To Marry A Malfoy (Dramione)

By ali-louise

408K 9.6K 3.1K

The war is over. The Golden trio and others return for their final year at Hogwarts. The war still leaving an... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten
Chapter Elevan
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four.
Chapter Twenty Five.

Chapter Seven

18.2K 474 44
By ali-louise

After sometime which has now been come to being known as "the microwave incident" to all their friends, Draco and Hermione lives happily through the rest of September and into early October. It was an early morning in October when Professor Mcgonagall stood up in the Great Hall during breakfast for an announcement. Thankfully, Hermione and Draco had decided to have breakfast down in the Great Hall with the rest of their friends. They hadn't spoke about their almost kiss the happened on Hermione's birthday.

"Can I have your attention? I'm giving this announcement to say that the teachers have been thinking about what we really need after the war and what we need is unity. House unity. I don't want us to live in a time where people hate each other because of the house they were put in. For goodness sake look at the 7th year tables. You see Gryffindors and Slytherins alike who have been put together and not once have we seen a duel between them. They were given a chance at unity and they have taken it. It was them who inspired us for our Halloween ball that we will be having." Mcgonagall explained.

Many students around the room looked between themselves excitedly. Hermione looked over at Ginny who was beaming at Harry. "An actual dance. This is going to be brilliant." She said excitedly. Hermione nodded and smiled. "This is such a great idea for unity though. I mean look at the Yule Ball. People were just dancing with people. They didn't care." She explained. Draco nodded. "I even danced with a Hufflepuff during the Yule Ball. Ouch Hermione." Draco rubbed his arm after Hermione had hit him there. "We're not even married and you're attacking me. Don't want a repeat of third year thanks." His words came out and everyone started laughing. Blaise looked over confused. Harry and Ron instantly told him about when Hermione had punched Draco in the face and soon, Blaise was laughing very hard. Draco looked at Hermione and mumbled. "Remind me why we came to breakfast." He complained and everyone laughed again. To Hermione's surprise, even Pansy was joining in with the jokes and laughs.

Hermione, Ginny and Luna all planned to go dress shopping in Hogsmeade the weekend after. Hermione was excited for it because she hadn't been able to feel this girly in a long time. You can't exactly go shopping with your girls when you're on the run with two men. Hermione had also invited Pansy to join them but was surprised when she actually accepted their offer. Hermione had expected her to go with some of her Slytherin friends instead of them.

"It was Ron's idea actually." Pansy explained as the four girls walked to Hogsmeade. "He thought it was a good idea for me to get to know you all and I guess it won't hurt to see who I'm gonna have to visit for the rest of my life." She explained more. Hermione nodded and smiled. "Well I know we can't expect to all be the best of friends but I don't know anything about you and you're marrying my best friend so I would actually like to know you." Pansy then nodded in response to Hermione.

It hadn't taken long for the girls to become very comfortable with each other. Pansy seemed to fit in perfectly as the surprise girly girl. Hermione knew she was kinda girly but she was actually super into fashion. The three other girls had no problem talking with her and seeing past everything she had done.

"Come on, how do you really feel about my brother?" Ginny asked once they sat down to have some lunch before going back shopping. So far Ginny had found a beautiful green dress and Pansy had chosen three to look at after lunch. The dance didn't really have a theme so they could dress however they want. " I was horrified to be honest. Marrying a Weasley was not anything I would have imagined. I'm sorry but I really disliked your family. But it's been great actually. We haven't done much but he's there. He's surprisingly okay. And your mother is so sweet. She sent me a knitted jumper with a P on. It's so cute." Pansy smiled as she thought of the jumper. Hermione grinned. " That's a staple Mrs Weasley gift. Mrs Malfoy sent me a letter." Hermione spoke. Ginny and Pansy both gasped. "Narcissa sent you a letter? What did it say." Pansy asked in shock. Hermione nodded before telling the girls about her enter she had received on her birthday.

" You know it's really unusual for Narcissa to make contact with anyone here that's not Draco. She must have really wanted you to know she was sorry." Pansy said as she walked by Hermione's side to the dress shop. Hermione nodded. "Yeah it made me cry if I'm telling you the truth. To know that she accepted me. I was really nervous about his family." Hermione didn't know how she had suddenly been able to trust Pansy so much with this information but she felt a bond between them. " If I'm telling you the truth, I always crushed on Draco. I didn't realise until last year that he was like my brother. When I was younger, I wanted to be with him so bad and was for a bit. We went to the Yule Ball together. But he was my brother. What did I say?" Pansy asked as Hermione started giggling. The four girls had now entered the dress shop again. "Because that was me with Ron."

When the girls got back from their hunt, they all have some amazing dresses. Ginny stuck with her green dress. Pansy had gone for a beautiful burgundy dress. Luna's dress was unusual and had lots of different colours paint spattered on it and Hermione had finally settled on a lilac long dress that Pansy actually picked for her. After their chat, Pansy and Hermione were practically best friends and joined at the hip. Even as they walked into the Great Hall, the girls have their arms linked and were chatting happily with one another. Both Draco and Ron stared at the girls as if they had grown extra heads.

"Ron stop looking at me like that. It was your idea for me to get to know your friends and sister better and maybe I did get to know them all very well. They are great girls." Pansy spoke first as she and Hermione sat down next to their arranged partners. Draco whispered to Hermione. "So you guys are close. That's great." He said and Hermione didn't know what was wrong with her but she felt a blush coming onto her cheeks when he whispered into her ear. Hermione just nodded, she didn't really trust his voice. "Has anyone thought of dates for weddings yet? I mean what have to tell the ministry before new year." Blaise broke the silence around them with the question.

The teenagers looked between themselves. Harry smiled and spoke first. " Well me and Ginny have a date that we sent off to the ministry. Boxing day. 26th December. We're hoping everyone can make it. We figured the sooner, the better. And then we can start our married life." He announced proudly. Everyone nodded and told him that they would be there. Hermione and Draco looked between each other. "We should talk about it." Draco suggested. Hermione nodded in agreement "Just not now."

It turned out to be later that night when they were sat in their living quarters. "Do you have any idea when you would want the wedding?" Draco asked. "I mean I know summer is out of the question with exams, you're not gonna want a wedding then." Hermione giggled. Normally she wouldn't be happy with his teasing but it was the truth. " What about some point in spring. Maybe April or May." Hermione wondered out loud. She looked up at Draco to see his response to it. He seemed to be in depth thought. "Well the second of May is out of the question. Too much grieving that day. Maybe the middle of April. It would give us plenty of time to study for our exams." Draco suggested. Hermione smirked. "You mean you'll actually study?" She joked. He smiled. "Mione, I'm going to be married to you. I'm not gonna have a choice." He smiled and they both laughed for a minute. Hermione wasn't ignoring the little flip her heart gave when he called her Mione at all.   

Thank you for reading this story. I can't believe it almost has 200 reads and we're on Chapter Seven. Don't forget to Vote and Comment if you enjoyed it. -Alex xxx

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