Almost Home ➳ Bellamy Blake

By Emilyharland

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"I don't have anyone anymore! Do you get that? I'm alone, Bellamy and no one, not even you, can fix me!" ➳➳... More

Chapter 1
We're Not Alone
Earth Skills
Earth Kills
Murphy's Law - Part 1
Murphy's Law - Part 2
Twilight's Last Gleaming
His Sister's Keeper
Contents Under Pressure
Day Trip
I Am Become Death - Part 1
I Am Become Death - Part 2
Author's Note

Unity Day

170 4 3
By Emilyharland

Elizabeth POV:

It had been a few days since my return to camp and I had been confined to Bellamy's tent the entire time. He had become completely obsessed with knowing where I was at all times. Paranoid that I would be taken again. At first I thought it was sweet, but now I'm going crazy.

"I'm going crazy in here," I mumble to myself. "God damn Bellamy being all controlling with his stupid face," I grumble staring up at the tent ceiling.

"Well hello to you too, Angel," I hear Bellamy chuckle as he enters the tent.

"Comrade, don't worry. I've only moved one inch to the left since you left," I tell him sarcastically. I sit up slowly to find Bellamy leaning against one of the poles in his tent.

"How you feeling?" he asks me, furring his eyebrows in concern.

"I'd be better if I wasn't stuck in this tent all day. It's been four days Bellamy. I'm fine," I say to him as I stand up.

"Angel, we've talked about this. Your back has to heal," he sighs.

"No, you've talked about this. I sit here telling you I'm fine and you keep me on tent arrest for the next day. I just wanna walk around camp, that's it. I'm going crazy in here. Plus it's Unity Day tomorrow and I don't want to spend Unity Day in your tent," I tell him.

He sighs and runs his hands through his hair. "Fine, but you stay with me at all times. Deal?"

"You just can't get rid of me can you? You love spending time with me," I giggle standing up.

He grins at me, "That or your just trouble so I have to keep an eye on you."

"Me? Trouble? Never." I walk past him and exit the tent. I take in a deep breath and fresh air hits me. "I'm free," I giggle spreading my arms and spinning on the spot.

"Now you're just being overdramatic, Angel," Bellamy chuckles as he stands next to me.

Before I can respond I hear someone call my name from behind me. I turn around to find Clarke standing there with a smile on her face. "Well look who finally escaped their prison guard."

"It only took me four days," I giggle, elbowing Bellamy gently as he stands there with a frown. "Come on Mr Frowny Pants, give us a smile." I could see the corner of his mouth lift slightly. "Yeah there we go, a bit further and we have a smile," I laugh at him. Unable to hold in a smile, Bellamy grins at me. "See, now was that so hard?"

"It was absolutely terrible," Bellamy chuckles.

"Alright love birds, calm down. There are others present," Clarke says to us with a smirk.

"Oh shut it, Clarke," I say to her, my cheeks flushing.

"Anyway, I came here for a reason. Liz, as you're finally 'free', someone from the Ark wants to talk to you. Two people actually."

"Matt?" I ask her excitedly.

"He's one of them yes...Your dad-" Clarke begins.

"No," I snap. "I'm not talking to Kane. I'd rather go back with the grounders," I sneer.

"No you don't, Angel," Bellamy tells me softly.

"Liz, he's worried about you," Clarke tells me. "No matter what happened between you too, he's still your dad."

"Not anymore," I tell her, walking towards the communication tent. "I'll talk to Matt. No one else."

I enter the communication tent to find it empty. I sit down in the chair and put on the headset.

"Can you please find guard Matt Stevens and tell him Liz would like to speak to him?" I ask the guard who was on the screen. He nods at me and leaves the screen. As I sit and wait I think about what Clarke said. Maybe I could talk to Kane....

I'm lost in though when I hear his voice float into my ears.

"Well if it isn't my best student," he says.

My eyes snap to the screen and I feel a smile spread appear on my face. "Matt!" I call out, placing my hands on the screen. "I've missed you so much."

"Of course you missed your big brother," Matt chuckles. He face turns serious for a moment. "How are you? Kane told me that you went missing? That the grounders took you..."

"Nothing I couldn't handle, Matt. I had a good teacher."

"So you're okay?" he asked softly.

"You're never okay down here, but I'm surviving," I tell him with a sad smile. "How'd everything up there?"

"It's...stressful to say the least. The first Exodus ship is coming down soon and I plan to be on it so I can see my little sister."

I grin at him, "I can't wait to see you. I need to show you how amazing the ground is. You're going to love it."

In the background I can hear someone enter the room Matt is in. "Is that Elizabeth?" A familiar voice asks. My face falls blank as another face joins Matt's.

"What do you want, Kane?" I ask coldly. He flinches act my tone and looks away from the camera.

"I just wanted to see you. To make sure you were okay after you went missing. After the... 'incident'..." Kane begun.

"It wasn't an incident," I snap cutting him off. "It wasn't a little scuffle between two people. You saw the video, Kane. You saw what he did to me. I get he was your friend, but I'm your daughter. You never visited me once. You didn't want to see me. You didn't want to see if I was 'okay'. I was left alone to rot. Then you send me down here to die. You must be the father of the year," I sneer. "You can pretend to care all you want, but we both know you don't."

"Lizzy," he says softly.

"Don't call me that. I'm done here," I say making my way to leave.

"I'll be on the first ship down to the ground. Please look after yourself until then. Please," he begs. I ignore him, rip the headset off and storm out of the tent.

I stalk away from the tent, ignoring the looks from everyone. "Angel! Angel, wait!" Bellamy calls from behind. "Liz!"

"What?" I growl, spinning around to look at him.

"Are you okay?" He asks me softly.

"Just peachy," I spit. "Not only is my dad a grade-A dick, he also wants to present he cares about me. That and we haven't spoken in four years since he never visited me in the sky box. He is a complete and utter selfish dick who only cares about his fucking image. So have a murderer as a daughter probably wasn't what he had planning. So, Bellamy, do I sound o-fucking-kay to you?"

He stays silent for a moment and blinks at me. "No?" he asks slowly.

I glower at him. "Walk away before I break your nose. Trust me I've broken a few, I can do it."

"Well, I would....but I'm your prison guard remember, you stay by my side. You seem to have a talent at getting taken by grounders," he says with a smirk.

"Comrade, you better wipe that smirk off your face, right now," I growl.

The smirk immediately fell from his face.

"I'll stay with you, but if we are going have some chick flick moment where we talk about our feelings, I'm going to go into the woods and scream until the grounders find me. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am," he says, saluting me sarcastically.


"My friends, this is a historic Unity Day. Every year, we mark the moment our ancestors of the twelve stations joined to form the Ark, but this is the last time we do so while aboard her. Next year, on the ground," Jaha drones on through the large monitor in front of the delinquents.

"Yeah and he makes it sound like he did all the work. Fucking dickhead," I grumble, leaning against the dropship with Bellamy next to me.

"What did you expect, Angel?" he chuckles. "You gotta love Unity Day though."

"Come one Liz, you especially love Unity Day," Clarke says with a wink approaching us.

"Clarke don't you dare," I growl.

"What? What is it?" Bellamy asks with a lost look on his face.

Before Clarke responds she looks at me with a knowing smirk.

"It's someone's birthday today," she tells Bellamy.

"Oh is it?" Bellamy asks with a smirk, turning to me. "Well well, I guess we better celebrate then, Angel."

"No, no we don't. Why don't we just forget that Clarke ever said anything, yeah?" I scowl, walking away from the grinning pair.

"Whatever you say, Angel. I'll see you later," Bellamy calls out to me.

Without responding a simply flip Bellamy off, stomping sway. As I walked away I could hear the droning voice of Jaha filling the air.

"To our sons and daughters on Earth listening to this message, we will see you soon. The first Exodus ship will launch in under sixty hours, carrying you the reinforcements that you need, so stay strong. Help is on the way."

"Like we even need your fucking help," I grumble, carefully placing my back against a tree as I sat at its base.

Behind me I could hear the gleeful cheers of the delinquents, celebrating Unity Day. I wish I could join them and celebrate but I could only relive the events of 4 years earlier on my 14th birthday.

Caleb's face flashing behind my closed lids...

Rough hands grabbing at my arms...

Blood covering my hands...

His lifeless eyes staring at me...


"You not joining the festivities, Angel?" Bellamy asks me sitting next to me.

At the sound of his voice, I am snapped out of my trip down memory lane, looking at Bellamy with a lost look for a second. I blink, processing what he said before answering.

"Nah, don't really feel like it," I tell him with a weak smirk.

"And here I thought you broke out of my make shift prison just to celebrate Unity Day," he says, smirking back at me.

I laugh weakly at his attempt at a joke. "I'm not sure it can be called escaping when you let me go willingly. I just needed some air, Comrade. That's it."

"So it's your birthday huh?" Bellamy asks softly.

My shoulders tense at the sound of his voice. "Yeah. Finally, 18. Would've been floated right about now."

"Well then it's good thing you're down here then, isn't it Angel?"

I glance over at Bellamy and let a tight smile cover my face. "Yeah, I guess it is."

"Don't want a big celebration like back home?" Bellamy asks softly.

I let out a harsh laugh. "I don't think I can remember the last time I celebrated it properly. I would've been....8. Back when my mum was alive we used to have a giant sleep over with Clarke and Wells. We would stay up watch some old earth movies and we would be happy. I can remember my mum and dad smiling. That was the last time we were a real happy family..." I trail off looking down at my hands.

"What happened to your mum?" Bellamy asks whilst gently tilting my head up to look me in the eyes.

"She died. Got sick when I was 10, died 3 months later. After that Kane just worked all the time. He used to focus on family, then after she died he turned into a dick."

"Why do you hate your dad?"

"That's a story for another day, Comrade," I say looking away from him.

I look up when I hear footsteps heading towards. Clarke comes into view with a serious look on her face. "Break times over apparently," I mumble standing up.

"Hey. I need to talk to you," Clarke says to both of us.

"Having fun yet, Princess?" Bellamy asks from behind me.

"I'm serious."

"Clarke you're always serious. What is it?" I ask.

"Finn set up a meeting the Grouders. I'm leaving to go talk to them."

"What?" I exclaim.

"Because you think that impaling people on spears or whipping them is code for "let's be friends? Have you lost your damn mind?" Bellamy asks standing up next to me.

"I'm coming," I demand.

"No, Angel, you're not. You just got back-"

"I'm going and that's final."

"They'll probably gut you, string you up as a warning," Bellamy says trying to scare me.

"Well that's why I'm here. I need you to follow us, be our back up," Clarke tells Bellamy.

"Does Finn know about this?" Bellamy asks crossing his arms.

"Finn doesn't need to know. And Bellamy? Bring guns. You sure you're up to coming?" Clarke asks me.

"I'm in," I tell her again. I go to leave to get my stuff ready for the meeting.

"Angel, wait. We'll catch up, Clarke," Bellamy says grabbing my arm

Clarke's eyes dart over to me before she nods at Bellamy and leaves the two of us alone.

You're not going to convince me to not go, Bellamy," I say tugging my arm from his grip. I turn around to find a concerned look on Bellamy's face.

"I know...just, please, be careful. I can't have to go missing again, Angel."

"I'll be fine Bellamy," I tell him softly.

"Just if anything goes wrong, you run. You get out and come back to camp. Promise?" He asks gently, cupping my head in his hands. I look into his eyes and see fear in his brown eyes.

"I promise," I tell him softly.

"Let's go then," he breathes.


As we approached the bridge I look up to find Lincoln waiting for us. Octavia runs for behind me and jumps into Lincoln arms. I let at a small smile.

"So that's how you set this up. You helped him escape, didn't you?" Clarke asks Octavia.

Before Octavia can respond I cut her off. "He shouldn't have been locked up in the first place, Clarke. I trust him, Clarke. So should you."

"There's a lot of that going around," Clarke mumbles.

Before I can responds, I hear someone approach from the other side of the bridge.

"Look, Oh, my god. Horses!" Clarke exclaims. The most beautiful creates come towards us.

"They're so pretty..." I murmur. As I stare at the horses I glance at the women on the center one. "Anya," I sneer.

"You know her?" Lincoln asks me.

"Oh I know her. We had some fun times," I growl.

"I thought we said no weapons," Finn points out.

"You trusted them not to?" I ask Finn.

Clarke beings to walk to the center of the bridge and Finn goes to follow her.

"They go alone," Lincoln tells Finn.

"They?" I question.

"You," Lincoln says to me.

"Liz, come one," Clarke calls out to me. I take a deep breath and head towards Anya who is waiting for us in the center of the bridge.

"Your name is Clarke?" Anya asks as we approach.

"Yes," Clarke responds extending her hand.

"She won't shake your hand Clarke," I tell her, staring down Anya.

"Ah, Liz it's so nice to see you again."

"It hasn't been long enough," I sneer.

"I think we got off to a rough start, but we want to find a way to live together in peace," Clarke says carefully.

"I understand. You've started a war you don't know how to end," Anya says to Clarke with a deadly look.

"What? No. We didn't start anything. You attacked us for no reason," Clarke denied.

"No reason? The missiles you launched burned a village to the ground," Anya growled at Clarke.

"The flares? No. That was a signal meant for our families. We had no idea-" Clarke cried.

"You're invaders. Your ship landed in our territory."

"We didn't know anyone was here. We thought the ground was uninhabited." I told Anya.

"You knew we were here when you sent an armed raiding party to capture one of us and torture him. These are all acts of war," Anya informed us.

"She's not wrong, Clarke," I interjected.

"That's why we need to put an end to all of this," Clarke demanded.

"Lincoln said there are more of you coming down, warriors," Anya mentioned.

"The guard, yes, but also farmers, doctors, engineers. We can help each other but not if we're at war," Clarke reasoned.

"Can you promise that these new arrivals wont attack us, that they'll respect the terms we agree on?" Anya asks questioned.

"Clarke, we both know the Ark won't follow the terms. They sent us down here to die, not to create peace with the grounders."

"Liz, they will." Clarke looks back at Anya with a pleading expression. "I promise I will do everything I can to convince them to honor the terms that we set."

"Why would I agree to an alliance that your people can break the moment they get here?" Anya retaliates.

"Clarke, this is pointless, they won't agree to anything. They'd rather kill all of us," I tell her grabbing her arm

"It would be my pleasure," Anya sneers.

Before I can respond Jasper yells out from the trees. "Clarke! Liz! Run! They're going to shoot!"

I look past Anya into the trees and see grounders with arrows pointed right at us. "Clarke run! Run!" I yell pushing her in front of me. As we run I hear bullets go off, and as I'm leaving the center of the bridge a hand yanks me back.

"You are coming with me," Anya growls.

"No way in hell," I sneer, throwing my head back into her nose. I hear a curse behind me as her grip on my arm loosens and I sprint away from the grounders.

"Angel! Come on!" Bellamy yells at me, firing at the grounders behind me. I sprint towards him pulling him with me as I pass him.

Neither of us look back as we run back to the dropship.


Bellamy and I slow to a jog as we meet up the rest of the group outside the dropship.

"You got anything to say?" Bellamy snapped at Finn.

"Yeah I told you no guns!" Finn yelled.

"I told you we couldn't trust the grounders. I was right." Clarke told Finn.

"Why didn't you tell me what you were up to?" Raven asks Finn, hurt.

"I tried, but you we're too busy making bullets for your guns," Finn spluttered.

"You would be dead right now if it wasn't for those guns, Finn," I sneer at him. "You don't think do you?"

"You ruined everything," Octavia scolded at she stormed off.

"Well, if we weren't at war already, we sure as hell are now. You didn't have to trust the grounders. You had to trust me," Finn muttered to Clarke.

"Finn we were at war the moment we landed, don't you see that?" I hissed.

"Best Unity Day ever, right?" Bellamy asked sarcastically.

Before I could respond an explosion sounded through the air above us. I look up to find a fiery object heading towards the ground.

"The Exodus ship? Your dad's early," Bellamy states confused.

I squint at the ship and my stomach turns. "It's moving to fast and the parachutes are releasing...something's wrong," I exclaim.

Before I can anything else the Exodus ship impacts with the ground and an explosion sounds through the entire camp.

Matt...I plan to be on it so I can see my little sister... He was on the ship

I feel a numbness set over me. I can only hear muffled sounds of voices around me as I turn and walk away from everyone. I don't think about where I'm going only that I had to get away from the ship. I can hear a muffled sound of something calling out to.

"...Angel!" someone grabs my arm and turns me around. I see Bellamy in front of me and his mouth moving but I can't hear anything but my heartbeat. His large hands cup my cheeks and he looks down at me. "Hey, hey, Angel. Come back to me,"

"He was on there...." I mumble. "He- he was on there," I mumble, feeling tears building up in my eyes.

"Who? Your dad?" Bellamy asks softly.

"Matt. Matt was on there. Oh god, he was on there. He- He's dead. No no. Please," I cry, brying my face in Bellamy chest. "He can't be on there. He can't," I whimper.

"Shhh, you're gonna be okay, Angel. I promise," Bellamy whispers into my hair.

I cry into Bellamy's chest thinking of the man who saved me.

My brother was gone.


Hey guys,

Sorry for the giant hiatus, it's been a very busy couple of months. There's been SAC after SAC and we just put on the amazing school musical which meant that I had no writing time.

Hopefully I can get a few chapters up over the next couple weeks to make up for my absence....

Liz's story isn't over yet, there's some big stuff coming up....

Hope you enjoyed it 

Em xxx

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