Until the End

By Yomie03

419 86 80

Allison Wildamoor I've just moved from England to America. I have no friends, and it just so happens that the... More

In the Beginning......I had no say.
Kill me now......
Gee, thanks.
Lord help me......
Dinner Time
Can't say I didn't try
well then......
too many feelings
Someone's a bit jealous...
oh, so many feelings...
so much for being friends
Please don't go
bits and pieces
he's trying
still strangers?
quality time---Part 1
quality time---Part 2
Until the End


28 4 1
By Yomie03

Owen's  POV

15 minutes later and I'm standing outside of my homeroom.

Room 357.

The room I hate with all of my heart.

Not even bothering to knock, I walk in on Ms. Allen (or as I like to call her, Ms. Ass hole) while she was in the middle of a lesson.

"Mr O'Riley! I see you've decided to come and join us today!" She has a fake-ass smile plastered all over her face. Which makes her look even more fucked up than usual.

"You know Ms. A, nobody likes a fake teacher. " I say while taking my usual spot in the back of the class.

Silence falls upon the class. Apparently as a student, I'm not supposed to state my opinion without being asked.

As if I've ever cared about the fucking rules.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Ms. A, you and I both know that I don't want to be here. So if you could just leave me alone, and stop pretending that you want me in your class, that would be great. "

"Mr. O'Riley, rudeness will not be—"

"And stop with the Mr. O'Riley! I have a name you know. It's Owen. O-W-E-N. Four letters, not that hard to pronounce. But because your the teacher, and because you have all of this fucking authority over me, you can call me whatever the hell you want right?"

She takes a deep breath and doesn't speak for a solid minute.

Finally, she speaks: "Go outside Owen. When your ready to apologise and make better choices, you may come back inside. "

I get up from my desk and walk towards the door.  "Well then, I guess I'm not coming back inside. "

Slamming the door shut, I lean against a row of lockers and plug back in my earphones.

So much for making good choices today.

*        *        *        *

A couple of minutes later, I saw a pair of legs stop at the room I was just kicked out of.

It's probably some nerd asking Ms. Ass hole for the stapler. A nerd with a nice butt, might I add.

"Mr. O'Riley? Can you come back inside please?"

Oh my lord, someone kill this bitch already.

Not even bothering to stand up, I slide on my stomach into the class, so that my head is barely through the door frame. "Yes Ms. Allen?"

I hear a murmur of laughter throughout the class.

"Stand up please. "

I gave her a confused look. "Ms. Allen, you called me into class, just to tell me to get up off of the floor?"

" Owen O'Riley," she says through gritted teeth. "You are testing my patience. Please stop it now. "

"Yes ma'am." I say while getting up and making a show of dusting myself off.

More laughter from the class.

"Class, we have a new student joining us today. Her name is—you know what? I'll let her introduce herself. Go on dear..."

I recognize her from somewhere......

" Umm.....Hi.  My name is Allison Wildamoor. I'm 17.. and uh...Umm... " She's looking down and fiddling with her finger again.

That's where I know her from! Shes the girl who asked me to show her around this morning!

"Yo bitch! What's up with your accent?" Says a guy named Connor from the 3rd row.

"Umm.. I was born and raised in, uh, England. "

Ms. Ass hole tells him to apologise, but he doesn't. Ignoring Connor, she turns her attention towards me.

"Allison, meet Owen. He will give a quick tour around our school, and notify you of any upcoming events. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask him okay dear?"

She gives a quick nod, never making eye contact, and tucks a stray hair behind her ear.

Yeah, she wayyyy too shy.

"Owen, I expect you to be nice and behave yourself okay?"

So in other words... Don't attempt to grab her ass, don't ask her for her number and don't bother her with a bunch of questions.

"Yes Ms. A. "

"Good. You may be off now. "

*     *      *      *     *     

Of all people... It had to be her.

We walked silently down the empty halls, me pointing out different classes, her nodding and adding the occasional "uh-huh" and "okay".

After a while, I got curious. So I did what any curious child would do: ask a question.

"Hey you," I start (to be honest I actually just forgot her name). "Why are you so quiet?"

She shrugged her shoulders.

"Why don't you talk much?"

Another shrug.

"Why don't—"

"Because I don't want to okay? Now can you just leave me alone?" She hissed.

Hey, she actually made eye contact!

Suddenly, I saw a one of my friends walking down the hallway. He probably did something epic, while I was here babysitting this British brat.

"Hey! If it isn't little Oh! How's it going?" Says Justin. He reaches up for a high five, but at the last second gives me a sucker punch. That hurt. ALOT.

"Not bad man, not bad," I groan.

Was that a smirk I caught from the British brat?

Justin turns his attention towards her, and gives her a long once-over.  And when I say long, I mean stoping-and-staring-at-certain-areas long.

"And who do we have here?" He gives her one of those smiles that have all of the girls at this school swooning over him.

"A-allison. " She stutters.

"Well then Allison, I hope to see you around. Okay?" He uses his finger and makes her look at him directly in the face. But when she looked at him, it wasn't with lust, it was with something else.....defiance? Disgust, maybe?

Is it just me, or did Justin's charm not work on her?

There's definitely something odd about this British brat, and I intend to find out what it is.



Kk. Quick question.

Should we keep Justin as a major or minor character? Either way works. I just wanna know what u think.

Well, I've got nothing else to say... So I guess I'll be in my way!




Anyways, later guys!

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