School of Magic

By TaraNicholls

621 18 6

“I know how you felt that day. Things might’ve changed. Everything you’ve said to me when we went flying, it... More

First Fight
The Truth
Dangerously close

School of Magic

258 4 0
By TaraNicholls

I was half asleep when I heard the back door open. The dogs sat up ready to bark, but they never had the chance, I heard a “whoosh” and there was silence. The footsteps came again, first I heard them enter my parents room, and yet there was no noise.  A few seconds later they entered my brother’s room, again, silence. All this time I had texted my neighbor, my aunt & uncle along with the police.

Help, I live at number 13 Longwood rise, Illopis, people have entered my house and they are going into each room, I don’t know what they are doing but they’re about to come into my room. My name is Violet, I am 16 years old.

And that they did, they did enter my room. Two fully grown men, I kept my head under my duvet with a tiny gap to see what was happening. They put something over my sister’s mouth, a handkerchief, she carried on breathing, nothing looked that different. I’m guessing it was something that put us to sleep.

                They came to my bed next. I let out a scream, I lashed my foot out and got one man on the leg, the other one put his hand over my mouth, wrapping the other one around my waist. The one I kicked put the substance from a bottle onto a handkerchief and pressed it over my mouth as the other hand moved. My eyes went heavy and I felt myself go drowsy. I was loosing consciousness. I took a last feeble attempt at escape before falling into the man’s arms fast asleep.

                As I started to come around I realized I wasn’t in a bed. I kept my eyes shut as I listened, I was lay down on somebody’s lap in car. I knew I must have been in the back seat, so there must be a driver as well. I could feel us driving along, I had no idea where, what time it was, who the men were, what they wanted, and I was scared. No. Terrified.

                The man I was lay on was absent mindedly running his fingers through my hair. I sat up so fast my head started to spin, but that didn’t stop me, I pushed myself to the other side of the car, my back hitting the door. The man I was lay on looked shocked, I didn’t have much time to register this before my head started to hurt badly. I pressed my hands on my head as the spinning slowed down and I could see properly.

                We were in a car, on an abandoned road, nothing on either side, not even a tree. There were four men, ranging from the ages of 18 to 25 I think. There was a driver, a man sat in the passenger seat, the man I was lay on and a man in the seats in the boot. The driver looked about 25, he had dark hair, like everyone in the car. He had some stubble, a strong jaw and a build body. The man in the passenger seat was definitely the youngest, maybe 18, darker hair than the driver, not too long, but not short either, both of them were looking at me with brown eyes, the driver watching me cautiously in the mirror. The man I was lay on was about 19, maybe 20, black hair, black eyes and olive skin along with high cheekbones, he seemed to be prepared to pin me to the seat to stop me from escaping, his eyes looked concerned. The man in the back didn’t look that bothered, he was in the middle age wise, shortish hair, but it was lighter than the other men’s hair, still dark though. He looked mildly amused by my reaction.

“Please don’t scream.” Said the guy in the boot, sounding bored.

“Kay, shut up.” Said the guy I was lay on.

Kay shrugged “I can’t be bothered with her screams…unless it’s in bed.” He said, winking at me.

“Great.” Said the driver “Way to make it sound like we’re going to rape and kill her. We’re not by the way.” He added.

“Don’t get yer knickers in a twist.” Said Kay “Or is Leo gonna have a hissy fit?” he taunted the guy I was lay on.

At that Leo used some quite colourful language to reply.

“You kiss you’ mama with that mouth?” Kay asked with a chuckle, making Leo roll his eyes and mutter something like,

“Why do I bother?”

“Enough.” Sighed the driver

“Listen Violet, I know this is scary, and you’re probably terrified, but we’re not going to hurt you, I swear.”

“I’m hardly going to believe you’re not going to hurt me after you drugged my family and I and smuggled me into a car.” I said bluntly.

“Ooh, this bitch can talk.” Said Kay with a grin, making me growl.

“Go shove a spoon-“ I started before I was cut off by the driver.

“Anyway Violet, I think we should introduce ourselves, but we can’t tell you where we’re going until we get there. I’m Rich, that’s Leo, Kay and this one is Liam.” He said, nodding to each one.

I didn’t answer, I just nodded.

“Aww, I liked it when she spoke.” Said Kay

“Make it a fork.” I snarled, Liam who was sat at the front started to laugh along with the rest of the car, except Kay and I.

“Tut tut Violet.” Kay said shaking his head. I was not in the mood. “I thought you were meant to be loving, funny, caring, always smiling, listening, understanding and rarely violent.”

I froze. How did he know?

“Nice one!” Rich shouted “Now look what you’ve done.” He scolded Kay.

“Hush, she’ll get over it when she finds out why we’ve got her.”

“If she doesn’t break down before we get there!”

They all tried talking to me, but I didn’t answer, keeping my back against the car door. The journey lapsed into silence. Rich then put on some music, and I realised I knew it. It then struck me this was identical to my playlist. Seeing my confusion Rich lifted my I pod up so I could see it, I saw the wire plugged into the car. Just dandy. They stole stuff as well.

About an hour later we arrived at a pair of iron gates, we drove through the gates which opened upon our arrival and parked outside a huge building. By huge I mean huge. Giant.

It was made of brick and must have been about 5 floors high, on either side of it was endless grass, a huge lake to my right. Circling the area was a forest which I knew was miles long because we just drove through it.

The guys all got out, Leo walked around and opened my door for me, he then took my hand and led me through the doors. I didn’t want to go but Leo was holding my hand, Rich was in front of me, Liam the other side of  me and Kay behind me. Looking at my bum.

We walked through the doors and came to a huge room with two large staircases meeting at the top. But we descend the stairs, we turned left and walked down a number of corridors before we came to a door with Headmaster on.

What the actual-

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