Twin Slayers, They're Double...

By Head-In-the-Clouds

15.1K 610 77

The Harvey twins never expected to be greeted by the undead when their family moved into the remote area of G... More

Twin Slayers, They're Double the Trouble- A New Beginning
Twin Slayers, They're Double the Trouble-A New Beginning-Part 2
Twin Slayers, They're Double the Trouble-A New Beginning-Part 3
Twin Slayers, They're Double the Trouble-A New Beginning-Part 4
Twin Slayers, They're Double the Trouble-A New Beginning-Part 5
Twin Slayers, They're Double the Trouble-A New Beginning-Part 6
Twin Slayers, They're Double the Trouble-A New Beginning-Part 7
Twin Slayers, They're Double the Trouble-A New Beginning-Part 8
Twin Slayers, They're Double the Trouble-A New Beginning-Part 9
Twin Slayers, They're Double the Trouble-A New Beginning-Part 10

Twin Slayers, They're Double the Trouble-A New Beginning-Part 1

2.5K 65 7
By Head-In-the-Clouds

Hey this is an idea I have been playing with for a while and I finally wrote it. I have also been trying to write in third person so your feedback will be really helpful!


Twin Slayers, They're Double the Trouble

A New Beginning

Part 1

Fawn Harvey walked across the creaky floorboards of her empty house, remembering simple memories that haunt it and feeling utterly and completely alone. Fawn had always lived here. She was born in the master bedroom upstairs, and on her bedroom walls she had written poetry which was currently concealed with ugly salmon pink wall paper. Today is the day where her and her twin brother depart for their new house and leave their much loved friends behind. Fawn felt empty and scared. She hated feeling so insecure, and unsure. It's was horrible feeling that always left her feeling dizzy and confused. Fawn wandered around her house, one last time.

She stumbled into her brothers, old, empty bedroom and ran her finger across the little indent in the wall where he hit his head once. 'I've always said he has a hard head,' she thought sarcastically. Fawn reminisced about growing up here until her brothers loud and obnoxious voice interrupted her thoughts, "Fawn! Mom and dad are expecting us to arrive at the new house by six. Hurry up!" She rolled her eyes and reluctantly began to walk down the old narrow staircase towards the front door. When she had finally made it to the front door she was at breaking point. She didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay and she made that very clear to her parents through reasonable arguments and yelling until they sent her to her room.

Fawn forced a smile and reluctantly turned off the lights in the house and walked out of the abandoned building to the car, where Jamie was now waiting in the driver's seat. Before reaching the car she turned around and faced the house she grew up in. She stared at the front yard and the old oak tree where she and Jamie used to climb and hide in the foilage. Fawn felt like she was leaving her life behind and quickly tried to remind herself that this would be a new adventure. Tears prickled at her eyes and she turned back to the house before the waterworks started.

"You're such a girl," Her brother commented as she got into their Volvo. She looked at him sceptically wondering if he felt the same feeling of despair. She sucked in a big breath and wiped the tears off her rosy red cheeks trying to get a hold of herself.

Two hours later Jamie and Fawn were fighting over the radio station and bickering about what their new school will be like, "I think it will be the same as our old school," Fawn predicted as she began to check her cell phone for any new messages, like she had been doing every twenty minutes or so.

"I hope not, I need some new," Jamie paused choosing for the right word carefully. "Scenery," he finished smirking. Fawn smiled and rolled her eyes at her perverted brother.

"Uh huh, I just hope we don't have any classes together," She replied jokingly as her brother punched her arm lightly. "I can't be associated with a loser like you," Fawn continued, unsuccessfully hiding her smile.

"Ditto twin," He agreed smirking, this time she punched his arm. "Ow," He said as he winced. "No hurting the driver," Jamie warned. Fawn snickered and picked up the book on her lap. "What are you reading now?"

"I don't know," She responded truthfully as she examined the red leather cover. "I found it in dads study and it looked interesting," She finished explaining as she flipped to the first page. Her brow furrowed at the unknown language presented on the page.

"Dad won't like that, you know he doesn't like us in there," Jamie said as he stole a glance at the mysterious book. "What language is that?" he asked curious whether she could tell him what it meant.

"I have no clue," Fawn replied as she turned the pages of the book searching for a legend or something that could give her a clue of what language it was.

At six sharp they arrived at the house. It was an old Victorian three-storey house and stands between two others just like it. It looked nothing like their old home. Fawn sighed and unenthusiastically got out of the car, her brother following close behind. The lights immediately flickered on when they stepped on the porch and there erratic mother Melinda ran out and wrapped arms around them. "You two look so tired, come in, come in. Dinner is already on the table your father and I were waiting for you," She explained as she encouraged them to enter their new home.

Since their parents left yesterday they had time to set the house up and order the movers to put everything in its place. "It's much larger then it appears to be," There father called from the kitchen. The twins smiled and went inside.

The explored each room and they both admitted that their dad was right, the house was huge. It is much bigger inside than it appears because many of the rooms have now been knocked through: downstairs the two front rooms were converted into a large living room and the back room was knocked through to make the kitchen bigger. The front room is a very spacious and relaxing area, painted sky blue with wooden skirting boards and windowsills. Next to the cream leather sofa nearest the front window, there is a tall fig plant that gives the room a feeling of life. On the wall above the fireplace there is are pictures of the family on their vacation to Florida last March break. The Family room had two large navy blue couches and a giant mahogany table in the middle of the room with a glass vase of assorted flowers. A giant white shelving unit lined the far wall which had many books on it including a massive flat screen.

When Fawn and Jamie finally went into the kitchen they were in awe of the main floor and could only imagine the basement and their bedrooms would look like. The kitchen smelt of their mothers cooking and it already felt like home. They both smiled politely and sat down at the kitchen table. "Looks good mom," Jamie said and he eyed the food on his plate hungrily.

"No eating yet," Mrs. Harvey warned as she walked toward the table with a bowl of mashed potatoes in her hands. Entrepreneur, perfectionist, and domestic goddess are all words and phrases that have been used to describe Mrs. Harvey. She ran a very successful bakery company and hosted many of the block parties in their old neighbourhood. She was a very enthusiastic person. Finally their mom finally sat down everyone began to eat the meal on their plates.

"How was the drive?" Their dad asked as he shovelled a fork full of peas into his mouth.

"Long," The twins replied in unison.

"Well, I bet you two are excited for school tomorrow," Mrs. Harvey said looking optimistic. Fawn's eyes widened and stared at her parents faces to see if they were joking. Both of their parent's faces were decided and serious by the frown lines presented on their dads 'don't mess with me face.'

"Are you for real?" Jamie asked as he set down his fork. Fawn looked at their parents for the answers silently praying their parents were playing a practical joke on them.

"Yep, I talked to the principle today," Their mom replied nonchalantly.

"But it's already Wednesday. Couldn't we start on the Monday?" Fawn reasoned.

"It's decided, now eat," Mr. Harvey announced, immediately ending the discussion.

"Fine," Jamie huffed in defeat secretly wondering how he could get out of going to school tomorrow. For the rest of the meal the conversation consisted of the condition of the weather and what was for dessert. Finally after dinner the twins went upstairs for bed.


I hoped you liked it! Please vote and comment! If you hated it tell me why..

PS The next part is already posted

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