Ruined by the Likes of Caitli...

By breasted

15 1 6

2017 Aalaezah Poyer All rights reserved cover by @CannibalisticNecro Róisín, Maeve, Jessica and Alannah are f... More

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Chapter 1

10 1 6
By breasted

"Reagan... Rowan... Cillian... Cathal... Brenna... Bride..." I don't know what the fuck Mom is doing. Though, one thing is certain. She's looking at those creepy photo albums.

"Oh... but there are no good pictures of Grady or Róisín at all," she points out, only to be reprimanded, "Stop it, please."

It's Dad talking. He doesn't like when Mom is being overly dramatic, to the point that she's exaggerating. After all, it's just a fucking photo album. Also, why is she noticing that I have no proper pictures when Dervla always looks a creep in hers or Bride and Brenna always wear scandalous clothes? I think she's biased (in negative).

Oh. Let's not forget that creep of Leanne. She, among my nine siblings, is the one I can relate to the least. Not that she's unpleasant, oh no, I wouldn't ever said that even if blindfolded. She's not normal. She managed to turn what was supposed to be a family photo into hell. Obviously, the pictures of her in horrendous poses are proof. This is why Mom was forced to take them off the album.

"Stop complaining," it's Dad talking again. "It's absolutely useless. You know why I had to take off many pictures. First, some of Grady's had red eyes, and many of Róisín's were blurry."

"And what about Leanne's?" Uh-oh. Mom has somewhat triggered a negative feel from Dad. After all, those pictures weren't blurred and didn't either have red eyes.

"I don't want to talk about those." With that, Dad decides to close this discussion, maybe for good. Without saying any other words, Mom takes the album and puts it back where it was before.

Meanwhile, I sit at a corner of the couch, but I immediately regret doing so as soon as Dervla and Leanne take a seat next to me. Even though they're not much younger than me, I find them very immature and irresponsible, other than childish. When Brenna and Bride join them, I feel overwhelmed by their presence to the point that I stand up and decide to go back to my room. Brenna chases after me and cooes, "Oh, come on, Ros, don't you want to stay with us?" She is just pitiful.

First of all, she shouldn't have called me Ros. Only my friends can do so, yet I'm annoyed at them when they use that nickname for me. Secondly, if she cooes, I won't pay attention to her, and the same applies to the others. Thirdly, I don't want to stay with all of them. I've had enough of their awkward attitude.

This is why I end up ignoring her and then slam my room's door behind me. Oh. I forgot. This isn't just my room. It's also Dervla and Leanne's. How many times have I told my parents I should have my own room, instead of sharing it with those two fags, who never clean or tidy up even if threatened?

Never mind. They wouldn't even listen to me, by the way. Better say, they don't listen to anyone even if it's the last thing they have to do in their lives.

I take my phone, to find, much to my horror, about thirty-two messages, all from Caitlin McGowan. Oh no! What does she want?

At first I decide to ignore them, but, fearing the come of a thirty-third message packed with threats, I decide to read them, putting my self-esteem, as well as my life, at high risk.

'Hello, little fag.'

'What are you doing? Why aren't you answering?'

'You're supposed to answer my messages shortly after you receive them. I have no time to waste.'

Okay. The first three message are almost offensive. She's pretending to be able to treat me like her fucking servant. Though she doesn't need one anymore: she has Aislinn. (If you're wondering, Aislinn Mullan is Caitlin's sidekick, and she's so stupid and naïve to the point that she truly believes she and Caitlin are real friends. Though, everybody knows that McGowan is as fake as fuck.)

I decide I won't read the next messages. I prefer talking to her, face to face, to let her know she's just acting like a snarky bitch and that, unless she deletes all the texts, I'll make sure she'll pay for how she has constantly treated me and my friends since the day our lives crossed paths.

My phone rings soon after. Oh, it's Maeve, one of my friends. I must answer.

"Hello Maeve, how are you?"

"I'm fine, if you don't consider that I'm wasting my time playing stupid games with Billy and Harry, while I'm supposed to study for that test."

Crap, the test! I should be studying, as well, but I'm sure that I won't be able to do that, especially considering that Dervla and Leanne will disturb me, instead of actually minding their own business - oh, they wouldn't study even if under torture.

"Oh, okay. Then, I should be studying... Who am I kidding? The test is in two days, I'll never be able to catch up with all the study. I guess I'll fail this one."

"Don't say that. Oh, let me guess. You didn't study because of them, right? Don't worry. If everything goes right, I can even arrange a date between Harry and Brenna!"

Let's admit it, Maeve is very good as a matchmaker. But the point isn't this, but that my parents and siblings again put me in an embarrassing situation. Though, I shouldn't be complaining with my friend about this. I think I'll just keep it to myself.

"Uhm... Are you here?"

"Oh, sorry, I was lost in my thoughts, as usual!"

"Don't try to justify yourself, everybody knows you're lame at making excuses. Listen, speaking of more interesting stuff, would you like to come and hang out with the other a little bit? I've just called Jess and Alannah and, yes, they both agree. Please, come. We have some news to tell you!"

"Okay, okay. I'll come. Let me come up with something to persuade those creeps." As you may have guessed, my parents aren't exactly the kind of people you can convince very easily, especially when it comes to outings. They strongly believe we should spend more time together, as a family, though most of us disagree.

"Okay, I can't wait to know what you've come up. See you then!"

"See you." With this, the conversation is over. Now, I have to pick a nice outfit and a good excuse to have my parents let me go, possibly without a slobbering Brenna or a Leanne wanting to nose around all the time... If only this could actually happen, then I would definitely be the happiest girl on Earth.

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