The Piper's Song ~OUAT Peter...

By constelllating

1.1M 33.2K 4.6K

What if I told you Felix had a younger sister named Anne? And what if I told you that after Felix left to bec... More

The Piper's Song
"A clumsy lost boy...are we?"
Lost Girl
"It's letting go."
Real Wisdom
"Because you can hate."
Almost Fugitive
Too Faraway
"It was a test."
"Now you know me."
My Neverland
Piece of Art
"Words are merely words."
Last Chance
"Count to three."
Rule Breaking
More Time
Tested Loyalty
Building Fires
The Heart of the Truest Believer
Risk Taking
Morning Leaves
Wanted Trust
"...the games about to change."
Echo Caves
"...a simple glance from the past."
Squid Ink (part 1)
Squid Ink (part 2)
Squid Ink (part 3)
Breaking Cages
The First Lost Boy and Girl
The Power of Love
The Forgotten
"It is done..."
The Last of Anne
Resetting the Game Board
The Shadow's Keeper


16.5K 496 8
By constelllating

After their running slowed, Anne suddenly began keeping her distance. They had come to a stop and Felix was looking about the forest trying to decide where to go next. He knew where he'd be taking her, he was just trying to remember which way to take next. Anne, not taking her eyes off of Felix, she slowly felt for her knife then took it out of it's holder. Readying it, she thought up her aggressive approach. Spotting some rope hanging from Felix's belt, an idea came to mind. "Come on, I think it's this way," Felix spoke beginning in the direction he had decided when he was suddenly taken aback when Anne slammed him into a tree. She held her sharp blade to his throat.
        "What'd you do with Felix!?" She spat. Felix was slammed into a shock for some seconds.
        "What?! I am Felix," he protested. 
        "I bet it's you isn't it, Pan?" Felix was thrown off. Then he laughed.
        "What?" He asked in disbelief. Anne slammed him one more time.
        "Don't play dumb with me!"
        "I'm not!"
        "How am I suppose to believe you?!"
        "You just have to trust me I guess--"
        "But earlier you said you couldn't help me, and then all the sudden you want to run away? It doesn't seem right," Anne answered honestly.
        "I did some serious thinking and I told you, Pan won't let me off so easy for the note--"
        "Why?" Anne wondered.
        "Because...he threatened me before..." Anne's eyes grew wide.
        "How?" Felix was growing agitated and anxious.
        "Would you--would you just put your knife down please," he begged. Anne listened cautiously. "You're so afraid," Felix added.
        "I didn't want to be afraid," the little Beastly girl answered honestly. "But--apparently you are too if you're willing to run away so suddenly. How'd he threaten you?"
        "Well...he told me he tapped into your dreams. I threatened to warn you about him--stupid..."
        "What else happened?"
        "As I was going after you he stabbed me--" Anne instantly gasped.
        "He brought me back to life--"
        "Oh no, don't tell me," Anne panicked remembering the spring in Neverland that if you drank from it, you couldn't leave.
        "No!" Anne denied. "No you didn't, Felix--"
        "I did," he spoke simply. Anne took a moment. She came out of her denial.
        "It doesn't matter. We'll figure out a way," she hoped. Felix looked doubtful but Anne ignored it and walked over pulling him into a hug. Pulling back, she unhooked the ropes from his pants and backed off. He noticed and understood. "Give me your hands," she requested.

Hesitant, Felix finally gave in with a sigh and stepped closer to her. She whipped him around and captured his hands. Tieing them now, she began to speak again. "What'd he do after he brought you back to life?" she wondered.
        "He just said to stay away from you...and hate me."
        "I don't hate you," Anne replied sympathetically.
        "I wouldn't blame you if you did," Felix admitted. Anne stopped tieing his wrists.
        "I don't," she said assertively and in slight disturbance. Her older brother turned to look at her just then.
        "You act like it."
        "I'm just...frustrated." Felix waited a moment before responding again.
        "We can talk this off later. Right now we've got to keep moving." Anne understood and nodded.  
        "You know where to go?" She asked.
        "I think so...let's go."

And he led her off to another part of the forest. Eventually after some time, Felix had brought Anne to a cave. It was massively far from Pan's hideout so it was safe. And Felix planned for them to keep moving tomorrow.

Setting her bag down, she went over and sliced off the rope around Felix's hands. Later after laying down some blankets, Felix and Anne lay facing the roof of their shelter. "I hope you know I didn't think when I left you," Felix suddenly spoke. Anne relaxed and breathed deeply closing her eyes.
        "Maybe...maybe not," she replied. Felix sighed himself.
        "I didn't."
        "You say so but then again you never came back," Anne pointed out. "Did you ever miss me?" she wondered.
        "Of course I did," Felix defended.
        "Clearly not that much."
        "I told you, I came to Neverland to find our parents but then Pan, he--"
        "He did nothing but give you suggestions. It was your choice to stay," Anne interrupted looking at her brother in slight anger.
        "It wasn't my choice," Felix answered simply looking at the roof of the cave again.
        "And why is that?" 
        "Pan refused to let me leave." Anne waited a minute then looked back up at the roof of the cave herself.
        "Sounds like him," she admitted. Felix then scoffed with a breathy smile in disbelief.
        "Oh you have no idea," he told her. Anne again waited before speaking.
        "I think I've got a pretty good taste--"
        "No, not like us lost boys--"
        "You don't know everything," Anne finally admitted. 

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