Afraid to Fall ▷ Stilinski

By simplystiles-

1.1M 31.7K 13.7K

In the eyes of the alumni of Beacon Hills High School, Kennedy Martin is the picture perfect girl. She has be... More

Afraid to Fall
Chapter 1. The Beautiful Cousin Conjecture
Chapter 2. Not Just Some Guy...
Chapter 3. Danny Boy
Chapter 4. Catching
Chapter 5. Superhero's Always Get The Girl
Chapter 6. Bowling Buddies
Chapter 7. The Dark Knight Brings People Together
Chapter 8. The Notebook and a Bone Saw
Chapter 9. Mall Invitation
Chapter 10. Mountain Lion
Chapter 11. I'm Her Peeta and She's My Katniss
Chapter 12. Beacon Hills High... After Hours
Chapter 13. Derek Hale Wants To Kill Me?
Chapter 15. Drunken Slurs and Proposal Idea's
Chapter 16. Sharpies, Kissing, and Danny
Chapter 17. Ping Pong Balls and Fighting
Chapter 18. Papa Stilinski and Peter Hale
Chapter 19. Madigan to the Rescue!
Chapter 20. Parental Issues
Chapter 21. The Betrayal
Chapter 22. The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 23. Questions and More Questions
Chapter 24. The New Alpha and More Apologies

Chapter 14. Never Letting Go

40.8K 1.2K 300
By simplystiles-


Seeing as how I feel as if I am in hell, it makes sense to why Lydia led us into Harris' classroom for refuge on the second floor. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and ideas in ways to keep Kennedy safe, but at the same time I had to think of a way to help Scott continue this lie about Derek being the one trying to kill us. Jackson closed the door and twisted the lock before following us into the corner of the room by the chemical cabinet.

Kennedy's grip on my hand tightened as the sound of the alpha walking past the door filled the silent classroom. I bit down on my lip as I waited for the sigh of relief from Scott, once he knew that the alpha was out of hearing range he would let us know. Moments later, he let out that aforementioned sigh.

"Jackson how many people can fit in your car?" Scott whispered harshly, I smiled to myself, at least I'm not the only one in the room that is completely and utterly done with Jackson and his annoying persona.

Jackson rushed out, "Five, if someone can squeeze in the back."

Kennedy snorted, "Five? Are you kidding me? I was sitting on Allison's lap the entire way here."

"It doesn't matter, there's no way of getting out of here without drawing attention." I breathed out as I glanced at Kennedy fearfully. The fact that I can in no way protect her right now is starting to eat away at my sanity. If the alpha comes barreling in through that door, the only thing I can do in order to buy Kennedy some time is give myself up as the first snack.

Scott grabbed a hold of my shoulder and tugged me away from Kennedy towards the door that was supposed to be for emergency exits only, "What about this? This door leads to the roof? We can get up there and climb down the fire escape to the parking lot?"

I sighed and nodded my head towards the handle, "It's a dead bolt."

"The janitor has a key. I can get it off of him, by scent." Scott said suddenly, his face lighting up like a Christmas tree.

My eyes widened, "Gee, well that sounds like an incredibly terrible plan. What else you got?" I retorted sarcastically. There is no way in hell that Scott would be able to get out of here without Allison throwing a complete fit.

"I'm getting the key," He stated as he turned on his heel and walked away from me. Okay, I honestly don't even understand why he bothers asking my opinion on things if he is just going to ignore my suggestion and act like the plan is completely fool proof.

Allison gawked at him, "Are you serious? You can't go out there unarmed?"

I rolled my eyes, trust me-- he's well equipped enough to handle himself out there. Although, we can't tell anyone that because it's kind of a secret, but once again I was correct. Scott isn't getting anywhere without Allison flipping out.

Scott glanced around wordlessly before snatching up Harris' pointer that was laying on the chalkboard. I sighed as I glanced at him, "Are you serious?"

"What it's better than nothing?" He stated while shooting me a look.

I groaned in annoyance, "There's gotta be something else."

"There is," Kennedy said quickly. I glanced at her to see her eyes locked on the chemical cabinet. Lydia nodded rapidly as she took a step towards the cabinet, I could see the wheels turning in the strawberry blonde's head at the plethora of chemicals before her.

"What are we going to do? Throw acid on him?" I asked sarcastically. It probably wasn't a bad idea, I mean it could burn the alpha enough to distract him so Scott could get away.

Lydia glanced at me, "No, like a fire bomb. And in there is everything you need to make a self-igniting Molotov cocktail."

"I mean, I was suggesting acid... but yeah, go for it smarty pants." Kennedy chuckled. I smiled to myself, we had been thinking along the same lines with the whole acid thing. The fact that we considered the same idea was enough to give me goosebumps.

I nodded to myself, "We don't have a key for that either."

Jackson rolled his eyes and stomped over to the cabinet. I watched as he flung his elbow back into the glass, breaking it and allowing Lydia access to whatever she wanted. I huffed in annoyance and through my arms over my chest, showoff.


Scott has been gone for all of four minutes and already Jackson his inched himself closer to Allison. I had to bite down on the inside of my cheek so I didn't lash out with another unnecessary rude comment about him. The last thing that I want to do is cause yet another reason for someone to get punched in the face. Lydia was in her own little world at the moment, no doubt she was running over the ingredients to her little fire bomb to make sure she had done it correctly, my cousin was a perfectionist.

"Jackson you gave me the sulfuric acid, right? It has to be sulfuric acid, if its not then it won't ignite." Lydia asked as she glanced at her tool of a boyfriend. I am going to have to talk to her about his behaviour once we get out of here. He isn't treating her the way he should be and she needs to lay down the law before he starts thinking that he can walk all over her.

Lord douchebag rolled his eyes, "I gave you exactly what you asked for, didn't I?" His tone was hateful and he was being a complete and total ass.

"Yeah, yeah I'm sure you..." Lydia mumbled quietly, her eyes locking on the chemicals that we have yet to put back into the cabinet. I sure as hell hope that Jackson gave Lydia the sulfuric acid, if not then I'm going to be wreaking some major havoc on him.

The room feel silent so I took this as my opportune time to speak with Stiles. I haven't been able to actually talk to him since we got to the school, and I know he probably won't give me the answers that I want, but he can at least distract me until we get out of here.

"How's your hand?" I asked him quietly, a slight smirk tugging at the corners of my mouth. He glanced up at me and rolled his eyes, obviously enjoying the teasing.

He held up his hand and extended his fingers, "I think it's okay. I'm more worried about you, are you okay?"

His question had me thinking about what Jackson had said earlier, saying that Stiles was "obsessed" with me. I don't think that Stiles is obsessed with me. I mean, why would he be? We just started talking to one another a few days ago, and are now actually working on becoming friends. The idea of being his friend sounds so appealing to me. I really want us to be able to be friends so that maybe we can get to the next stage in a relationship. Maybe.

I glanced at his facial expression to try to get a better read on the situation. His hazel eyes were locked right on my own brown orbs, waiting for my answer. I forget what he had asked me. Have his eyes always been that pretty? Flecks of yellow lined his iris, and it honestly reminded me of a piece of gold. Is that weird? His lips... god his lips look so soft, so kissable. I want to kiss him so badly. I should just do it, just press my lips to his and see where that takes us.

As soon as I swallowed the courage and began to lean in, a loud growl like sound reverberated around the hallway, spilling into the classroom. I pressed the heels of my hands over my ears as the sound increased in volume. What the actual hell is that? The moment the sound stopped, Jackson started to cry out in pain. I turned around in confusion, only to find him on his knees with his left hand pressing against the back of his neck. I thought I noticed some cuts or something back there on the ride here, I didn't want to question him about it though, because frankly-- I didn't care.

Lydia was watching him in shock, her green eyes wide and pink painted lips agape. I have no idea what is going on, but something tells me that we are not getting the full story here. Why would Derek growl like that? There is no way that a single man can make a sound that loud on his own, the intercom system was not even at play here. And why would that growl make Jackson cry out in pain and fall to the floor? This is all just one big confusing puzzle, and we are missing several of the major pieces.

Allison and my cousin rushed to Jackson's aid the second he stopped screaming, each girl grabbing onto an arm as they pulled him back to his feet. He hastily pushed them away as he ran his hand over his head, "Seriously, I'm fine. I'm okay."

"That didn't sound okay at all." Allison stated as she folded her arms over her chest, giving Jackson a confused glance.

"What's on the back of your neck?" Stiles inquired as his hand reached out to pull the collar of Jackson's leather jacket down, so he could get a better view on the three holes that had seemed to scab over.

Jackson jerked his body as he shoved Stiles' hand away from him in disgust, "I said I'm fine."

"Those have been there for days and he won't tell me what happened." Lydia piped up, giving Stiles and myself a look of desperation. It feels as if she knows that he is pulling away from her. I've said in the past that they used to be a really close couple, and it was obvious to anyone that was within a twenty mile radius that they loved each other whole-heartily, but something changed and now they act as if they have to be together.

Jackson narrowed his eyes at her in annoyance, "As if you actually care!"

That was the last straw. I am so sick of him speaking to her like this, Lydia never tolerates this kind of crap from anyone, so why is Jackson any different? Why can he say things like this to her and instead of her standing up for herself, she shrinks back and shuts up. I'm not going to just shrink away from Jackson Whittemore, he doesn't intimidate me in the slightest.

"Are you serious? Jackson you are being a complete and total dick tonight to her for no reason!" I snapped hatefully. Lydia may piss me off at times, but she is like my sister, so you can bet your ass that I am going to stick up for her.

Jackson rolled his eyes, "Kennedy this isn't any of your business."

I opened my mouth to retort once more but Stiles quickly placed his hand over it, obviously sensing the verbal beating that I was about to throw Jackson's way. "Alright can we not argue for like a half second, please?" The tone at which Stiles was using was anything but his usual friendly and sarcastic manner. He sounded completely and utterly pissed, and I can't blame him.

"Where is Scott he should be back by now." Allison breathed out as she ran her hands through her hair. I had completely forgotten about the fact that we were waiting on Scott to bring back the keys. That just goes to show how easily distracted my mind can become whenever Stiles Stilinski is involved.

The sound of something snapping against the door drew our attention, I had no idea what the hell was going on but Allison started screaming for Scott as she dashed to the door, hitting her hands against it helplessly. Lydia was on the verge of a meltdown, "Where is he going?!"

I have no idea what's going on, but Allison was starting to go into hysterics while Jackson watched her in confusion. Stiles had slipped his hand into mine once again, and the moment I felt the familiar touch, I squeezed it tightly.

"Stop!" Lydia shrieked at Allison as she sprinted over to the windows, pressing her ear to the glass. "Stop! Do you hear that?" She continued as she turned her head around to hear us. Allison stopped shouting long enough to give us the ability to hear the faint sound of police sirens, making their way to the school.


"Well, we survived, dude. You know? We out lasted the alpha? That's still good, right? Being alive?" I asked Scott hesitantly. Kennedy was being checked out by the paramedic's on the scene as a precaution, much like Allison and Lydia had been. The second she's off the back of that ambulance she's right back at my side.

Scott glanced around making sure that our ears were the only ones about to hear what he was going to say, "When we were in the Chemistry room, it walked right by us. You don't think it heard us? You don't think it knew we were in there?"

I blinked in confusion, "Well then why are we still alive? If it knew where we were, why didn't it just kill us?"

"It wants me in it's pack... but first, I think I have to get rid of my old pack." He said quietly, if I hadn't been standing so close to me then I wouldn't have heard him.

My eyebrow quirked up in confusion, "What do you mean? What old pack?"

Scott doesn't have a pack, he just got bit for crying out loud! This alpha is trying insanely hard to get him to "join" him. Can't he just go off and bite some other person that he can order around on full moons? Why does he need Scott so badly?

"Allison, Jackson, Lydia, Kennedy. You." He stressed as he glanced at me fearfully. I swallowed thickly as it set in just what he meant. It actually makes sense now, about getting rid of the old pack thing.

"The alpha doesn't want to kill us--" I began awkwardly, and Scott nodded solemnly, "It wants me to do it." He finished.

My eyes widened at the idea of Scott trying to kill me yet again. He's already almost done it once, and that scared the absolute hell out of me. What was even scarier now is that it's not just me who the alpha wants dead. It's Allison, Jackson, Lydia, and Kennedy. I've sucked her into this and now she is in danger because of me.

Scott sighed, "And that's not even the worst part..."

"How in holy hell is that not the worst part Scott?" I asked in bewilderment. It sounds like the worst part to me. I mean what could be worse than wanting to kill your best friend and the girl that he is head over heels for?

"Because when he made me shift... I wanted to do it. I wanted to kill you. All of you." He mumbled.

I gulped as I blinked rapidly, okay then. I didn't see that coming in the slightest. He wanted to kill us? What exactly does that mean? Like, he hated us all enough to the point of wanting to murder us? Or had the alpha twisted him so badly that he didn't see us as anything more than just a body. Both of those thoughts scare the absolute hell out of me.

Scott glanced over my shoulder with wide eyes, I slowly turned around to see Deaton and Kennedy exchanging a few words with one another. Holy freaking hell. He isn't the alpha. This whole time I thought that it had been Deaton, since he disappeared out of Derek's car and then boom Derek was attacked and thrown against the building. Kennedy's eyes trailed over to Scott and I, and before I knew what was going on she was walking towards us.

I let out a shaky breath as Scott placed a hand on my shoulder, "I'm gonna go and try to get some answers from Deaton." I nodded in confirmation and he patted my shoulder once before he walked off, leaving me with the task of speaking with Kennedy. I'm not as nervous around her as I had been, our conversations have been getting easier and more comfortable to have.

"Hey there, Rocky." She smirked teasingly. I let out a chuckle as I shook my head from side to side, I'm never going to live that whole punching Jackson in the face thing down. I just couldn't stand to listen to his annoying voice any longer. He had been being rude to Kennedy and then he made a comment about me being obsessed with her and he made fun of my dad, and well... I just lost it.

I rolled my eyes as I shoved my hands into the pockets of my jeans, "Did you check out okay with the EMT's?"

She nodded, "Yep. I'm one-hundred percent alive, which I have you to thank for by the way."

My eyes widened slightly, "Wh--what?"

"Do you think that I didn't notice how you made sure that I was okay that entire time? How your hand always managed to find mine and keep a tight hold on it? How the moment when we took off running you did everything in your power to keep me by your side? I may not be the most observant girl in the world, but I'm not dense either." She chuckled as she took a step closer to me. My eyes widened further as my breathing became erratic.

I blinked rapidly as I stuttered out, "I--I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes, you do. And I want to thank you for protecting me, and keeping me safe. I feel safe when I'm with you." The instant that the words slipped from between her heavenly lips her face flushed and her eyes widened, she hadn't intended to say that aloud, but she did. And god I wish I could hear her say it again and again. Over and over for the rest of night. I make her feel safe.

"I won't let anything happen to you, Kennedy." I said quietly, hesitantly meeting her gaze. She smiled then, a beautiful smile that I wish she would use more often because I swear I've never seen this particular smile before, and before I knew what she was doing she had her arms wrapped around my mid-section.

I sighed in relief as I placed my arms around her shoulders and squeezed her reassuringly. My eyes flitted shut as I pressed my cheek against the top of her head. I realize now, how very lonely I've been throughout my life and just how easily that void is filled by this beautiful girl who wants someone to love her, like I do, but has no idea that the someone she is so desperately searching for, is right here, holding her in his arms and vowing to never let her go.


And here we have chapter fourteen! I'm sorry this took like forever to get posted. I started school after a very enjoyable Christmas break last week and we have exams this week so I've been busy with homework and such. I really liked the last paragraph in this chapter, it's my favorite thing I've written in Stiles' POV from this entire book. A lot of you had been asking for more Stiles' POV in the chapters, do you like it when I write it in his POV? I've been hesitant about it because I can in no way do his internal monologue justice, but I felt it was necessary in some parts for the story to be told. I don't know, if you want to have me write in his POV in every chapter, let me know in the comments! Also, I don't know if you have noticed but I have a new Stiles fan fic posted. It's called "Impact" and the first chapter is posted. I'm excited for that story because the main OC is Derek's sister, so I get to write about a sassy Hale!

Fan, vote, and comment! xx

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