Dark Secrets

By WhiteScar01

303 27 6

Fear... That's what I felt. My bare feet slapping the dirt covered ground as I ran as fast as I could. Trees... More



36 4 0
By WhiteScar01

Turning but I see nothing, frowning I spin around  searching for the flash of Brown that I've seen. The park is empty though, there's not a single soul in sight. maybe I'm imagining things. but i was sure I had seen something, or maybe this mornings dream was probably getting to me.

 Although I can't help but feel Like I'm being watched, The hair on the back of my neck stood on end and goosebumps rose along my arms. But I still don't see anything, rubbing my hand over my face I decided to head back home. But before I could take another step, I'm hitting the ground with a thud, the wind is knocked out of me. my head pounding from my sudden fall, my eyes closed as I try to register what just happened. Struggling to inhale. I hear heavy breathing and feel something wet fall on my cheek and roll down. I open my left eye, then my right and come face to face with a drooling dog. trying to get over the shock, stare up at the dog. A Sharp whistle sounds throughout the park hurting my ears.

The saint Bernard's ears twitched attentive, towards the same direction the shrill whistle had come from. Sitting up slowly and wiping the drool of my face, inwardly cringing eww . I think I broke something, looking at the dog next to me "happy now buddy, I think you broke my tailbone" he just looked at me with those big Brown eyes. 

Aww who could stay mad at that, reaching out at the dog and petting his head "I'm so sorry" a deep voice spoke.

 What, I looked at the dog "Did you just speak " I asked more to myself looking dumbfounded.

 "I said I'm sorry, need a hand" looking up, I realized it wasn't the dog talking silly me. Definitely no dog, he looked like he was out for a run too, with navy blue track pants and a black wife beater that showed of is muscled arms, he had black curly hair and a chiseled jawline, defined cheekbones, stormy gray eyes that looked down at me with amusement, this was embarrassing. 

"enjoying the view" he said in a deep voice, noticing his outstretched hand "Uh, t-thanks" I mumbled taking his hand, heat rushing to my ears and cheeks... which I'm pretty sure are red from embarrassment.

 "you've got a bit of drool there" he said with a small smile.

 Slightly irritated now "oh please you're not that handsome" i all but blurted out.

Raising an amused eyebrow and tilting his head a bit to the side "You think I'm handsome?" he asked trying to hide a smile, realising what i said my face flushed again.

 "well...uh..I er" I stuttered,Omg what is wrong with me.

 He was now full out smiling "seriously though, you have a bit of dog drool on you" now I just felt outright stupid.

 "oh" was my brilliant reply, my cheeks flamed even more oh god. 

 "Are you okay?, Cooper gets excited when he sees people. He loves the attention" he said patting the dog affectionately, "Don't ya boy" the dog barked as if agreeing with his owner. 

"yeah I'm fine-" the sound of my phone ringing cuts me off, glancing at the phone my mum's picture pops up. "uh I have to go" I said backing away.

 "I'll see you around then" he said with a small smile.

 Smiling back I turned answering my mother's call as I walked home "Hi mamma bear!" I said cheerfully knowing my mom was probably worried "Fira ! Where are you?!" she all but yelled, mum has always been protective over River and I, hence the nickname Mamma bear  . "I'm just leaving the park, I'll be home in a bit" I said trying ease her worries. 

An- Hi everyone !
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you each and every one of you the very best for the New year. :-)
Shout out to Vivi3332  She was the first person to comment on the book , thank you Vivi3332
Also thank you to everyone that voted.
I am so sorry for not updating sooner. Please forgive me.
Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter ...I have to say though I'm not really happy with this chapter.
Thank you all for reading.
Please remember to
Comment and share
Lots of love - Tia

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