The Undertaker's Apprentice

By Cybernett

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When Vince tells Stephanie and Hunter they have two months to find a new Diva, a Diva with a difference, or t... More

Chapter 1 - Heads Will Roll
Chapter 2 - Not As I'd Expected
Chapter 3 - At Hells Gate
Chapter 4 - Through Death Valley
Chapter 5 - After The Fall
Chapter 6 - Aww, did I make you mad?
Chapter 7 - Through The Hourglass
Chapter 8 - Run
Chapter 10 - Shaken Up
Chapter 11 - Secrets And Lies
Chapter 12 - Play It Carefully
Chapter 13 - There Was Another
Chapter 14 - Well, That Hurt
Chapter 15 - As You Were
Chapter 16 - Pushing Her Away
Chapter 17 - Back Home
Chapter 18 - But I Still Want It
Chapter 19 - It's Yours

Chapter 9 - Tis The Season

1.8K 52 17
By Cybernett

The drive to Smackdown was going to be long, and Undertaker was well aware of it. Lexie said nothing to him, looking at the dazzling displays of Christmas lights as they passed shops and houses.

"It's going to be Christmas soon." He ventured, after the silence became too much and began to irritate him.

"Mmmhmmm." She made a noise rather than spoke to him. She was still mad with him.

"Won't you be going home? To see family?" he asked.

"No. We don't get on." She replied in the tone of voice that suggested that should be the end of it.

"But surely you're doing something for the holidays?" Undertaker asked.

"Yes. Hitting the gym, working my ass off. As per usual." She said. "Seasonal holidays are no excuse for a day off." Ah. And now I get an insight in to her work ethic. He thought to himself.

"Not even after all the hard work you've put in this year?"

"You mean the hard work getting punched kicked and stomped on? Getting my ass handed to me on a plate by opponents twice my size?" she bit. Undertaker scowled, and the conversation died. As they drove the pair remained mostly in silence, and although they didn't know it, they were thinking the same thing.

I don't understand why they just don't separate us.

They know we can't get on, they know we rub each other the wrong way.

He hates my guts I'll never be good enough for him

She's never going to be what Vince wants out of her, not at this rate.

How am I supposed to last till next year without killing him in his sleep?

I can't make it to Survivor Series without wanting to throttle her, how is forcing us to work together a good idea?

When they finally made it to Smackdown, people were waiting for them. As soon as the hearse had stopped, Lexie got out and walked away.

"Where do ya think you're going Kid?" he asked, getting out the car himself.

"Away from you." she snapped, as he caught up with her quickly. He planted himself in front of her.

"You forget, Kid, you need to work with me here."

"And you forget, you old fossil, you need me to make this look good. Which I can. For a price." Lexie retorted, the change in gears alarming even to Undertaker.

"It has a price now, does it?" he asked. His eyes looked over her as she stared him straight back, and he realized this time, he could not see what she was thinking.

"Tonight, The Shield and I get our revenge. You lay down and take it, and I'll make the next week look picture perfect between us. I might even smile at you. Balls in your court, Undertaker." She said, and blasted him with an alarming smile that shook him to his core as she walked past, running over to and hugging Paige. He turned and watched as Lexie reassured everyone it was just a misunderstanding, and they were fine, and after all, she would be silly to throw this away. He didn't hear Kane come over until the man was stood next to him, and spoke.

"She caught you out didn't she?" he said.

"Yes. And I'm not sure how, but she flipped the tables on me." He replied, not even bothering to lie.

"She's got that something, I told you that. She knows what she wants. And that special something is going to help her get it. You know, you might even get along one day."

"I don't ever see that happening." Undertaker replied.

"Happened with us, didn't it?" asked Kane, before walking off.

Lexie was now heading to find her friends. Other than wishing she had been allowed to find her own path here, she had spent most of the ride thinking. Thinking of how to turn this around, how to make it so she had the upper hand. Then it hit her. It was vital, for both of them, that they make whatever happened in front of the cameras look good. Even more so for him, it could kill his career. So, if she managed to engineer a situation, somehow, that meant she would get revenge for his actions, he would have no option but to make it look good for the camera. And to do that, she needed The Shield's help.

When she found them they were deep in conversation, each trying to figure out the next step.

"He's not going to stop, and Vince won't separate them." Dean said angrily.

"Well, we'll just have to stand by her, as much as she won't allow it, because if she stands alone she's going to get hurt." Roman added, shaking his head a little.

"Or, tonight we can dish a little of it back." Lexie said, making them turn. Next thing she knew she was enveloped tightly in a hug, which was followed by a light hearted telling off and never to scare them like that again.

"Ok, so now we've got that out the way, you've obviously got a plan. Care to spill it?" Seth asked.

"Of course. But first, I need you to kick the crap out of me live on TV." She said with a sinister smile, making the three men look at each other concerned before Roman said he was in.

It came as a surprise to Lexi, after a terse "You win, for now" from The Undertaker as she passed him in catering, that he was really going ahead with letting her have her own back. Although deep inside she knew it would have repercussions, but she was going ahead with it anyway. Then she would wait, and bide her time to make a break for freedom...somehow. It wasn't till after the first fight that night that her plan went in to action.

As she stood watching Dolph Ziggler celebrate a win, she was quickly accompanied by The Shield.

"Hi guys...listen...I'm sorry about last week, things didn't exactly go according to plan..." she said, before trailing off at the furious looks on the three's faces.

"No, no it didn't. It's funny, because since we sided with you, nothing has gone to plan, really, has it?" Dean said, in a harsh tone.

"That's hardly my fault." She retorted, aware now that the three had surrounded her. Roman's hand gripped a shoulder tightly.

"Except it is. Everything that's happened to us, has happened because of you. Every beat down, every bruise, every injury, and you got away unscathed for the most part." Seth said, as another of Roman's hand's gripped her other shoulder. She winced uncomfortably.

"Guys, come on now..." Lexie held up her hands, as if she hoped to protect herself somehow.

"See, we got to's time we shared the punishment, right boys? If we suffer, so should you. After all, it's only fair." Roman added, and with that, they set upon her, knocking her to the ground and kicking at her, Dean got a particularly nasty boot in and made her nose bleed, before the three walked off laughing.

Later, The Undertaker was fighting Randy Orton. Randy waited out in the ring for The Undertaker as he readied himself backstage, Lexie with him.

"I hope you know what the fuck you are doing, Kid. That was nasty earlier, Dean could have broken your nose." He said, watching Randy on the monitor as he greeted the crowds.

"But he didn't. You either get the one up on you now, or leading to Wrestlemania. I don't think you fancy me doing what I'm about to do with keeping the streak on your mind, do you?" she replied, and Undertaker looked at her as she dabbed under her nose with a tissue.

"You wouldn't dare. Not with Lesnar as my opponent." He replied, dumbstruck for a moment she had thought about this that much. "You've too much respect for the streak to do that to it."

"No. I have too much hatred for Brock Lesnar to do that to you. You're lucky, he's about the only man I would willingly defend you to." She said, with the nasty smile he'd seen earlier that day. Again, it shook him to his core, in a way nothing else could. "Get your head in the game, Undertaker. Else Randy might kick it off."

Lexie followed meekly behind The Undertaker as he made his entrance, head bowed, limping a little. She waited for him to get in the ring, before taking her place at the ring apron. The match got underway to a chorus of boos from the crowd, people chanting for Lexie instead of Undertaker. Ringside, all she could hear were people yelling to screw him over, telling her to take him down so she could hand the win to Randy. Despite these urges, Lexie remained meek and upset in appearance, biding her time. Undertaker won the match, and Lexie was summoned in to the ring. She got in, stomach churning and hoping that she could play this out adequately. As she met him in the middle of the ring, they almost squared up to each other, before Lexie gave the sign that she was obeying him, and bowed her head.

Then, suddenly the music of The Shield ripped across the arena, making the crowds roar.

"Was this another of your tricks?" Undertaker demanded as the three men began to make their way down to the arena floor. Lexie shook her head, hoping she had the look of fear on her face she wanted. The three men got to the ring, surrounding the pair as they were forced back to back like hungry lions surrounding prey.

"Get out of here, Kid," he yelled to her, feeling her against his back as they stood, waiting, nervous for the oncoming attack. She wouldn't stand a chance.

"No!" she yelled, "I'm your apprentice, aren't I? I'm supposed to stand with you!" There was a pause, and then the three men ran in. Roman and Dean ran at Undertaker, as Seth shoved Lexie roughly aside, making her roll towards the ring post. Lexie ensured she rolled just enough to collide with it, and doubled up as if she were in pain. The three men beat down on The Undertaker, the crowds going wild, Randy watching from the top of the walkway in confusion. He fought back, but three on one wasn't going to be in his favor, even if he was The Phenom. Roman got in his spear, and his superman punch, knocking him to the floor in a daze, not really sure who was coming at him from where. Finally, they finished with their classic Triple Powerbomb, leaving the man laying on the floor. He watched, gasping for breath, as they turned and advanced on Lexie, who was forcing herself up in to a sitting position. She won't stand a chance against them. I thought they were her friends, why would they suddenly turn on her like this he thought to himself. As they reached her, where she sat backed in to a turnbuckle, the crowd roared their disapproval at what was coming. They looked down on her, nasty looks on their faces, before smiles broke out, and Roman offered her a hand. There was a moment of hesitation as Lexie looked up, and smiled herself, accepting the hand. Roman pulled her to her feet, and Dean put an arm around her, as if holding her up. They turned to see The Undertaker forcing himself up, the four of them standing triumphant, and as they watched, The Shield put their fists together, and after an urging from Seth, Lexie joined in. The crowds were going insane, realizing that Lexie had managed to play The Undertaker, and as he got to his knees, he realised they were right.

Once backstage, and done with medical, Undertaker was talking with Triple H, when Lexie came over.

"I hear I've been sentenced to court for the stunt I pulled in running away." It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

"Yes. Half hours time." Hunter replied.

"That makes two of us. Getting in the shit for my part in driving you away." He said, to Lexie's questioning gaze. He looked at Hunter. "You judging?" asked Undertaker. Hunter shook his head.

"No. I think, don't get me wrong, but it might be Jericho. Randy was asked, but refused." Hunter replied.

"Well, I guess I can chalk this up as a new experience, I suppose. Where is it?"

"Guys locker room. Most of the roster will be there, girls included. Steph tried to block it, but she was overruled."

"Can see why. No one else would get out of the hangman's noose, why should I be any different just cause Vince has his eye on me?" Lexie replied. "I'll wait outside." She added, before walking off, shaking her head a little.

"What happened out there?" asked Hunter. Undertaker shook his head.

"Wish I knew. She flipped the script on me, H, she got me good this time. Just when I think I've figured her out, then she ups the level." Undertaker replied.

"Not many you'd admit that about, either." Hunter added as the two men began a slow walk to the locker room. Undertaker shook his head and scratched his chin.

"Few and far between. Very few and far between."

Lexie stood next to The Undertaker in the guy's locker room. There was barely any room, so many had come to see this. And most had pity on their faces, but knew what had to happen. No one else would get away with doing what she did. Chris Jericho raised a hand for silence and the locker room fell eerily quiet.

"So. Lexie Blackheart. You stand accused of throwing the show in to disarray by your vanishing act this morning, and we all know how much chaos you caused. The gravity of this situation is such that any punishment inflicted by myself will be severe. I hope you understand this." Lexie nodded and looked at the ground. She felt awful. "How do you plead?"

"I plead guilty, but enter a plea of guilty due to provocation. I'll accept my part in this mess, Sir." She replied, extracting a gasp or two from the others present. Many had assumed she would lay all the blame at The Undertakers door. He looked at her surprised, but her head remained facing the floor. He wondered what she was thinking, what plan had she that she would accept all blame in this.

"And you, Undertaker, are partially responsible due to the manner in which you behaved the night before. How do you plead?"

"Guilty as charged, Sir." He said. There was no denying he was to blame for her actions. "But in regards to Lexie, I ask for leniency. It was my fault she made the decision, however reckless, to run. I deserve the greater share of the punishment."

"But...what I did was worse!" she exclaimed, looking at him with puzzled eyes.

"And it was my fault you did it." He replied. The two argued for a minute, most around amused to see The Undertaker trying to take responsibility, and Lexie flat out denying him that chance.

"Ok, you two, we get it." Chris said, with a laugh. "I'll need a minute or two to decide your punishment, and make sure it's appropriate. Wait outside with Kane and Hunter please." Undertaker nodded, and he left the room, Hunter guiding the girl with an arm about her shoulders.

As the door to the locker room closed, Undertaker looked over at her, watching as she sat on a bench nearby. Her face was troubled, she was making whispered apologies to Hunter who was assuring her everything would be ok, that things would work out, and he doubted Chris would give her anything too bad as a punishment.

"She's tough. She'll manage." Said the voice of Kane, as he stood next to The Undertaker.

"You haven't seen this side of her before. I have." He replied, his mind going back to the night after his fight with her.

"Are you two always going to be at each other's throats?" he asked.

"Truthfully? I don't know anymore. She got me so good tonight, Kane, I can't help but having a little admiration for her. It was well thought out, perfectly planned and executed. And I didn't even see it coming." He said, a small smile across his lips.

"I think you secretly like the girl, Taker." Kane suggested. "Or at least something about her."

"Maybe. Maybe she's way too much like a young me, and I only just realised." He said, wiping a hand over his face. "Damn it, I wish Paul were here, he'd know how to make this work."

"He'd turn round and tell you to snap the hell out of it and ask her out already. You know that." Kane added with a smile. Undertaker grinned.

"Yeah, I know. He always made that assumption, whenever I bitched about a Diva."

"Worked a few times, didn't it?" Kane added. There was a chuckle from the other man.

"Well, maybe. I'll give him that." He said, as the door to the locker room opened, and the four were asked back inside.

Chris looked uneasy now, and both Undertaker and Lexie noticed how the people in the room had moved slightly. The Shield were now directly to Lexie's right, whereas before they had been behind Undertaker. The larger wrestlers with the exception of Roman had gathered on Undertakers side of the locker room. Whatever this decision was, it was clear neither would like it.

"I've come to a decision. You both have no plans over Christmas, right?" he asked. Both shook their heads, brows furrowed. "Excellent. Your punishment is as follows. You'll both spend Christmas together. And Undertaker as you asked for the greater share of the punishment, you'll be hosting." Stunned silence came from the pair, as they looked at Chris as if he'd lost his mind.

"Spend Christmas together?" Lexie repeated. "You're fucking crazy!"

"Have you lost your mind? I'm being serious, how is that going to help?"

"We'll be lucky not to kill each other by New Year!" Lexie added, to much laughter from most of the locker room.

"Well, you'd better post a few selfies to Twitter then, to make sure you are both alive still. That's my decision, like it or not. Court is over, ladies and gents." He said, and walked out with a smile.

"I'll kill him," Undertaker said with a growl, watching everyone file out.

"Not if I don't kill him first." Lexie added in a growl of her own, making him laugh.

"Think we're going to survive this?"

"If not, they'll have to pick us out the rubble of your house." She said, running a hand through her hair.

"No destroying the house, I only just re-decorated the bathroom."

"Lemme guess, purple and black?" Lexie replied, sarcastically.

"No, black and purple." He said, unable to help himself, and getting a laugh from her at his response.

"You're a dick, y'know." She said, beginning to walk out of the locker room.

"I know. I'm pretty good at that from all accounts!" he called after her, getting a middle finger in response. Chris, you better run, cause when I get hold of you, I'm gonna ring your scrawny little neck. He thought to himself as the last few people left the room. Having her over for Christmas? This had all the makings of a disaster.

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