What Lies Behind the Mask

By GamziiMakara

783 36 26

At age six, Rose witnessed the scene of her parents's gruesome murder. Ever since that day, something's chan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

23 1 3
By GamziiMakara

Siren was thrown onto her bed with enough force to make her bounce back and hit her head on the wall behind her. She sat up, her hand instantly cradling the back of her skull, and waited for her vision to clear, keeping her eyes dead-set on the floor. When she dared to look up, she met the blank stare of Masky, his arms crossed, and his form rigid against the door.

"You must've thought yourself wise, Miss," he said coldly. "But despite as far as your escape got you, it was inevitable that you'd get caught, eventually."

Starring back at him angrily, Siren retorted, "Well it sure as hell took you long enough to come get me. For a while, I thought you were just going to let me waltz out."

He sighed in frustration. "I assumed that you were still resting. How was I supposed to know that you were up and blundering around the mansion?"

She smirked at him, ignoring the stinging pain in the back of her head. "You know what they say about assuming things."

His facial features twitched at her words. "Are you implying that I'm an-,"

"Ass?" She smiled dryly, "Yes, that's exactly what I'm implying."

He stalked across the room toward her, growling very lowly in the back of his throat. "Miss, since you're going to be a resident here now, I'm going to strongly advise that you learn to hold your tongue."

She looked up at the strange masked man, defiantly. "Siren,"

"Pardon me?" Masky asked, puzzled at her sudden statement.

"My name's Siren," she stated, rolling her eyes, "Siren Ophelia Stargazer. And if I'm going to be held prisoner here, then you can at least address me by my name."

"Fine...Siren," he said slowly with an uncomfortable shift of his body. "If you wish."

At his words, Siren let out a mocking laugh. "Oh? My wishes are suddenly important now?"

"For the love," Masky muttered under his breath, making Siren smirk again. "You're making it very difficult for me to follow orders."

This made Siren giggle, and Masky's cheeks turned a delicate shade of pink. "Oh, is that so?" she purred. "Well, I'd be lying if I said I was sorry." She giggled again.

Masky turned away from her and motioned for her to get up. "Come with me, " he said suddenly.

"Depends on where you're taking me," Siren said warily, sudden serious again.

"I think that since you would rather run around downstairs than stay up here, I should take you to formally meet my master," he said quietly.

"O...kay," she said slowly, stifling another giggle.

If Masky had had color earlier, it was nothing compared the the blazing red in his heated cheeks as he led her out of the room. He hurriedly led her down the staircase and into a hallway leading opposite of the main hallway. Siren looked back anxiously, thoughts of escape running through her head once again. She sighed softly to herself, remembering her most recent capture. Later, she thought as they continued. Masky walked her through the hallway until they came to a door at the very end. The masked man rapped his knuckles on the door lightly, then stood back awaiting an answer. After a moment he seemed to get a response, though Siren heard nothing, and he opened the door and motioned her through.

She cautiously wandered into a large study, her eyes analyzing the silent room.  There was a large window in the far wall, an elegant chair facing it.  Bookshelves as tall as the ceiling rose high against two of the four walls.  Literature was crammed into the shelves, giving her the impression that they would explode out of their confinement at any minute.  As she edgd closer, she gazed in silent awe at what she found.  Before her eyes were scrolls, tablets, and books mingled together, some of them looking to date back into the era before Christ.  Siren gently grazed her fingers over the older texts, marveling in wonder. "I would highly appreciate if you didn't touch those," came a voice from behind her, "They're very fragile, and priceless treasures of mine.  It would be a great loss to my personal library if I were to lose those works."  She whirled around.

A man sat in a high backed chair that had previously been facing the window.  He stood, and Siren held back a gasp.  This man was the tallest she had ever seen, easily towering over six feet tall.  However, despite his incredible height, he wore a black suit that suited him perfectly.  It contrasted his pale, porcelain skin quite nicely.  His limbs were long and toned, but still very thin.  The only word that came to mind as Siren studied this strange character was slender.  What captured her attention the most, despite the peculiar-ness of his body, was his facial structure.  His pale face was just that.  Pale.  He had not an eyes, nose, or mouth.  His face was smooth, white.  He held out his hand, and she noticed that even his fingers possessed the trait for length.  After a moment, she realized that he meant for her to shake his hand.  Tentatively, she reached out and did so.

"Ah, it is quite the pleasure to finally make your aquaintance, Miss Stargazer.  I would've asked for you sooner, but I was made aware that you required much rest after your journey.  I assure you that everything from hereon out will be much smoother."  Masky chuckled in the background and both of them turned to look at him.

"I'm sorry, sir.  I just don't think that things will go as you have planned if she keeps pulling stunts like the one she did today."  The slender man continued to stare, so Maksy continued.  "She attempted to escape today, Master Slenderman."  Siren scowled at him.

"I wouldn't have to try to escape if you hadn't kidnapped me in the first place!" she yelled.  Slenderman straightend immediately.

"Kidnapped?  You were supposed to explain your mission to her and bring her back willingly.  My orders were very clear, Masky."  Masky's cheeks flared at Siren's accusation and his Master's remark.

"She wouldn't come back willingly, sir.  She fought us the entire time, even made us chase her through the woods! She was too scared..."

"I was NOT scared, especially of you and your wierd friend."

"Calm yourselves, little ones.  All is well now," Slenderman interjected.  "Masky, leave us in peace.  I'm sure that you have things that you would reather be doing.  With a sigh of frustration, Masky turned around and left. grumbling to himself until the door shut behind him.  Siren turned back to Slenderman, who had taken his seat.  He motioned for her to sit in a chair across from him.  "Sit, my dear.  We have much to discuss."

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