His Angel

By itsirrs

1.4M 28.2K 7.5K

"Angel." Her name left his lips in a breathless whisper. His eyes dark and filled with regret, "Come here bab... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen

Chapter nine

69.2K 1.5K 350
By itsirrs


Colton parked his car infront of Angel's driveway. He turned towards her and grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to his lap causing her to squeak in surprise.

Now, their position changed to where Angel's legs were on either side of him. Trying to contain his excitement down there, he asked her softly with his hands placed firmly on her tiny waist, "What happened Angel?"

Angel wouldn't meet his gaze. She fiddled with her fingers as she thought of the man's words and how he'd ordered her not to to tell anyone.

...But he wouldn't know if she tells Colton now...would he?

"I was just washing my hand when..." She started talking. She took a deep breath, "A man came up behind me."

Colton's grip on her waist tightened as he clenched his jaw. He's going to f*cking kill whoever the man was for making his Angel scared.

Only did he loosened his grip slightly when he saw her winced and stared rubbing her sides in an attempt to soothe the pain. "I'm sorry baby. It's just that, the thought of someone hurting you angers me. Makes me lose control."

"B-but I'm fine! He d-didnt do anything to me."

Colton narrowed his eyes, he could clearly see the lie through her words. The f*cker did something to her and when he found out what he did, he's going to make sure he regret to even breathe in the same air as hers.

"Okay. I believe you baby." Of course he lied. For the sake of his Angel. Then he pulled her closer to his chest and put his face in her neck. Inhaling her sweet scent, he sighed in content.

He would never get tired of his.

Nuzzling his head, he started to pepper soft kisses on her neck. Angel closed her eyes at the feeling of his lips on her neck. Opening his mouth, he began to nip and suck at the skin.

She let out an inaudible moan, but Colton still heard her. He smirked and nipped at her neck one more time before slowly pulling his face away from her neck.

Angel flushed as her eyes avoided looking at him. Colton with a smirk still plastered on his face, held her chin in between his calloused fingers. "Don't be shy, my Angel. Your moan is one of the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. You know what else I love to hear as much as i love hearing your moan?"

She shook her head, her cheeks as read as strawberries. "Your voice. " He whispered in a husky voice.

Angel could resemble a freaking tomato by how red her cheeks were at the moment.

As his Angel blinked up at him shyly, Colton couldn't help but to peck her lips. Once. Twice. And the third one longer than the first two combined.

Angel pushed a hand on his face and giggled breathlessly, "Stop it."

"How could I stop when you look so adorable with that red cheeks of yours?"

With that, Colton showered her face with kisses all over.


"Angie, come downstairs my friend is here!"

Angel immediately put the book she was currently reading aside and hopped off her bed.

"Coming Jared!" She yelled back. She completely forgot that one of Jared's friends are coming today.

Last night

Her brother bombarded her with questions as soon as she stepped in her home.

His face contorted into a panic one when Angel didn't answer any of them.

He instantly pulled her into his arms and squished her cheeks in between his palms.

"Did he hurt you? I knew it. I should've never let you set a foot ou-" His voice raising in octaves as ke kept on talking.

Angel cut him off  by putting a hand on his shoulder, "Jared I'm fine. See," She did a twirl before turning to face her brother again, "He was amazing and he took care of me very well." She grinned happily.

Jared's panic look started to fade away way and replaced by a look of relief. "I'm glad you're fine Angie and it makes me happy seeing you this radiant at 10 pm."

An even bigger grin broke out on her face when her brother said that but it immediately changed into a pout when she heard her brother's next words.

"But I don't think I'm gonna let you out of my sight again."

"Jared!" She whined while crossing her arms.

He chuckled, "Oh I'm just kidding you big baby." He brushed a few strands of her hair away from her face before pecking her forehead. "Now go and have your beauty sleep."

Angel nodded then turned around and headed upstairs.

"And an old friend of mine is coming tomorrow morning so come down early okay?"

"Okay Jared. Goodnight and love you." She mumbled while walking up the stairs.

"Goodnight Angie and i love you too babysis."


So she hastily brushed her wild, wavy hair and headed downstairs once she was done.

She's just in a large baby pink sweater and white knee high socks, the type of clothing she always wore whenever she didn't have any plans for the day and just stayed home and have a chill day.

She gasped in surprised and took a step back when she saw his friend.

It was the man from the bathroom!

The man smirked and slowly trailed his eyes down Angel's body, his gaze lingering on her bare thighs before coming back up to meet her eyes.

She squirmed uncomfortably at that.

Unfortunately, this goes unnoticed by her brother who had his arms opened to hug Angel.

She took hesitant steps forward before burying her head in his chest. She peeked out from his chest, just to see Micah licking his lips slowly. So she hid her face back.

She heard her brother chuckled, "She's still a shy one."

What did he mean by that statement?

Jared tried to pull her away but to no avail when she tightened her grip around his waist while shaking her head.

"Come on, Angie. He's not gonna bite you. It's not like you don't know him. I still need to prepare our breakfast." He tried to reassure her. She didn't want to make it seemed like it's a big deal so she slowly pulled away.

"Don't worry man. I got this, you know how they say I can be pretty charming and persuasive with my words." He said, the smirk still intact on his face. Then he turned to her and held out a hand for her to take, "Come on Angel, your brother needs to make breakfast so your little tummy won't get starve. Now let go of your brother."

Angel's natural instinct was to obey as it was a part of her personality to please everyone. She let go of her brother but she ignored his outstretched hand.

Her brother quickly went to the kitchen before she changed her mind.

Now that there's only two of them Angel couldn't help but feel intimidated as the man towered over her at 6'3 and he was standing a little too close for her liking.

Micah raked his eyes over her body now that he had her all to himself. Using the outstretched hand that she ignored, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her roughly towards him.

"You know I don't take rejection too well baby doll."



So basically I was planning to update this book(probably more than) two weeks ago (I think) and I even told some of you guys that I would do that BUT my school got in the way and I suddenly got swarmed (and still am) by my homeworks and I had no time to finish this chapter. I was pretty stressed out so I'd decided not to update.

Secondly, whenever I have time to write I always lost my motivation. I mean, don't get me wrong, I am super grateful for your votes and comments (3.09k votes?! I AM DEAD) but I just felt clueless on what I'm about to write.

And lastly, some of my friends are reading my story so I felt uncomfortable writing this story to the fulfilment of my heart knowing the fact that they are reading this
because most of them didn't exactly know what type of stories I like to write.


Moving on, I would like to say THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART FOR READING, VOTING AND COMMENTING because if it weren't for you guys I would have deleted this book a long time ago already.

And once, I  even saw this book reaching #76 in romance!! (AAHH)

I am just so incredibly happy and grateful for all of you so thank you.

One last thing, this chapter was supposed to be longer but I don't want to keep you guys waiting (lmao I already did) bt I hope you still enjoyed it!

Thanks for reading! xx

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