iMakeover (an iCarly Story)

By 101oBsEsSioNs

142K 4.1K 1.6K

The girls want Freddie to participate in a segment for iCarly that will basically be like a rip off on the sh... More

1. Only The Beginning
2. Messy Compromises
3. Giggles and Deal Making
4. Blue over Brown
5. Like a Big Teddy Bear
6. The Perfect Couple? Yeah right.
7. Shopping Day: Freddie
8. Movie Night and Another Bet
9. Angel Disguises for Blonde Headed Demons
10. Wedding Onion Rings
11. Dressing for the Title
12. My Meat Loving Princess
13. Blondie and Brunetto
14. Secrets and Gold Lockets
15. "CARLY!!!!!!"
16. "Don't Stick It Out Then!"
17. And Now the Real Fun Begins
19. Ignore the Purple Elephant in the Room
Hey guys-A/N
20. There Was a Reason For That...
21. Stealing Kisses from the Unconscious
22. "Drumroll please... "
23. Shut Up and Kiss Me
Hey lovelies!
New Story is Posted!!
SEQUEL!!!! iMakeover: The Aftermath
I'm back

18. Hidden Cameras and Remorseful Denial

4.2K 141 53
By 101oBsEsSioNs

UNEDITED. I haven't even reread this so sorry if it sucks. Tell me if there are problems with it in a PM or a comment.

Please VOTE & COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!

A big thank you to @Numinosity for the new cover and to @CauseWereRoyal for helping me decide which of the moments to have the hidden cam catch.

I'll reread this tonight and fix whatever mistakes I made.

Freddie's POV

Carly takes the camera from me and lightly pushes my back so that I'm now standing over by Sam. We exchange confused looks.
"What's going on?" Sam whispers.
"I don't know," I whisper back.
"This better not be an infomercial on how amazing Carly Krandall sounds."
I snort at that and Sam smirks.
"Well, I can't say I'd be sur-"

Carly's voice suddenly rings out out of the blue, cutting off my reply, and an image appears on the screen. We freeze, our conversation lost to us.

"Hi guys, this is going to be the extra part 2 to the iMakeover segment called the hidden cam."

Carly stands outside my door in the hallway. After she finishes speaking,it looks like we are tucked into some kind of bag, the lens still facing out, able to see clearly.

Sam shoots a look at me and I shrug. I don't know what's going on anymore. I thought we were just doing the regular behind the scenes stuff, the ship poll, and that's it.

The words, iMakeover: Hidden Camera appear on the monitor with pictures of Sam and I behind them. I look at the photos closer and realize they're all from this past week and all of them are things I would not want our viewers knowing about. We don't need anymore fans losing their minds over some stupid shipping thing that's not even true. I also don't need Sam turning me into a pretzel for unintentionally embarrassing her in front of the whole world. She would find some way to make this all my fault. I just know it.
"Carly, what the hell-" Sam starts to say but the girly brunette shushes her and grins, evil and proud. I begin to feel nervous.


I was right to feel that way.
Sam and I cringe when the image of us in bed together pops up on the monitor.

"What-how-why- What is going ON HERE?!!"
"It isn't what it looks like!"
I hear myself say defensively. I can't imagine what the viewers are going to think. The screen cuts off and then I'm standing next to my bed in only my boxers. I feel my face become engulfed in flames, I'm blushing so bad. This is not something that I want displayed to the world!

"What? I'm covered."

Now seeing myself, I realize that's not as true as I'd thought.

"When did you get abs?!" Carly's saying now. We can't see her face because of how the camera is looking out from her bag but her tone is all that is needed to understand her disbelief and appreciation.
"I know, right?" Sam's voice floats out from the bathroom and I grin a little just like the first time she said those words.

The camera then focuses on my chest for another second before cutting to another scene.

"This is what happens when a nerd said no to Sam Puckett." Carly says.
A video of Gibby getting mauled by Sam plays. I remember that day. Gibby had refused to give her money for lunch and it was Meatball Monday. 'Nuff said. I smile a little. Gibby should've known that was coming. I remember feeling oddly angry at that moment. I didn't understand it then. Now I know I was jealous that she was focused on him and not me. I'm such a masochist. So the next day I had switched out her barbeque sauce for hot sauce and then turned off the water lines. God, she almost killed me. And I loved every second of it.

Carly's voice comes on again and I realize I've been gazing at Sam weirdly for like half a minute. Thank god she hasn't noticed. She's still frozen in shock. I'd thought she would've clawed the monitor off the wall by now, but her eyes are glued to the screen.

"And this is what happens when our cute tech nerd not only did that, but also slammed a pillow full force into her face and made her stumble backwards, almost falling on her butt."

Video of Sam and me on the floor wrestling that first morning appears and it doesn't look as hateful as I would've imagined. Instead, it's cute, playful; like a game. She's sitting with a leg on either side of me while she hits me repeatedly with my own pillow. I'm laughing like a maniac, something I've only ever done around Sam, with my hands grabbing at her, almost as if trying to keep her there with me.
It's strange to see us from this point of view. If it were anyone else on the screen, I'd assume they were crushing on each other but course that's not the case. Sam said herself she'd never date a geek like me so it doesn't matter how much I might like her. It doesn't matter-

"Oh, can't you just try it?"

Oh Christ, what now?

I look to see Carly's puppy face staring pleadingly back at me from the screen. Her purse's been set down a few feet away from the scene now but it looks like the image of us was enlarged and zoomed in to catch our facial expressions. The lighting is different too I remember. That store had very unflattering florescent lights that made a person look burnt out, like they smoked three packs a day. Now, they're bright and skin tone-flattering and we all look like we just got done shooting skin cream commercials. I frown, suspicious. Carly wouldn't know how to do that. Frankly, Carly almost failed computer class she was so bad at it. I had to help her study every night. Even Sam picked up on what I was teaching her after a while. It's like the girl is anti-technology, so she obviously couldn't have put this little show together on her own. Before I can think about it more, another moment from the last few days pops up. We're in the store again.

No, I'm not wearing that." I hear myself say.

"Aw come on, please?"
The me on screen glances over at Sam and my face turns from pathetic mush to pathetic determination.

"It's not going to work."

The Carly on tv bats her lashes at me and the tv me looks at Sam again. She looks a little sad and knowing, like she expects me to give in.
I smile now, happy that I didn't.

"Please, for me?" My hesitance is obvious but I still tell her firmly, "No."

*Insert gasps of shock*

I sneak a look over at Sam and notice she's staring at me too, but she looks away as soon as our eyes meet. A small smile tugs at the corners of her lips though and I know she's almost as pleased with me as much as I'm pleased with myself.

"Are you cold?" tv me asks Sam as she shivers.
I kind of want to smack myself upside the head. Of course she's cold, why else would she be shivering like she's in the arctic?
"A little."
I hand over my jacket and give it to Sam.
"Oh, um, thanks."
"No prob."
She looks like a little blond doll in my leather jacket.

I notice Sam staring at the floor awkwardly after this scene, seeming extremely fascinated by her shoelaces.

Sam's POV

I stare at the floor, embarrassed.
I can't believe Carly did this. If the blood hadn't completely drained from my face upon that first image, I'd be blushing right now. It's like every single moment makes me look even more girly and weak and this has got to be totally destroying my rep. I don't care about that all that much right now though. Right now, I'm just terrified that Freddie will suddenly realize the girl who bullied him for years and did everything she could to hurt him now is completely in love with him. It should be obvious from what's already been shown and I know there's worse things to come. He can't know though. He just can't! I'd never be able to look him in the eye again if I got turned down by Freddie Benson. I can't take this anymore. My body finally unfreezes and rough-and-tumble Sam is back.
"Turn that damn thing off!" I yell at Carly. She smirks and shakes her head and I turn around, pouncing on Freddie's equipment and yanking out my emergency hammer. If I destroy the machine, it can't play the vieo. the hammer swings through the air and is about to sink it into the shiny metal when-

"Sam, no! That stuff is waaay too expensive for you to destroy over a stupid video!" Freddie. Arms. Me. On. What. Is. Happening. Ahhhh.

I blink for a few seconds. I think my brain just shut down for a minute. Freddie had wrapped his arms around me and pulled me away from his precious equipment. I feel him start to let go and instinctively dive for the nerd cart yet again but the stupid geek just retightens his hold. I'm kicking and throwing punches left and right but he takes it like a man. Well, a cringing, whimpering man but still. I must look insane but I can't let the people see those moments. They were private! Carly has no right to show them to the whole freaking world! I've been trying to forget them and forget how I've been feeling and this is not helping me. What if it shows something too personal? I'd die of embarrassment.

"Sam! Chill out!" Freddie whispers in my ear," and tired from fighting him, I slump in his arms, giving up.
He sighs in relief.
"Gosh Sam, relax, you're acting like a crazy person," Carly says, giggling. She's paused the clip by now and has had the camera on me for the last minute or two, filming my meltdown.
"Carly, why would you do something like this? You should've known how this would turn out," Freddie asks, anger slightly shaking his voice.
"Oh, you know why," she says, grinning evilly.
"I-I do?" He obviously does. I frown. What aren't they telling me?
"Yes, you do, and if you don't hold Sam back from messing with this video, I'm telling her."
Freddie swallows nervously and sighs.
"Fine." He says. I attempt to wriggle out of his grasp but his arms stay unmoving and I know he's not letting go anytime soon.
So I stare at the screen angrily and prepare for the worst.

"Sit in Freddie's lap." Carly suggests.


"Why not? You were fine with it this morning."

"This morning I was high on bacon."

I watch as I yell at Carly and Freddie and refuse to get in the car, declaring I'd rather walk. I smile as Freddie runs after me and makes me get in by tickling me practically to death. I was so tired that he ended up not only getting off scot-free for that unforgivable incident, but he also had to carry me in to Bushwell Plaza. I felt so exhausted and helpless.

I watch the screen and bite my lip as the entire audience sees me trying on those stupid dresses and how my mouth kind of dropped that first time I saw Freddie in his new clothes. Hot is the only word that described him in that moment.
I glare angrily at Carly when yesterday's lunch with my locket plays on the monitor, and feel my face turn red when the time when that stupid girl at the food court was flirting with Freddie and I got jealous. I didn't realize how all over him I was. It's bad.
I can literally feel Freddie smirking next to me but I refuse to look over and confirm it.
Carly really got everything embarrassing that happened in the last four days summed up into one hellish video. She got when that sales woman made me try on that stupid dress(the one I'm wearing now) and when Freddie gave it to me as a surprise after I said not to. She also got the necklace and other minor moments that seem to all fit in perfectly together.
I really just want to run away in shame when I see the moment from yesterday that I have no clue how Carly got video of.

"Don't you "yeah, yeah" me," tv me says.
Our faces are inches from each other and I stick out my tongue.

We all know what happened after that.

"Ah!" I trip and fall backwards trying to back away from him.

"What the hell?!"

Oh. My. God. I think I am literally dying of embarrassment. I duck my head, hiding my warm face.

And then, finally, The Onion Ring moment.

"Can I have your attention please? It'll only take a moment."
Sam is staring at me like I'm nuts.
"When I was nine, I met this girl. She made my life hell and I thought nothing could be worse than having to see her everyday. But now it's eight years later and the worst thing I can think of is having to spend one day of my life without her. Sam, will you promise to marry me in thirteen months, the day after graduation?" Freddie asks me.

"Why are you asking now? This is a funny place to ask a girl to marry you."

"I know but I had to get your ring somewhere, didn't I?" Freddie grins and picks up an onion ring. People start to whisper and give us strange looks but I laugh out loud.

"You remember that?" I ask, giggling.

He explains the wedding onion ring to the people in the cafeteria, listening.

"One day, when we were thirteen, our friend Carly was talking about how her perfect wedding would look and the proposal and the ring and Sam finally got so fed up with it that when Carly asked her what she thought on the topic, Sam swore that the only way she would accept was if the guy proposed to her with an onion ring. I don't know why I bothered to remember that. Back then, I thought Carly was going to be the girl I was marrying. Times change, huh?"

Laughter fills the room.

"I wouldn't have remembered to ask today if it hadn't been for that girl right over there who mentioned onion rings and jogged my memory, so thank you Jenna!" Freddie calls to her.

She looks mortified and extremely embarrassed. I'm laughing so hard I'm almost crying.

"So what do you say?"

"Well, I can't exactly say no to that, can I? I kind of already promised I would accept any proposal made with onion rings." The me on the screen rolls her eyes.

"She said yes!"

And now I'm dead.

The video ends and we're all silent.

"Freddie and Sam are getting married?"

"GIBBY!!!" We all yell.


"Shut up!"

"Gibby," he says, hurt, and runs out of the room.

After another moment, Carly smiles. And now it's time for the shipping poll. You may all put in your last votes now."

"That is so not fair!" I yell. She totally planned this. Everyone is going to choose Seddie after seeing that clip!

She smirks. "Oh well."

I can't go through with this live on the web. It'll hurt too much. I have to get out of here.

"Ugh." I say. My shoulders slump and I relax my body into Freddie's chest. He was gripping my arms through the entire video and I think my hands are numb now from my circulation being cut off.

Thinking that I'm giving up, he loosens his hold. Bad idea.

I bolt, knocking Carly out of the way and sliding down the banister to the first floor of the apartment. I'm about to open the door when I'm tackled from behind.

"Ahh!" I yelp as my nose collides with the floor. "Ow.."
I turn over and sit up, easily rolling Carly off of me.
"What do you want?" I snarl.
She bites her lip and leans back against the door while I stand facing her.
"We have to finish the segment." She says quietly.
"I didn't want to do this in the first place! You made me look like a weak, helpless little girl with a huge crush on a total nerd! You know I'd never like a geek like him, so why do you keep trying to set us up?" I yell at her.
Her face is priceless.
Sam.." She says looking behind me.
I turn around and immediately feel a wave of remorse for my angry words.
"Freddie, I didn't mean-" I try but he shakes his head and cuts me off.
"Save it," he whispers, his face hurt.
He walks over to the door and gently pushes Carly out of the way.
"Freddie, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"
He turns around and cuts me off.
"You know what it was that I didn't want Carly to tell you?"
I shake my head.
"No, of course you wouldn't. You're completely oblivious to other's feelings." He looks me dead in the eye and I feel smaller than I have in a long time.
"I told Carly about a girl I like and she held it against me." He gives Carls a hard look and she stares at the floor ashamed.
"Oh?" I ask weakly.
"Yeah. She's a temperamental bįtch that hates me with all her being but I fell for her anyway. Guess I'm just a sucker for unrequited love." He gives me a pointed look.
I can hardly believe my ears and he gives me no time to react before he suddenly leans forward and presses his lips to mine. It's nothing like our first kiss. It's like he poured everything he had into that one act of affection.
It couldn't have lasted longer than five seconds but my knees are completely lacking in any strength at the moment. I'm not sure how I'm even standing. There's no time to react before he pulls away. I gasp slightly, breathless and in shock.
"Just in case you never speak to me again," he says, staring into my eyes.

Then he walks out the door, leaving me there, stunned. Did that really just happen?

A/n: I've been having a really crappy couple of weeks, sorry this is so late and I apologize if they seem bipolar or you hate it. Hope this makes up for how long I took to update.
Vote. Comment. Enjoy(:

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