Piano Keys [BTS Yoongi FF]

By skzmellow

46.3K 1.7K 249

A fanfic about Yoongi's old song that he wrote and a girl that wants to recreate it from her memory. This is... More

》The Song《
》Clumsy Meetings《
》Christmas Gifts《
》Meaning of Music《
》Christmas Eve《
》Christmas Day《
》Finding Her《
》The Song《
Epilogue pt.1
Epilogue pt.2


1.8K 73 15
By skzmellow

/Yerin's POV/

After having food at a restaurant nearby it got to the time of 4 p.m. I checked my phone for any messages or missed calls but nothing from my brother, or anyone else for that matter. I sighed at the thought of having to live with him, but you have to do what you have to do. We were currently walking towards the cars while the boys were talking about what we should do next.

"Why not go to the arcade?" I heard Hoseok say snapping me out of my thoughts, the idea of going to an arcade already getting me excited,

"That's a good idea!" Jimin replies smiling widely as he praises his friend's idea,

"Are you coming with us? Or do you want to get dropped off?" Namjoon asks from behind me, I turn around in an attempt to walk backwards while answering him,

"I have nothing to do so I'll tag along," I say with a shrug as he smiles and turns me back around so that I don't fall over.

We got into our respective cars before Yoongi rolled down his window while Hoseok did the same to Jungkook's window, who was currently in the middle of the two as Hoseok was driving and he was in the front passenger seat.

"Race?" Hoseok smirks at his own words and before we know it both of the cars are speeding down the road,

"So, Yerin. How old are you anyway?" Jin asked me from the back, not minding the high speed that we were going at,

"Twenty-three," I simply replied,

"93- liner?" he continued,

"Yup, 10 March 1993," I said smiling,

"Really? We found another 93-liner Yoongi, her birthday is also the day after yours," Jin stated as he correlated the two birthdays,

"Really?" I asked looking over at Yoongi who was concentrating on the road in front of him,

"Mhm," he hummed in reply while nodding slightly.

Soon enough we arrived, winning this race as we pulled up into a parking space couple of seconds before the others did. Jin and Namjoon did a victory dance when they got out of the car in front of the younger ones as I laughed and Yoongi just gave them an 'are-you-serious' look. Going inside I started looking around the main room, it had dimmed lights with neon signs pointing to different places. Walking further in there was a large circular desk which had the word 'reception' hanging above it. On either side of the sign, there were directions to different areas within the building. Behind the main desk was a cafe where you could buy drinks and mainly junk food. 

Out of bowling, laser tag, escape the room and just playing random arcade games we decided for bowling since Jungkook and Taehyung were so excited to play. After renting out bowling shoes we walked over to our lane which was at the one closest to the wall. Deciding the teams was a bit of a problem, no one really knew what to do.

"Oh I know," I started before after finishing tying the shoelaces, "Why not choose out of a hat?" I proposed the idea while taking out a scrap piece of paper out of my jacket's pocket, before snatching Yoongi's hat off his head which caused his hair to become a mess,

"Everyone write your name down," I said ripping the paper into eight as I found a pen on the small table that was next to the bench. After everyone had completed this simple task, we chose Jin and Jungkook to be the leaders. Picking out of the hat went quickly and the teams were set:

Jungkook-Namjoon-Taehyung-Hoseok= JuNaTaeHo

Jin-Jimin-Yoongi-Me = YeJiYoJi

"Okay," I said while finishing off typing peoples names in and into their respective groups on the board, "all set, Jungkook is up first and then it will alternate between the groups in order that each person was picked," I stated before sitting down beside Yoongi. Jungkook went up after picking up a large bowling ball, he stops before the lane bringing it up to his chin and letting out a breath. He swung the ball back then forward before finally letting it go, the ball was slightly off centre as it came close to the pins but then,

"STRIKE!" Everyone on his team shouted while he walked back smiling, Hoseok stuck out his tongue at Jin who was up next,

"Fighting!" Jimin said to Jin as he smiled before going up, he didn't manage a strike but 7 out of 10 pins fell down leaving him with another go. He took more time focusing on the two pins next to each other, fortunately, he managed to knock those two down.

Everyone went up one by one until it came to my turn, I got slightly anxious at all the eyes looking at me since I haven't played bowling in a long time. In addition to this, the last time I played I wasn't even that good. I picked up one of the small and lighter bowling balls before walking up to the lane. As I stood there for a long time I began to feel the several eyes burning holes in my back,

"Can you guys stop, can't you see that she's tensed up right now?" Jungkook spoke up with a laugh as I heard him walk up to where I was stood, "When was the last time you played?"

"Like, seven years ago," I said with a slightly nervous chuckle as he just nodded understanding the situation I was in right now,

"Oh, that's why," he said laughing, "Do you want me to re-teach you?" I nodded in agreement while blushing as he laughed.

He talked me through how to properly hold the ball and which way would be the most comfortable, he then showed me when to let go of it and what the best stance would be. I thanked him as he smiled and walked back over to the seats. Doing as he taught me I let go of the ball and looked at its path,

"STRIKE!" the boys behind me shouted as all the pins fell, I smiled as I turned around and hugged Jungkook,

"Thank you," I hummed before letting him go as he had a grin on his face. Walking back to my group I had a large smile on my face as it was my very first strike, they all gave me high fives while saying congratulations. After the next round, I could see the guys getting slightly tired,

"Do you want any drinks? I'll go get us some, food as well if you guys want." I said standing up while grabbing my purse from my jacket's pocket,

"It's okay, you don't have to,"  Jin said as they all looked at me,

"I'm getting myself some food anyway so it's not a big deal," I reassured them, "Coke?" I questioned as they all nodded, "Chips?" some nodded again as I just chuckled before beginning to walk away from the bowling alley,

"I'll come to help," Yoongi said jogging up to my side, I looked up at him and smiled. While I was ordering the food and drinks, Yoongi was stood near the collection point as he waited for me while playing something on his phone. After finishing the order I walked over to him,

"You know you don't have to right?" he asked while looking at me as he put his phone away, I shrugged slightly not minding treating the guys,

"I know, but I want to," I smiled and looked up at him,

"You're spending too much money on us," he retorted frowning a bit as I just shook my head,

"Well it's my decision what I do with my money, but it's okay don't worry," I said poking his cheeks in an attempt to make him stop frowning,

"Yah," he whined while taking a hold of my hands so that I wouldn't be able to poke him again, we stood in that position for a couple of seconds as we looked at each other. We were so close to each other that I was almost able to see each line on his dark chocolate, brown iris'.

"Here's your order," one of the cafe staff reported which caused me to jump away from Yoongi as I took my hands out of his grasp. I could feel my cheeks turn red as I turned around to get the food,

"Thank you," I murmured towards the person behind the counter, but before I was able to take the food tray, Yoongi had already picked it up and began to walk back to the group. I picked up the two remaining drinks that weren't placed on the tray, before trying to catch up to him as I wanted to forget what had happened, but that only caused my blush to intensify.

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