SULTAN {Preview}

By AmirahJulde

494K 51.6K 9.2K

#1 in Sultan, more times than I can count. "Promise me, promise me oh brother, that you will take care of Su... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Author's Note
Chapter Three
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
I'm back!!!
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Author's Note
Meant Not To Be #ProjectNigeriaUC2017
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-four
Happy Birthday SULTAN
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
A Review
Chapter Thirty-two
Dear Momma!
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five

Chapter Twenty-three

8.2K 1K 239
By AmirahJulde


I walk to the window and place my head on the louvres, deep in thought. The recent happenings in my life was just so overwhelming.

I had always wanted to be a son to be proud of, a brother whose younger siblings will look up to.

But what happens when that son fails to keep up to his promise, and hurt the sister he was supposed to protect?

My mind flickered back to 17years ago, when Batuul was born.

"Umma! "
A four year old me half walked half ran into Umma's room. I was wearing a white kaftan and cap to match, with my allo *slate* in hand. My Mallam had just written alifi be jimi deli *Arabic alphabets alif ba ta, translated into Fulani* for me that day, I was coming back home from karatun allo *Quran lessons* when Abba told me to run to Umma, for she had a surprise for me.

She was rocking a baby in her cot, if I could remember just three hours ago, her stomach was still big. Abba said she wanted a baby, and for one to get a baby, you had to eat too much, Umma ate too much, that was why her stomach grew so large.

"Na'am Sultan, come and sit here close to me my boy"

I looked at her sceptically, before sitting

"Where did you get a baby from?" I asked

"I promised to get a baby for us didn't I, well here she is" she replied, beaming with smiles

I peeped at the baby, she was sleeping peacefully

"She is beautiful Umma, is she my sister?"

"Yes she is, she will call you Yaya Sultan"

I giggled at the thought of having a baby sister "I love her already Umma, please take care of her for me, so she can grow up and play with me" I said

"I promise, but you have to promise me too"

"Say it Umma, I will do anything for my baby sister" I shyly replied

"Good, I want you to promise me that you will be there for your kid sister, you will protect her and let no one make her cry"

"I promise Umma, but please will you buy a baby brother for me also?" I innocently asked. Umma threw her head back and laughed.

"Babies aren't bought Sultan, they are given to us as gifts from Allah. I will pray Allah gives us a baby boy next time"

"Promise?" I stretched out my pinky finger at her and she held hers out too

"Promise. Now say hello to your sister"

"Hello baby sister" I put one of my fingers in her palm and she held it firmly, not letting go. I just smiled and continued looking at her adoringly.

Umma kept to her promise, and by Allah Will, a year later, Khalil was born.

But it seemed I didn't keep my own part of the promise....

I had failed Umma!

Yesterday after Batuul walked out on me, I stood there pondering over her words when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw that it was Abba.

"Don't worry Sultan, she will come around just give her time, okay?" he gave me a reassuring smile. I nodded and bent down my head

"About the girl, go ahead and talk to her because the wedding still holds in thirteen days time"

He didn't wait for my response this time as he walked back into his chamber.

Thirteen days was all I had to make things right, to convince Khairi to marry me, to settle things over with Batuul. To be crowned Emir!

Things were getting just so complicated.

I strode to my chamber where I have been since yesterday, apart from going to the masjid that is. I performed istihara again, recited the Holy Quran, prayed and pondered over the future ahead.

Isn't that all you ever wanted? To be with Khairi?

I tiny voice in my head asked. Of course that's what I wanted, but not by hurting many feelings in the process.

I looked ahead through my window, the sun was already setting. Day 12 was coming to an end. Locking up myself in the room isn't going to solve any of my problems for me, taking actions will. I have to start making moves and fast. I hastily wore my shoes and walked towards the door.


"Susu!" Qudsiyya squealed upon seeing me

"Ohhh stop calling me Susu please, for crying out loud I'm a grown up man but you still call me that childhood name. Imagine, Susu, it's too girly."

"Not until you get married, only then will I stop calling you Susu" she stuck out her tongue at me and a glint of sadness washed through me at the mention of marriage.

"Why are you always bothering him, stop calling him Susu will you? "

"Oh my God Sultan, why do you suddenly look so sullen, did I say anything wrong?" Qudsiyya asked on seeing the expression on my face.

I shook my head "Not at all"

"Then what is it, I was about to ask also" Mama chipped in. I heaved and began narrating the sudden turn of events in my life in the past few days.

By the time I was done, they both had a mixture of feelings, not knowing if to congratulate me or not.

"Don't get yourself all worked up Sultan, all is well. And as his highness said, Batuul will come around, she has a kind heart, she will understand with time. Everything will fall into place at the end, In Sha Allah."

I nodded and gave her a small smile which she reciprocated "Now about the girl, have you spoken to her?"

"Not yet Mama ma, I don't even know where to start from"

"Start from anywhere" Qudsiyya said, beaming and clapping

"Don't you think you're getting a bit too hyperactive?" Mama scolded and turning to me she said "Go fetch the girl for me, I will talk to her myself"

"I will come with you, give me a minute" Qudsiyya once again said and ran into her room to get a veil which she wrapped around her head and walked behind me as I led the way.


We arrived at the servant's quarters and a maid came running along

"Greetings Yerima"

"Greetings, what is your name?"

"Larai is my name Your Highness"

"Very good Larai, go in and call Khairi for me"

"Khairi..." she trailed off

"Yes Khairi, anything problem with that?"

"No Your Highness, just that Khairi is no more in the Palace, she... she left" she said with a trace of worry in her voice

"What! Left to where? Why?" I asked alarmed

"Gimbiya Batuul sent her away" she dropped.

What! Batuul dared to send Khairi away from this Palace, what guts, this girl is really pushing me to the wall I swear. I was already boiling with anger "When was that, and where is she now?" I harshly demanded. Qudsiyya that was quietly standing behind me placed a hand on my arm "Sultan please calm down"

"Yesterday, she left without a trace"

That was it. I can't take this anymore, my mind is made up. I'm going after Khairi and I will return only when I find her. I strode out with Qudsiyya on her heels "Guards! Guards!" I barked and three guards came running along "Get my healthiest horse ready, I'm travelling"

They all looked at me puzzled, they have obviously never seen me this angry "Now!" I barked again and they immediately took to their heels. I made for Mama's apartment again "Sultan what's all this, where are you travelling to?" Qudsiyya asked out of breathe, she was shocked by how angry I was too "To bring back Khairi" I answered and didn't give her the chance to reply

"Assalamu Alaykum" I kneeled beside Mama and placed my hand on her feet "I need your blessings Mama, Khairi is no longer in the Palace, Batuul sent her away. I'm going now in search of her, I will come back to this Palace with her" It took Mama a while before she answered me "You have my blessings Sultan, I wish you all the best. Go safely, and return back to us safely" she said, fighting back the tears that threatened to fall. I gave her a grateful smile and turned to go

"Umma really, you're giving him permission to go? It's dangerous Mama can't you see? Please call him back" Qudsiyya shook her arm vigorously and when Mama didn't reply, she ran outside past me obviously to look for another alternative.

"Your highness! Your highness please help" she sprawled before Abba and begged

"Get up child, what is the matter?"

"Sultan, he is leaving the Palace. Someone told him that Khairi left, he is going after her, to return only when he finds her. Please help Your Majesty. Stop him from leaving"

"Let him be, Sultan is a man now, he is the true son of his father. He is brave, and for that I'm sure he will find her and bring her back. Be rest assured" he assured her.

Qudsiyya got more confused, can't they see that Sultan is going into danger? she thought. There is no option left for her now that nobody was willing to stop me, so she ran up to me as I was about leaving the Palace to try her luck

"Wait Sultan" she clasped her hands together "Please promise me you did return Sultan, please" I got down from the horse and cupped her face with my hands "I can't promise you that, but I promise to return when I find her. Now smile for me" her response was more tears as I wiped the tears from her face with my thumb and gave her a brief hug then rode out of the Palace as fast as I could before I have a change of mind.

I am determined to make Khairi my wife, and by Allah's Will not even Batuul or anybody can stop that.


Na wa for Sultan oo, this one that he is making everybody cry and now he has left the palace too 😒😒😒 he have vex me, lemme come and be going.

Anyways, who is going with Sultan on mission #bringKhairiback? As for me I'm not going oo, I did rather stay back with Batuul to help her pick back the broken pieces of her heart 😫😫😫

Lastly, I wrote a message on my board but some readers that are not following me won't see it. It's about my previous update 'Meant Not To Be' it's a part of SULTAN but not part of SULTAN. You gane ai just an extract, a short story on its own so don't be confused.

Now I think I talk too much lemme shush up...


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