Our Year (Completed)


1.7M 47.5K 2.5K

*Being Edited, will also upload edited chapter once they're all edited* I wrote the first part of the book wh... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thriteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty (FINALE CHAPTER)
Bonus Chapter (Thank you for 400K)
Never The One
New Book!
Frozen - Vampire Romance Book
Little Update!! 1.59 M Reads!

Chapter Twenty Two

36.3K 1K 30

The woman that stood in front of my husband and I was my mother. The woman who didn't want me! The woman who left after giving birth to me! She's the reason my life is so screwed up.

Sometimes I wish what it would have been like if she never left after my birth. Would she have loved me? Would her and my father be happy and raising me? And maybe a couple other children? There's so many questions and possibilities out there.

I didn't even know what to say. I mean what do you say to the woman who abandoned you.

"Miss, you need to leave. This is a private party and without and invitation you must leave," Jason spoke up for me. And I was glad he did because I was have trouble with words.

"Serena's my daughter," She said offendly. "I have a right to be here!"

"You need to leave, Sage." I told my mother now looking at her with a strong experience and ready to kick her off the property.

"Have respect, Serena. I'm your mother." She crossed her arms over her large chest which I see now I inherited from her.

"You lost the right to be my mother the second you decided and did walk out on me. I was an innocent child who needed the love of her mother more then anything through all those years. Dad was way more of a parent then you will ever be!" I spat the last part at her. She deserved to know everything I've been bottling up for years.

"Please don't, Serena, I am still your mother. I gave birth to you and nothing can change that."

"Just because you gave birth to me doesn't mean you have to right to be my mother. You need to leave." I looked over at Jason and he was the his phone. Now why the fuck is he on his phone at this time?!

Two large men came up behind my mother. "Time to go, Lady." The blonde one grabbed her arm and so did the other one. They 'showed' her out.

"Are you okay?" The concerned voice of Jason asked.

"Y-Yeah." I stuttered. I rubbed my upper arm and looked at the ground. This is so...So fucked. So so so fucked up. Why would she come back?! After all these years why would she come back? She had no right to even ask or want to be back in my life after she left!

A strong arm slipped around my waist and pulled me into warmth. I looked up at Jason and gave a tiny smile. "Thank you."

Jason nodded and took my inside where the party finished up and I went to my bedroom. I slipped into a pair of lacy white underwear and a white v neck t-shirt. 

A brush ran through my brown loacks as I looked back at myself through the vanity mirror. I let out a sigh, why today?

The cold cloth took away my bit of make up I had on for the party. My real face came back. No more fakeness.

I didn't really see myself in her, I didn't care to be honest. I felt like I ruined Jason's day, just like I ruin everything for him and for everyone. Could I leave? Run away? Would he look for me? Of course not, Serena! He has way better things to do then waste his time on a pathetic girl like you!

A small, sad, smile appeared in my face as I realized no one would miss me if I was gone, no one. If I vanished, no one would notice not care nor think of me. I'm just a waste of space, that's what mother thought of me anyway.

She should have gotten an abortion! It would be better on everyone if I was never born! My parents might have actually worked out their problems and differences to make it work, they could have made it work if it wasn't for me.

My legs got pulled up to my chest as I burried my face in them.

Is it really fair to anyone that I'm here? No.

Jason could be happy if it wasn't for me, my dad would still be alive, my parents would be happy, Lauren wouldn't have to worry about me, and my parents could have raised the child they always wanted and deserved.

It's funny to think about what could happen if you were never born. When I look at what I've done right, it's nothing. I threw a party and still managed to ruin it in some way.

The thumping on the door brought me from my thought. Raising my head, I was met with Jason's gaze.

"Are you okay?" He traveled over to my bed and sat down.

"Can I ask you something first?" I slipped my legs unneath me and looked at him.


"If it wasn't for me would you be able to find the one and settle down?" I asked.

"Serena," Jason let out a sigh. I look at him and saw his messy hair, it gave him this even sexier effect to his look. It looked like he just rolled out of bed, too bad he didn't have that sexy morning voice right now. Mmm. "I don't settle down. That's not me and it never will be. Sure, I married you but my life is the party life, the sexy billionaire Bachelor life. You know? Well you really wouldn't but yes, that's my life and I don't know what the future holds for me, you, or even us. Only time can tell and time is the best way to figure things out."

I nodded, accepting Jason's answer to my question. Could there really be an is in the future? I already fell for him, but I know-we all know Jason would never in a thousand fucking million years, fall for me. Why would he? I'm nothing like a model nor like his exes. I wasn't like Rita. And no matter how many times my husband does deny it, he's so stuck on Rita.

"You don't need to worry about the future, Serena, there's always time to change your path. Everyday is a new day and new chance at life and adventure. Be greatful we're lucky enough to have that each and everyday because no one and I mean no one knows how their life with end or when it'll end. Only time with tell. Now get some sleep and don't worry about your mother either." Jason spoke one last time and retreated to his room.

I slipped in bed and under my fluffy covers. Darkness took over.

The most annoying sound was the one to wake me the day of October 13th, 2016. It was Jason's voice that filled my early morning ears and his shacking of me that made me pissy.

"The fuck do you want, Jason?" I groaned.

"Don't curse at me, Serena. How many times do I have to speak to you about that? Now get the ass out of bed."

I rolled over and looked at him. "And why should I?"

"Well because my mother has set up for the best magazine here to come and live with us for a week and write about us. Your stuff will be moved into my bedroom and we'll be sharing a bed. Do you think you'll be able to keep your hands to yourself?" A smirk appeared on Jason's face. I think you're the one who needs to keep their hands to themself, not me.

I rolled my eyes. Of course I'd have to sleep in Jason's bed with him for a whole week. You know, this week couldn't get any better! Mommy shows up and now this!

I grumbled and sat up. "Fine."

"I have some of the staff packing your clothes and everything and bringing them to my room. Get up and I'll take you there," He got up off my bed and offered me his hand. Stairing at his hand for a minute, I accepted and followed him. He opened the dark double doors and I seen his bedroom.

It looked amazing! Walk in closet, large bed, bathroom, flat screen tv, sitting area, and an amazing view. His room had a grey vibe to it. It honestly suited him well.

And the bathroom was so beautiful. I plan to take lots of baths in there.

"You have a nice style." I admited.

"Designers really help. I'm renovating it soon. It's been like this for too long."

"Okay." I sat on the bed and moaned at the comfort I felt. "You're bed feels amazing!" I blurted.

"Yes, that's what happens when you're a billionaire. You need to best of the best. And beds are needed highly, so why not have the best?" He shrugged.

At three the magazine reporter was here, and I didn't like her at all. Her name was Callie and I didn't get the best vibe from her. She seemed..
Sketchy. Or something was off about her.

I was washing my face and had a pair of PJ shorts on and a tank top when Jason walked in. He stopped by the door way and looked me up and down from behind.

"Creep." I mumbled. The soft towel felt so good on my face.

Jason started to unbutton his pants while shirtless. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Are you going to stay for the show? Or," He smirked at me.

My eyes rolled again. I retreated to the bedroom and laid in the bed. I stretched out and let a sigh of relief and pleasure out. The soft mattress felt so amazing against my body.

I grabbed the tv remote and turned on the tv to some random chancel.

A while later Jason came out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist which hung a bit low. He was hot. His abs were shown off. He went into the closet and put on something then came to the bed. She was shirtless and only had on a pair of black sweatpants that also hung low on his hips. This man had such an amazing body.

"Are you going to keep stairing, Serena?"

"I am not stairing!" I turned red from being caught looking at him.

"Mhm. As of tonight we must pretend to be a real married couple-"

-Okay, and?" I cut him off.

"Well let me finish, jumpy." He turned more to me and slipped his arms around my waist and pulled my close to his hot, almost naked body.

My breathing increased and I looked up at him. Suddenly his lips crashed into mine, our lips moved together and became agrasive. Jason's lips traveled to my neck and sucked and kissed it making me moan. The moans increased in sound when his lips travelled to my collarbone then to my breasts. Jason pushed my pink tank top up and began to massage my right boob with his hand as he kissed them both. "Jason," I moaned. Fuck. This man really need to stop suducing me.

Jason's lips found their way back up to mine and his tounge began to beg for entry to my mouth, I denied it. My lips travelled around his body earning moans from Jason. His hands went my waist and put me on top of him.  I leaned down crashed my lips against his and bit his bottom lip. His moans were of pure pleasure.

Jason's hands went up my body and under my shirt again to cup both my breasts and play with them. "Yes," I moaned and threw my head back.

"You like that? How about this?" Jason pulled me down then my shirt then began to play with my nipple, making it hard. I moaned then moaned louder when he started sucking on it.

"Jason, please." I begged. I didn't know what I was begging for but my mind was so scattered and messy right now. Jason's teeth pulled at my nipple earning one last moan before our lips met again.

We both pulled back and breathed. That was one hot make our session. But soon we were kissing again. And that's all that happened that night.

~Hey! I've been SO busy but I finally have a chapter up! I would say it was really worth the damn wait for that hot Jerena part! Am i right?! Duh!
I hope you all enjoyed it. Thank you so much for reading and 11K reads! Holy! Thank you so much! Comment, Vote, and Share!!!

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