Lonely Hope Lucaya

By DontBeNormalxoxo

3K 151 15

Riley, Maya, Farkle, and Lucas are best friends and have been for quite sometime now. Riley and Lucas have al... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Writers block

Chapter 20

59 4 0
By DontBeNormalxoxo

Maya's POV

Knock! Knock! Knock! Tommy asked if he could knock on Lucas's door. A couple seconds later Lucas answered the door with a bright smile. "Hey babe!" he says and pecks my lips. "And who might this be?' he asks with a friendly smile. "This is Tommy." I say and Tommy waves shyly. "Hey there Tommy. I'm Lucas." Lucas says holding his hand to shake hands. He gladly shakes Lucas' hand. "Sorry, come on in." Lucas says opening the door wider. We walk into his apartment and have a seat on the couch. "Maya, can I talk to you for a second?" Lucas asks. "Sure, stay here Tommy. We'll be right back." I say and Tommy nods with a smile. We walk into the bathroom and talk.

"So are you guys like related?" Lucas asks. "No, actually weird story." i say. "Well, I was on my way to Josh's apartment an-" "What were you doing going there?" Lucas asks. "Josh called and said he needed some advice, someone to talk to. So I went over to talk. Anyway, on the way to his apartment, a gray sketchy van pulled up next to me. I just walked a little faster and kept going. Then, I heard a little boy scream behind me. I turned around and there was a man grabbing Tommy and running back to his gray van. I saw his plan in kidnapping Tommy, so I ran up to them and kicked the man where the sun don't shine." I said and Lucas smiled and gently giggled. "I grabbed Tommy, and we ran into some store and hid. I made sure he was alright, we called the police, they got the man, everything was okay. Except, I asked Tommy why he was on the streets of New York just by himself and he said that he was at home when his mom pulled out what he thinks was a gun and aimed it at his dad. His dad told him to run so he did. He was on his way to the police department to go check on his parents to see if his parents were okay, then this whole situation happened and here we are." I finish. "You're a hero, Maya." Lucas said with a smile.

"Pssh, it was nothing. I mean we sort of have the same story except his dad left. Not like my dad where he had the option but we're pretty sure his dad is gone." I say with a frown and tears start to form in my eyes. "Hey, it's okay." Lucas comforts me and pulls me into a warm hug. I cry into his chest and he keeps comforting me. "We should go to the police and go with them to investigate the apartment and what happened there to see if it's what really happened. Tommy deserves to know what happened but we shouldn't take him with us to the scene. Someone needs to watch him. If we walk into that apartment with Tommy and his fathers body is on the floor, he'll be scared for life." Lucas explains. I nod. "That's a good idea. Should we go tonight?" I ask. "Yeah, it'd probably be best because we can figure out what happened with all the evidence before it's removed or covered up." Lucas says.

"Okay, let's go, Sherlock." I say and Lucas laughs. We walk into the living room and Lucas puts on his coat. "Hey Tommy, we're gonna go to the police department and see if your parents are okay. So get your shoes and coat on and let's go!" I say enthusiastically. We walk out to the curb and get in Lucas' truck. "Oh crap we don't have a car seat for Tommy." I say. "It's just around the corner we'll be okay." Lucas says. "Okay, if you say so. Let's have Tommy tell us what apartment building and the apartment number then we can drop him off at my place and Shawn can watch him while he investigate." I suggest. "Good idea." Lucas says as he starts the truck.

"So Tommy, can you take us to the apartment building from here?" Lucas asks. "I I don't know where it is from here b but it's by this one grocery store. I think it's called T-Town." Tommy loudly stutters. It's okay though. All little kids are loud and it probably means that he's getting out of his shell and that he's getting more comfortable with us. "Do you mean C-Town?" I ask. "Yeah C-Town!" Tommy nearly shouts. The three of us giggle and we keep driving towards C-Town where luckily he knows where to go. "I think you were thinking of T-Town because Tommy starts with T you silly goose!" I tease. He smiles and nods and Lucas just gives me this one funny smirk. "So how old are you Tommy?" Lucas asks. "I'm five years old!" Tommy says happy. "Oh wow, you're such a big boy!" he says giddy. "Yep! my birthday is May 12th!" he nearly shouts. "My birthday is January 22nd!" I say in the same happy tone that Tommy did. "My birthday is November 19th!" Lucas says copying the tone.

The rest of the ride we ask Tommy about himself and get to know him more and we also sing to the radio. "It's that place up there!" Tommy shouts pointing to apartment buildings West of C-Town. Lucas parks the truck and we walk into the building. We take the elevator to the second floor and Tommy shows us to his room. Apartment 68. We even try to open the door but it's locked. "Aw darn, it's locked!" I say. I don't usually say words like darn, but I would do it for Tommy's sake of course. He just frowns and looks at me. "Back to the truck! Let's drop you off at Maya's house and you can play with Shawn!" Lucas cheers. "Okay!" Tommy agrees and we walk back to the truck. A little over 5 minutes later we're at my apartment and I introduce Shawn and Tommy to each other. I tell Shawn his story and the whole situation and he agrees to watch him. Before we go I kneel down to Tommy's height and give him a talk.

"Okay Tommy, Lucas and I will be back later. Be good for Shawn and have fun okay?" I ask. "Okay!" he says with a smile and he gives me the hug. I wasn't the one who made the gesture, he was. He hugs me and I hug him back. He just warms my heart! I kiss his cheek and stand up. "Thanks Shawn, we'll be back soon. Love you!" I say and kiss Shawn's cheek. "Love you too Kiddo! Be careful!" he says and with that we leave. We hop in the truck and drive back down to the police station. "I'm kind of nervous at what's going to be behind that apartment door." I say staring at the time. It's 8:13. "It'll be okay. We'll figure everything out after that." he says grabbing my hand. "Maya Hart, I love you." Lucas says showing me a smile. "I love you more, Huckleberry Bond." I say showing an even bigger smile, but under that smile is a secret that only I and Josh know. I kissed Josh, or he kissed me. Either way it needs to come out soon.

Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter! Remember the 5 votes thing? Well I'm going to help you out a bit. So as soon as I get 3 votes I will post early. 3 VOTES! 3 VOTES IS ALL IT TAKES! So please just vote if you want the next one early. Also I actually have another book here on Wattpad, it is pretty old and it's an original but hopefully you guys will like it. Go check it out it's called Expired. If you go read a chapter and vote for the 1st chapter or any chapter, comment done on the chapter and I will give you a shoutout. Thanks readers!

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