Nerd Threats the Bad Boy

By mtfking

443K 12.6K 8.4K

-UNDER HEAVY EDITING- (BOOK #1 of the HS Series) I see him. I see him just across the hallways. Him clutching... More

ⓟrologue: How It Starts
ⓟart 2: R.I.P. Blue Celtic Shirt
ⓟart 3: I've Got These Feelings For You
ⓟart 4: New Friends & Phone Crisis
ⓟart 5: Lucky Charms
ⓟart 6: Dancin' To Y'all Die
ⓟart 7: I'm Not Using #2
ⓟart 8: The Choice is Yours
ⓟart 9: Chasing Confessions 101
ⓟart 10: Confessions Confirmed
ⓟart 11: Sabotage
ⓟart 12: Slushee
ⓟart 13: Taki Taki
ⓟart 14: Last Night Was Magical
ⓟart 15: Start Of Something New
ⓟart 16: Don't Drink The Fountain Water
ⓟart 17: Happy Family, Happy Life
ⓟart 18: Self-Discovery, My Ass!
ⓟart 19: Mount Rushmore
ⓟart 21: Therapeutic Sessions
ⓟart 22: Goodbye Wydell High
Eⓟilogue: How It Ends
June 1, 2019

ⓟart 1: The Infamous Ethan Blake

35.4K 893 1.4K
By mtfking

Happy New Years!!!! My New Year Resolution is to be fully committed to this story!!

Ethan Blake will be playing as Stephen James cause HELLO!!!! He screams BAD BOY!

Anywhoreeeee... lets continue..~>


Previously on Nerd Threats The Bad Boy...

"Leave him alone," barely a whisper

"What did you say?" and he lets go of the kid and basically running off. "Stop being such a meany."

He laughed and said, "Alright cutey pie." He started walking but I'm not leaving him without a warning.

"If you bully someone again, I'll beat you up." He stopped waking and turned around stalking towards me. "Did you just threatened me?"


Cameron's POV:

Holy sh*t

I am so screwed

"Ummmm," I nervously said but I have to stand my guard," You need to leave him alone."

He looks shock. Like literally. His eyes and mouth is open as if a small guy like me can threaten someone who is taller than me.

All of a sudden, he said with a bold voice,"Do you know who I am?"

No, not really but I didn't want to ruin his ego, so I said," Yeah, you're the one who was in the fight earlier."

"What's my name then?" Holy sh*t! He'll know that I am lying and he'll beat me up.

Mom, I love you.

Don't look under my bed because I stashed some explicit things.

Heaven, here I come....

"Uhhh, that's not really important." I played it cool. I think?

"Okay, well then incase you don't know, I am the infamous Ethan Blake. I'm the one who pushes little nerds into the lockers, I'm the one who sleeps with every girl in this school, the one who skips class, and spends time under the bleachers, smoking weed. Do you know what you're up against." He said that with a brace voice to present himself to me.

I should be scared and I really need to go home. But one thing really bugs me.

So, I walked up to his side, and said inside his ears,"If you really push nerds inside the lockers, how come you never push me into one?"

After that, I just walked away with my chin up high and never dared to look back. God the feeling of the adrenaline is so good.

I wish there was someone there to high five me on the side for that amazing comeback. I need friends.


After walking to my house and finally getting there, I dropped my bag by the door and went to the couch to take a nap.

Turns out that I just landed on my mother sleeping.

"OH MY GOD!!!!," she screamed and pushed me to the ground. Okay that hurt.

"What do you think you're doing just landing on me!?! I thought you were a rapist!"

Ewww. Why would I? She's basically a walking prune, but I never said it out of respect.

"I'm sorry!! I didn't see you and I'm really tired and hungry and I need you to cook me Egg Drop Soup.," I complained.

"Honey, you only want Egg Drop Soup if something happened at school, ever since you lost your best frie-"

"Don't mention the devil's name in this house!!" I yelled.

"Okay, I'll make it for dinner but while we're eating, you'll explain. As of for now, go up to your room and take a nap while I run to the store to get the ingredients. Deal?"  Mom bargained.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag  and up to the room we go.


The Infamous Ethan Blake's POV:
(Right after Cameron left)

I just recognized it now.

He's right.

I never shoved him in the locker.

That's because he never deserves it like the others.

What they did to him was horrible.

Some are like Hermione Granger(yes Emma Watson is hot) , some think they're always right, and some are just irritating like Olive in Ant Farm.(Childhood b*tches).

But him, he's not like them. He doesn't always raise his hand, if he catches something wrong, he'll just keep it in his head, and he doesn't blurt out the correct answer.

He's different from everyone

He is.

He's actually pretty okay, I guess.

He wants to play dirty, then I'll play dirty with him too.... if you know what I mean.


After he takes a nap;
Cameron's POV:

Mom has finally made that Egg Drop Soup and put some into a bowl for me and her.

She puts it down and we both sat.

I started eating it fast because I don't want to explain it, but that didn't stop her.

"So, care to explain what happened at school today?"

"Do I have to?" wanting to drop the subject.

"Nuh-uh. We made a deal and I did my part and now it's your turn." Giving me that stern look.

Sighing, I said," Ran into you-know-who and it sparked up a feeling. And I'll always regret it. She has no reason to hate me. In fact, I hate myself."

I didn't want to bring up the Ethan Blake Situation, but looks like she's buying it.

She grappled my hand comfortably like a caring matter and said," Honey, don't you ever say that. Yeah, you deserve the hatefulness that you get but she does have a reason. If she was your true best friend, she would just let that pass and put you on probation. And you hate yourself? Look at you. You're smart, beautiful, caring, kind, and one of the baddest motherf*ckers there is." I chuckled with teary eyes as she continues,"And I'm lucky that you're my son and my best friend."

I smiled and hugged her. I can feel tears on my shoulder.

"You're not just my mom or my best friend too, you're the true best friend that I could ever have."

I sniffled and wiped by eyes and said," Now, let's watch John Tucker Must Die and order Chinese food because the soups probably filled with salty tears."

She laughed and said,"Yeah, lets watch those savages."

God I love my best friend.


Sherry's POV:
Unexpected Visit:

I got to teach him a lesson.

After all that catastrophe he did, he deserves it.

Right now, I'm at home, on the phone with Bea, gossiping about people.

"Hey, you know that Cady Heron?" she said smoothly.

That's Cameron. That's our new nickname for him. Yeah, he is a Cady Heron because he's a two-face, lying friend. I guess that makes me Janis Ian and Bea is Gretchen Weiners.

I know.

What a twist on that story.

Anyways, I responded," What about him?" throwing away some of my clothes so my mom and I could donate it to the homeless. I was reaching an empty box on top of my closet to put the clothes in.

"One of my friends saw him and Ethan Blake talking and get this, I think that Ethan was giving Cameron drugs.,"

Shocked, I yelled,"What!!" accidentally dropping some boxes on me, along with my memory box.

Things began to drop out until one picture was facing to me. It was me and Cameron hugging each other really tight and when you look close, you can see a two-piece heart sticking together like magnets and is says BFF.

Picking it up, I remember this day. It was his birthday and I gave that to him. His mom took the picture and we swore to be best friends forever.

Smiling at it, I put it back into the box, along with the things that dropped out, and put it back to where it belongs.

Sometimes, I do miss my best friend, but I have to do this to punish him.

With the house phone on the ground and Bea yelling my name, I picked it up and said,"Thank you for that useful information. I gotta go." After that I hanged up.

What I did to him didn't hurt, but just you wait Cameron Capri.

I'm coming for you.


Back to Cameron Capri's POV:

After that shower, I brushed and flossed my teeth.  I came out of the restroom and turned off all the lights. I went to bed to go to sleep.

I checked my phone for the time and said 11:11 pm.

Me thinking that making wishes actually work, I opened my side drawer and pulled out the picture of my 10th  birthday with Sherry. Along with it is the necklace that she got me. We made a pact to never stop being friends.

But things can be broken.

After wishing to for my best friend back, I put it away and went into a deep sleep.



I think so far, this is my favorite chapter and with Cameron and his mom's conversation made me cry. 

Remember to click like!!!

What do you think happened between Cameron and Sherry?

What do you think Sherry will do to make Cameron break?

What do you think Ethan means that he'll be playing dirty?

Should we have another Ethan POV? What about Sherry POV? Or maybe the mom's POV?

Find out!!!


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