getting Instagram

Por lucaya_trash03

78.1K 1.2K 618

Maya Lucas Riley Farkle Zay and Isorada all get Instagram and couples are formed and some couples are destroy... Más

Never Gonna Happen
Who Said That
This can't be happening
only human
your girlfriend
he's mine
he's mine pt.2
Will you go out with me
Winter Wonderland? PT 1
Winter Wonderland part2
into you
feels like loneliness
3 musketeers
Starbucks and jealously
lucaya chat
lucaya is back and better than ever
I'm yours (i need help)
Lucas and farkle
bonus 6k
riarkle talk
The Truth
they both have daddy issues
all of me (I can't think about anything)
never again (end)(sequel)
sequeal out
Q and A
hope you understand


2.5K 41 14
Por lucaya_trash03

Maya_peaches~ drew this and a couple more on the plane

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Sunshine_Riley~ Oh my God peaches this is amazing you have so many talents

Farkle_genius~ nice drawing Maya

Zaybae~ WOW so pretty

Maya_peaches~ thank you all for your kindness

Farkle_genius~ wheres Lucas

Huckleberryfriar~ this blonde beauty is so talented she can sing she can dance she is a songwriter she can draw and she is my world🌎

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Maya_peaches~ Aww I love you Huckleberry I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend your the best

Sunshine_Riley~ awww

Zaybae~ awww

Farkle_genius~ awww

Smartypants_Smackle~ awww

Zaybae~ hello who might you be

Smartypants_Smackle~ hello you guys don't know me but I came across your guys Instagram pages and I would like to be friends

Farkle_genius~ I know you

Smartypants_Smackle~ Why hello Farkle how you doing

Sunshine_Riley~ how do you two know each other?

Farkle_genius~ she goes to Einstein academy and we kinda used to date before she moved.

Maya_peaches~ FARKLE why didn't you tell us

Farkle_genius~ we wanted to keep low key

Smartypants_Smackle~ yeah the only reason we broke up was because I had to move😉😘

Smartypants_Smackle~ so what do you look like now Farkle have you matured a lot?

Huckleberryfriar~ does anybody else seeing this or is it just me^^

Farkle_genius~ I guess I would say I matured😒

Sunshine_Riley~ he has matured into a very handsome gentleman

Smartypants_Smackle~ hey was I talking to you.. No so shut up

Zaybae~ woah

Smartypants_Smackle~ so you seeing anyone

Maya_peaches~ Farkle a moment plz

Farkle_genius~ fine

DM chat

Maya Farkle

Do you like her


You know who Farkle
Don't play dumb know tell me
Do you still have feelings
For that girl Smackle


I swear to God Farkle tell me now so I know when your
About to break Riley's heart

A little but I love Riley I would never Do that to her

If you love Riley so much then tell the Smackle bitch to hop the fuck off of you or I will personally cut off your dick

It's not that easy and if I do tell her that she's gonna make Riley's life miserable

Why did you even go out with this girl she seems crazy

Well I liked her and she's obsessed with me and I didn't know that until I caught her Looking through my phone trying to find out who 'Maya' and 'Riley' were in my contacts.. She thought I was cheating on her..

Then why do you still like her

I don't know i just Do... We have so much in common but my heart is with Riley nothing and no one can change that

Well you better hope she lays off of you otherwise Riley will break up with you

What why

Cause you know her she puts people before herself and it will hurt watching HER flirting with you when Riley and you are dating you can't do that to riles and if you do hurt my riles you will regret it Farkle

Hold on Riley's calling me

What happened is she okay

No not really


She is crying because of YOU AND SMACKLE she said she is gonna break up with you so you and Smackle can be happy

No tell her I love her I'm gonna post a picture of riley and me to show I'm dating and I'm taken so she lays off

No I will post the picture you go talk to Riley and calm her down she's bawling



Maya_peaches~ these two are so cute aren't they i can't stand them #riarkle

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Zaybae~ adorable^^ #riarkle

Huckleberryfriar~ there so relationship goals #riarkle

Farkle_genius~ we are adorable aren't we riles


Huckleberryfriar~ yeah only you peaches😏


Zaybae~ best friend goals^^

Sunshine_Riley~ And we are adorable Farkle

Smartypants_Smackle~ 😒 whatever.... You said you matured.... You look the exact same from the last time I saw you

Zaybae~ ohhhh yeah Maya you used an old photo

Maya_peaches~ I know I did it on purpose so I can do this

Maya_peaches~ this is what he looks like now very mature and a mean this I the nicest non flirty way possible..... He's hot..👼

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Sunshine_Riley~ I would be mad at you but I cant because you're right

Smartypants_Smackle~ HOT DAMN

Sunshine_Riley~ back off he's mine

Smartypants_Smackle~ not for long

Zaybae~ WOAH

Maya_peaches~ what

Zaybae~ you called Farkle hot ooohh

Maya_peaches~ I said in the nicest non flirty way possible I mean he's grown up into a handsome young man. You can't be mad cause I complimented him.

Huckleberryfriar~ alright I don't care as long as at the end of the day your mine.

Maya_peaches~ forever and always yours as long as you mine

Huckleberryfriar~ I'm yours any day of the week.

Farkle_genius~ can we please stop talking about how I've grown up into a handsome young man it's kind of awkward.

Sunshine_Riley~ of course........not

Hello i just remembered i forgot to put Isadora in here so here she is I made her a little mean I personally don't like her cause she's with Farkle and I obviously like riarkle

Smarkle can go to hell with Rucas and Joshaya ✌sorry✌ not sorry



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