Harry Styles found me!

By Harry-Styles-Lover

184 1 7


Harry Styles found me!
Harry Styles Found me
Harry Styles found me!
Harry Styles found me!
Harry Styles found me!
Harry Styles found me!
Harry Styles found me
Harry Styles found me
Harry Styles found me
Harry Styles found me!

Harry Styles found me!

44 0 2
By Harry-Styles-Lover


This is my first story take It easy on me.



Hi my name is Samsara I have no family my parents died a 2 days ago. I can't remember that much. I am 13 and I love 1D and hate Justin Bieber. I have brown curly hair, it's natural.


" Mom, Dad I'm home, " I say as I come back from my wretched school. I go to PCA we did the usual: get bored to death. I heard a squeal come from the kitchen. I rush there to see my mom and dad wright next to the sink I look were they are looking I see a man spilling oil around my parents. They both tell me to escape as I do I see him pull a lighter out his jeans a drop it on the floor. Soon a blaze spread around them I cry at the sight.

I knew who was next........ Me. I ran to my room and grabbed my IPhone and some clothes and shove them in my backpack. I hear footsteps coming upstairs. I chucked my stuff out jumped down ( I live in flat on the 1st floor). As soon as I get out and run to the table." Someone came into my flat and killed my parents. Can you call the police quickly! " I ran out when the police came the man yelled: " When I GET OUT I will find you and kill you Samsara! "

WTF!!!!!!!!!!!! How the fuck did he know my name I run to the park and lie down under the tree. Soon my eyelids feel heavy and I fall asleep.


I wake up to the sound of kids running around I get up. I cry a bit then a surge of pain went through me. I look at my wrist were I used to cut myself because my parents didn't have good jobs so they couldn't pay the bills. I used to get stressed so I cut myself it helped sometimes. 1 of them were bleeding I get up and go to the ladies toilets. I bump into someone on the way. They were wearing sunglasses, even though it was cloudy, and a hoodie. I couldn't' see his face properly I run into the ladies I wash my wrist and get changed and go back under the tree.


I bumped into a girl as I came out of the males toilets she had blood trickling down her hand I looked closer and saw that she had cuts. She had bright Emerald eyes and brown curly hair like me. She had fear in her eyes and it looked like she went through alot. She ran off to the toilets.

 I head off to the boys they each have a grin on their faces.

" What! " I ask worriedly

" You love her! " they yell at me.

How do they know? I sit down and tell Louis to drive he gives me one last look and starts to drive.

I think I do love her........


what will harry do please comment/vote maybe give me ideas for what will happen next.thanks + what can I call you guys :bunnies, bezies tell me ill update when im free bye :) 

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