Love in LA • a Ross Lynch Fan...

By Crazy_Girl_SA

48.1K 1.4K 479

Tori and Ross have been through a lot together. A psychopathic stalker, suicide, rape, court trials, deaths... More

Love In LA
Chapter 1
New Book!
31 (preview)
Butterflies Against Cyberbullying
New Story
38/The Wedding!
39 (part 1)
Very Important
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50 (Final Chapter)
Third book


946 24 6
By Crazy_Girl_SA

*Sunday the 18th of December 2016*
Victoria's POV

As soon as my eyes opened a groan escaped my mouth and my head throbbed in pain. The sunlight was extremely harsh on my eyes causing me to close them again before turning around. My body hit someone else's and Ross's scent mixed with alcohol and sweat filled my nose and I quickly opened my eyes. As soon as I saw my Greek God of a fiancé laying there I cuddled into his side despite the extreme heat.

I desperately rubbed my temples in hopes of my headache going away, but it had absolutely no sympathy with me. A small groan escaped Ross's mouth and I felt his arm drape around my waist. I opened my eyes, ignoring the pain that was shooting through my eyes and into my brain, and looked at Ross as his eyes snapped open and he immediately closed them again. Suddenly he gasped and pushed me away from him before falling off of the bed. I sat up and looked at him as he groaned and laid on the floor. "What's wrong?" I asked and he looked at me before letting out a relieved sigh and slowly getting back on the bed. "I thought you were someone else," he explained and my heart fluttered before he pulled me closer. "Well at least I know you won't get into bed with another woman," I said and he chuckled. "Never," he said in his sexy morning voice before pulling me back into his chest.

"Where are we?" Ross asked after a minute of silence and I looked around the room. "In Ryan's house," I said and closed me eyes again. "How are you feeling?" Ross asked and I immediately groaned. "God my poor head," I whined and felt him chuckle lightly. "How are you feeling?" I asked him. "I'm kinda alright. Just have a headache," he said and I felt myself get jealous. "Jesus you're funny when you're drunk," Ross said before giggling and I joined in. Suddenly a wave of nausea hit me causing me to sit upright. "You okay?" I heard Ross ask and I shook my head as I walked to the door.

I quickly opened it and walked down the hall and into the bathroom before falling onto my knees. As I was throwing up my alcohol of last night I felt Ross's hands in my back and he moved my hair out of my face. After I stopped gagging I took a deep breath and my throat burned at the alcohol. I looked at Ross and we didn't say a word to each other. Suddenly he gently pushed me to the side before leaning over the toilet and throwing up his alcohol. I brought my hands into his hair and took it out of his face before gently rubbing his back as he continued barfing.

Isn't this nice?

"You have fun friends," Ross suddenly said and I giggled before he sat upright and smiled at me. "Let's go see if someone's downstairs," I said and stood up. Just then did I notice that I was in Ross's shirt from last night and he was in his boxers. Not caring how we look, we walked downstairs to see that everyone was awake, except for Rocky who was laying on the couch in his boxers. Literally all the guys were in their boxers and Sav and Rydel had their boyfriends' shirts on. "Hey," I spoke up as Ross and I sat down on one of the many couches and they looked at us. "Hey," Ryan said and I looked around the room. All the Lynches, Ratliff and Sav was here along with me, Joy, Ryan and Jeandré. "God this headache is killing me," I said and I buried my head into my hands and the rest chuckled at me. "Here," I heard and I looked up to see Ryan handing me two Adco Dolls along with some water. I quickly thanked him and drank the pills before he also handed Ross two pills and Ross thankfully drank them.

"Tori has absolutely no sympathy you guys know that?" Sav asked, well more like groaned hangoverly (if that's even a word), and I giggled as I looked at her, remembering how she barfed into the pot plants. "Did she make gagging noises while you were throwing up?" Jeandré asked with a smirk and Sav nodded. "Don't worry. She does it to all of us," Ryan said and I rubbed my temples to try and stop the headache. It feels like someone is banging my head with a sledgehammer.

Suddenly Rocky groaned before he slowly sat up and looked around the room. "Oh God," he groaned and gripped his head before Ryan also handed him two pills. "What happened last night?" Rocky groaned and everyone looked around the room. "I remember everything until we drank those shots," I said and a couple of people nodded. "All I remember is me teasing Sav while she was throwing up into the pot plants. And God Ryland you were crying hysterically," I said and he looked at me as everyone looked at him. "Yes you were crying about some bunny. He was sobbing," Rocky said as he nodded and we all chuckled. "What bunny?" Ryland asked confused and I shrugged. "I don't know, but something about you had a bunny and you went to the ice cream shop and someone ran over him," I said and he just shrugged. "You've never had a bunny in your life," Rocky noted and all of us laughed. "Then I remember that some girl was trying to get Ross into bed," I said and everyone laughed again. "And you didn't even help me! You were just sitting there and laughing! I was horrified!" Ross scowled at me and I giggled before kissing his cheek.

"I remember Tori catching a couple having sex in the bathrooms," Joy said and I looked at him horrified. "Yeah I remember that! Then she dragged them out of there and bought them drinks. They didn't even get to finish," Ross said and everyone laughed. "I just remember crying to the bartender about something," Ryland shrugged and I nodded. "That was after crying about your bunny," I said and he chuckled. "You guys know what I remember? I remember Ross beating the crap out of some guy," Rydel said and we all turned to Ross as he looked at her confused. "Why?" I asked and he shrugged. "I don't know why exactly, but it had something to do with you," Rydel said as she pointed at me and I looked at her confused. I looked down at Ross's hands and his right hand had dried blood on it and his knuckles were bruised.

"Yeah I remember that now! He beat up the bartender! The guy was flirting with you and when you walked away he made some very filthy comments about your body to a couple of guys. Then he started talking about how good you'd be in bed and Ross just snapped. I was standing next to him when it happened," Ryan said and I shrugged. "Yeah I remember that now," Ross said with a bitter expression on his face and I gently grabbed his left hand and felt him calm down. "Do any of you remember the Cheetah fans?" Sav asked and everyone looked at each other. Suddenly Jeandré started laughing and nodded. "I remember that. The guys were talking about rugby and when they said the Cheetahs were the best Tori and Ryan started scowling at him and said the Blue Bulls were the best," Jeandré explained and Ryan high fived  me causing us to laugh.

As we recalled last night's events, which wasn't always that clear, Ryan's caring maid made coffee for everyone. "We should probably get going. Your parents are probably awake already," I told the lynches and they nodded.


We ever so softly sneaked into the house after discovering that Stormie and Mark are still asleep and we all sneaked upstairs to get into more comfortable clothes. "What a night," Ross giggled as soon as he closed my door and I giggled with him. "You could say that again," I said and quickly removed my dress from last night. I grabbed myself a pair of shorts and new underwear before slipping it on and I grabbed a new three finger tank top. I saw that Ross was also changing into some shorts and a T-shirt. I went to my vanity mirror and grabbed some make-up removers before removing all of my make-up and I threw my hair into a messy bun. "Want some coffee?" Ross asked and I smiled at him through the mirror. "I would love some," I said before grabbing his hand and we walked downstairs. Nobody was downstairs just Ross and I so we walked into the kitchen and he grabbed two mugs.

After a couple of minutes our coffee was made to perfection and we silently walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. I threw my thigh over Ross's leg and he rose an eyebrow at me before resting his big hand on my thigh. "This is delicious. Thank you," I smiled at him and he returned it. "You're welcome love," he said as he leaned back before taking a gulp of his coffee. I love the smallest things about this crazy man. For example the way he drinks coffee. His eyes close when the liquid comes past his lips and his Adam's apple bobs as he swallows it. It sound like a normal thing to do, but when he does it it looks like perfection. Does that make sense?

"What?" Ross asked snapping me out of my day dream and I blushed before shaking my head and taking a sip of my coffee. "Just thinking," I shrugged and he hummed. "Last night was fun. I'm glad I got a chance to go out with you," Ross said and I nodded in agreement. "Yeah we've never gone to a club before, together," I said. "One thing I can definitely say is that you South Africans throw good parties. There just a whole other vibe to the clubs here. It was honestly the best club I've ever gone to," Ross said and I smiled at him. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," I said and he chuckled before nodding. "I wonder if there's something online about us," I wondered out loud and he shrugged. "Probably," he said before taking out his phone.

He typed something before opening his mouth. "Ross Lynch and Victoria Kors get handy while at a local club in South Africa," Ross read out and I looked at his screen and he clicked on the link of the article.

"Ross Lynch and Victoria Kors showed some major PDA while clubbing in South Africa, where they're currently vacationing. R5, Victoria Kors, Ryland Lynch and Savannah Latimer all went clubbing last night and every single one of them got drunk, since the legal age limit to drink is eighteen in South Africa. This photo clearly shows how Ross Lynch is pressing Victoria Kors against a wall and getting very public and showing their love for each other," Ross read before scrolling down and saving the picture he was talking about while I looked at the screen.

"The newly engaged couple announced their relationship on social media only three months ago and after only three months of dating Ross proposed to Victoria in the romantic Bora Bora," Ross continued reading and there was a photo of Ross kneeling in front of me with an open box in his hands and I stood with my hands over my mouth. It was actually a really nice photo. The sun was also setting in the background causing the photo to look even more beautiful. Ross also saved that photo before scrolling down again.

"Although love was visibly in the air last night Ross Lynch seemed to be a little on edge with the barman. The video clearly shows how Ross Lynch grabbed the barman and started fighting with him," he read before playing the video that was on the website.

The video started playing and it showed how Ross walked to the barman and turned him around by the collar of his shirt before hitting him a couple of times with his right fist. The barman was so shocked her didn't even get a chance to fight back before Ross started yelling loudly at him, but you couldn't hear what he was saying. He gave him one last punch before throwing him onto the counter behind him and storming away.

"Although it is unclear why Ross hit the barman fans are freaking out after this video got leaked on Facebook. What do you guys think about the video and what do you think happened? Let us know in the comments," Ross finished before chuckling and I looked at him questionably. "What's so funny?" I asked amused before taking a sip of my coffee. "Management's going to kick my ass. I'm waiting for the call," he said and I frowned. "Sorry if I got you into trouble," I said and he rose an eyebrow at me. "You didn't get me into trouble. I was defending my fiancée. They can't exactly kick my ass over something that every man should do," he said before pecking my lips and locking his phone.

"You know you promised me something last night," he said lowly as he looked at me and I rose a teasing eyebrow, immediately knowing what he was talking about. "Oh did I?" "Yeah. You did. I never got it," he stated and I smiled lightly. "You poor boy," I teased and he hummed as he nodded. "I can't seem to remember what it was," I said and he smirked at me. "Well it's something we both enjoy. Very much. And we're very good at it. It's really fun," he said and I chuckled lightly. "Hide and seek?" I asked stupidly and he looked at me with a blank stare before smirking and shaking his head. "No, babygirl. It's not something that children can participate in," he said causing me to roll my eyes. "No?" I asked and he chuckled lightly. "Not at all. It's not something any parent really wants their children to do," he said again and I smirked. "Then why are we doing it?" I teased him and he rolled his eyes. "Because we're grown up and we're getting married," he stated and I rose an eyebrow. "Is that so? I can't seem to remember you asking me," I said and he chuckled before softly kissing my cheek.

"You don't remember the amazing trip we took to Bora Bora? You don't remember the amazing flight we had getting there? You don't remember the amazing speech I gave you? You don't remember me telling you how much you mean to me? You don't remember me getting down on one knee and showing our friends and families how much I love you? You don't remember the amazing ring that you're still gushing about? You don't remember all the tweets from girls all over the world saying they wish they were you and how they wish their boyfriends would propose like that? You don't remember how practically all the females who were there for your birthday swooned over the way I proposed to you? You don't remember any of that?" he asked softly into my ear and lightly kissed it. Which each sentence he said my heart fluttered and my knees went weak. I felt like jumping up and down and squealing. I felt like a teenage girl who got One Direction concert tickets.

"Doesn't ring a bell," I said teasing him, despite my blushing cheeks and fluttering heart. Suddenly his hands gripped at me ribs and dug his fingers into the skin causing a squeal of laughter to escape my lips as he began tickling me. "You're gonna wake everyone up," I scowled at him with soft giggles escaping my mouth and he chuckled lowly before kissing my ear and he stopped tickling me. "My hand is stiff as hell," he suddenly said as he pulled away and I frowned at him in worry. "Let me go get you something," I said and quickly stood up, the pain shooting through my whole body. Now the real hangover is starting. "You okay?" Ross asked as he looked at me concerned and I nodded. "Yeah I'm fine. Just a little stiff," I shrugged and he rose an eyebrow. "Why?" he asked and I chuckled. "I don't know. I always get stiff after a night of drinking," I shrugged and he smiled cutely at me.

"I can kiss it better," he suggested and I felt my heart melt as I looked at him. His eyes were filled with pure innocence and he had a small smile ghosting on his lips. He looked so content. So happy. And to know that he's only that happy when he's with me makes me want to melt into a puddle of Victoria on the floor. I soon processed his words and rolled my eyes with a deep blush. "You're such a guy," I chuckled and he pouted adorably. Okay I'm going to melt. I swear. He's being too cute for his own good! "C'mon, Tori. You promised me something and you aren't someone who breaks promises," he said and furrowed his eyebrows causing me to smile lightly. "It shouldn't be this hard to get your fiancé into bed," he said as he frowned before looking down at the ground and I immediately felt regretful.

"No Ross it isn't that-" "Am I even any good? I mean like seriously, do I pleasure you enough?" he said as he looked up again with a vulnerable look in his eyes and my heart sunk. "Ross of course you do," I said as I straddled his waist and grabbed his face in both my hands. "I promise you that you do. That's something you'll never have to worry about okay? You never have to worry that you're not pleasing me. Have you ever been there when we actually did it? You will never have to feel insecure about that. Never," I stated firmly and he bit his lip. "But if I don't you'll tell me? Like if I don't pleasure you enough you'll tell me right?" he asked and I nodded. "Yeah. I promise I will. You'll tell me too?" I asked and he nodded. "But why don't you wanna do it?" Ross asked as he looked at me with insecurities and I sighed lightly.

"I want to do it, Ross. I really want to, but I'm just afraid. I'm afraid your family is going to hear and tease us about it or think lowly of me," I said as I looked down at our laps before he gently pulled my jaw up and forced me to look at him. "They will never think lowly of you. They never have either. You don't have to impress anyone, my love. You're my fiancée not theirs," he said sternly and I sighed. "I know, but still. I care what they think and their opinions really matter you know? I didn't want to make you feel like you couldn't please me or that I don't want to do it with you. I'm sorry," I apologised and he sighed. "Then please allow me to show you how much I love you," he said softly as he nudged our noses together and I softly placed my lips against his. He immediately responded to the kiss and passionately moved his lips against mine before lacing his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him. I slowly pulled back before getting off his lap and offering him my hand. He placed his half full coffee on the coffee table next to mine along with his phone before taking my hand and we softly walked upstairs and into my bedroom, locking the door behind us.


I panted heavily as I tried to force air into my lungs and felt Ross fall down on mattress next to me. "And you say you don't please me," I said still panting heavily and hear him chuckle as he also panted heavily. "I felt it that time," he said and I turned to look at him confused. He stayed silent before laying with his back to me and I felt my eyes widen as I looked at his back. Red. Red scratch marks were all over his back and panic rushed through my veins. "I'm so sorry," I gasped out as I looked at him with wide eyes and he chuckled before turning back to me. "Please don't apologise. I feel very, very, very flattered and satisfied," he said causing me to blush as I looked into his eyes. "Oh hush," I said and he giggled girlishly. "Well at least I got to mark you too," he said as he looked down at my collarbone and I also looked down.

Love bites were all over my collarbone. I'm never going to be able to hide this. "Do you think they'll notice?" Ross asked teasingly before he giggled girlishly and I rolled my eyes. "No not at all," I said sarcastically and he continued giggled before pulling me into his chest in a fast movement. "You look like you were in a boxing match," Ross giggled again and I giggled with him. "You're buying me new concealer 'cause I'm going to have to use practically everything to cover these up," I said and he kissed my neck softly. "I'll buy you some concealer, promise," he said with a chuckle and I smiled lightly. "But why do you want to cover it? I have to let everyone know you're mine," he said and I snorted. "Did you not see the huge ring on my finger? Also who do you want to make that clear to? Your Dad?" I asked sarcastically and he hummed. "You never know Tori. He may get tired of my Mom and start searching for a piece of young thing," he giggled and I slapped the back of his head before I giggled with him. "You're an idiot, Ross. And my friends say you're gonna have trouble with me," I said as I thought back to the conversations of last night where Ryan and the guys teased me about giving him a difficult time. Ross giggled before lightly kissing my ear.

"I know I'm gonna have trouble with you," he stated and I slapped his head again. He laughed before snuggling his head into my neck as I trailed my left fingers through his hair. Both his arms were wrapped around my waist and his head in my neck as I laid flat on my back and half of his head was also laying on my left arm.

"Are you still drunk? You're so giggly," I said and he hummed. "No I'm just so happy," he said before kissing my neck. "You have hickeys on your neck too," he said and I groaned causing him to giggle. "Beautiful," Ross suddenly said and I looked at him weirdly. "What the hickeys?" "No. You are. But I must say I'm extremely proud of my art," he said and I snorted. "Your art?" I asked and he hummed. "The hickeys I left. My hickeys are a work of art," he sung changing the lyrics of 5SOS and I giggled lightly. "Oh my love," I sighed and he lightly pecked my neck. "What am I going to do with you?" I asked rhetorically and felt him smirk against my neck. "You can do anything you want with me," he said seductively and I blushed.


"This is your fault!" I hissed at Ross after we took a shower and I glared at him through the mirror and he just stared at me unamused. "That's not what you were saying, oh I mean, that's not what you were moaning earlier," he smirked and I blushed before returning to look at the damage. I'm going to kill him. "Do me a favour," I said and he hummed. "Look in my Mom's room. On her bedside table is a bottle of Estee Lauder concealer. Would you please grab it for me?" I asked and he looked at me hesitatingly. "Are you sure?" he asked and I smiled at him. "Yeah. It's on the left side of her bed," I said and he nodded before walking out of my room.

After a couple of seconds he walked back in and handed me the bottle of concealer. "Thank you," I said and opened the cap. I quickly removed Ross's shirt and inspected the damage.

"Are you sure you're okay? Those look really bad," Ross said as he looked at me guilty and I softly kissed him. "It's looks worse than it is. Don't feel guilty about anything. I loved it," I said and he blushed lightly before I turned to the mirror. I squirted some concealer onto my fingers and softly started applying the make-up. "What would your Mom do if she saw you now? I mean she is seeing you, but if she was here," Ross said and I chuckled. "She would probably laugh at me and tease me," I said giggling and he chuckled. "So your Mom wasn't that strict?" he asked and I looked at him, my eyes widening slightly before smiling. "Nah. I'm one of the very few people that can say I had a very cool Mom. She was strict when it came to my school work, she's always been even when I was little. She was my everything. Phycologists, doctor, sister, mother, best friend, chef, maid. She was my everything. My Mom and I had a weird relationship. We talked to each other like we were best friends. I mean we would give each other the finger just because we could. And she never got mad because she always did it back," I said and he laughed. "My Mom and I were best friends, but there was a line we didn't cross. Look we had our fair share of fights, but it never got that out of hand. We had an amazing relationship. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better Mom," I said truthfully and he grinned at me. "It sounds like she was amazing," he said and I immediately nodded. "She was. You know the fist time I got drunk was in this house," I said and he laughed.

"Really?" he asked and I hummed. "Yeah. In front of her. She always said that I can try everything, but I have to do it at home. She didn't want me to go and get drunk and I'm with friends who doesn't look out for me. She was always afraid something would happen. Like I get taken advantage of or get into a car accident. She was an amazing woman. I'd do anything to have her back," I said and he smiled at me. "I'm sure she was," he said and I nodded. "I want that relationship with my children one day," I said and he nodded. "Me too. And we will have," he said and I closed the bottle again. Thank God for Estee Lauder.

"See. It looks like you don't even have a hickey," Ross grinned at me and I nodded. Make-up can do wonders for a girl. And her hickeys.

Just a random silly chapter!
Okay so I know it isn't New Years yet, but I'm giving you this as a gift for 2017!




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