
By MayankaPalashya

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so there is this little story that I'll be doing about a daily diary. so All the readers from all the countr... More

Entry 1- some troubled thoughts!
Had an uneventful day?
when things go down hill.
Stress embraced!

The year ends here.

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By MayankaPalashya

10 things 2016 thought me ?🌸
1) I lived through the year, I was as strong as a rock, I was happy and sad but, not for a moment I stopped living. It is important to live and be happy☺
2) I got myself through my final year of high school. 12th board exams can be a roller coaster but we need to put on the strap tight and firm and then enjoy the ride.
I panicked when exam was about to start but I had help and please don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.
3)I said goodbye to the place which had become home to me,  for 14 crazy years and the memories of every flicker of my life. My school.❤
but we have to make space for something new so we let go of old.
4) I went on a trip,  to kashmir.
I had always wanted  see snow and I did.
I saw the crown of India and trust me it was beautiful.
but its not important what you take but what you leave.
I left a lot of memories and found new ones!
5) I also went through a lot of emotional stuff, got my heart broken, but then I started to realise little things.
I am responsible for my happiness and no one else.
so I became my own reason to smile.
Yes it is hard and there are days when I do not want to be happy but they pass.
If you are hurting I just want to tell you that wounds heal and someday you won't feel the pain,  but until then be strong. .
6) I grew closer to my friends who have no boundaries and they interfere in everything I do(I am the same).
We are so important to each other that we are always there for one another, no matter what.
I learned that when you are upset and cannot help it you affect the people you love, they'll go to the end of this earth to make you smile so remember to make them smile!.
7) I started college and I hated it, a completely different place and people opposite. Plus its a all girls college bummer.
but I found friends who like me and not run away at my sight, now I don't hate it so much. and I am actually looking forward to new semester!.
8) I started this instagram page.
I had no idea what I was doing,  but eventually I made a lot of online friend,  they are amazing people and now we are almost 600 strong.
It's just that I love each and everyone of you.
you who are reading this.
you who came through this year.
I am proud of you.
so so proud.
the most amazing thing I learned this year was that Its important to do what you want.
And don't think about the consequences because there is a strong 50% chance that'll it will turn out beautiful.
9) My mom fought with her health issues she was brave and we came through.
That was one of the happy moments.
10)the last thing that this year taught me was.
Its more important to share your story. i know it feels good to have the power to be strong but upto what limits.
I assure you it's okay to let your guard down.
be an emotional person and then be okay, because its important to feel before you heal.
I just hope you do have someone to talk and if not I am always there!!

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