Being Human: *under major edi...

By G_Grey

3.4K 135 11

*You're welcome to read the book if you want but it is soo badly written therefore it is under MAJOR reconstr... More

Being Human
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 2

158 7 1
By G_Grey

Ashton was following his new assignment to the movie theater while thinking of the day he was re-assigned.

Ashton followed Tanakh listening intently to what he had to do. "You have to watch her for two months," she informed him, "it ends on her 18th birthday. You have the choice to either go as a new student to their school, or follow her invisibly. We cannot afford to have even one scratch on this girl."

            He stood behind her thinking of why this girl was so important, but he knew better than to ask the great Tanakh. If he needed to know, she'd have told him. 

"Harold will explain the rest. You may leave now," Tanakh ordered. Ashton silently nodded and bowed, before walking away. To New York he thought to himself.

            Ashton had been following this girl, Alison, for two days now, and he still couldn't figure out why she was so important. She seemed to him like every other girl her age, albeit a bit crazier with a shot of trouble. He had ultimately decided to follow her invisibly until it a situation arises where it was necessary to show him to her. He didn't expect anything to happen though. This was not the kind of case he was normally assigned. Ashton's regular jobs were much more... well... exciting. He always had to jump into action, right from the get go. This job however, was tedious. 

Ashton spent the first day on his toes, completely alert, expecting some sort of creep-up sneak attack, but when that didn't come, he was surprised to say the least. He then spent all morning while following the girl around school, thinking about all the possible mistakes he'd made to have been demoted, because obviously, this wasn't a case that matched up to his skills. 

This whole following her around thing was getting really old, really fast. He wondered how he was going to get through two long months of this. This girls life was boring and completely uneventful. At this point, Ashton had let down his guard. He didn't stay too close to the car, as a matter of fact, stay far enough that it was in sight but he couldn't hear any of their useless, maddening chatter. 

Suddenly, Ashton felt a flash of heat...she was in trouble. A wave of excitement passed through him. He picked up his speed and got up right beside the car. However his excitement was short lasting. He was suddenly hit by a wave of fear. Caught up in his own thoughts, he didn't notice where she had gone, but she was no longer in the car! He quickly made a U-turn, and followed his route back, watching for her. His heart was hammering. 

Forcing himself to calm down, Ashton organized his thoughts. First thing first, figure out where she would go. He heard her telling her mother she was going to stay at her friends house tonight, but her friends were in that car going to the movies. She obviously changed her mind about the movies so she was not that the two places she was supposed to be. He finally decided to look for her at her house. He found her, not at home, but on the way. She was on the ground right in front of a grave-yard. She had a nasty gash on her wrist and her red sweater was soaked. Ashton carefully picked her up in his arms, bridal style and quickly got to the hospital.

            Ashton had been waiting at the hospital for about 20 minutes, when he got a surprise visit from Harold. Tanakh was summoning him.

Harold placed his hand on Ashton's chest, over his heart. Then everything around Ashton got blurry. His stomach was in knots and he could feel air blowing threw his hair. After a few seconds, everything cleared up, and he was in Praishea.

He walked alongside Harold. Suddenly, Harold stopped and Ashton ran into him. Looking over Harold's shoulder, Ashton saw a very angry looking Tanakh. Wow! I'm in deep trouble this time, he thought to himself. He curtsied.

"Two days! IT HAS ONLY BEEN TWO DAYS," she shouted, "You failed me in just two days Ashton, what am I to do with you?! You are a guardian angel. You have been through this many, many times, but now, the most important assignment of all, and you fail me?!"

"I don't know what happened. I was following her. She's alive though, I got to her in time. Any punishment, I would gladly take," he whispered.

"I am taking your wings. From today, you are a fallen angel, banished from the Praishea, until the day you have rightfully earned your place," she told him, "you are to continue to watch over her until she is 18, and the day she safely turns 18 years old, you will get your wings back, as well as entry into the Praishea. Be gone," She concluded. Ashton could hear authority clearly in her voice.

            Ashton nodded and followed Harold. He was determined to get those wings back, whether he had to lock her up in a room for two months to do so.

            Back at the hospital, he paced the floor waiting for the doctors. He didn't want to see how she looked, or what was wrong with her. Ashton just wanted to make sure she stayed okay. I will show myself now, he thought to himself, I will stay with her at her house, and I won't let her out of my sight!

            Ashton turned around, to go sit in the waiting room. He jumped when he noticed Harold standing behind him again. Confused Ashton asked, "Did she call again?"

            "No, she sent a message," Harold told Ashton, "You have to take her and leave, go somewhere they cannot find you. We do not care how, but you have to go into hiding."

            He didn't wait for Ashton's reaction, he just left. Oh boy, Ashton thought, this just got a whole lot harder.



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