Angel Of Heroes

By CasHasSass

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There are beings that are between life and death... they help spirits move on. Most are powerful, but that do... More

Ch.1: So It Begins
Ch.2: So It Begins (Part 2)
Ch.3: So It Begins (Part 3)
Ch.4: War
Ch.5: War (Part 2)
Ch.6: Angel Of Law
Ch.7: Need A Friend?
Ch.8: Need A Friend (Part 2)
Ch.9: Need A Friend? (Part 3)
Ch.10: Need A Friend? (Part 4)
Ch.11: Need A Friend? (Part 5)
Ch.12: A Day Late And A Dollar Short
Ch.13: Breakfast Club
Ch.14: Fair Fun
Ch.15: Gotham's Annual Gala
Ch.16: Gotham's Annual Gala (Part 2)
Ch.17: Becoming Red Hood
Ch.18: Becoming Red Hood (Part 2)
Ch.19: Becoming Red Hood (Part 3)
Ch.20: Batman's Repent
Ch. 21: Behind An Angel's Wings
Ch.22: Kiss, Fight, Drama
Ch.23: A Super Holiday
Ch.24: A Super Holiday (part 2)
Ch.25: Just A Dream
Ch. 27: Pain
Ch.28: Bad Blood
Ch.29: Welcome To The End Of Eras

Ch.26: Everyone Has A Dark Side

48 2 9
By CasHasSass

Based off of S02xE11&12: A Better World but mostly rewritten as my own. Onwards!

A screen shows a woman in skeletal armor, ink black wings sprouting from that armor, half a skull as a mask, black hair to match the wings, and purple eyes glittering with laughter as she throws her head back laughing at what the man next to her just said. This man had a red costume with a yellow lightening bolt in the middle of his chest and smaller ones on his ears. He's giving the woman a goofy grin from the memory of the funny story he just told the woman.

"What are you looking at Batman? Old videos when Flash was ali-who's that woman?" A woman with short black hair and blue eyes. She has silver star earrings and a full body red suit. This was the alternate universe Justice Lord member, Wonder Woman. Alternate Batman turns to face her and finds the rest of the team. Superman in a white and black suit. Martian Manhunter in attire with a high collar. John Stewart, or Green Lantern, in full green instead of green and black. Lastly, Hawkwoman with a more revealing outfit and shorter hair as well.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. This is an alternate universe.  This woman exists. As does a second Green Lantern, a Hawkman, a Cyborg, another Superman with lightning powers, and-"

"The Flash is still alive." Superman cuts Batman off, leaning closer to take a look making the human tense just a bit.

"And Luthor." Batman adds quietly. Superman snaps his head to him.

"Well, looks like we'll be having guests then." he comments, a sly smirk growing.


"No way! Kid Flash really slipped on a banana peel?" Flash howls with laughter as he nods.

"Y-yeah! And at super speed!" the two lean against each other and laugh like a pair of hyenas. They were in the tower and on the sofa. Reaper on the back of it while Flash sat on the cushions like a normal person.

"What's so funny?" Cyborg asks as he walks by with Green Lantern. GL walks over.

"They're just being crackheads." he comments, annoyed.

"Ah, come on Jordan! Come sit with us!" Reaper coos, laughing still. He gives her a glare.

"No. You two laughed at me."

"I'm pretty sure everyone one screams when they get hit with cold water." Flash reassures.

"Yeah, it gets rid of that problem you had!" Reaper adds. The speedster and death angel high five. Jordan flips them off before leaving with a huff. The two begin to laugh again. Suddenly, a portal opens and out pops a different looking J'onn. "WAH!" Reaper yelps in shock and falls off the back of the couch. Flash would have laughed if it wasn't for the fact of their visitor.

"Who are you!?" Flash exclaims, shocked. The rest of the League, including Batman who was there to run tests on the Watchtower, gathers near their new visitor. The visitor explains that he's from another dimension that needs their help. Batman, always suspicious, asks their Martian to read his mind but their Martian refuses since it would be "rude". Batman turns to Reaper, even though he was still mad at her for the last episode.

"Is he a threat?" he whispers to her. Reaper has a tense stance and narrowed eyes giving Batman his answer. They enter through the portal.


Immediately, Reaper elbows the visiting Martian in the face before he can phase out of the metal room. All are electrocuted, knocking them out. Except for Reaper who has the ability to control lightning, meaning the electricity has no effect on her. She phases through the box and finds the alternate team, her deep amethyst gaze glaring daggers at them, sharper than the scythe she conjured to her hands.

"Explain yourselves or heads will start rolling." she growls. Two skinny red beams shoot at her but she just deflects it with her wings. "I am the stronger than all of you combined... imagine what I will do to a single kryptonian. Now..." she glares at the alternate Batman. "Start talking, Bruce." he tenses at the use of his name.

"Hraaaahhh!!!" comes a battle cry. She turns to see the alternate Hawkwoman flying at her with a battle cry. They knocked out her hawks since they could resist the lightning too. It looked like the hawks were hurt badly... time to return the favor. A hawk for a hawk. But she'll do one worse. Her scythe spins before she moves toward the smaller winged woman and slices through her pair of brown wings. They fall off the body with a sickening "shlrrt" followed by the pained scream of the winged-or unwinged woman.

"Wrong answer. Anyone else?" Reaper calls as she holds the crying woman by the hair while flapping her powerful wings to keep herself in the air. She runs her burning amethyst eyes over them, barely contained anger boiling beneath the surface.

"Let her go!" the alternate Stewart shouts. Reaper shrugs and let go of the short reddish brown hair, letting the wounded and bleeding woman fall. Stewart catches her quickly.

"Will someone answer my question now?"

"You're not like our counterparts. You're not afraid to get your hands dirty." alternate Superman observes, watching her with amusement. She finds the look unnerving. Especially since it's on a usually cheerful expression.
"Hmmph. An unhappy Superman, who'd of thunk it?" she mocks. He glares at her.

"Nothing to smile about. Hero business isn't as easy as it's made out to be." he explains darkly. Reaper raises a brow.

"A dark Superman. Okay, who died?" she's suddenly slapped by the alternate Wonder Woman.

"Watch your tone, wench."

"You did it again, wench." her blood runs cold and time seems to freeze.

Reaper shakes the memory away before letting out an animalistic rumble from her chest. She spins around to glare at the woman who struck her, eyes a bright yellow.

"Shouldn't have done that, WonderBitch." She growls, flying forward to cut her tongue out of her mouth.

"HEY!" she pauses and turns to see Superman holding Cyborg's head between his hands, threatening to snap the neck in half. "If another of my colleagues is injured...I won't hesitate to return the favor." Reaper stares at him. She begins to laugh.

"I'm 100% more powerful than a kryptonian army, but when I'm pissed, that multiplies to 200%. Bottom line," she's before him in a blink of an eye and she phases her hand through his head making him freeze at the odd feeling, "you do NOT want to be threatening me." she says in a slow tone, making him understand she means business. "Let go of him before I become solid faster than you can say Krypto." he slowly removes his hands and backs away from the hand phased into his head. He holds his hands up in surrender.

"We want to kill Luthor before he kills the Flash in your world." Reaper eyes him.

"Your Flash...was Wally West, correct?" he nods, relief flooding his features seeing she calmed down.

"How did you-"

"I'm a Reaper. I know all." she says cryptically, not letting the truth of her abilities leak out to the alternates. "I'm also guessing that some of the members do not exist on your team here... do they?"

"That robot, electric Superman, white Lantern, male hawk, and you aren't apart of the Justice Lords." Batman explains, keeping the conversation strictly business. Reaper nods before cocking a brow.

"Justice Lords? And here I thought Justice League was corny." she shakes her head with a scoff. "Your tragedy won't happen in my world."

"You don't know th-" Reaper sends an ice blast at alternate Lantern, covering his mouth.

"I am Reaper. I KNOW all." she growls, repeating herself. She takes a breath.

"Our Flash is Barry Allen. I've seen all futures of my world... none including Luthor killing him or becoming president." she explains further. They nod. "And if he does try, you have my word that I will bring him here for you to kill... in fact, if he ever pisses me off... I will deliver him to you on a silver platter." she offers. "Do we have a deal?" they all share a look and Superman walks over to her, holding out a hand for her to shake. She takes it slowly, before her eyes glow green and so does his. He pulls away from her.

"What was that!?"

"A contract. If I do not keep my word... I die. As will you if you try any monkey business... and I hate monkeys. I usually only make them with dead souls who wish to become my familiars but I will make an exception for you." The angel explains to a freaked out Superman. He nods.

"Alright then."

"You should go back to your normal ways... Flash wouldn't want you to be this way."

"Says the girl who ripped my wife's wings off." Reaper raises a brow at the alternate Lantern.

"Wife? Well, anyway, that's because I'm dead and have to make those who've sinned pay. Batman, Superman," she calls turning to face them. They come to attention.

"What?" Batman snaps in his usual harsh tone. She removes her mask, giving both Man of Steel and Dark Knight a coy smile.

"They would be so proud, wouldn't they?" the two look at her confused.

"Who?" Batman asks.

"Why, your folks of course." Reaper comments, the sentence cutting through them. Her eyes glow a bright purple. "The two of you becoming the same type of people that killed your parents. Well, I guess we can be good friends then... considering I killed mine." She giggles creepily, everyone looking at her in horror. She holds an index finger to her lips and winks at them. "But that'll be our little secret, kay? Otherwise I'll be very angry. Bye-bye!" she chirps before opening a portal underneath her unconscious comrades letting them disappear. She reopens one right side up instead of on the ground. Before entering, she snaps her fingers, and in a flash of white light, Flash is alive with also the repair of Hawkwoman's wings.


"What happened?" Reaper looks over at the wakening Captain Marvel.

"Nothing much. Your alternates turned out to be evil who wanted to take over our world but I took care of them." Batman's eyes narrow.

"By 'took care of them' do you mean kill?" he asks gruffly. The others tense, remembering what they were told. Reaper nods.

"Kill is such a strong word. I prefer cleansed." Some look at her in horror, others disgust, and most in hatred.

"You killed us? And so easily?" She gives Jordan an emotionless gaze, all expressions leaving her face.

"I have no shame." she comments before smirking.

"That's it! Your banned! Don't come here anymore and you can forget us ever asking for your help ever again." Superman growls, anger coming off in waves. She looks at him in amusement.

"Daw! Your nose crinkles in the cutest way when your mad!" she coos before growing serious. "But fine. I won't bother you again. Bye bitches." she leaves through her portal. She might have left seemingly uncaring but they will never know how much those words hurt her. Or all the sacrifices she makes for them. If she wasn't there to make sure no one that didn't have to die that was important to them died... they would've been like their alternates..... like her.

Bad Superman! Bad! What did you think? Also, who should die next?




Ra's Al Ghul

Or Vandal Savage?

Vote. Also, comment the types of friendships you think each of the League members have with Reaper. Excluding Cyborg. So Captain Marvel, Batman, Superman, Hawkwoman, Hawkman, Green Lantern(Stewart), Green Lantern(Jordan), Wonder Woman, and Flash. I said FRIENDSHIP LunaMaize. DCandMarvelLOVER2468, please use your logicness(very good at seeing into a character unlike Melody who likes "seeing" people together. Jk, I wuv you both!) Carry on my wayward readers!

Always Crazy, (and sorry for any errors)





"Woah, what's wrong with Reaper?" Jason asks Victor.

"She was banished from the League... something's were said and they weren't pretty. Let's just let her destroy the training room and leave her be until she cools off."

"You go on ahead. I'm going to watch this. It's sexy." Cy rolls his eyes but still leaves the creep to watch the pissed angel clobber the room to bits.

"Motherfucker!" crash.

"Son of a bitch!" explosion.

"Asshat!" something is frozen.

"ASSBUTT!!!!" whole room goes up in flames before the sprinklers go off putting it out. The water soaks her hair and wings and she falls to her knees. Her wings fall to the floor sadly as she begins to let angry tears fall with the sprinkling water. A hand rests on her shoulder and she turns to see Jason crouching beside her, looking at her with a smile. She wipes her eyes. He holds his arms out as he kneels and she rests herself against his inviting and firm chest.

"Shhh, it's okay, angelcakes." he whispers. "It's okay." he runs her back soothingly.

"What are we doing, Jason?" She questions, voice soft and barely above a whisper.

"I'm comforting a friend."

"Friend? Is that all I mean to you?" he looks down at her as she looks up at him, faces close. He wanted to say yes but...he was tired of lying and fighting his stupid feelings...from running. He sighs, shaking his head.

"No." her eyes glisten in hope. "I... Remember what you said...that night?" she nods. "Well..." he looks away, embarrassed. "I love you too." he whispers. Her eyes widen before returning to normal. She turns his face to hers and kisses him with longing, happiness, and hunger. The water continues to pour into them, making their lips slippery and tongues begin to clash because of it.

FUCKING FINALLY!!! Ahem, sorry. Baaaaaaaaiiiiiii!!!!


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