Just the two of us (book 3)

By freakofnature22

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This story takes place in 2009. Amelia has moved on but she's never forgotten about Marshall, it's even harde... More

Chapter 1 New life
Chapter 2 McDonald's
Chapter 3 Worries
Chapter 4 Tough decision
Chapter 5 I want to say it
Chapter 6 A few hours with Marshall
Chapter 7 Talking
Chapter 8 Ken vs Marshall
Chapter 9 Marshall's demand
Chapter 10 A weekend in Detroit
Chapter 11 A weekend in Detroit part 2
Chapter 12 A weekend in Detroit part 3
Chapter 13 Going home
Chapter 14 Tough talks
Chapter 15 More troubles
Chapter 16 I don't hate him
Chapter 17 Family day
Chapter 18 Is this a bad dream?
Chapter 19 Sharing
Chapter 20 I can't tell her
Chapter 21 Off to the Detroit again
Chapter 22 Making peace
Chapter 23 A day out
Chapter 24 Ken
Chapter 25 Amy's birthday
Chapter 26 There's nothing more to do
Chapter 27 Fix your mistakes
Chapter 28 Uexpected trip
Chapter 29 A night out
Chapter 30 Next morning
Chapter 31 We never change
Chapter 32 Chill day
Chapter 33 Debbie Mathers
Chapter 34 Cameron
Chapter 35 High as fuck
Chapter 36 Ultimatum
Chapter 37 Prove it
Chapter 38 Some things are hard to explain
Chapter 39 I hate that you're right!
Chapter 40 Explaining
Chapter 41 New York
Chapter 42 Ken
Chapter 43 Let the past be
Chapter 44 I can't take it anymore
Chapter 45 I'm calling the shots
Chapter 46 The concert
Chapter 47 It's not only your fault
Chapter 48 Caught
Chapter 49 Another offer
Chapter Reported
Chapter 52 Telling Amy
Chapter 53 Misunderstandings
Chapter 54 You do what you do best
Chapter 55 House hunting
Chapter 56 Going public
Chapter 57 Not a part of the family
Chapter 58 The talk
Chapter 59 New house
Chapter 60 I love you
Chapter 61 The court
Chapter 62 Relieved
Chapter 63 Catching up
Chapter 64 Family meeting
Chapter 65 The opening (Last chapter)

Chapter 51 Interrogation

1.4K 52 7
By freakofnature22

Me and Charlie arrive to New York where we go directly to the police station. I can't even begin to explain how nervous I am but Charlie has told me that as long as I don't say anything and let him lead the word then it's gonna be fine.
We sit down in the interrogation room where there sits two cops in front of me, a female who introduced herself as Katie Smith and the other cop is a male who introduced himself as Michael Hanson. They look through the files before they then look up at me.
"Amelia Dane." Katie says and looks at me. "Are you aware of why we called you in?"
"My client is well aware why she's here." Charlie says.
"So I guess that you and Mr. Mathers is on good therms since he paid you such a good lawyer." Katie says being extremely provoking and I just glare at her.
"You're charged with the attack and attempt of murder on Jamie Annie Flores." Michael informs me as he begins to read time and place. Attempt of murder?! I know that I said to Marshall that I wasn't sure if I would've killed her but deep down I know that I would've stopped eventually.
"Attempt of murder?" I say surprised.
"According to Jamie and witness then you choked her." Michael says.
"Yeah but I didn't try to kill her." I frown.
"Amelia." Charlie stops me.
"So you admit that you choked her?" Katie asks in a bitchy tone.
"My clients admits that she had her hands around Mis Flores's throat but not so she couldn't breathe." Charlie says. "Not what she was aware of."
"Jamie had bruises which confirms that Amelia put enough pressure to block her airway." Katie says.
"Amelia wasn't aware of that." Charlie defends me.
"It's not the first time that your client has a problem with controlling her anger." Katie points out. "Back in 2003 the police was called out to her and her ex fiancé's nightclub because Amelia threw glasses at her ex fiancé."
"Those charges was dropped." I defend myself.
"Why don't you tell me what happened between you and Jamie?" Michael asks me softly. I like him better than Katie, that's for sure. "She's your daughter's previous nanny, right?" I look at Charlie who nods allowing me to answer.
"Yes." I say.
"But something confuses me." Michael says looking through his files. "Jamie said that Amy is Marshall's daughter but I can't find hospital records that confirms that."
"I found out that I was pregnant after I left Marshall back in 2004 and I didn't choose to tell him about Amy." I explain.
"So when did you tell Marshall about Amy because I assume that he knows now, right?" Michael asks.
"Yes, he found out last year." I say.
"You're one messed up girl." Katie mumbles shaking her head.
"The last time I checked, your personal opinion has nothing to do with this case." I say to her and she just rolls her eyes.
"So what happened the night at the concert?" Michael asks me now.
"Eh.." I hesitate to answer mostly because I have no idea where to start.
"It's okay, just answer." Charlie says.
"Jamie told me that her and Marshall had hooked up, or that she had given him a blowjob the day he dropped the tickets off at her place." I begin to explain. "She begin to provoke me and told me that she only did it to hurt me and to show me that I could never touch him like she could.."
"Wait." Michael interrupts me. "Are you sexually involved with Marshall?"
"No." I say.
"Then what's the problem?" Katie asks rudely.
"That he's my daughter's father and that I fucking love him." I hiss at her getting tired of her bullshit.
"You really need to watch your tone." She warns me.
"I'm sorry." I say taking a deep breath.
"So what? So you and Marshall are trying to figure things out again?" Katie asks me.
"I can't see how your question has anything to do with the case." Charlie breaks in which makes her shut up.

Charlie takes the lead now realizing that I'm not too good at this. I think he's compromising a bit with them so I'm only charged for assault. It would be so bad if I got charged with the attempt of murder. This has been a wake up call and I'm taking the punishment that I'm gonna get not complaining. I'm so gonna stay out of trouble after this. Me and Amy are gonna move to Detroit and I'm gonna get my life back on track. No more bullshit now.

Charlie negotiated with the judges on the case that it was okay for to take a flight back to Detroit since Marshall is Amy's father, but they also told me that I needed to get that legally scripted. If I don't keep our deal then I'm gonna get send directly to jail until my trial. I'm just happy that I can go back to Detroit.

Charlie drives me back to Rachel's and I'm gonna stay the night here and then catch a flight tomorrow morning. I'm so freaking exhausted because I've been down at the police station all day.
I get into the house and I walk into the living room where Rachel sits with a worried look on her face.
"How did it go?" Rachel asks.
"I don't know." I sigh. "I think I got the attempt of murder off my back." Rachel widens her eyes.
"Dear god Amelia." She says worried. "You really need to learn to control you anger." She adds.
"I will." I sigh. "I'm gonna stay out of trouble for now on. I'm gonna move to Detroit and settle down, no more bullshit."
"Sounds good." She nods.
"I don't wanna be rude but I need to call Marshall. They allowed me to go back to Detroit if I promised to stay there but also do a paternity test to confirm that Marshall is the father." I tell her.
"About that." She says and my stomach hurts because I don't like the sound of that. "It's been all over the news today." No no no! This can't happen!
"Fuck!" I shout. "I need to call Marshall." I say and dial his number as I walk upstairs.

"Finally." He says when he picks up the phone. "I've been so fucking worried."
"Does Amy know?" I ask immediately.
"Oh, you already know about that."
"Rachel just told me. Does she know?"
"No luckily Paul warned me so I've isolated Amy and no television and stuff like that." He says and I'm so relieved.
"Good." I say.
"But we need to tell her." He says. "Tell me what happened today."
"Can I explain all that when I get back tomorrow?"
"You're allowed to leave the state?" He asks surprised.
"Yes as long as I stay with you and then we also need to do a paternity test to confirm that you're Amy's father." I explain.
"Alright, no problem." He agrees.
"Marshall, this has been a wake up call to me and I really promise you that I'm gonna listen to you next time. There's gonna be no more bullshit what so ever. I just wanna settle down."
"I hope you mean that." He says.
"I do. I really do." I promise him.
"Sounds good." He says. Even though that I really wanna talk with Marshall then I really need to get some sleep as I'm so exhausted. I haven't almost slept for 48 hours.
"I really need to catch up on some sleep." I sigh.
"Then go to bed then I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"Okay, kiss Amy from me."
"I will." He says and we say our goodbyes before we hang up.

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