Bad to You


23.3K 733 167

I'll be good in bed, but I'll be bad to you. More

Epilogue Part One
Epilogue Part Two


1.6K 56 9

After basically forcing Pia into her private jet back to Los Angeles, Demi ended up watching Odell's football game when she made it back home, and it made her feel terrible.

He was visibly irritated. He was dropping all of his passes. He kept getting tackled. He wasn't confident at all. During one of their breaks, the cameras showed him on the sidelines screaming out his frustrations and kicking anything that he came in contact with. His helmet was thrown to the side. When the next quarter started back up, his coach benched him.

"Congratulations, Demi," Pia said as they watched the game. She had explained the situation to Pia on the plane and she totally cussed her out for just leaving him.

But Demi didn't know what else to do. Odell told her that he loved her last night, twice, and her first reaction was to leave. This wasn't supposed to be serious. Last night wasn't even supposed to happen. Odell wasn't supposed to fall for her. And he still had a girlfriend, so what was she supposed to do about his feelings?

"Pia, you don't understand."

"No, you don't understand. Anyone within a two mile radius can tell that Odell really likes you. I know he has a girlfriend but having sex with him, knowing how much he likes you, then leaving without a word is worse than cheating!" Pia argued as Demi sighed and looked back at the TV. "You broke his heart, Demi, the same way that someone broke yours. I think you owe him an apology." Pia got up and left, probably to get something to eat, leaving Demi alone with her thoughts.

*two months later*

Demi hadn't spoken to Odell in two months. Well, he hadn't spoken to her in two months. After Pia ripped her a new one for leaving him after having sex, Demi had tried to reach out to him on Instagram but he blocked her. Then he blocked her on every social media platform that she had. When she sent him a text, he blocked her number. So, instead of dwelling on it, Demi decided to focus on school and her YouTube channel. That's all she had to focus on since Odell wasn't talking to her and Pia still seemed to be holding a bit of a grudge towards her.

Even Shep stopped talking to her as much, something about being Odell's best friend before he was hers. She understood where he was coming from but that didn't mean that her feelings weren't hurt. Basically everyone that she had become friends with in New York stopped communicating with her, all because of what happened with her and Odell.

The worst thing about it all was that she had no one to accompany her to her dad's memorial service. Pia was going to go but she was swamped with midterms, so she had no choice but to throw on the same black dress that she had worn to her dad's funeral and go with her mom to the service. Sunglasses were over her eyes as she sat next to her mom in the front and watched artists pay tribute to her father. The only song that no one sang was "Demi Smiles," and everyone knew why. Even though it was made for her, Demi loathed that song and never wanted to hear it.

"You did well today sweetie," her mom said as she wiped away her unshed tears. Demi nodded and grabbed her hand as they sat in the limo together. Unsurprisingly, her mother rested her head on her shoulder and patted her arm as she sniffled. Sometimes, Demi forgot that her mother lost her husband of almost thirty years. Sometimes, she forgot that her mom tried her best to save him but he just couldn't be saved.

"Mom, you can rest. I'll order us some dinner," Demi said once they made it back to their house. Dianna nodded and went upstairs to her room as Demi pulled the Indian takeout menu from their drawer and quickly ordered their food. As soon as she ended the phone call, their doorbell rang, but they weren't expecting anyone.

"Sterling..." Demi said as she pulled the door open.

"Hey. Long time no see," Sterling said as he stepped inside of the house. Demi could tell that he felt awkward being there and she didn't blame him. They had barely spoken in two months.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was going to come see you next weekend, but then I saw your dad's memorial service was today. I figured you could use a friend." He pulled a white rose from behind his back, causing her to smile a little bit. Just a little bit.

"Thanks. Um, do you want anything to eat or drink?"

"No, I'm good. But damn, this place is nice. Have you lived here your entire life?" Sterling asked as Demi led him up to her room so that she could take off her shoes and change her clothes.

"Pretty much. It's been renovated but this is the second house my dad bought. The other one is in New York," Demi replied as she took her earrings off.

"You play guitar?" Sterling walked over to the guitar stand in the corner of her room and picked it up. He began to goof around it and Demi didn't mind, but once he started to sing she walked over to him.

"Daddy's little girl paints the world with her-" she placed her hand over the strings and took the guitar from him.

"I don't really play anymore," she said as she set it back down.

"Demi, what happened between you and O?"

"Didn't he already tell you?"

"There's two sides to every story," Sterling said as he plopped down on her bed and patted the space next to him.

"He told me that he loved me while we had sex and I guess I just freaked out. That's why I left. And I've tried to contact him but he has literally blocked me on everything, so I can't even apologize," Demi explained as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"I didn't meant to hurt him, I really didn't. But he has a girlfriend and we haven't known each other long enough for him to love me. I just...I really am sorry for just leaving," Demi said as a few tears fell down her cheeks.

"Does he know why you left?" Demi shook her head as Sterling sighed.

"Well then maybe you need to tell him why. Because you understand why you left, but he doesn't."

"But, he won't talk to me."

"Make him listen. You can sit here and tell me that you have daddy issues or some guy left you all fucked up, but I'm not the person who needs to hear your explanation. He is," Sterling said as Demi slowly nodded her head.

"So, let's hop on that nice ass jet of yours and go get your man. Because Odell is still all fucked up and I'm tired of him being such an asshole," Sterling said as he stood up.

"Right now?"

"Yeah. I only bought a one way ticket here, so you kind of owe me. Pack some clothes. Odell is stubborn as fuck," Sterling said, causing Demi to giggle as she walked into her closet to change.

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