;BTS imagines

By bangtanarmyASF

78.1K 808 392

I mostly do BTS imagines, you can request and you can request idols other than BTS but remember that this is... More

Imagine: [Jungkook Smut]
Imagine: [Jungkook pt.2]
Imagine: Jimine Pabo
Imagine: [Min Yoongi]
Imagine: [Jimine Pabo #2]
imagine: [J-hope and V]
Imagine: [jimin - requested light smut]
Imagine: [Jin & Rap Mon]
Imagine: [Jin and rap mon part. 2]
[Jungkook]: No longer feels like home
[Taehyung]: Unwanted Leeway
[J-Hope]: Just say you love me.

[Jungkook]: No longer feels like home (pt. 2)

2.8K 75 15
By bangtanarmyASF

A/n ~ I hope you guys forgive me for going m.i.a. Life is just complete shit and I'm fucking trying I'm trying so hard. But here it is.
Imagine (continued):


"Daddy, where are we going?" Junior looks up asking his father, Jungkook while he is pushing Hyemi in her stroller.

"Going home," Jungkook softly says.

"Yay! I can see mommy, watch spongebob and have grilled cheese!?" Junior smiles, in excitement.

"Yes," Jungkook slowly answered, internally hoping you weren't home.

He wanted to relax himself from the argument you guys had, not too long ago, and seeing you would not help it.

"Dad... do you think girls like strong guys?" Junior randomly asks.

"Uhh, most girls do, why?"

"I told this girl I was strong, I- I showed her what I can do with my muscles, but.. she doesn't like me,"

"Ah don't worry about no girls, little man,"

"But she is really pretty!" Junior insisted.

Junior's excitement suddenly made Jungkook think, immediately reminding him about the first time he saw you.

Really pretty.

"Oh really? How pretty?"

"Big pretty!! Super pretty! She makes me smile," Junior stretches his arms to the sky, describing the word 'big'.

"Be her friend first. Don't try too much.. maybe that's why she doesn't like you,"

"But I want to try!" Junior begins to whine.

"That's good! Some girls like it, but.. others don't. Maybe she's a girl  that doesn't like it. Don't be too close to her," Jungkook tries to explain, but he notices Junior frown.

"Okay tell you what," Jungkook slows down a little.

"When you don't give her attention, she'll begin to notice your absence and say to herself.. 'what happened to Junior?' Then she'll want to be around you more,"

"Wooow, why is that, daddy?" Junior asks with his cute little lisp that just made Jungkook chuckle.

"Girls are just... different sometimes. You think it's one way with them, but it's something different,"

"Hm.. so she doesn't like when I try?? What does she like?"

"Well I don't know bud, neither do you know so.. take things slow and move away from her a little and then see what-"

"But Dad, she's a sparkly diamond!" Junior smiles up at him.

"Goddamit Junior," Jungkook sighs.

"Well if she's such a diamond then, treat her very carefully," Jungkook slowly says.

"The more you do that the brighter she'll shine,"

"Ohhhhhhh yeah, you're smart dad," Junior exclaims, tugging at his dad's jeans.

Jungkook's phone suddenly began to ring and sees that it is your sister calling, which is odd because she usually never calls, especially not Jungkook.


"I'm at the hospital right now, finding a parking space," she quickly said.

"Why, are you at the hospital..." he skeptically asks.

There was a quiet pause over the phone.

"Hello? Why are you at the hospital?" He eagerly asks.

"It's (Y/N). She got into a car crash, they said her car swerved off of the road near kayon park but... it- it just crashed into a pole.. So, it hopefully it isn't all that bad,"

Jungkook's heart, paused once he heard your name, his hands began to sweat, and his heart pace was picking up.

"What?" He scoffed, while he stopped pushing Hyemi's stroller.

"I'm.. I'm on my way right now, Let me hang up so, I can call a cab and we're going to be on our way-"

"No, stay with the kids," Molly quickly cut him off.

"I already have Junior, and Hyemi right now.. We're going to the hospital," He insists.

"What about Areum?"

"She's still in school she doesn't get out until-" he checks the time.

"42 minutes ago.. she got out 42 minutes ago.. I- I saw her going home. I'm so stupid. awww fu-"

"Go and get Areum and then come back to the hospital. At least (Y/N) would have gotten some rest by then, and they won't see their mom in a ... not so bad position,"

"Alright.." Jungkook eagerly hangs up, and starts pushing the stroller down the block where their home is.

"Who's in the hospital?" Junior curiously asks.

"You'll see because we're going to visit them,"

"Well... hurry dad so I can see who's in there!" Junior tugs at his dads jeans again.

"Okay, okay," Jungkook tries to pick up the pace.

"You better be okay (Y/N). You better fight," He says to himself.


Your sister Molly nervously stuffs her phone into her bag, preparing to go into your room.

"Hi, How is she doing?" Molly stressfully asks the doctor.

"We don't know... it's hard to tell. She's not showing us any responsive
Signs of recovery or anything,"

"Right. I understand," your sister softly says, hopelessly looking at you unconscious on the bed.

"If you don't mind asking, who are-"

"I'm her sister," Molly forces a smile on her face.

"Well from a doctors perspective... do you think she's going to get better?" Molly continued.

"Um..y-yea, maybe. You know there's a 50/50 chance here because, the crash caused sever damage to her head, but she's not showing signs of getting better or worse so let's just hope the best," the doctor smiles, pulling out her clipboard.

"Now... Does she have any allergies?" the doctor caught your sister off guard.

'What the fuck does that have to do with a car crash'. "No," Molly answered, slowly getting irritated.



"Any medical or physical problems as a child?"

"No, No, okay she grew up very well and healthy," Molly tries to brush the doctor off.

"Okay," the doctor clicks her pen and smiles.

"May I be alone with her for a while,"

"Of course,"

The doctor exits, and your sister breathed out, like a huge weight has been lifted off of her shoulder. She felt like breaking down into a bunch of tears once the doctor said that there's a 50/50 chance, but she's keeping it together.. for your sake.

You hate when she cries, especially in front of people, and she wants to be strong for you.

She sat beside your bed, looking at your bruised face, and arms, feeling her heart weigh down to the pit of her stomach.

Seeing her amazing little sister in this state? 'It's not fucking fair! She doesn't deserve it!' She says in her head.

"I'm not going to cry because I know you hate that," she sniffs, continuing the heavy breathing.

"You say that.. I look like Kim kardashian when I cry, and.. I remember you said, 'Oh please, if I ever die or something, don't cry. Wear a bag over your head for god sake'," she begins to chuckle at that memory and then suddenly became quiet.

"See... Moments like these.. will make you regret a lot of things you did, or didn't do,"

"Like I know this is probably the last thing you want to think about but... That's why I think, you and Jungkook shouldn't get a divorce... shit never mind this is not the time," she sighs shaking her head.

"But.. You guys were so good together.. you guys are so good together! Just because something's a little broken doesn't mean it can't be fixed. I know you love him, and don't want to let this go, so don't.. keep fighting,"

You're hearing her fainted words, 'Jungkook shouldn't get... so good together!... broken doesn't mean it can't be fixed... don't want to let this go, so don't'.

But you can't say one word, let alone open your eyes. You feel like complete shit, to the point where you don't even care whether you're dead or alive.

"And the kids. Think about your kids. They need a stable family. Like.. Areum is almost on her way out so you both need to help her keep pushing and keep her levelheaded because I know she loves you both and relies on you guys a lot for just your approval and support,"

"Ah, that girl. She's so amazing. She grew up very fast, and matured very well. Such a fighter, on the honor roll, Beautiful personality, beautiful girl, she does a lot to make sure she has a good future, and to make sure you guys are proud of her. She's definitely going somewhere in life,"

"She reminds me of you. Beautiful, graceful, powerful..."

"Although, you never thought highly of yourself. Shit.. The many times I found you crying on the bathroom floor.. I cuddled you until you fell asleep in my arms... but throughout all of that pain you kept fighting and look at you now! You have a husband, kids.. You graduated the college you didn't even think you would get into. I'm very proud that you've come this far for yourself and you're doing amazing. So... please don't give up. Not only on the marriage, but right now. Please," she grabs your hand and begins to cry.

"Im sorry.. but, I love you. God, help her push through.. (Y/N) I want to see your eyes open before the clock hits 12 and it's a new day," she says.

You softly smirked at hearing that, and your heart beat began to pick up its pace, at the grip of her hand on yours. Your hand softly twitches, trying to squeeze hers.

'I'm in pain. Physically and mentally, but... l'll try not to give up'.


Jungkook was trying to contact Areum, so he can make sure that she was home, but she wasn't answering her phone calls or text messages at all. Meanwhile, she always has her phone on her.

Jungkook pulls up to the front door with Junior and Hyemi, and tries to go inside, but the door wasn't opening at all.

"What the hell..." he softly says jerking at the door knob that was refusing to let him in.

"I want to try!" Junior jumps up to the door, beginning to slam at it.

"Back up, relax," Jungkook says irritably.

"Hello!" Jungkook yelled banging on the door.

He jerks the door even harder, and pushes it with his shoulder, and finally it opened, and the chair, that was stopping it from opening fell behind the door.

He kicked the chair away in anger, and brung him and the kids
inside, closing the door shut.

"What the.. Areum!? You better be here!" Jungkook yells up the stairs.

Hyemi begins to softly whine, Jungkook gets startled realizing his actions, he tries to calm himself down.

'I just want to get to (Y/N)', he says to himself.

"Go... go get yogurt from the fridge bud," Jungkook pushes Junior away.

"Shhhh sh sh sh," he softly rocks Hyemi's stroller.

"I swear if that girl disobeyed us.." he says looking around.

He suddenly saw her book bag and denim jacket laid out on the floor, by the door. He jogged upstairs heading for her room, but there was no Areum to be found.

"Come on... I'm not doing this shit. Not right now," he whispers.

"Areum stop playing hide and seek! We need to get going to the hospital! We need to get to your mother," He begins to worry about the time away from you.

Jungkook went inside his room and noticed that the door was already open. He went inside planning to grab your favorite sentimental things just in case, but he suddenly noticed that one of his drawers were already open.

He looks in the drawer wondering why it was open, but he couldn't find anything different about it.

He breathed in and out and sat on the bed running his fingers through his hair, in complete frustration.

"Oh. Wait.." he slowly starts to realize where you could be.

He slowly starts getting up, heading for the bathroom, figuring you were in there. He put his ear to the door and heard nothing.

"Yah! Areum are you in there? Stop playing games," he knocks but there was no answer.

He yanks at the knob, but it refused to open. "Shit, why are all of the damn doors locked," He heavily sighs.

Still silent.

"Look..." Jungkook places his head on the door getting tired.

"I know you may hate me.. well the both of us right now for grounding you, but you just need to learn your lesson, I promise you won't be grounded forever.. ok to make it up to you at least a little, I'll get you Dunkin' Donuts on the way home," he lowly cheers, hoping Areum would reveal herself.

"I know it's your favorite," he sings.

His head still lied against the door and he just gave himself a minute to think and relax. While thinking he suddenly remembered that his drawer had his medication in it.

He doesn't remember seeing his pills. He speed walked to the room and went inside to look for them, pulling out his neatly folded clothes, but his pills were no longer there like he had figured.

"Oh?" His heart beat suddenly started to beat fast, and he felt his whole body becoming hot.

"Areum?" He calls speed walking back to the bathroom with sweaty hands, and he started to hear his footsteps faint.

"Ah.. This is why! This is why! I'm so stupid!" He says to himself.

"Open the door!" He starts banging and slamming on it, but of course it wasn't opening.

"Oh my god!" He tries to push it open with his shoulder but it wasn't opening like the front door had.

"Oh Come on! My daughter's in there," he yells looking up, panting heavily.

The key to the bathroom was basically a lost cause because you guys never use any other key, other than the front door.

"AREUM!" He bangs more and more pleading, but that door just didn't want to open.

"Daddy, what's wrong?" Junior comes up the steps.


"Why are you screaming at me..." Junior gets saddened.

"MOVE BACK!" Jungkook begins to kick the door.

He couldn't think straight. First you, now Areum? He was blacking out.

He kicks the door even more as he hears it breaking.

"AGGHH" he kicks with all of his might, repeatedly.

Areum yanks open the door, yelling at Jungkook, with tears in her eyes, and a flushing red face, "DAD GET AWAY YOU'RE SCARING ME MORE THAN I ALREADY AM!"

She looked so pitiful and Jungkook felt a huge lump in his throat at the sight of the razor in her hand, and her bleeding wrists.

"Either.. Either put it down or give it to me right now Areum!" He held out his hand nervously.



"STOP SCREAMING!" Her voice breaks and she throws the razor to the side, and falls to the floor crying with her hands covering her ears, allowing her blood to get all over her hair, the side of her face and clothes.

"Why?" Jungkook's voice cracks.

There was a silence, she was just whimpering on the bathroom floor.

"WHY!" He demanded.

"I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE ANYMORE!...... At all! This is all just too much daddy I don't want to keep suffering," she muffles her cry, stuffing her face into her knees.

Jungkook turns around and sees Junior there.

"Here bud..." He digs in his pocket giving him a piece of gum.

Junior slowly takes it all while staring at Areum.

"Go in mommy and I's room. Turn on a show okay... uh spongebob!" He reassures Junior patting his shoulder.

"Okay daddy," he softly pouts walking away, tracing his eyes on his broken big sister.

Jungkook closes the bathroom door behind him, and just stares at her breaking down on the floor.

"You're going to think differently of me now, and you're gonna think I'm crazy. I should've done it while I had the chance. Just leave me alone, please leave me alone!"

"Why would I leave you alone!? So you can hurt yourself? No, I'm not doing that,"

"I just... dad.. please don't send me to the hospital," she lifts her head up, shooting her eyes at him.

He is startled at her flushing red face, with blood smeared on the side and tears.

She looks like a mess.

"Come on get up..." he bends down, and takes a hold of her hand, pulling her up.

"N-no.. what are you doing?" She whispers, slowly getting up, and slightly getting nervous.

He guides her to the sink. He turns on the faucet and he begins to rinse off her bleeding wrists with lukewarm water carefully.

Areum holds back her tears, as she lets her father clean her up, and tries to avoid looking at the scars she has made. He then turned the water off, and wrapped a towel around her wrists but she still felt a drop of liquid still hit her arm.

She looked up in confusion when seeing that her father was crying.


"I love you too much to be hurting yourself like this," He slightly raises his voice.

"I love your mom too much for her to be in the hospital... I-I can't even think of her in a hospital bed right now-"

"What's wrong with mom!?"

"she got... she got in a car accident-"

"Oh Daddd," Areum starts crying again wrapping herself, around Jungkook's torso.

"I'm so so sorry, please forgive me. Things are bad right now and I made it worse!" She heavily breaths trying to hide in his chest, like she did when she was a little girl, just staring at the floor in awe.

This is all becoming too much.

Jungkook didn't say anything. He just hugged her back tightly while crying himself.

"Today was such a horrible day... and I didn't think you guys would care, I didn't think anyone would care, but-"

"You wouldn't think we cared?" He pulls away holding her arms, looking her in the eyes.

"Nooo... no no. You're so wrong," he hugs her back tightly.

"Dad I'm scared, I really messed up and.. who knows what'll happen with mom,"

"I know.. I'm scared too, I'm not going to lie but we're going to get through this. You're my first child, I've been through a lot with you and I'm not going to let you go, not going to let you hurt yourself, feel alone, cry over something you don't deserve, or let anyone hurt you! I've always stuck by this but.. I wish I would've told you and have you be aware before you tried to pull some stunt like this,"

They just stood there holding on to each other, crying.

Holding onto this family.

1 hour later

"Which one is her room?" Areum asks the lady at the desk, looking around frantically.

"Uh... I think he can show us," Jungkook smirks pointing at Ki-Jae, and Areuns heart immediately stopped not knowing what to do.

"What are you doing here?" She asks dumb founded, slowly walking towards him.

"Y-You're dad.." Ki-Jae nervously points at your dad.

"Oh really?" She fake smiles and turns around to Jungkook furrowing her eyebrows at him.

Jungkook shooed his hands away at her so she can be with him, and just take in this moment.

Areum had told Jungkook everything about what happened today on the way to the hospital so, she doesn't know why he would tell Ki-Jae to come. Which made things kind of awkward for Areum. Although, Ki-Jae wanted to be there for her.

"Well.." She slowly turns around catching deep eye contact with Ki-Jae.

"Okay listen.. I know you hate me right now but-"

"Oh shut up, I don't hate you."  Areum wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly like she didn't want to let go.

"You would be the last person on this earth that I could hate Ki-Jae," she scoffs.

"Hey, um, I'm going to check on your mom," Jungkook taps Areums shoulder.

"I want to come with you," she pulls away from the Ki-Jae, but still holds onto his hands.

Ki-Jae just looks down, and looks up quickly like she's not holding onto his hands.

"Stay with Ki-Jae, Aunt Molly, and your siblings for now," He softly says.

"Uhh. Y-Yeah, you need to sit down and relax, your face does look a little worn down. Do you need water? I'm gonna get you water. I'm gonna get you donuts too," Ki-Jae offers Areum, while trying to motion her towards Molly.

"Hey sweetheart," Molly greets her,

"Hi Aunt Moll," Areum hopefully smiles, and hugs around her waist.

Jungkook slowly walks away looking around for the nearest room, and he slowly walks inside and softly knocks on the door.

There was nothing but the sound of the machine tracking your pulse.

Jungkook walked further in and saw you helplessly laying on that bed with tubes, going through your nose, needles in your arms, and a bruise on your forehead.

He felt scared. He's never seen you in this type of condition before no matter how he feels towards you; Good or bad... He doesn't want to see the girl he once was in love with, like this.

"Uhm," he clears his throat before talking.

He notices the chair by your bed.

"I'm.. not going to sit down if that's what you're expecting," He tries to keep up his cold exterior.

His footsteps begin to grow closer, and he traces his finger on your bed.

"A lot of emotions have been roaming inside of me all day today. I honestly have not felt so vulnerable  in such a long time, and so... so fucking confused man this is frustrating," He heavily breaths.

"Me and Areum were balling our eyes out at home, venting on the way here and I haven't felt so connected with her within these 17 years. It just sucks how bad things have to happen in order for me to realize and in order for things to change; It sucks! Most importantly, I'm realizing how much I truly do love you.. so much and how I need stop acting like a stubborn asshole. (Y/N) I'm so sorry for everything that I've ever said to you that made you feel bad, and the things I've done. I'm just so fucking sorry because here you are trying your best to keep things in order for this family, and here I am just messing up-gosh! I'm such a fuck up, I don't even know why you.. you married me you deserve better, and I'm not even decent," He let's all of his words fall out panting. He breaths in deeply and tries to regain himself.

"I've never lost anybody in my life, and I don't want it to be today, and I definitely don't want it to be you. I know you're a fighter but no offense you look horrible," Jungkook grabs onto your hand.

There was a quiet pause and he was just crying.

He took about a good 5 minutes so he can regain himself again.

"I'm pretty sure Areum wants to see you now," He stares at your closed eyes like he's making eye contact with you.

He slowly let go of his grip out of your hand and and leaned in softly kissing your bruised cheek.

"Well then.." He begins to murmur.

"I'll be waiting," He firmly stands up placing his hands in his pocket getting one last glance at you.

"Hello, may I come in? I need to check up on her," the doctor sweetly says.

"Oh! Yes!" Jungkook says relieved that the doctor is there.

"I'll just be waiting outside.. I'm her husband by the way," He exhales loudly, turning around slowly stepping off.

You feel utterly weak and you're in so much pain.. you.. you feel.

You lowly grunt but no words are being said out of your mouth with the oxygen mask over it.

You grunt some more, struggling to even open your eyes, Jungkook stops at the door, facing away, hearing something strange but you're fighting thinking you can't be heard.

"Wait," you helplessly say with your words being trapped within the mask.

You lift up your arm and let it drop to your side purposely making a noise. The doctor got startled.

"What the?" The gasps finally looking up from her clipboard.

"Wait," you say underneath the mask but to Jungkook and the doctor they just hear a groan.

'Fuck I have to take this off around from my mouth, I dont want him to leave,"

You lift up your arm for the last time, and pushed through to get your hands up near your mouth. You moved the mask up.

"Wait." You clearly let out.

The doctor is looking at you in shock, and Jungkook just stares at the floor and looks at turns around and smirks.

4 months later at your Birthday Party

"Ahh! What was that for!?" You gasp in surprise while a glob of whip cream falls off of your nose.

"That's what you get for lying to me about the whole pregnancy with another guy thing!" Jungkook says.

"I said sorry! That was 4 months ago!" You giggle.

"I know... I still get mad," he pouts.

"Awww come here," you sweetly say, luring him in and put wipe the whip cream on the side of his cheek.

"Hey!" He smirks.

"You started it!" You laugh.

"Mom!" Areum runs in.

"Got you!" Ki-Jae follows behind her clasping his hands onto her shoulders.

"Damn, why are you so fast." She lets out a huge breathe, bending over with her hands on her knees, looking at the floor.

"Track team!" he excitedly says, pulling Areum closer to him, putting his arm around her neck.

"Oh... so this is a thing?" Jungkook points between the both of them, sarcastically raising his eyebrow at Areum.

"Yes, sir-"

"I didn't ask you," Jungkook shoots at the boy.

Areum strains her neck, and snarls at Jungkook.

"Come on," you whisper smacking Jungkooks hand.

"Ahhhh I'm just kidding," Jungkook ruffles his head and Ki-Jae stares in the distance laughing silently realizing how scared he was for that second.

"Last one in the pool has to clean up the area!" Areum runs away.

"Oh come on you know it gets really messy out there!" He runs after her.

"They are so cute... kind of remind me of us senior year except... okay yeah they're actually far from us,"

"Yeah," Jungkook quietly looks into your eyes and smiles.

"What's with the weird smile?" You put the cake in the box licking the icing off of your fingers.

"I can't admire you?"

"This is weird,"

"Oh come on," He grabs your wasit, drawing you against the refrigerator.

"Can I clean up the cake," you point past him.

"Wait..." He lowly says looking into your eyes.

"Here...." Jungkook pulls out a long jewelry box.

"What's this?" You ask in surprise.

"You remember how in high school you always talked about getting a necklace with you and your partners name someday?"

"You didn't...." you suddenly started to fee emotional.

"I seriously didn't," Jungkook laughs.

"Yah! You're such an ass," you hit him on his shoulder.

"I got something better," He giggles, handing you the box.

"Well listen, You- You already got me a ring,"

"I don't care... You deserve this, you've been so good to me over the years, and besides me being a piece of shit I just... hope this makes you happy," he opens the box revealing a gold necklace with a good medium sized rose.

"Make me happy!? I'm so overwhelmed! This is gorgeous, Thank you baby," You kiss him quickly on the lips, caressing your hands on his neck.

"Open it," He smiles.


"It's a locket duh,"

You open the locket to find a picture of you and him at prom, drunken kissing

You laugh and scoff in surprise,throwing yourself onto him, and kissing him all over his face uncontrollably, to show your affection and gratefulness.

In the past two years of your marriage, with all of the arguing and shade throwing you and him were doing. ..You really thought it was completely over. You didn't want it to be, but you felt as though everything that you guys went through was for nothing because you felt the breaking point, which was agreeing to sign the papers for the divorce. You loved him but he was being stressful and because things were getting worse you had no idea what was going inside his head neither.. it would be best just to end it right?


The only thing that changed all of this was a car accident.. a stupid car accident that could've killed you, but it didn't. you guys have another chance to make things better, to make the family better, to work on your relationship, to share your sweet moments again, and another chance at being in bed. Ah you missed being in bed. After all you guys are each other's first love. Examining Areum and Ki-Jae definitely just reminds you of the both of you in high school and reminds you that you're never getting those years back, so you guys have to keep pushing forward.

"We have to," you cry in Jungkook's shoulder.

"What?" Jungkook asks in confusion, while his arms are wrapped around you.

"We can't go through, what we went through ever again okay?" you look up at his eyes with your tearful ones.

"No! No no we're not. And I'm going to make sure we're not. (Y/N) don't cry,"

"I don't want to loose you I.. I never wanted to, it was just a frustrating time,"

"Me neither!" He scoffs like this isn't a mutual thing.

"I get it, and we're going to make sure that we don't fall apart," He rests his head on top of yours rubbing your back.

"I love this so much," you caress the locket.

"Happy birthday," he lets out a huge sigh, with a satisfied smirk looking up.

Thank you - Jungkook.


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