Bad to You


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I'll be good in bed, but I'll be bad to you. More

Epilogue Part One
Epilogue Part Two


1.7K 59 23

The strip club that Shep decided to go to wasn't trashy like Demi expected it to be. It was actually extremely classy and everyone seemed to be having a good time. No one was walking around naked. Instead the girls were dripping in diamonds and every single girl had a pair of black Louboutins on their feet. Shep got a table right in the middle of the club, directly in front of the stage, and they all put in their orders for food.

"I still can't believe I am in a strip club. Lord forgive me for I have sinned," Pia breathed out, causing Demi to laugh as she played with her straw wrapper. The club was 21+ but once they saw that she was with Odell and some of the other Giants players, they didn't bother to ask for ID. They just let everyone in.

"Pia, it's not that bad. If I ever become a stripper I would definitely wanna work here," Demi replied, causing Odell to widen his eyes but he didn't say anything. Demi was seated in between Odell and Pia, with Pia next to Shep and Vic at the end. They were all waiting for their food to come and the show to start, but for the time being the DJ was playing sultry music that made you either want to dance or find a private room for a quickie.

"Are you staying at my place again tonight?" Odell quietly questioned, catching Demi's attention. Honestly, the outfit that Demi was wearing made him want to call Kierra and break up with her right in that instant. Demi had on a simple but classy tightly fitted white dress that barely went to her knees. She wore a caramel colored jacket on her shoulders since she complained it was cold outside, and her dark hair flowed down her back. She just looked perfect, and Odell had told her that when she arrived but she brushed him off.

"When is Kierra coming back?" Demi asked as Odell rolled his eyes. It was like Demi was the little angel on his shoulder constantly reminding him that he had a girlfriend.

"Shit if I know," Odell grumbled as Demi sighed.

"Well maybe you should find out. I think I'll stay at my hotel tonight," Demi responded as the waiter came and set their appetizers down. All they ordered was every flavor of boneless wings that the place had. Usually, she wouldn't want to eat in a strip club but she was starving.

"Girl, I know you did not just say no to dick," Pia whispered under her breath as everyone began to pick their food and eat.

"I'm not a hoe," Demi replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Ay, what y'all over there whispering about?" Shep called out, causing Pia and Demi to giggle.

"Just about how handsome you look tonight, Sterling," Pia quickly said. He didn't say anything in response and continued to eat. But Demi could've sworn that she saw a smile on his face.

It felt like they were at the club all night. Every time they were about to leave, a new girl would come out on stage, announce that it was Shep's birthday, and give him a lap dance. And he was clearly enjoying himself. Every time he said he was gonna leave a new girl sat in his lap and it was clear he wasn't ready to go anytime soon. It was three in the morning before they finally left, and they were gonna head to a bar but it was thunder storming extremely bad outside so they decided to just call it a night.

"Happy birthday Sterling. Since you had pussy in your face all night like you wanted, you better win tomorrow," Demi said as she hugged him.

"I'm feeling on top of the world. I'll be pissed if we don't win. You still coming to the game?"

"Um," Demi chewed down on her bottom lip as she glanced at Odell but saw him talking to Pia and Vince. "I'm not sure yet. My mom wants me home."

"Well shit, thanks for coming out to celebrate with me anyway, Demi. If you didn't have Odell all caught up, I would totally fuck you," Shep responded as Demi furrowed her eyebrows but smiled anyway.

"Thanks...?" Shep left the club and got into his car while the rest of them remained in the lobby waiting for valet to bring their rides.

"Vic is gonna give me a ride back to the hotel. I hope you know your room service bill is about to be high as fuck," Pia said as she snuck Demi's key card out of her purse.


"Odell can take you home. Bye!" Pia exclaimed as Vic's car pulled up. He helped her inside and then they drove off, leaving Odell and Demi together.

"There's my ride," Odell mumbled as his car pulled up. He helped Demi into the passenger seat then went to the other side, tipping the valet before he drove off. Neither of them said anything until Demi reached forward to turn the heat on at the same time that Odell reached forward to turn on the radio.

"Sorry," Demi said, quickly turning the heat on before looking out of the window. The tension in the air was so thick that Demi could've sworn it was fogging up the windows. But it was probably just the heat. She crossed one leg over the other and since they were at a stop light, she noticed Odell was watching her.

"I don't have anything to sleep in," Demi said, since she had taken her bag back to the Plaza when Pia came into town.

"That's fine, I'm sure I can find you something," Odell responded as they pulled up to his house. It was still thunder storming outside so they quickly ran in and shut the door behind them. The house was pitch black and when Odell went to turn on the lights, nothing happened.

"Power's out," he mumbled, using his flashlight on his phone to guide them through the house.

"You don't have a generator?"

"Do you know how many generators it would take to power this house? Don't worry, my mom stocked this place with candles when I first moved in. I just have to find them." They made it upstairs and Odell began to look in the closets for the candles while Demi used the moonlight to guide her to his bedroom. She sat on the edge of the bed and kicked her heels off. Yesterday, she hadn't even been upstairs. They ended up falling asleep on the couch together.

"I found them. Are you good staying in here?" She should've said no. Her brain was telling her to say no. But for some reason, she uttered the word "yes" so Odell began to light the candles around his bedroom until his room was filled with a hazy glow. He turned the flashlight off on his phone then looked through his drawers for some pajamas.

"You cold?" Odell asked as Demi nodded. He tossed a long sleeve Giants shirt her way before pulling out his own clothes.

"I'm gonna-" "I guess I'll-" They both laughed as they started to speak at the same time, but being the gentleman he was, Odell let Demi speak first.

"I'm gonna get changed in the bathroom," she said as she stood up. She closed the door behind her and released a deep breath. She had to keep reminding herself that he was in a relationship, even though he acted like he wasn't. Odell could cheat all he wanted but she had morals and ruining a relationship was not going on her conscious. She was not going to hell for being an adulterer.

She shook her head as she stripped from her dress and laid it out on the side of the bathtub. She did the same with her blazer then pulled the shirt over her head, letting it fall down to her thighs. At least it covered her butt because the last thing she wanted to do was sleep next to Odell in a thong.

When she came out of the bathroom, Odell still wasn't dressed. He had his pajama pants on but no shirt. She looked away from him as she walked to the other side of the bed and grabbed her purse, searching through it for her phone only to discover that it was dead. And of course they had no power. Terrific. Her mom was probably freaking out because she hadn't called or texted her goodnight.

"Um, can I use your phone real quick? I need to text my mom," Demi said, her face flushing with color as she realized how childish it sounded. Even though she was 19, whenever she was out she made sure to text her mom and let her know that she was safe. It was a tradition they started after her dad had died.

"Yeah." He tossed her his phone and she quickly sent her mom a goodnight text, even though she was probably asleep. She let her know that she would be coming home tomorrow afternoon before giving the phone back to Odell.

"I'm so tired," she breathed out as she pulled the covers up to her shoulders and turned to face to Odell. He did the same, and he still hadn't put a shirt on.

"Me too. And I have to wake up bat shit early for practice," Odell said with a roll of his eyes. He didn't bother to blow the candles out as he got comfortable and set his phone on the nightstand.

"So if I wasn't with Kierra, would you go out with me?"

"No," Demi quickly answered.

"Why not?"

"Because, for the last time, I'm not looking for a serious relationship."

"How long is that gonna be your excuse? And why do you keep saying that?"

"Because its true. I'm not looking for a serious relationship and I don't want a serious relationship. I'm 19. I want to figure out who I am before letting some stupid guy come into my life and fuck me all up again," Demi ranted as Odell raised his eyebrows.



"You said, again. Meaning it's happened before. What happened? Who was the guy?"

"Goodnight Odell," Demi said, turning on her side so that she was facing the wall.

"You're so irritating when you do that shit."

"What shit?"

"When I ask you something personal and you either change the subject or ignore me. That's irritating as hell, Demi," Odell huffed as Demi flipped over so that she was facing him again.

"Well maybe I should've stayed in my hotel room tonight."

"Maybe you should've. No one was forcing you to come home with me. You could've said no."

"Right. Goodnight Odell," she scoffed, laying on her back as she stared at the ceiling.

A few minutes later when she thought that he was sleeping, she felt one of his arms wrap around her and suddenly she was being pulled into his body until she was halfway on top of him.


"Look. I know I have Kierra. And I know we haven't known each other for a long time. But, you're different, Demi. And I wouldn't be doing all of this if I didn't think that you were," Odell quietly admitted as Demi chewed on her bottom lip and started into his eyes, his beautiful brown eyes.

"It doesn't matter how different I am. This," she gestured between them, "will never happen."

Instead of letting her go, Odell leaned up and connected their lips. And once they were kissing, Demi didn't even protest. It was like all rational thought left her brain and she was left in sensory mode. The way Odell's hand fit perfectly in the curve of her back. His hard member brushing against her covered core. The way their lips molded together and their tongues intertwined. It was perfect, and that was all that she could think about.

When his hand moved from the small of her back to underneath her shirt, she moaned as it made her way up to her breast and began to gently massage them underneath her bra. He skillfully unclasped her bra and pushed her shirt up even further as they continued to kiss. They only stopped for him to take her shirt off and throw it off the side of the bed along with her bra.

They resumed kissing, this time faster and more passionate than before, like they were in a frenzy because they knew this wouldn't last. Demi used her thumbs to push the waistband of his pants down, using her feet to push them off until they were both only in their undergarments. Odell flipped them over and moved his lips from her mouth to her neck, leaving several love bites, then down to her breasts, worshipping them in only the way that he could, then down to her navel. Her breath caught in her throat as he pushed her thong off and playfully flung it across the room. And that's when she knew that there was no going back.

This time, Demi didn't wake up because of a phone ringing or the sun shining in her face. Something just woke her up, and she saw that the sun was up and she knew that Odell would be up pretty soon. So she had to go. She couldn't stay for his game or anything. She just had to leave. Because she had helped him cheat on Kierra again after she promised herself that she wouldn't.

And it wasn't just that. Last night was different than the first time they slept together. Somewhere in between him pumping into her, he had mumbled "I love you." She thought she was hallucinating because she had been seeing stars, but he said it again after they both came and they were still connected. He couldn't love her. They had only known each other for three weeks. And he had a girlfriend. He didn't love her and she didn't do serious, committed relationships.

So, as quietly as she could, she gathered her things up and used his phone to call an Uber. Since the Uber driver was only five minutes away, she pulled on another pair of his sweatpants and the shirt he had given her to sleep in. She stuffed her thong and her outfit from last night into her purse and grabbed her dead phone off of the nightstand before tip toeing downstairs and out the door. She dove into the car and released a deep breath as they drove away from Odell's house and to the Plaza where she should've stayed last night. She thought she was doing the right thing, but as Odell's house disappeared from her view, it felt like she had left a piece of her heart behind.

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