The Last of Us

Від lovelyduck2342

41 3 0

A kagehina story about trying to find yourself in the world. Більше



21 1 0
Від lovelyduck2342

                  {Hinata POV}
    “The written world began three thousand years ago. During that time, us humans evolved and became more intelligent. No longer were we savage tribes, aimlessly wandering the planet. We were a sophisticated community of people living in towns, villages, and even kingdoms. We were becoming one of the greatest societies to walk the planet. However, you can't have good without evil, and there was plenty of evil to balance out the scale. Our world is divided into three classes, Alpha, Beta, and Omega. Over the years the classes became more divided and harsh to each other. It got to the point where Alphas took hold of the entire world, and Betas and Omegas were forced to live under their harsh rule. The Alpha’s cruel rain came to an end, however, with the fifty-year war. The war started when Omegas and Betas grew tired of the Alpha’s rule, so they revolted and started a war that spread to the far ends of the earth. The war finally came to an end after fifty years of fighting from both sides. When it was clear the war was ending, the Alphas devised a plan to attack the entire Omega army and leave a reminder on who was in charge.The Alphas struck down upon the entire Omega army, decimating it. They also introduced a special chemical into the Omegas water supply so there would be a reminder of who was really in charge, even after the war ended and things changed. After that harsh attack, the Alphas realized how terrible they were treating the other races and put an end to the war. Fifty years after the end of the war and we are still recovering. The Omega population has been diminished, especially the male Omega population, with one out of every hundred Omegas being born a year ending up a male. The war was truly a devastating one, but humans change and evolve, just like they always have.”

   “Thank you Hinata, that was an amazing essay. Very creative. I'm quite surprised that you know so much about the war, especially since you just transferred here two weeks ago.” The teacher said, smiling at me.

“I've been educated on the war for a very long time. It personally affected my family and my grandpa is a veteran of the war, so he made each and every member of my family learn about its dark history.” I trailed off into a conversation about the war, making sure to engulf my teacher in every word I was saying. I was too focused on the intellectual conversation to notice the dirty looks and comments originating from my classmates.

    After our conversation finished, the remains students presented their essays. I couldn't help but notice that in all the other student's essays, besides the Alphas, there was a missing element. A hidden truth covered by lies. It was small, like the changing of a few words to better fit the reaction of the class. I brushed off this small detail that I had uncovered and went about my business.

   After class had ended, the teacher asked to speak to me. I thought she might have wanted to continue our conversation because we did have to cut it short. A small sparkle in my eyes grew as I made my way over to the teacher's desk.The stars in my eyes grew wider as I thought I was going to get more praise from the teacher.

   “Hinata dear. I am quite impressed with your knowledge on the war, but the conversation we had earlier may not have been the best thing, especially in front of all your other classmates. I wanted to personally apologize for not taking responsibility as an adult.”

   “Well there is no need for you to apologize but I accept it. Now if you'll excuse me, it's my mother's birthday and I don't want to be late going home.” I said picking up my bag, which I had left on my desk. I proceeded to walk out of the door but was caught by a trail of words coming from the teacher.

   “Before you go I wanted to address something else.”

   “O-ok? What it is?” I said furrowing my eyebrows together, indicating my confusion. I did this often, expressing my emotion through facial and body movement. It's probably the reason that people could read e so easily.

   “I would prefer this conversation to be between just you and me. I wouldn't want any wandering ears to catch it.” She said tapping her desk, indicating me to come forward. I hesitantly walked closer to her. I was unaware of a few of my classmates catching hold of our room wide conversation. They walked back the way they came and positioned themselves so they could eavesdrop, just outside the door.

   “I have to commend you on your essay today. It is quite impressive, but there are a few issues I have on it. The main one being that you blatantly call out Alphas. Now I personally don't a have a problem with this, seeing as I'm an Omega and all. But it was generally felt that your upper-status classmates didn't take the criticism too well. You may think that it isn't a big deal, calling out the mistakes of one stats in the past, but the way you did it caused some anger and disrespect towards those of a higher status than you.”

   “So you're mad that I told the truth on how the acted fifty years ago?”

   “No, no, not at all. I’m not mad in the slightest. I'm just saying that maybe you should be a bit more considerate of the other classes around you. I know it doesn't really matter to you right now, seeing as you're an Omega, and you're also nine, but to the others like the Betas and Alphas, it really angers them and they take it as a sign of respect. Now I’m not saying that you need to get rid of your free speech and criticism. I'm just going to ask you to sugar coat it a bit, so it doesn't offend any of the upper classes. It's just for your own safety.”

   “My own safety?” The conversation was wrapping circles of confusion around my head. “I really don't see how my giving small criticisms to an upper class would endanger my safety?”

   “I- Well you s- When on-. Oh geez, how should I put this? You are aware of the social pyramid, right?’

   “Of course! It was the first thing I was taught.”

   “Good. Well, then you know that you are at the bottom and far from the top. Now when you are at the bottom, there are chains holding you back from doing and saying certain things. These chains are invisible because there is no law saying that they are real, but culture and society ring those chains to life. If you take the chains off, then the balance of the pyramid will shift, and the higher classes won't like that. And since thy are a higher class, they will do anything to restore the balance. And when I say anything, I mean ANYTHING. I'm going to stop here because this is a conversation you should be having with your parents, and not me, but I will say one last thing before you go. You gain full understanding of things, either by knowledge or experience, and I do hope you get the full understanding of this from knowledge and no experience. That's all dear! Have a nice afternoon,” The teacher said.

   “R-right. You have a nice day too,” I said putting on a fake smile. I left the classroom trying to unwrap the thread of confusion converting my brain. I left the school building repeating that last sentence. “You gain full understanding of things, either by knowledge or experience, and I do hope you get the full understanding of this from knowledge and no experience”

   I didn't know what she meant by that. I forgot about everything else and put full effort, concentrating on unwrapping the meaning of her words. I walked along the path that cut through the woods that lead to my house. I was so focused that I didn't even release the group of boys quickly catching up to me, the same ones who were eavesdropping.

   Suddenly, I felt a cold hard hand, painfully grip my shoulder. Another hand grabbed my other shoulder and spun me around. I looked up, in shock to see a group of 4 Alphas, cornering me into a small circle of densely packed trees. The largest one, who was currently digging his hands into my shoulders was also giving me a death stare. Suddenly he pushed me up against the wall of trees. The rough texture hit my shirt and ripped, exposing my back to the oak wall. Suddenly the man who was now pinning my arms to the tree spoke.

      “Oh ho ho, look what I found. It's the new kid who knows how the world works.”

   “My, my, he sure is weak, isn't he, not even trying to resist. Well, this should be fun, won't it Jake?” One of them said. He was standing to the right of my “attacker, whose name was Jake.

   “Yo, Jake, are you sure no one is gonna spot us here?” Said a third one standing in the middle of the trail. Jake nodded in response.

   “We're not gonna be here long enough for anyone to see anything. You just keep a lookout for anything that might interfere with us.”

   “You got it, boss.” The boy saluted and turned around to see if anyone would come.

   “So you like insulting Alphas, eh?” Jake said, slightly shaking me.

   “I-I don’t know what you mean. I never said anything insulting towards Alphas. I only criticized them for what they did in the past.”

   “Really? Then what was that paper about?”

   “I just told you! I was truthfully explaining the mistakes every class made in the fifty-year war. I-I don't know what you want me to say!” Tears started to form in the corner of my eyes.

   “Oh boy. Oh boy. You know, I almost feel sorry for you right now. You really know nothing. It's pathetic. I Mean, even the teacher tried to give you some insight on how the world works. But you're too dense in the head to understand,” Jake said pointing a finger at my forehead. The hand then covered his own face while his shoulders moved up and down repeatedly. He, … was he laughing?

   “You were eavesdropping on me?!” I said shocked beyond all belief.

   “Ye-yes,” Jake managed to say, still in his fit of laughter. He lifted his head back up and wiped a tear from his eye before putting his free a=hand back on my arm. “We were eavesdropping on you, but that's not the point. The reason I followed you out here was to teach you a lesson about how you should act towards your superiors. You especially need to know since you're the lowest of the low, you male Omega. I'll give you that full understanding of the situation from experience. In fact, we all will because we are such nice Alphas, looking out for our little male Omega underling.”

   The tears were fully formed and started jumping onto my cheeks, one after another. A nonstop stream to show my weakness. I started trembling and physically shaking. The two guys behind Jake who had said nothing during this whole time cracked their knuckles and moved closer. Jake suddenly let go of me and moved back. He held up a hand, stopping the two who were gaining on me. He just looked at me.

   “DOnt mark up his face. Despite his stupidity, he is quite cute. Wouldn't want to mess that up, may be his only redeeming quality.” Both boys nodded and Jake put his hand down signaling for them to continue. Jake walked up and gently put his hands on my shoulders. I looked directly into his eyes, and for a brief moment saw hesitation. His knee then came hurling into my stomach. I fell to the ground in shock and pain. The other boys quickly came up and started throwing punches and kicks. I was still in shock and trying to grasp the situation at hand. One of the boys kicked me straight in my face, causing me to hit the tree behind me and lose consciousness.

   “I know but he was attacked! That should mean something to you!”

   “It means everything to me! But moving, two weeks after coming here is crazy! You're just overreacting!”

   “Me overreacting? Well, asshole if you want to go there I will not hesitate to recall all the times you overreacted!”

   My eyes slowly opened to face a dim yellow light above me. My parents arguing had awoken me from my slumber, and let the pain to fully force itself on me. My entire body hurt. I slowly turned my head into the direction of the kitchen to find my parents arguing about me. I tried recalling what had happened before but everything was a blur. I guess it was too early to be trying to figure out why I was on my couch, covered in miles of bandages and bruises.

   I tried to get up but the pain was too intense for me. I let out a small squeal as I lay back down. Both my parents turned around to see me awake. They rushed over to my side immediately.

   “Hinata, you're awake? How do you feel? Can you feel? What happened? Who hurt you?” My mother overloaded me with questions.

   “Let the boy be. He just woke up and is clearly not ok. Son, I am so sorry for what happened to you.” My dad said with a straight, yet sincere face.    

   “Sweetie, how do you feel?”

   “P-pain all o-over.” I managed to say. I could barely talk, due to my split lip that one of the boys gave me when they kicked my face. It was now swollen and 3 times its normal size.

   “Sweetie, I am so sorry for what happened to you. This is our fault for being so carefree with your status. This will never happen again. We're going to move and start over and be very vigilant about your class, so this will never happen again.”

   “Bu-but we just-just moved,” I said weakly.

   “I know dear but it's for your own safety. We're gonna move and make sure nobody knows about your class.”

   “O-ok,” I said before passing out.

   That day was the start of my new life. One that enclosed the real me and created an imposter who lied about his identity. I moved again and started at a new school, but this time I was Hinata So you, the nine-year-old Beta. I was trained to become a Beta. Think and act like one, and every time someone found out who I really was, they would either beat me, tattle on me, or keep quiet. But when my identity was revealed, no matter the circimnstance, my family packed up and moved far away, just so I could start again as someone who hid behind a wall of lies. Over the years I adapted to a Beta status, whilst still holding onto my Omega roots, which no matter how hard I tried to abandon, stuck onto me like the grip that a mother has on her newborn.

   After some time, our moves became less frequent, as I gained control of my actions and class. I started taking interest in volleyball. The sport just made me feel at peace with my status, even though as hidden under a mask. Whenever I moved, I made sure to join the volleyball club. Over the years, I became quite good at it.  

    Now I'm starting all over again at a new school. Karasuno High. It's the beginning of the school year so it will be the perfect opportunity to blend in with the crowd and no stick out as a “transfer student”. Nobody knows who I am, and I’m going to keep it that way. Everybody will know me as Hinata Shoyou, the sixteen-year-old transfer Beta, and nothing more.

¡Hola! It's me the author. So I should have probably mention Ed this at the top of the chapter but this takes place in a world where there are Omegas and Alphas and shit. Im collabing with @taekinks to bring you this fun thing. Go check out her profile and follow her for fun kpop times. Sorry if this isn't perfect or there are some spelling mistakes but remember I'm editing this at 1:40 am so uh I'm tired and if there are any then oh whale. Also me and @taekinks are taking on different character povs in this. I'm Hinata and she is Kageyama. I'll write who's writing what chapter and who's pov it is even though it will be obvious.Like, comment, and vote. Sayounara.

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