New Hope

By deadsaidseb

312 6 4

"So, Connor Temple. I need to ask you a serious question" "Yes, Livi?" "What's your favourite dinosaur?" Liv... More



136 4 4
By deadsaidseb

I hum in pleasure as the soothing warm cup of coffee glides down my throat with ease.
I step cautiously into the ARC, hearing the sirens going off like crazy.

"What the bloody hell?"

I cautiously walk over to Lester yelling about his office, the dracorex in there for some reason, tearing up a storm inside.

"So there was no where else it could go?" Lester asks, referring to the dragon like creature in his office.

"I was improvising" Matt says with a hint of a smile, Becker and Jess laughing along.

We look into the office, to see that the dracorex is roaring and complaining at the window clearly agitated.

"You know I'm sure there's a perfectly rational explanation for this" Lester says, looking at his phone, pissed off.
"Ummm, Jess?"

"Its was-" Jess starts, nodding her head, it obviously her fault, but Matt cuts her off.

"My fault James sorry. I was overseeing some maintenance at the menagerie, there was a problem with the air lock, dragon got spooked and bolted. Won't happen again"

"You know I could have been an ambassador to Moscow now, maybe even cabinet secretary, instead in watching a dinosaur trash my office" Lester says, as the Dracorex clearly demolishes his office, papers flying everywhere.
"Still. No regrets" he says with an upbeat tone in his voice, walking away.

"Becker's gonna tranq it. Shouldn't be long now" Matt says trying to calm a clearly upset Jess, as the office door opens and Becker walks in.

"Well isn't this quite the mess" I laugh, Matt and Jess looking at me with glum faces, my eyes still on Becker.

"Don't you think either one of you should help him?" Jess says quickly, clearly scared for Becker.

"What would be the fun in that" Matt says with a smile, myself laughing a little at his statement.

We all watch as Becker tranqs the dracorex, it's head falling back onto the glass and sliding down it slowly, tongue poking out.

"I'll have, uh, sleeping beauty moved to the menagerie" Becker says, walking over the the three of us, gun still in hand.

"Good work, meet me in the armoury in half an hour" Matt tells the captain as he begins to walk away.


"Haven't you heard? The EMDs have arrived" Jess tells him happily but he doesn't quite catch on.
"The electro muscular disruption weapons?"

"Oh yes, the toy guns" Becker replies cheekily.

"If the toy guns had been here this morning, this wouldn't've happened" Matt says actually walking away this time.

"Sweet" I mumble walking away with Jess towards the hub.

I walk into the armoury with Becker, Jess and Matt already in there with the EMDs.

"You're late" Matt says, leaning against a table, as he throws a gun at Becker.

"Oh excellent. Tasers" Becker groans sarcastically, catching the weapon.

"These are in a different league to any tasers you've used in the past. I wouldn't have designed them if it didn't work." Matt replies.

"You need to remember how many friends I've lost" Becker says as I look at the floor not wanting to see his face.
"I'm not going to risk any more lives playing with pea shooters" he spits out.

"The EMD can be adapted to three basic levels. Low, medium and high voltage depending on what you're using it for" Jess says walking over to Becker.

"Yeah I know what they do Jess" Becker fires back, not looking at any of us, inspecting the weapon he holds.

"I don't think he believes us" Jess says cheekily, looking at Matt and I.

"This is nothing like you've ever experienced before." Matt says to Becker.

"Okay. Try" Becker smirks as he chucks the gun back to Matt, walking away from us.
"I mean it, shock me, if I think it's an effective weapon I'll use it if not you'll back down"

"You really really don't want me to do that Becker" Matt warns but Becker doesn't care at all.

"Oh I do. Come on Matt" he winks.
"Show me what you've got"

"Matt." Jess warns as she sees Matt turning on the gun and loading it up.
"You can't! Can you two stop being such a pair of kids"

"He started it" Matt says, proving Jess' point.
"It's okay he'll live. Probably"

"Can I shoot it!" I smile excitedly only to be shut down by the both of the boys.


"Fine. Assholes" I mumble back as Becker groans in anticipation.

"Can you fire the-"
But he's cut off by Matt firing the gun, him getting thrown backwards from the force.

"Are you okay?" Jess asks worriedly, running towards Becker, in the same time I'm crying of laughter, Becker a coughing mess.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" he groans.

"That was the lowest set in a smallest version of the gun, the highest is designed to bring down a Tyrannosaurus rex" Matt smiles triumphantly.

"That was absolutely brilliant!" I smile as I walk forward a grin set on my face, while Becker just glares at me.

"Oh shut up" Becker sighs as Jess helps him up and I walk with him and Matt down the hallway, Jess packing away the guns.

"Are you absolutely sold on these EMD's cause you know I could always shoot you again" Matt taunts, while Becker is holding his chest and groaning next to him.

"Idiot" Becker says, his hands on his knees wheezing.
"How long till this wears off?"

"The burning a couple of hours, the headaches a couple of days-" Matt says but I cut him off. 

"But the humiliation and the torment from me, well, that depends on when we, get bored of it really" I laugh, getting a smile from Matt and another glare from Becker.

"Yeah very funny Livia" Becker groans, myself chuckling as we continue walking again.

"I'm gong to Jess. Catch you two later" I say as I smile at Matt and pat Becker's chest hard, causing a groan and a cough from him. 

I walk down one of the hallways towards the hub but before I get there I hear sirens going off which only means one thing.
An anomaly.
"Estimated journey time, 11 minutes" Jess says, typing away at her computer, Matt and I placing our black boxes on our waistbands, and grabbing our coms, heading for the cars.
"Population density high, adverse height is 19.8 metres"

"Let's go" Matt says, myself nodding, us both bolting for the cars.

Once inside, we speed off with a few cars trailing behind us, to the Anomaly site, the car ride silent the whole time.

But once we arrive and quickly climb out the car we see that there are two people standing in front of the Anomaly, dirty and ragged.
Men yell at them to get on the floor but once they do Becker slowly walks over to them a large grin on his face.

"I hope you brought me back a souvenir" he speaks to the two people on the floor, causing them to look up with big smiles as well, seeing Becker crouching before them, and I know at that point it must be Connor Temple and Abby Maitland.

They hug Becker before turning to each other and smiling like maniacs tackling each other in a hug, myself smiling at them.

"Where the hell have you been?" Becker asks happily and I don't think think I've seen him this happy in a while.

"Oh you know. Here and there" Connor says looking back to the now locked Anomaly.
"We would have called but the reception was terrible"

"We came looking for you, sent four missions. We tried everything" Becker says.

"It doesn't matter now" Abby says with a smile.
"We're back and everything is gonna be just fine"

"We did it" Connor says, the two of them again chanting and yelling in happiness.

"So. Where's Danny?" I hear Becker ask as they start to walk towards Matt and I.

"Is he not with you?" Connor asks, clearly confused and upset.

"No he never made it back"

"Matt I'd like to introduce you to two of my good friends" Becker says to Matt obviously forgetting I'm there.

"Abby Maitland, Connor Temple" Matt says, walking towards them shaking their hand.
"It's great to meet ya, I'm Matt Anderson I'll have someone escort you back to the ARC"

"I'm Livia Drewith" I say walking towards them, no one obviously introducing me to them.
"Becker's cousin"

"Oh um hello" Connor says still a little confused, Abby nodding in my direction.

"Keep 3 men on site till the Anomaly closes" Matt tells Becker.

"I'll have the rest in the surrounding area patrolling in case there is any creature incursion" Becker replies walking to his men quickly.

"Hang on, you don't need to wait till it closes. I can do it for ya. It works" Connor says as he pulls out a handheld glass thing from his bag, nodding at Matt.
"Believe me"

"He's done it before" Abby reassures.

"So. You dying for a coffee?" I ask Abby receiving a smile from her with a small laugh.

"Oh yeah" she replies as we turn and look back to Connor, pressing away on the glass thing.

"Now ya see it" Connor says looking at us briefly. 
"Just a sec. Yeah that's not meant to happen" Connor says as the Anomaly just opens and doesn't disappear.

"Well shit" I mutter as we frantically decide what to do.
But as that happens an emergency blanket flies out of the Anomaly, blood all over it.

"That's my blanket." Abby says causally not too fussed about a bloody, emergency blanket, flying out of the Anomaly.

A thunderous roar the erupts from the Anomaly, causing everyone to step back in worry. It's when a Spinosaurus runs out of the Anomaly, everyone holds up their weapons ready to fire.
We all run out of its way as it heads down the street, us all a little pissed off at Connor.

"I'm really sorry mate" Connor says to Matt as Becker and Matt climb into one of the cars after the thing.

"Livia you stay here and look after the two of them." Matt instructs before he talks to his coms.
"Jess we have large therapod on the grid, I need you to map the streets and tell me where it's headed" Matt tell her, Jess clearly typing away at the computer.

"Downloading to your remote" she says to Matt a little rushed.

"Yeah just give me the biggest place you can" he says.


"Yeah hurry up about it Jess" Matt says frantically.

"Well obviously" she replies causing me to roll my eyes and let out a low laugh.

"It's a Spinosaurus" I yell to Matt at the same time Connor does, getting a weak smile from him.

"Do they know what they're doing?" Connor says to Abby, probably forgetting that I'm there.

"Yes. We're trained professionals guys." I tell them with a straight face not really liking the distrust from them.
"But did you guys really need to bring a pet back with you. Honestly"

"Sorry bout that" Abby says with a grim look, myself smiling at her, before they run off to the closest car, climbing in.

"Oi!" I yell to them, their heads snapping towards me.
"I'm suppost to be babysitting you guys, wait for me" I say with a laugh climbing into the backseat of car.
"I really would prefer shotgun next time."

Abby turns the car on and we race off down the street that Matt and Becker did, myself bumping around on the back.

"Um Abby. What're we doing?" I ask frantically as we speed around the corner to see the dinosaur, blaring the horn at it.

"Reverse! That way!" Connor says gesturing behind him, us all staring at the dinosaur, scared shitless.

"Yep!" Abby says putting the car in reverse and flooring it.

"Go. Go go go!" Connor and I yell at the same time Abby still telling us 'yep'.

I keep looking back to see the Spinosaurus right on our asses as we fly down the streets, not really knowing where we're going.

"You're driving too close to the curb" Connor says, causing a flabbergasted look from Abby.

"Abby, Connor this is the ARC, please respond" I hear Jess say through the cars com system.

"Uh this is Connor Temple, sorry about nicking your car" Connor says, but I just shake my head and keep watching the Spinosaurus.

"Don't scratch the paintwork" Jess says, as Connor laughs nervously.

"I got a message from Matt. You need to lead the Spinosaurus to the arena, I repeat lead it to the arena."

"Right. Cool. What arena, where the hell's the arena?"
Connor says, us still flying down every street.

"I got it Jess. Thankyou!" I yell, leaning forward so that the two can hear me better.

"Second turn on the right" I tell Abby, only for Connor to repeat it to her.

"I'm not deaf Connor"

"Right sorry." He replies but I just smile at them.

We soon arrive at the arena flying past the entrance doors, and parking the car in one of the far corners, Matt and Becker speeding in after the Spinosaurus.

"Okaly dokaly quick, quick. Stay here" I say as I bolt out of the car but it's not long till I realise I can't get past the dinosaur.

"I need to open an Anomaly." Connor says but Abby seems hesitant.

"Maybe we should let them handle it" she replies looking at me but I only shrug.

"Follow me" I say to the pair as I bolt under the stadium stairs, but Connor isn't happy with that.

"I need to get closer" he says running out in front of the Spinosaurus, Abby and I not okay with that.

The Spinosaurus roars at Connor getting ready to eat him, but not before Abby turns on the sound and lights distracting it completely.
Meanwhile I find rope and grappling hooks so I can grab Connor from the floor and pull him up towards the roof, out of the Spinosaurus' reach.

I hook myself up with the help from one of the soldiers and he lowers me toward Connor.

"Connor! Grab hold" I say as he monkey grips my hand, us being pulled up away from the now distracted and distressed dinosaur.
"Connor give me both hands!"

"No I can do this" he says, as he slips slowly from my grip.
Becker and his men fire at the agitated creature, it dropping to the floor. But our hope is soon cut short when the rope jams, stopping us from moving any higher.

"What was that?" Connor asks and we drop a few feet, almost in free fall.

"It's jammed" I tell Connor looking up and seeing the stuffed up rope.
But the Spinosaurus wakes up, looking at Connor and I dangling.

"Connor grab me with both hands! Drop the damn thing!"

"I just need a little more time" Connor says but I'm scared for his and my life.

"We don't have any time!" I yell at him, our hands slipping little by little.

Connor drops the detector in fright as the Spinosaurus jumps up and eats it, only to have an Anomaly open inside of its stomach, closing upon its self, getting rid of the Spinosaurus all together.

"You don't know anywhere where I can but a decent cappuccino do you?" Connor asks me, now holding on to me with two hands.

"Yeah" I laugh as he has a little chuckle with me, us both relieved we're still alive.
"Just you better not be looking up my skirt mate"

"Oh. Sorry" Connor says, looking up for the 100th time.

"It's fine" I laugh us looking at Becker and Matt on the ground, big smiles on our faces.

We all walk into the ARC, Connor and Abby in awe of the place, myself smiling at them.

"Wow this is pretty sexy stuff" Connor says looking around.

"Don't tell me. You missed the last bus home and had to walk" Lester says from his office doorway, actually smiling for once.

"Something like that" Connor replies as Abby walks over and gives Lester a hug.

"It's so good to see you" Abby says as she lets go of Lester, Connor making a strange noise as he walks over to James wanting to give him a hug, only to be rejected.

"I think your point has been made" Lester says grimly.
"Welcome back"

I walk down to Jess and say a quick hello before James, Connor, Abby, Matt and Becker join us.

"Now that is one serious upgrade" Connor says, causing Jess to turn around.

"Hello, I'm Jess" she replies sweetly.
"So good to finally meet you guys. Becker has told me everything" she says causing Becker to roll his eyes.
"You guys are like legends around here"

"Cheers mate" Connor says as he looks between Jess and I.

"Whatever I thought you were dead" Becker says, arms crossed, trying to look tough.

"He really missed you two" I whisper to Connor, earning a groan from Becker.

"Where's Sara?" Abby asks but before Becker can reply, Phillip Burton arrives and takes over the conversation.

"Abby, Connor. I can't tell you what a relief it is to see you two" he says with a sickly fake smile.
"Forgive me-"

"Phillip Burton I know" Connor says shocked, causing me to groan.
"This is the man who invented the room temperature super conductor."

"Um. Wow" Abby says, honestly not knowing who he is, and I'm beginning to like her more and more.

"Yeah wow, he's like a living legend" Connor says, Phillip smiling like an idiot.
"If all the fantastic 4 were just rolled into one, he would kinda look a bit like this" he says again, it getting a bit awkward now.
"But not be a superhero obviously, he's more of a science nerd"

"Thankyou for the compliment I think" Phillip says, playing his nice card. Myself gagging silently only to be nudged by Jess and getting told to stop.

"Yeah, no, its means at a- I'm just over excited" Connor says smiling like crazy.
"Why are you here?"

"After catastrophe of your last trip the government decided it would benefit from private sector management" Lester adds on, Connor's smile now dropping.

"Catastrophe?" Abby asks not quite understanding.

"It was a bad time for all of us" Lester finally says looking solemnly at Phillip.

"There was a demand for new thinking you do understand. More resources. Things had to change. But we can discuss all this later you two need to be debriefed, and I want to hear every detail." Phillip says looking at me when he says things had to change, myself only rolling my eyes at him.

"I can't believe I'll be working with. Phillip Burton" Connor says making that weird noise again, gesturing towards Phillip, only for a fake smile to be returned.

"James" Phillip says, as Lester rolls his eyes at Connor.
"Why don't we continue this in your office?"
With a nod from James, the four walk away from the rest of us, into James' office, shutting the door firmly behind them.
The four of us left watch on with grim faces, knowing what's happening in there. But seeing Connor and Abby yelling at Phillip, I slightly got a little kick out of it.

"It's so harsh" Jess says from next to me, Becker turning to look at her, myself humming in response.
Becker then walks away from all of us, pulling out his coms, visibly upset and angry.

"Phillip is an asshole. Honestly" I say, almost yelling.

"Liv!" Jess scolds me.
"Not here wait till we get home"

"Fine. We're off Matt. See ya tomorrow" I say with a wave as I put my black box and coms on charge, then walking towards Lester's office and opening the door.

"Right I'm off see you guys tomorrow" I say with a sickly sweet smile, as I look at Phillip.
"All of you" I say again, looking at Abby and Connor, actually smiling this time.
I close the office doors and walk with Jess out to the car park, silently, getting in the car, silently, and arriving home silently.
It's until we walk inside Jess starts to quickly talk.

"So what do you think of them? Do you reckon they're a thing, do you think Connors cute?"

"Woah. Jess take a few breaths." I say with a smile.
"One question and I'm going to bed okay?"

"Only one!" She groans, not liking, that I've only allowed her to ask one question.
"Okay, okay, I've got it. Do you think he's cute?"

"Hmm, who? We do work with a lot of guys?" I fire back, smirk on my face.

"You know who!"

"Who Voldemort?" I sarcastically reply.
"Sorry, sorry" I laugh quite liking the fact that I'm annoying my flat mate.
"And yes, I do think he's quite cute"

3504 WORDS

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