Silence Speaks Louder Than Wo...

By StrangeButTrue

14.2K 286 11

Haruhi's sister, Misaki is quiet and easily forgotten, when her and her her sister join the host club she rea... More

†Episode 1†
†Episode 2†
†Episode 3†
†Episode 4 Part 1†
†Episode 4 Part 2†
†Episode 5†
†Episode 6†
†Episode 7†
†Episode 8 Part 1†
†Episode 8 Part 2†
†Episode 9 Part 1†
†Episode 10†
†Episode 11†
†Episode 12†
†Episode 13†
†Episode 14†
†Episode 15†
†Episode 16†
†Episode 17†
†Episode 18†
†Episode 19†
†Episode 20†
Final! Part One
Final! Part Two

†Episode 9 Part 2†

538 12 0
By StrangeButTrue


I woke up to Haruhi shaking my shoulder. "Misa, Misa wake up," I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"What time is it? Huh? Where did Takashi and Honey-pie go?" I asked rubbing my eyes.
"Oh when I got here I found Mori-sempai sitting on our couch with Honey-sempai, Mori said that he put you in your room but that they didn't want to leave you alone so they waited for me to get home, then they left, they told me that they would see you tomorrow," She explained I nodded, yawned and stretched, I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to grab some food. "I think we need to talk," She said I ignored her for the moment and poured myself a glass of water, "Hey are you listening?" I went over and sat leaning against the wall.
"Yes I agree, it's about time I tell you everything, as much as I hate to say it is about time that you start dealing with your own issue's," I told her she raised an eyes brow and sat down with a glass of water.
"And just how many issue's do I have, I don't want us to keep secrets from each other anymore I want to know everything starting from when you began going back to school," I nodded and began explaining.
"It's a pretty boring story really, do you remember those two guys who always used to hit on you? I don't know their names they were in our class in elementary," She nodded.
"Zuko Hoshigaki, Shino Mibora, and Mikori Sinigama," She nodded.
"Well they were the ones who started the whole bullying thing, I was so angry when I heard that you were being bullied at school after I had left and when I came back, anyone who I thought was bullying you, I told them that if they had an issue that they could take it up with me and leave you alone, and that was what they did, everytime I noticed those three guys staring at you I would glare and later on they would bug me about it, it continued through elementary and middle school, I hadn't known that it would be that difficult to handle and sometimes the stress got to me I began to see happiness as a weakness, I figured if I were happy then they could find someway to hurt me with that, so I hid my happiness inside, when we transferred schools I didn't see them as much but one day when I went for a walk they jumped me and to get one of them to let me go, I cut my hair," I told her like it was no big deal and I continued. "I was jealous of you I always have been and probably always will be, you're so carefree and you don't give a flying fu-" She gave me a look and I sighed. "Flying frog you don't give a flying frog about what happens to you, or what happens around you and all I can do is worry, I'm not pretty I don't have many friends, while your gorgeous and you hang out with a bunch of guy who are all in love with you, haven't we already gone over this? Anyway ever since we first came to the Host Club Ayanokoji has hated you when you didn't do anything wrong I knew that, I couldn't let you take what she could dish out so I told her if she had an issue she could take it up with me, and that's what she's been doing so far, so really you don't have any issues that I know of Ayankoji has been my problem ever since I spoke to her and so have those guys, I don't know how she knew what she knew though," I explaind finishing my water.
"Happiness is not a weakness, if you are happy then it bothers them it makes them jealous of you in someway or another, ppromise me you will be happier and from now on I want you to talk to me I want to know what is going on in your life and I want you to know what is going on in mine but I don't want you standing up for me like that anymore, I don't want you to get hurt," She explained I was surprised she wasn't angry it seems she has put a lot of thought into the situation.
"Alright Haruhi that sounds reasonable but one thing when you and Tamaki start dating I want to be the first to know," She spit out her water and it managed to go all over me. "Eww Haruhi no need to spit!" I shouted,
"What Tamaki-sempai and i?" She asked I nodded and smiled at her, her shocked face turned into a happy one.
"I don't hear you denying it," I teased,
"No, no I don't like Tamaki-sempai I just haven't seen you smile in a while you should smile more often," She said I didn't reply but didn't stop smiling. "Dids you know that the Host Club has an online auction, they sold my pencil," She pouted. I looked at her.
"Cant you just get another one?" She nodded, "But I liked that one it was my favorite,"
"Oh was it the cheap one from the electronic's store?" She nodded still pouting. "I have another one and mine has a cute little bear for an earaser," I smiled I went into my room and grabbed my pencil with the brown bear on it.
"Hey Tamaki-sempai offered me one with a similar earaser," I gave it to her.
"Perfect now you two can match, trust me when you get married I will be telling everyone that you couldn't even picture you and Tamaki it will probably make him pout," She glared a bit.
"So Misa what about you and Mori?" I blushed.
"What about me and Takashi?" I asked stuttering slightly.
"Oh nothing," She said extending the 'ing' I blushed even darker and she laughed.
"Anyway Haruhi what happened with Lobellia, and whats for dinner?" She shrugged and told me what happened with Lobellia, I nodded occasionally. "So what are you going to do? You going?"
"Nahh, they think I am for sure though, I wonder if they will let me?" I shook my head.
"I'm sure they have something up their sleeve, but if they do let you will you go?" She looked uncertain. "I'll let you think about it but I know for sure I am not leaving Ouran," She nodded.

The next day after school we went toward the Host Club,
"Hi young maidens." Benibara said, Wow they were here already? They stood in the hallway a little ways away from the club.
"We've come for your decision. Are you prepared to leave?" Hinagiku asked.
"We're ready to confront those Ouran host club idiots and set things straight once and for all. Oh Maiden do you feel better?" Suzuran asked me coming over to me. I simply nodded.
"Set what straight?" Haruhi asked, Benibara dragged Haruhi and Suzuran grabbed my hand they dragged us to the club.
"That you should come with us and go to school with your own kind." Benibara stated. When she opened the door it was dark
"Ouran!" Someone sang oprah style
"Ouran!" someone said boredly.
"Ouran!" Was that Kyoya?
"Ouran!" Honey sang I smiled.
"Ouran!" The final voice sang.
"Host club welcomes you!" They sang together the light was turned on and I got a very scared look on my face they were all in dresses! Thye wore makeup, well except for Takashi, which I was glad for, I don't know if I would be able to look at anyoof them the same way again after this, The Zaku club and Haruhi all had shocked/ disturbed/scared faces on,
"Oh, Haruhi, welcome back." Tamaki said walking towards us.
"Look, Haru-chan, Mi-chan. I'm a princess now. Aren't I cute?" Honey stated. I smiled happily and picked him up swinging him around.
"Yes you are very pretty Honey," I said he giggled and hugged me.
"What is the meaning of this? Are you trying to make fun of woman kind?" Benibaa shouted.
"What? No, that's not it at all. Everything's going according to plan. Our strategy is guaranteed to make even a crying child smile. It's the freebie campaign. My dears, you ladies have all lived sheltered lives at Lobelia, so you might not know, that commoners are weak. They have a weakness for free things. Haruhi, Misaki you may be distracted by the Zuka club. But choose us. And you gain not only a host club full of brothers but sisters as well. See. This way, you can experience feminine bonding while staying in the host club. Isn't that a great idea? Aren't I pretty?" Tamaki stated.
"We're the Hitachiin sisters. Which one of us is prettier?" the twins asked in female voices.
"I'm just teasing you." Hikaru said holding a fan.
"Ohohoho." Kaoru laughed?
"Listen, Mi-chan You can call me big sis from now on." Honey said hugging me tighter, I smiled at him. "Please don't leave me," He said in my ear. I shook my head.
"I promise I am not going anywhere," I told him he smiled again. Takashi had a tambarine in his hand and he shook it.
"Why you... Do you idiots really think you can win her over like this? I've had enough of your fooling around." Benibara shouted agrilly, I rolled my eyes, I knew that they wouldn't just let Haruhi leave like that and I know that no matter how much they embarrass her she will stay.
"This is too much. I don't even get what you're trying to do. I knew you were a bunch of goofballs, but geez..." She laughed she was holding her stomach and on her knees laughing, I began to laugh with her, and Honey leapt out of my arms.
"You do look pretty ridiculous," I said between laughs.
"What? Misa-chan, she's-" Tamaki said suddenly he took me in a giant hug. "Your laughing your so adorable when you laugh!" He said practically squeezing the life out of me I just smiled and continued laughing, Suddenly Takashi came over and took me from his arms, Tamaki pouted abit, and I began to calm down, I looke dta Takashi and nodded.
"Thanks, and don't worry you guys I'm not leaving," I told them, Suzuran ran up to me and held my hands.
"But, but But why not!" She cried. I tok my hands away from her's but didn't give her an answer I took a step back but I ran into Takashi, he put his hands on my shoulders to prevent me from falling and I blushed I was thankful that the focus wasn't on us but on The twins and Honey, chasing Haruhi around the room.
"Are we really that funny? Call me big sister. Come on, do it. Just say it. Big sister. Say it please." They cried. I let out a giggle I noticed Takashi still hadn't taken his hands off my shoulders, I blushed again.
"Come on. Cut it out. What were you thinking? What's gotten into you guys?" Haruhi said between laughter.
"We did this because we don't want you to leave the host club, Haruhi." Hikaru said of course she knew that.
"Well, maiden, have you made a choice?" Benibara asked. Haruhi stood up and brushed herself off.
"Yeah, I have. I'm sorry but your club's not for me. I think the idea of a girls' school is great. And your views are very unique and interesting. But I came to this school with a goal and a plan for my future. So while I appreciate your offer, I really already knew that I was never going to leave Ouran academy." She told them I nodded and Benibara turned to me.
"What about you?" I shook my head,
"personally I dont want to leave Ouran, I dont want to leave my family," I told her, Honey hugged me, Takashi let go of my shoulders and I noticed his cheeks had turned slightly pink, I don't blame him he's wearing what looks like a pretty heavy costume, he's probably hot but he's hot all the tim- I mean oh god why did I just think that? Because it's true, no oh god I am having a conversation with myself the host club is starting to make me go crazy, I sighed.
"Haruhi. Hold on. If you knew you weren't going to leave, then why did you act so angry yesterday?" Tamaki asked
"How would you feel if I stole something of yours without asking you?
I really liked that mechanical pencil. It was easy to write with." I rolled my eyes that's Haruhi.
"I'm sorry. But I was nice and offered my teddy-bear pencil in return, and you said you didn't want it." Tamaki said.
"That's right. I still don't want it. Beside Misa let me borrow one of her's" Tamaki began waving the pencil in her face. It did kinda look like the one I gave Haruhi weird.
"Um Benio..." Suzuran asked
"Yes, I know. We're not going to give up on you, maidens. I swear this to you. Some day, we'll come and rescue you two from this place. And when we do, we'll abolish the Ouran host club. Well, adieu." Benibara said and they left spinning out of the room dramatically and laughing then I saw them trip on banana peels. Renge suddenly came up on her platform from the ground.
"And so, a new rival, the Zuka club has appeared. From this point on, the story's gonna get even more exciting. What's gonna happen to our beloved host club boys next? Hang in there, host club. Don't give up, boys." She said while eating a banana. I rolled my eyes.
"Hey Mi-chan?" I heard Honey ask I looked down to see him he was blushing slightly, I smiled and picked him up spinning him around.
"Yes Honey-pie?"
"Well Takashi and I were worried abut you and Haru-chan so we got you presents, the host club pitched in to,"
"I picked out your color Haruhi!" Tamaki said happily. "Takashi insisted to pick out Misa-chan's, he said you wouldn't like the pink one," Tamaki pouted,
"So what is it?" Haruhi and I asked in union. Takashi reached into his pocket and pulled out two cell phones one was black and blue and the other was pink, he handed the pink on to Haruhi and the black and blue one to me.
"Cell phones you guys didn't have to, beside we don't have the money to pay for them," Haruhi said I nodded in agreement.
"Don't worry the host club decided that we could pay, they aren't that expensive and don't worry they wont be added onto your debt consider them a gift," Kyoya said adjusting his glasses. I smiled and Takashi handed Haruhi the pink one and me the black and blue one. I smiled and immediately hugged him.
"Yeah thanks guys I really appreciate it," Haruhi said bowing. I stopped hugging Takashi and looked at the phone in my hand. I smiled and hugged it. Honey grabbed my hand and we spun in circles while he jumped around.
"Yay Mi-chan now I can talk to you and haru-chan whenever I want, Honey said happily. I nodded.
"I'm glad you two are happy, especially you Misaki I don't think I have ever seen you this happy," Tamaki said. I promised Haruhi I would be happier and I didn't have to put on a fake smile or laugh a fake laugh, I was really happy. I smiled still holding the phone in my hands honestly I had never really gotten a present from friends. Friends just saying the word made me smile like a lunatic, I Misaki Fujioka had friends. But they were more then that to me they were my family. I felt like I could trust them with anything, I felt happier than I had been in a really long time. I know that they will always be there for me, no matter what.

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