
By FluffyPieCaKe

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Mistakes are made, secrets are exposed, blood is spilled, and rumors run free. It's all for one cause ... Sur... More

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1K 77 67
By FluffyPieCaKe

The castle is rather calm the last couple of days and Zayn knows why, he just wants it to end quickly. It's been lonely too, with Niall being the only one approaching him. His ladies didn't like what he did, and he didn't want to pressure them, they just needed time. That's why he's sitting next to the window in his room playing with his hair, dressed in his sleeping gown still, face and mind clean. It's about time he thinks of his country.

The door opens and he sees one of his ladies coming through it. Her gazes isn't friendly still.

"The king is requesting your presence at his room" Elma informs him. Well, seems like Harry is in a good shape to talk, or that he worked his mind to see that Zayn had a hand in it.

Elma turns to leave, "You're not going to help me prepare?" He asks quietly.

"I thought you're able to handle yourself pretty well" She faces him, face blank.

"It's your duty"

"No" She narrows her eyes at him, "My duty was to serve Princess Tiana, and she is long gone" She spits at him.

"Your duty is to serve the queen of Germany. And last time I checked, that's me"

She stares at him, nervous posture while he's calm and still playing with his hair, tone is quiet and smooth. "You don't even regret it. Do you?"

Zayn pauses, staring back at her, and slowly turns in his seat to face her fully. "I did what's best for my country, for me, and my people. If I didn't make a move they'd have my head cut instead. We would lose our country along with our lives"

"You could have chosen another punishment other than death!" She yells.

"They threatened me! And I did not do it with my own hands! I simply chose the best alternative! It was going to happen anyway!"

"But you knew!"

"You don't understand!" Zayn shouts back. "Royals are pawns to politics" He says more calmly, "Our hands are never clean. We are not pure. This is the price we pay for landing such a high role, and I didn't even ask for it" He leans back and exhales slowly, "If I had a choice I would have never even be here and you know it" Elma sighs and looks down. "Go. I'll handle myself" He turns back towards the window and she hesitates for a moment before turning on her heels and leaving.

Zayn takes a deep breath knowing it's hard to be dressed by himself, but he has done it before so he gets up.


He picks a simple look that doesn't require too much time to slip in. A brown A-line dress, halter top with the fabric shaped as roses at the neckline, his hair is let down his shoulders, split from the side to form side bangs with a golden hair band.

He sees Louis getting out of Harry's room and he wants to ask him what was that about or just ask him how is Harry but Louis only glances his way before turning to the other side and walking away. Zayn narrows his eyes at his back because he doesn't know what Louis told Harry or what the latter wants from him. Alright, no, he knows what Harry is going to ask and he already has his answers.

So he takes a deep breath and the guard outside the door knocks first before getting in and informing Harry of his presence. Okay, he doesn't like the formalities. The guard then nods at him and Zayn steps in. He sees Harry on his father's desk, a glare in his red eyes, pale skin covering his face as he stares at Zayn who doesn't even change his expression as he comes to stand in front of him.

"That day ... When you rode out of the castle" Harry starts quietly, "You knew there are people coming for me"

"I did" Zayn simply replies.

"So you knew that there were others heading for my family!" Harry raises his voice but Zayn doesn't flinch. He already predicted Harry's reaction.

"I did" He repeats.

Harry bangs his fists on the desk and stands up suddenly, eyes glaring hard at his own, "You wanted this!"

Zayn takes another deep breath, adjusting his posture so his chin is appointed forward. "I chased after your father's cart but I was late. The least thing I could do is going back to the castle to see if there's any more, I didn't know they were after your mother too. Once I got back to my room, I was attacked too. I can only guess that your mother didn't know how to fight and I did so that's why I'm still alive and she isn't ... I would not have wanted this"

Harry still glares at him but remembers Louis' words too. He told him that he stood with Zayn when he was attacked so he was late when they got to his mother –a lie Louis came up with Zayn but he doesn't know– but Harry knows Zayn hates his parents, and now that the culprits are dead, he can't even question them.

"So it just happens that the two people you despise most are suddenly dead while you stand unharmed?" Harry spits out.

"Well, you're still alive yourself, aren't you?" Zayn counters and Harry's eyes widen a bit. Another reminder to him that Zayn doesn't trust him and apparently never will but yet he helped him even if a small part of him tells him that Zayn did it only to ensure his position in court, have something to lean on until he gets back to his country, and he's not going to set that aside.

"They were my parents and you just ... They were doing everything for their country, for me" His eyes turn glossy, "Yours would have done the same! You don't understand!" He takes a shaky breath, tears threatening to fall down, "They were my parents" He says more quietly, "You knew and you didn't tell me! If I had known I'd have rode back to the castle! I'd have chased after my father! I would have-"

Zayn doesn't know why, but he is around the desk in a second, arms around Harry's shoulders to cool him down. Harry breaks, and Zayn knows he'd been like this the last couple of days too, crying on his shoulder and arms wrapped to hold tightly to his waist. He remember his ladies' words mixed with Harry's own. They were horrible to him but they were Harry's parents. No matter what they did, they still loved him and he loved them back. There's a moment as he allows himself to actually think about if from Harry's perspective for once. Losing his family and suddenly managing two countries on his own, and he remembers his own father on his bed, his last words and how Zayn shed real tears over him because he was still the man who raised him.

Guilt find its way through Zayn's blood, but it has always been this way, there's no place for a royals' feelings, there's only the political affair and how they handle it. His arms tighten around Harry as Harry's own squeeze his middle. Maybe Zayn doesn't understand it completely, but Harry isn't, wasn't the bad guy all along and perhaps saving his life was indeed the best thing to do. He stands there for a few more minutes until Harry calms down and he wants to pull away, suddenly aware of how awkward they must look, and a frown makes its way to his face when he doesn't feel too weird standing in Harry's embrace.

A knock on the door makes him push Harry away gently, seeing his eyes still red and sad as they look back at him.

"I'm sorry for your loss, but I believe your parents wouldn't want you to stay like this" He cups his face, "I promise you I will find the one behind this, I'll help you through the country's affairs, I'll even work alongside Louis to make it happen as long as you do so yourself. But you need to get yourself together. You're a king that his country needs. You have to be strong. You're a royal, Harry. We don't have time to weep" Harry just blinks at him a few times before closing his eyes and nodding weakly. His hands leave Harry's face and he steps back. "Call for me if you ever needed me" He offers genuinely before leaving.


Zayn doesn't know when exactly did he start to worry too much about people but he finds himself losing sleep at night thinking about how Harry is. So he gets out of bed, still in his sleeping gown, wraps a shawl around his shoulders and leaves his room. He didn't care either if his hair a bit messy and his face is clean too.

He makes it to Harry's room and his guards don't stop his this time from entering. Once he's in, he sees Harry on his desk again, looking at some maps and papers and books scattered around him and he frowns seeing his eyes closing tiredly but he tries to blink them open.

Zayn approaches him slowly, "Harry"

Harry is startled and his body is jolted suddenly until he notices it's Zayn who holds his hands out in front of him while raising his brows. "Sorry" Harry finally replies and drops his arms on the desk again, head following. Was Harry like this the last couple of days? Exhausted and sad and lost? Zayn truly feels sorry for him.

He sighs, "You need to get some sleep" He walks around the desk, lifting Harry's arm over his shoulders, "Come on" His other hand holds at Harry's waist and he notices that he didn't even change his clothes. Harry stares at him with tired eyes for a second before he's pushing himself up and allowing some of his weight to lean on Zayn as he helps him to his bed.

Zayn sighs again once Harry is sitting on the bed. There should be servants for that, he knows, but it's late and they're probably asleep, and it would be inconvenient to ask his guards, and he remembers all those times Harry actually helped him with his clothes so he kneels down in front of him, taking his boots off before standing back up and helping Harry out of his tunic. He pauses for a second, Harry probably doesn't sleep with his shirt on too so he helps him out of it and Harry doesn't protest so he guesses it's okay.

Okay, and ... okay. Zayn stares. It's been a while since he trained his body and focused on making it leaner if it was even possible for a guy, but he feels like his body is shifting slightly as the time goes by due to him wearing a corset almost everyday. Waxing his entire body and keeping it soft and clean is a priority that he is used to it right now even if it sounds weird. He even does his routine without noticing whether he has to anymore.

But Harry's body is different. He's been training a lot since he got back, since he was in Germany actually, always with Louis or his personal trainers to build up his body and enhance his skills that makes Zayn wonders if he ever went one-on-one with Harry, who would have the upper hand? Broad shoulders, toned chest, abs, huge biceps, and Zayn isn't jealous, he might never actually achieve such a body, he knows to which degrees his body can go and is okay with it, was skillful enough to cover his lack of appearance, but now ... He admires.

He might've been trailing his eyes for too long, and when his eyes go back to Harry's, they're staring back at him. Harry caught him staring. He clears his throat awkwardly and turns to put Harry's clothes on a chair next to the bed. He really takes his time folding them and a deep frown appears on his face. Since when he looked at a man's body like that? Sometimes he almost swears him changing into a girl is affecting him. He's thankful that Harry isn't in a complete awareness state.

He turns back to find Harry shifting so he's lying on the bed, tired red eyes still opened and he makes his way to the bed too, sitting next to him, a soft assuring smile on his lips and his hand move to massage Harry's scalp. Harry relaxes, his body sinking into the mattress more.

"Would you be staying?" He asks tiredly, pleading eyes looking up at him and Zayn smiles again.


Harry closes his eyes next and Zayn thinks the bed is big enough for each to be comfortable.


The first time Zayn wakes up, he's confused. There are arms around his waist and he swears he didn't sleep like this. Harry's hard chest is pressed against his back, even breaths on the back of his neck, and it's odd that he doesn't find it uncomfortable. He drifts back to sleep.

The second time however, he blinks his eyes open, the sun rays passing through the curtains as a chill breeze swims around the room. He slowly turns to face Harry, still asleep peacefully and he reaches a hand to push Harry's hair out of his face, trailing it down his cheeks and neck until he's tracing Harry's chest and his abs that he didn't get to admire enough last night in the dim light. The exciting V-line and happy trail that he doesn't get to have anymore, reaching his trousers and stops. He shouldn't be doing that. Why is he even doing that?

He shakes his head and removes Harry's arms from around him as he gets up. He yawns and stretches and suddenly freeze when he hears the door opening. There's a long pause that Zayn doesn't dare to turn around. He removed his fake breasts before going to bed last night and the last thing he needs is someone finding out about who he is.

"Zayn?" The door closes and Zayn releases a sigh of relief as he turns around and sees Liam. "I ... um, sorry if I ... interrupted anything" His eyes are wide but Zayn blinks at him in confusion until he gets what he means.

"Oh please" Zayn mumbles as he steps closer to Liam, "He is just tired and wanted me to stay" Liam grins at him and Zayn squints his eyes at him. "The hell are you thinking about?"



"It's just ... you're actually opening up to Harry" Zayn pauses and studies him. No. He feels guilty.

"Whatever" Zayn mumbles as he grabs his shawl again, adjusting his fake breasts under his clothes again. "God" He groans, "It would be so awkward"

"What is?" Liam furrows his brows as Zayn turns back to him, feminine body in view.

"Me. Getting out of Harry's room looking like this" He points at himself but Liam grins again.

"Actually, it makes a good image of you two" Zayn furrows his brows, "Spending a night together at last. You should do that more often" No. "Make the people see you as a married couple before your coronation"

Zayn's eyes snap up at that. The coronation. He and Harry are going to be crowned soon. He'll be the ruler of this country which means taking a step forward into achieving his goal. Saving his own country.

"Or you could stay" Liam offers instead, "Wait for Harry to wake up and have breakfast together then you can call for your ladies to dress you up here" Zayn tilts his head to the side thinking about Liam's offer. Harry wouldn't mind really. "You could talk about the kingdom's affairs while at it too. He needs someone who knows how to handle things around to be by his side ... Other than Louis and the council"

Zayn looks back at Harry, still sleeping soundly. "Order us our breakfast then. He should be awake by the time the servants arrive" And if he didn't, Zayn would eat and leave.

Liam grins widely at him, hugs him briefly before stepping back and holding his shoulders. "Thank you. It means a lot to Harry" Zayn furrows his brows at that but Liam is soon out of the door, assuring him that no one would bother them until the servants knock on their door before entering.

Zayn turns back to the desk, perhaps organizing Harry's stuff would help, and it's not like he has anything else to do, so he sits on the chair behind the desk and his eyes roam over the opened books and papers scattered.

He finds the generals' names along with the men who participated in the battle against Lithuania. The amount of gold that was consumed during that time and the amount that needs to be paid along with the Kingdom's current resources. Numbers and names all lie before his eyes and he quickly glance at Harry to see him still asleep before going back to the papers. If he's the ruler next to Harry here then that means he gets to know such information. Besides, Liam mentioned that Harry would be happy having someone who has experience in ruling a country by his side.

He organizes the records and the papers into one side and spots a map beneath them. The region covering England, Germany, France, Spain, Poland, Ireland, Denmark, and their neighboring countries. Mainly focused on Germany and France and Zayn doesn't know how to feel about Harry thinking about his country while he's in that state. Settling something in his gut that he doesn't know what to feel about exactly, is it bad or good? He doesn't know. But there's another paper with the existing and possible alliances, diplomatic treaties offerings, letters need to be sent to acquire information about the situation in Germany.

Zayn might've been the bad guy without his knowing after all. He looks back at Harry, eyes closed and chest rising and falling with each deep breath, and he wonders just why.


Harry doesn't wake up by the time their breakfast is served and Zayn leaves his room quietly to attend to the kingdom's matters, the papers on Harry's desk still deep in his mind that he wishes he could stay on that desk for how many long hours required until he figures something out, but the absence of both the king and the queen the last couple of days is making the people worry, and Zayn knows if they stayed like that for a little while longer, some high authorities inside the court might take actions on their own, so he dresses up nicely and heads to the throne room.

He glances at Harry's seat, despising the fact that he's only a queen by his side here that if Harry wishes, he can discard his opinion on whatever matter so easily. Taking a deep breath, he takes his own seat, memories of how his seat is the one who people look at instead at Germany, equal seats that Zayn chose, not the difference in appearance here that makes his blood boil. The English would never consider him one of them to rule over, and he needs to change that quickly.

He sees Louis next, entering the hall with a couple of nobles by his side, motioning for the guards to escort them outside while he turns to stand closely by Harry's seat even if Harry himself isn't here. Zayn squints his eyes at him when he tells the guards to allow the people who have issues in. He takes a few steps forward when the woman enters, telling her story, completely ignoring the fact that there's a queen sitting and that Louis is only a noble.

Zayn feels anger bubbling up inside of him as he stands up, "Lord Tomlinson" His tone is warning, loud, and heavy with hatred. Louis simply turns to him, again, not even acknowledging that he's a queen and he needs to bow in respect. Gosh how he hates him. "I believe that people's issues are at my hands to listen and solve"

"And what a German knows about the life here?" Alright. He's already planning Louis' funeral in his head. Zayn can see the amused looks some of the guards have.

Zayn steps closer, ignoring Louis' question, and looks at the woman. She widen her eyes for a second before bowing down, keeping her eyes fixed on the ground before returning his gaze to Louis, "I think you're forgetting your position in court, Lord Tomlinson"

But Louis doesn't even shift. "Oh, it's saddening to hear that you don't know about my position in court" Zayn narrows his eyes slightly, "Harry named me as his deputy. So when you're busy trying to make your face pretty, I'm the one who's going to take care of the kingdom's issues until the king is in a good condition to do it himself" He replies calmly, casually, like it's the most normal thing to do, and Zayn hates it.

"While the king is absent, there's a queen to take care of issues in court" Zayn counters.

Louis takes a step forward, "Make an order and sees who listens"

There's gasps and lips gaped and Zayn grits his teeth at Louis' cockiness. There's a risk, if he does an order that no one listens to he'll be a joke, and if he does not, he'll also be a joke.

"I'll have to remind you to not cross me" Zayn warns in a low tone.

"Why? What possible power do you have over me?" Zayn swears that Louis is about to smirk, eyebrows twitching like he's controlling himself not to act more cocky than he already is, making the guards, the servants, and the villagers watch as Zayn's being humiliated.

Zayn stares hard at him, or glares actually, still somehow keeping his rage under control or he'd be swinging a sword at Louis' head. "Do not test me"

"In fact, I'd like to" Louis narrows his own eyes, tone dropping as he takes a step forward, and he's too close for Zayn's likeness. He steps back, looking at the woman who's had her gaze fixed on them instead since the moment Louis started to reply and she flinches immediately from Zayn's hard gaze. He glances over the guards, the nobles and they clear their throat awkwardly, shifting their gazes away from them.

There's something challenging in Louis' eyes that Zayn wonders if he's daring him to make a move, perhaps the one he's waiting for, the one that will make him appear the weaker side, the whiny child that runs to their parents to get back at whoever made them cry. Mentioning that Harry's on his side that he's not even sure about it being true, or rather leave and go to Harry to have him solve this issue, or worse, using Harry's name as something to gain strength from, and he knows it's true, it stings to know it's true.

"Have your laugh now" He raises his voice, to Louis, the woman, and whoever is inside the hall to hear, "But I promise you ... You'll be bowing in fear before respect in front of me" He turns back to Louis, "Just. Like. Every. Time" Louis narrows his eyes again at him. "And I ensure you it'll be all me" He turns to leave but throws one last word before his departure, "Soon"


"And how exactly are you planning to get back at Louis?"

Zayn huffs, "I don't know" he mumbles.

"You know ... You can actually use Harry's name in this. There's nothing wrong about it, he's the king and you're his queen" Zayn turns to Niall, "That's how it's supposed to be. King and queen supporting each other"

"No, never" Zayn frowns, "I don't want to be seen as some 'follower' who has nothing but the king to support him"

"And what else you need to have support?" Niall asks, "He's the highest position inside the country, your husband-"

"And you really think that Harry would treat me as an equal?" He cuts Niall off, "He could snap a finger at any time and I'll be thrown away. No, thank you, I rather have a force that I can rely on"

Niall sighs, "And why can't this force be Harry?" Zayn turns his head towards him again giving him an annoyed look. He'd just told him why. "You know, if you opened up to him more, you'll find that he's not the person you're picturing him to be"

"He placed Louis as his deputy without my knowledge!"

"And where were you for him to talk to in the first place?!" Niall counters.

"I'm always available in my room!"

"Because he was in a great mental state to have another mental break down because of you!"

Zayn gives him a warning look, "Keep your voice down"

Niall sighs again, "You said you kept Harry alive for a reason"

"That I can't be a queen without him"

Zayn keeps his head turned away from him, eyes glaring into nothing in particular, and Niall decides to leave the subject be. "Alright. What do you have in your mind?"

Zayn tilts his head and bites his bottom lip in thought. "If Louis is the one who's handling things around then I need to get rid of him first" He pauses, a hand on his chin as he tries to think about everything concerning Louis, "If I'm able to get to someone close to him ..."

"Threatening him?"

"Do you have a better idea?" Zayn turns to him and Niall shrugs. "He's always around nobles, his men, but never have I ever seen a family member, no love interest, no nothing" He sighs. "We need to find out about that"

"Why don't you ask Liam?"

Zayn narrows his eyes, "I don't know if he'd tell me"

"Worth a shot" Zayn bites at his bottom lip again. Maybe Liam can give him a clue.


The wall inside Zayn's room cracks open and he smiles as he sees Liam entering, a confused and careful look on his face combined with a tight smile as he closes the secret passage behind him.

"Got your message"

Zayn picks up the bottle of wine and smiles, "Thought we needed to have a time off" Liam still approaches him cautiously so he sighs, pouring two glasses and offering Liam one, "It's been some rough days and I ... I forgot the times we shared as friends" He raises his glass and smiles again, "Hopefully we can return to those times?"

Liam stares at him for a second before looking down at his glass, "I shouldn't, shouldn't be drinking"

Zayn pouts, "Where's the fun in that? Leaving me to get drunk each time by myself" He shuffles closer to him, "Please?" He begs softly, widening his eyes to give his best pleading look and Liam sighs, raising his glass a little making Zayn grin at him before they're both downing the liquid. "So ... How've you been lately?"

Liam shrugs, "Okay, I guess. With everything going on" Zayn nods, pouring another round for him and Liam, "What about you? You and Harry?"

Zayn hums, "I think we're getting along"

"Good" Liam smiles, eyeing Zayn's drink first, and Zayn catches on that, Liam is still cautious. He swirls the liquid in his glass, leaning back on the table and Liam stands there awkwardly with his glass in hand, meeting Zayn's gaze for a second before avoiding it again, glancing around instead. "So, um ..." He starts again, watching Zayn takes a small sip of his glass, eyes staring deep into his, "You're comfortable here?"

"Here?" Zayn repeats.

"Like, being an English queen"

"I'm not an English queen"

Liam clears his throat, "I meant, to be on the English throne"

Zayn hums again, "No. Not really if I'm being honest" Liam picks his gaze again to look at him, "It's not like the English are willing to let me rule"

Liam frowns, "Once they get to know how wonderful you are, they'll accept you" He pauses as Zayn blinks at him, "Instead of ... you know ... threatening them" Zayn has to roll his eyes at that.

"The English only see one side of me, they expect me to behave like this. I need to show them that I'm not some weak girl they can control"

Liam puts his glass down, "Did you even speak to Harry?" He asks instead, voice quiet and friendlier than earlier.

Zayn looks down at his neglected glass, "Why do you have so much faith that me and Harry will get along?"

Liam smiles, walking until his back is pressed against the table as well, shoulder almost brushing with Zayn's. "Because I know that both of you want the same thing" Zayn turns his head to him, "He's never been a fan of war, nor the political dirty games. He's just ... He's been pushed into this like yourself. He's a good person, Zayn"

Zayn turns his head forward again, "He didn't even take my opinion about making Louis his deputy" he mumbles.

"Louis is his friend, a good warrior, a smart politician, someone who has a high position already to influence people around him"

"Are you two close?" He asks, turning to Liam with curious eyes, "You and Louis?"

"Sort of" Liam shrugs, "I've known him for a long time. He and Harry are close, me and Harry are close, so I guess that includes me in the circle as well"

"Does he have a family here?" Liam turns his head to him, "Like, when he left France, decided to be loyal to the English instead. He must've felt a bit lonely"

"I don't think so. I dunno" Liam shrugs again.

"No one close at all?" Zayn teases, bumping his shoulder with Liam's making the latter chuckle.

"I- I don't know" Zayn doesn't show it, but Liam stuttered and he knows there's someone.

"I thought you're in the same circle?"

"Well yeah, but he-" He cuts himself off, coughing to cover up and Zayn certainly notices. "I think he doesn't have time for that" His eyes are glancing fast towards nothing in particular and Zayn knows. He's lying.

But he hums, acts indifferent. "Tell me something" Liam turns to him again, picking up his glass and taking a sip, "I didn't really care before but I'm just curious to know ... Who's Harry's mistress?"

Liam chokes and Zayn watches as he sets the glass back and coughs into his fist, "That's um ... sudden" He glances at Zayn, "There's no one. If there is you'd be seeing her now inside the castle"

"There were noises Liam, I think the whole castle were able to hear them"

"And you were awake by then?" Liam counters, a hint of an amused smile playing on his lips before he's straightening up, "It was a one-night sex. Harry didn't want to have a mistress"

"Why? Surely it'd be fun to satisfy his sexual desires" He gulps the rest of his drink, "I was thinking about paying a visit to the village. I need to get laid" Liam laughs loudly but Zayn isn't joking and he groans. It's been ages. "Sure, laugh. You're getting some" he mumbles and Liam shakes his head as his laughter dies down.

"No ... I don't think we can afford that" Zayn pouts at him.

"You still haven't answered my question" He frowns, and sees Liam struggling with an answer, his lips parting and closing before he's speaking again.

"He's- I think- He just ... doesn't want to be tied down?" He shrugs, "Like, there's a lot on his mind already"

Zayn raises his brows, "Another reason then"

"Why are we even talking about this?" Liam turns to him again, an amused grin on his face that Zayn knows he got his questions wrongly understood. "Suddenly interested ... Is the queen ready to try?"

Something sparks inside Zayn's mind and he turns to Liam fully, "And Harry is?"

Liam stares at him, his grin fading, "Um ... You should ask him that, not me"

"You're his best friend"

"I haven't- I don't know if he ... I just, haven't gotten to that ... part?" Again, Liam lies to him, but Zayn doesn't show it on his expressions. He'll have to know the hard way exactly how to get both Harry and Louis under his control, but for now, he leaves Liam be. Having him at his side is better than not having him at all.

There's a though keeping his mind busy as Liam leaves. What if Louis has someone that Harry knows about? What if Harry is already using that someone to pressure Louis? Or what if Louis is the one holding Harry's secret? That the cause of Harry never actually obtaining a lover is that he already has one?

Or what if there's someone between the two keeping their secrets?

Zayn needs to find out.


"We're going to hell for this" Zayn rolls his eyes. "How did you even manage to get out?" He turns to Niall and smirks.

"Didn't spend all those night doing nothing, Ni"

"And how are you sure that this is going to help you?"

"I just am" Zayn turns to him and hands him his mask, "Wear it and don't utter a single word" Zayn knows it'd be easy to recognize Niall's voice, but while he himself is in his male form, his voice isn't adjusted, he can freely roam anywhere.

They sneaked their way upstairs and quickly entered a room when no one is watching. He might have caused a distraction too on his way but it's all good. They wait, both by the door until they hear footsteps approaching and they get in a ready position. The door is opened, the couple are too into each other's mouths to even see them, Zayn gets the man, a blindfold ready as he drags him down, and Niall holds the woman too with a hand on her mouth towards the other side as he closes the door with his foot.

"They hell-"

"Another word and your pretty lady will be dead" Zayn warns in a deep voice and the man gulps. He might have spent sleepless nights to know that he shares a relationship with this woman who's also carrying his child, but he doesn't care.

"Wha-What do you want from me?"

"I know you're close to Lord Tomlinson" And Zayn doesn't wait for an answer, he knows. Seen the man with Louis far too many times to count, being his right hand must mean something. He knows too much and Zayn needs to know too. He knows Louis' men are loyal to him, would prefer death on betraying him, but Zayn knows just how much this lady and her child mean to the man too. "If you give me the right answer, I'll set you both free. Lie to me and I'll kill both the woman and your child"

There's a muffled whine from the lady as she cries into Niall's hand. The man stays quiet, waiting for Zayn's question. "I need you to tell me his dirtiest secret"

"I don't know what you mean"

"Wrong answer" There's another muffled cry and the man's body tries to break free but there's a knife digging into his neck, arms holding his own and body on top of his. "I'll ask again ... Give me a name"

"I don't know what you're asking for!" The man shouts in frustration and Zayn turns to Niall. Another muffled scream before the man is begging him to stop. "Be specific you piece of shit and leave her alone!"

"Louis has someone that he cares about more than himself. Who?!" Zayn raises his voice.

"I swear I don't know!"

"You're testing my patience and I have none left" Zayn warns between gritted teeth. Another whimper from the woman and the man's body tenses and relaxes in a second.

"I swear he doesn't have someone. If he ever had one he doesn't tell!" There's a pause and Zayn catches on how the man's lips move but no words come out.

"And?" He says slowly. "Is it related to the court? Is it related to the king?"

"I only know of one time when he and the king visited a house, but that was a year ago" The man says finally.

"Tell me where"


Chesham, Chiltern Hills, Buckinghamshire, England.

"You do realize we have to get back before sunrise?"

Zayn sighs, "I know" he mumbles and they both slow down once the house the man described is in view. A lady? A child? A dead person's grave? He doesn't know, but it seems decent enough to have people live inside. A small family maybe. He hops off his horse, Niall following right behind as they try to see through the windows when they notice there's no one guarding outside. He manages to open the window and he frowns when he does so easily, stepping inside with Niall.

He notices a bedroom and he opens the door slowly. On the bed, there's an old lady and he wonders if they're deceived. He can always track the bastard and kill him himself if he did so. He pulls his knife out and shakes the old lady awake. His mask is still on and he puts the knife on her neck before she's able to protest.

"Shhh" Zayn says quietly as the woman sits up. "I'll ask you a simple question and I'll leave you be, alright?" The woman nods faintly as Niall joins him with a boy, maybe in his teenage years judging by his looks, afraid from the wide-eyes expression he's having with shaky breaths. He doesn't think the kid belongs to any of Harry, Louis, or even the old lady. There's nothing alike to link any of them.

"Tell me your name"

"Evonne Harley Graham" She blinks in confusion.

"Do you know a man by the name Louis Tomlinson?" The woman nods, "What's your relationship with him?"

The woman hesitates for a moment, gulping audibly when she notices the blade on the kid's throat and turns to Zayn again. "Who are you?"

"A year ago, you were visited by him and the prince. Why?"

The woman hesitates again. "My son used to be one of his men before he died in battle. He came to me one night and asked if a friend can stay here for a couple of days and I agreed. The day when he came with the prince, the guy was cuffed but stayed with my son during the required period then Lord Tomlinson took him away"

Zayn frowns, "Who's that guy?"

"I don't know" Was Harry helping someone escape and needed Louis' help? The man was cuffed. There must be a reason behind it.

"How did he look like?"

"Slim. Dark hair. I didn't see his face. Didn't pay that much attention before he was taken away from my sight, but there was dirt covering his clothes and skin. I don't think there was blood though" Zayn almost groans, this doesn't help at all. Because that's just it? He needs to know more. He needs to know why Harry brought this person for only a couple of days to hide inside one of Louis' men's house. And even though, if this is Harry's secret then what's Louis'? Or did the man share something with both? He swears his head is about to explode.

Niall pushes the kid to the side, grabbing Zayn's arm and pulling him outside quickly. Zayn was about to protest, seeking more information from the lady but Niall nods towards the open window they came through. There're men outside near their horses and Niall speaks up. "Risking to get caught or leaving this secret to die down?"

"Fuck" Zayn mutters under his breath before they're both climbing out and running towards their horses. The men are armed though and they pull their swords out. Zayn slides down swiftly startling one and picking up his sword, pulling back and handing it to Niall before he's whistling for their horses to move. Niall manages to knock another and jumps on his horse, Zayn is about to jump on his too when someone suddenly reaches for his mask and pulls it away. For a second, Zayn is thankful his hair is untied under the mask and it falls to cover his face. In the shadows of the night, it's not that easy to recognize them still, and they kick their horses to run away.


Zayn sighs once he opens the door that leads to his room from the secret passage, Niall already made his way to his own room. He leans back on the wall and lifts his eyes up. He freezes.


"Where were you?" There's that look again, the hard glare he gave him when he came back from Hemsby. Standing with his arms crossed over his chest and Zayn takes a deep breath.

"Was out in the village"


"Seer Green" And well, he's not lying. It was the first place he got to.


Zayn pushes himself off the wall walking towards where his clothes are placed. "So you're allowed to have fun with the ladies and I don't?" He keeps his tone light and teasing, a smile playing on his lips to play it casual.

"That's it?"

"Yes, Harry. That's it" He turns to him, seeing that Harry's expression didn't change at it.

"So you weren't at Chesham?" Zayn's eyes widen for a second before he blinks to cover it. The men. They must've been Louis'. Fuck. He should've checked his back. But Zayn doesn't have enough proof to confront Harry about the nameless-faceless person that he brought into that house, and if he doesn't have a good proof then Harry can lie easily to him.

"Why are you sending people to follow me?" He asks instead.

"Get dressed" Harry orders and Zayn narrows his eyes at him.

"Excuse me?"

"Get into your 'queen' persona and meet me at my office" Harry's arms fall to his sides and he turns to leave.

"I believe whatever you want to know can wait until the morning"

"No. It can't"

"Suit yourself, the only place I'm going to is my bed" Zayn turns back to take off his clothes.

"Unless you want people to find out who you are" Harry's voice is low and deep and Zayn turns to see him glaring at him. "I believe you wouldn't want that" Zayn just stares back, he has no idea what's on Harry's mind. "Get dressed and meet me in my office" Harry repeats through gritted teeth and leaves his room.


Zayn is tired. It's been sleepless nights to get what he wants and he didn't even get what he wanted. But he's here, walking to Harry's chamber because he threatened to expose his identity. He hates how he's still powerless.

The door is opened and the first thing his eyes lie on is Louis.

Harry is sitting behind his desk, a tired but angry expression covering his face as Louis stands there with a calm attitude.

"Your majesty" Louis bows his head and Zayn narrows his eyes at him. "I'm going to make this quick" He smirks, one that Harry doesn't see because his back is facing him and Zayn already doesn't like it. "One of my men said he encountered two masked men while visiting his woman. While I don't know why they required such information about a former member of my army, but they followed them to ensure that no harm is done" Louis pauses, squinting his eyes at him, "When one of my men removed the mask, they could identify short-length black hair, and the horse, black, just like your favorite"

"That doesn't make sense. You said two men"

Louis smiles again, "Oh, but you see. While I don't also know if the two masked men were one of yours or you were one yourself, I do know that the same horse arrived late when you arrived through a secret passage leading to your room" He spins around to face Harry who's having his glare still fixed on Zayn. Louis turns to him again, "And from personal experience, I know how good of a fighter you are"

"What is this all about?" Zayn squints his eyes at Louis. The latter motions for the guard and Zayn waits as a maid comes in.

"This lady here, said she encountered some ... unusual servants. Some that are not known, walking inside the castle the day the king was heading to Hemsby" Zayn frowns, what does this has to do with that? "Said she heard some talking in German" Zayn's head snap up at him. "She didn't understand of course, but ... The fact it was German ..." He trails off staring at Zayn.

"So you think I'm behind it?"

Louis holds his hands together, "Why would they send one or two after each of the royal family but send five to you?" Zayn's eyes widen again. Louis is using his own lie he came up with to cover his absence to his favor. Wow. "Or perhaps they knew someone would be there to help you, so they wanted to slow me down. While you're still unharmed. Not even a scratch" Not a scratch yourself, Zayn wants to spit out. Because it's a lie, they're both lying about it, but Zayn can't take his words back.

"But" Louis starts again, "I arrived a bit late to your chamber, so where were you?"

Saving Harry's ass. "In my room" He replies quietly.

Louis nods, "So you didn't go after Harry's cart and saved him?" Again, Zayn's brows furrow. Harry told him that? "I already know how you can disguise into men's clothes" Louis speaks up again, "So, while you actually saved the king's life, you had a hand behind it. I don't know why. If it's guilt or something else, but ... What do you have to say about this?"

"I was not behind this"

"Prove it" Louis counters, still calm that makes Zayn wonders if there's more.

"There was an eye witness. Before they leave, there was a servant. She's dead by now, but that was when I knew" He turns his head to Harry, "Liam was there"

Something changes in Harry's eyes for a second but he glances towards the guard again and he leaves for a moment before Liam comes in, confused to the position they're in.

"Liam" Harry starts, "Were you with the queen the night of the attack?" Liam glances at Zayn, "This would help proving that she has nothing to do with it" Zayn rolls his eyes so Liam speaks up.

"I was"

"And what happened exactly?" Louis asks and Liam yet again, glances at Zayn before answering.

"There was a servant that carried information about the attack, names of people and where they'd be" Louis hums, motioning for him to continue, "I was given half of the list to go after ..."

"While the queen had the rest" Louis finishes for him, turning to Zayn, "Which included the king, the queen, and Harry. And she did go after them. Liam, was the lady German?"


"This means nothing" Zayn speaks up, "You know I have no connections with the Germans here" He looks at Harry, "I already chased after the king and failed to catch up, I told you so"

"Was there anything else exchanged between the servant and the queen?" Louis asks Liam again.

"I couldn't understand, it was German"

Louis nods. "There's just one more thing that I want to confirm" He motions for the guard and Zayn turns to see who else Louis has to witness. There's a pause as Zayn's eyes grow wide, lips parted in surprise. "Please step in" Louis calls and Zayn watches as his ladies come closer. "The queen said that she had info on the day of the attack but wasn't part of it. Is this true? Being the closest to the queen"

Giselle looks up, not meeting Zayn's eyes and faces Louis instead. "We had a theory, that maybe the Lithuanian army was a distraction but we weren't sure so we kept our lips sealed" She gulps, and Zayn doesn't know if it's guilt for standing up against him or covering up his crime. "The night of the attack the queen knew exactly who were they going after and she went to save them" Zayn furrows his brows again, are they on his side or against him?

"We only knew when she got back that she chose not to go after the king nor the queen" Hylda continues, "She was not behind the attack"

"But hiding information about the king and the queen's assassination is an act of treason" Louis states turning back to Harry. "Here's the truth you asked for, your majesty"

Harry looks down for a second before meeting Zayn's gaze. "You're all involved"

"They were under my command" Zayn replies, because he still can't force his ladies, Niall or Liam to be thrown in this when he planned it behind their backs. "I worked solo"

"Not really" Louis turns to him again, "Your little guard worked under your command too"

"Leave them out of it" Zayn hisses at him.

"Tell me that you have something to defend yourself with" Harry speaks up, voice cracking, "Tell me you didn't help the assassination of my parents" But Zayn has nothing. He can't think of anything to turn this off.

Zayn stays quiet.

"Take her away" Harry orders when Zayn doesn't reply, and he wishes deep down that this isn't true, that Zayn didn't do it, that he has something to fire back with like he does every time, shining brightly against the threats facing him and turning down every false accusation. But Zayn still keeps his mouth shut.

The guards approach him but he still holds his head high. "Don't you dare touch me" The guards stand still. "I can walk on my own" Zayn doesn't look at any of his ladies as he walks outside Harry's chamber and into the dungeon.

They pass a hallway and from the corner of his eyes, he spots Niall.

Niall nods before Zayn is walking away again.

He is not giving up yet.

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