Unraveling Rosen | ✓

By -chanel

6.8M 222K 104K

"He said he is scared of commitment, but he has tattoos all over his skin." The day Hazel Stevens moves from... More

Unraveling Rosen
01 | barre
02 | allegro
03 | ballón
04 | terre
05 | tour
06 | soutenu
07 | sauté
08 | elevé
09 | grand
10 | en arriére
11 | frappé
12 | brisé
13 | en dehors
14 | adagio
15 | en avant
16 | en dedans
18 | l'aire
19 | devant
20 | center floor
21 | demi
22 | pas de chat
23 | assemblé
24 | beats
25 | derrière
26 | en pointe
27 | sissonne
28 | la seconde
29 | chassé
30 | cou-de-pied
31 | ronde de jambe
32 | relevé
33 | en croix
34 | arabesque
35 | ballote
36 | developpé
37 | penché
38 | tendu
39 | glissade
40 | pas
Bonus 01 | Christmas

17 | fondu

155K 5.2K 2.4K
By -chanel

1 7

f o n d u

"melted" A slow demi-plié of the stance limb, bringing the gesture limb into cou-de-pied, followed by simultaneous extending of both knees to end in dèveloppé or tondu as specified.

I've always thought the probability of Rosen asking me out on a date is slim to none. Actually, I've always thought the probability of anyone asking me out on a date is slim to none. There's nothing that likeable about me and I'd rather not force a person to sit in a restaurant with me as I choose the same exact food every time and constantly remind them that I don't know what to talk about and that they should tell me about themselves instead. I just find dates extremely frightening and I get anxious just thinking about going on a date.

So when the following Saturday Rosen asked me on a date, I was completely flabbergasted by his question.

At first, I didn't know what to say.

What do I even say in a situation like this?

On the outside I'm trying to keep a calm and collected demeanor, but on the inside I'm completely freaking out, jumping up and down in my brain and doing cartwheels in every direction.

"So will you join me for dinner tonight?" Rosen asks once more as he starts stretching his muscles. I stand there, a nonchalant expression on my face, pretending to think about his offer when in my mind I already knew the answer to his question.

I finally reply. "Sure, I'll come and have dinner with you tonight."

Rosen nods his head. I don't know if he's just that cool and calm about this situation–unlike me–or if he really just doesn't care that much about a silly little date. I know he has probably gone on hundreds of dates but this little act of romance is making my non-existent heart tingle with all kinds of feelings that I can't really explain.

"I'll come and pick you up around 7:30p.m so don't be late." he says as he grabs his bag and gets ready to leave the studio. Since I want to practice more today, Rosen gave me the keys to the studio and just told me to hand the keys to the receptionist lady downstairs once I'm done. "Make sure you wear something pretty, oh and I hope you like Italian food," Rosen yells from the door and within seconds his disappears.

I turn on the music to mask my screams and once the music starts, I scream on the top of my lungs, jumping up and down in the studio, twerking in every direction and just doing all kinds of crazy things that a normal teenager would do once asked on a date.

I'm going on a date with Rosen Creed.

Take that, Isabella.


That same night I invite both Saskia and Imogen over to my house. Saskia is a good asset in this situation since she is the ex-girlfriend of Rosen so she knows what Rosen likes and maybe that way we can figure out what Italian restaurant he's taking me to. And Imogen has a great eye for style and everything that goes with fashion so I'm sure if she picks out my clothing, I'm definitely going to look better than if I was to get ready by myself.

"What did Rosen say about the location?" Saskia asks as she sits down on my bed while Imogen starts rummaging through my closet. She picks out a lot of different outfits and sets them down on the bed, making sure to color co-ordinate everything together.

"He said he's taking me to an Italian restaurant but that's it," I reply. "I don't know if I'm supposed to dress casual or fancy."

"Hmm, so there are two Italian restaurants in town–Gianni's and La Forchetta," Saskia starts as she grabs her phone to do some research on her phone. "Both of them are on the fancier side so I'm guessing you should wear a dress, a skirt or a jumpsuit of some sort. Definitely jewellery and high heels as well. Rosen likes if girls dress femininely on dates."

Momentarily Imogen removes all the outfits that contain pants of any sort and starts pulling out more outfits. "You don't have the best collection of heels," she mumbles. "I'm sure we can find something from Saskia's wardrobe in the heels department. Luckily you two are the same size so I doubt that will be a problem."

"You, sit down," Saskia points to a chair that is neatly pushed underneath my table. "It's time to start making you look less like Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer and more like a girl that says 'Take me home to meet your parents'."

"I have the perfect outfit in mind!" Imogen suddenly yells. "I have to go and raid your closet a tiny bit," she tells Saskia and runs out of the room. Saskia laughs at Imogen's behavior and continues to apply all sorts of make-up.

Just a few days ago I went through the same process and if Saskia can work her magic this time like she did last time, then I have no reason to be scared. She's a professional when it comes to make-up and I'm sure I'll look beautiful.

Once she's done I can finally look at myself in the mirror. With the help of Saskia's magic, she has evened out my skin-tone and it now has a healthy bronze glow to it. She has somehow managed to groom my caterpillars aka my eyebrows into place and my eyes are shaded with light tones of browns, my eyelashes longer than they usually are. My lips are coated with a pink nude gloss and my face is overall just glowing.

At the same time Imogen strides through the door, a maroon-colored jumpsuit hanging on her arm, along with a pair of black strappy heels. She throws the clothing at me as I walk into my bathroom to get changed. After pulling on the outfit I look at myself in the small mirror. The jumpsuit has a nice fit and a little cut out in the chest area, making my boobs appear bigger than they actually are. After returning to my bedroom, the two girls gasp.

"You look stunning," Saskia comments. "If Rosen won't be all over you tonight then I don't know what's wrong with him."

"I totally agree," Imogen adds. "Rosen's eyes will be blessed tonight."

I jump in fright when I hear the doorbell downstairs ringing. Saskia smatters another coat of lip gloss onto my lips while Imogen spritzes some perfume onto my neck and they rush downstairs to give me a few seconds to put on my heels and the accessories that Imogen picked out prior to me getting dressed.

As I walk downstairs I feel like I'm about to combust. The overwhelming feeling of premonition entered my body as I glided downstairs, careful not to trip or fall on any of the steps. When I came face to face with Rosen, a state of reverie took over me.

He looks so handsome.

He was donned in a pair of black pants, along with a light blue button-up shirt–with two buttons at the top undone–and a gold watch accessorised his tattooed left arm. His hair was messy, little tufts going in random directions. A small stubble was visible on his face, but that only made him hotter in my opinion and also a bright smile was predominant on his face, highlighting the contentment he hopefully felt. Pushing away the remnant of premonition, I stand next to him as Imogen and Saskia giggle a few inches away from us.

"Hey," he whispers. "You look stunning."

"You don't look too shabby yourself," I comment.

"I got you these," Rosen says as he hands me a bouquet of red roses. After giving them a little sniff, I hand them over to Saskia, who will hopefully put them in a vase, and the two of us walked outside, Rosen's warm hand occasionally brushing against mine, sending tingles all throughout my body.

I gasp when I notice a white limousine parked right outside my house, the driver waiting for us by the door.

"Rosen, you did not have to get a limousine for our date."

Rosen chuckles as a blush appears on his cheeks, "I wanted to make you feel like a princess. Besides, you deserve everything wonderful and although I won't be able to offer you much, I hope that for one night, you can feel amazing in my company."

I feel a small tear appearing in my eye as we make our way towards the limousine. Brushing away the tear I glide inside, the feeling of black leather seats caressing my body, making me feel like I was a celebrity or something. The driver starts driving without hesitation, getting closer to our destination within seconds. Rosen doesn't say much during the ride, we're both just in the moment and enjoying each other's company for the night. At some point he slowly reaches for my hand and entangles our fingers together, keeping a completely stern face as if he didn't know anything and as if he didn't just take my hand. My emotions are completely going haywire.

As the limousine stops, the driver opens the door and the two of us step outside. I notice the writing Gianni's on the top of the building as we walk closer. From the outside the restaurant looks very sophisticated and judging by the rows of expensive cars parked outside I can easily say that this restaurant is very expensive.

"Reservations for Mr. Creed." Rosen says to the administration guy who leads us to our table, which is a small table located on the left side of the restaurant, a small candle scintillating in the middle of the table.

As we walk to our seat, I notice all the women staring at me and I can't exactly say if they think we're loser or if they think that we're just as wealthy and elegant as them. I'm guessing the first one, since Rosen's tattoo is visible and most older people in the neighborhood seem very snooty and probably think tattoos are a sign of gangs.

Once we're seated, a waiter appears and hands us our menus.

"Would you like some apéritifs before ordering?"

"No, thank you. We won't be consuming any alcohol tonight." Rosen replies in an instant. Since neither of us drink alcohol, it's refreshing to be on a date, knowing that neither of the people are drunk and every word exchanged will be pure and honest, not forced by intoxication.

The waiter nods and leaves, leaving the two of us to decide our meal preferences in tranquility. Scanning over the menu, in an instant I pick out what I want to eat.

Once the waiter reappears, the two of us have made our meal decisions.

"I'll have the salmon carpaccio for an appetizer, the ravioli stuffed with spinach and ricotta cheese for my main course and panna cotta for dessert. Oh, and a glass of mineral water." Rosen says as the waiter writes everything down hastily.

"For an appetizer I'd like the prosciutto ham with melon, linguine with seafood and a tiramisu. And mineral water as well." After telling my order, the two of us close our menus and hand them to the waiter as he walks us, leaving Rosen and me alone finally.

"I'm so happy you decided to come on a date with me," Rosen says. "I mean I almost imploded with happiness when you agreed. You have no idea how happy you made me."

Just hearing something like that made my heart very happy. All kinds of emotions ran over my body and they were all indecipherable. Rosen is so god damn mesmerizing that's it's insane. I've never met anyone who has made my heart beat so fast and that's saying a lot.

"I'm happy too," I respond. "I've been waiting for this for a very long time but I've always been too shy to make the first move."

"Why?" Rosen asks, a small laugh escaping from his mouth. "It's not like I'm gonna bite or anything."

"I don't know," I shrug. "You've always seemed so distant around me that I've been to afraid to make the first gigantic leap into a relationship."

"Well, things are going to change now."


When we're done eating, the full moon is already visible in the sky, scintillating the dark night with a grey hue amongst the thousands of stars smattered across the sky. The night was everything I expected. Crawling into Rosen's heart was nigh impossible, but I still managed to do it somehow. Although it took me a few months to get closer to him, I don't regret waiting for him for that long. I know I still have a long way to go before I unravel him completely, but that's what makes all of this so exciting. Every day I find out something new about Rosen, something that makes me appreciate him even more, something that makes my love grow for him daily.

After dinner the two of us headed back to Rosen's apartment to spend some more time together and just talk and get to know each other on a more emotional level and find out each other's deepest and darkest secrets.

The first thing I did once we arrived, is that I took my heels off immediately. I don't understand how Saskia can just walk in heels the entire day, I was out for like 2 hours and my feet are killing me. As I made myself comfortable on the couch, Rosen brewed both of us a cup of tea and placed a packet of Reese's on the coffee table in front of me.

"What are we going to watch?" I ask as I pick up the TV remote and start up Netflix, aimlessly scanning through the TV shows and movies available.

"Let's watch Gossip Girl," Rosen suggests as he walks over to the couch. I chuckle at his enthusiasm. I will never understand why he's so obsessed with Gossip Girl but I'm not going to question it either.

As I start the episode, Rosen pulls out a throw blanket from one of the cupboard in his living room and throws it towards me before joining me on the couch. In one swift movement, he placed his arm over my shoulder, allowing me to cuddle closer to him. He then places the blanket over the two of us so we'd be warm and then we start enjoying the episode.

And that's how we spend the rest of the night: me cuddled up next to him, both of our eyes glued on the current episode of Gossip Girl.

And I wouldn't have wanted to spend the night any other way. 

Where you can contact me:

Twitter • aulhoei

Instagram • aulhoei

Email • pretenceonwattpad@gmail.com

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