Fix You (Jelsa) -{COMPLETE}

By Sil-bD9

84.9K 3K 2.6K

Elsa Winters could be easily described as perfect. She has a great family, awesome friends, a secured future... More

• One •
• Two •
• Three •
• Four •
• Five •
• Six •
• Seven •
• Eight •
• Nine •
• Ten •
• Eleven •
• Twelve •
• Thirteen •
• Fourteen •
• Fifteen •
• Sixteen •
• Seventeen •
• Eighteen •
• Nineteen •
• Twenty •
• Twenty One •
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight.
Thirty Nine
New story!!


3.8K 90 55
By Sil-bD9


Hey guys! So, before we start this final chapter I'll like to let you know something. There's lots of you that want to read Mature Content (smut/lemon/explicit things) and there's lots that don't want to. So, to make everyone happy (including myself) Mature Content and the explicit parts would be in italics and separated by bold 'X'. If you don't want to read anything explicit, simply skip that part, you won't be missing anything I promise, only the explicit parts would be there.

Anyway, enjoy!


The next day came a lot sooner than any of them would expect.

The sun rays streamed through the window, since they obviously forgotten about the curtains yesterday, making Elsa stretch and wake up.

She couldn't even open her eyes properly when she saw Jack holding her tightly and smiling at her in a... pretty awkward way.

He seemed excited, but nervous at the same time, like he was about to do something that he would probably regret.

"What?" Elsa asked laughing, Jack blushed a bit when he realized she picked up he was between nervous and excited.

"Nothing" He said, pouting. Elsa giggled at his expression and kissed him in the tip of his nose. "Good morning, Jack" She said smiling at him. Jack smiled as well.

"Good morning, princess" Jack said.

"So, what are we going to do today?" Elsa asked, stretching a bit more. Jack just smirked, and Elsa rolled her eyes. "It's a surprise!" She said, mimicking 'male' voice.

"I don't talk like that!" Jack said chuckling.

"Yes you do" Elsa teased. Jack just chuckled.

"Okay princess, get up and get ready. I'm starving" Jack said and slightly pushed her to make her get out of the bed.

They both got dressed -Elsa decided to wear some high waisted denim shorts, an oversized DWU t-shirt tugged inside her shorts and her superstars. Her hair was in a messy ponytail. Jack decided for some dark blue jeans and a white T-shirt.

After they were both ready, they headed downstairs.

Obviously and without a doubt, they went to the same café from the other time. Unfortunately, they wouldn't be able to order hot chocolate this time since spring was already settling in and even if it wasn't that hot yet, it was hot to drink hot chocolate. Instead, they ordered a pretty large breakfast.

Both of them ordered pancakes with bacon and sunny side up eggs. Both asked for coffee and orange juice as well. As expected, everything was delicious.

Elsa noted that almost all people inside the place were sending Jack curious glances just like before, but no one came to say hi this time.

"Do you have a whole schedule planned?" Elsa asked, making Jack chuckle as he finished to munch his breakfast.

"Kind of" He said. "I have stuff planned, but our schedule is not as tight as last time" Jack added. "When we finish everything, you can decide what to do next"

"Okay" Elsa said.

Jack paid the bill, and they both got out the café, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. Elsa turned to Jack, and could tell that he was definitely growing nervous. She took his hand and squeezed it just ever so slightly. When Jack turned to her, his eyes and expression were a lot more cheerful than before, so she knew it was better not to ask, at least not now.

"Where are we going?" She decided to say. Jack sighed.

"You'll see" He said, and Elsa just blinked in confusion.

They were walking for a few minutes now, in complete silence. A few blocks away, they turned to some street Elsa was sure they didn't wander the precious time, which was kind of curious, since she was pretty sure they walk across the whole little down town the other time.

But, they weren't Down Town anymore. They were near a more residential area, even though there were not much houses near.

Elsa was about to ask where they were going again, until Jack stopped in his tracks.

"Where are we?" Elsa asked in curiosity. Jack sighed again.

"Somewhere I really wanted to take you the first time we came here" Jack said almost breathlessly. "I just didn't know what you would think at that moment" He added. "But I... really needed to this time"

Elsa was about to ask a lot of questions that popped in her mind, because she had no idea what on earth he was saying, until her heart tightened.

When she turned her head, she saw a beautiful concrete railing covered in beautiful climbing plants, and a large concrete sign a bit covered as well.

'Burgess Memorial Cemetery'

Her breath hitched, and she felt an overwhelming sadness take her. She knew why they were here. She felt honored.

Jack took her hand again, and with a soft squeeze, he began walking towards the entrance. He stopped in front of an old lady selling flowers. He bought 3 small bouquets, all of them with a few Poppies, pink carnations, and larkspurs.

Elsa remained in silence. They started to walk deeper in the cemetery, Jack squeezing stronger and stronger Elsa's hand every time they got near.

Finally, they stopped in front of three white marble gravestones.

'In loving memory of

Marcus Overland Frost

Beloved father and husband'

'In loving memory of

Nathalie Frost

Beloved mother and wife'

'In loving memory of

Emilia 'Emma' Frost

Our little ray of sunshine'

Elsa felt her eyes burning.

Jack slowly kneeled down, and placed a bouquet in each grave. Elsa just stood in her place, looking at him. He wasn't crying. He was sad, he looked grieving, but not hurt. He just missed them.

"I wanted you to meet them" Jack's voice said, making Elsa's heart bump faster. She stayed quiet. "I know they would have love you if they were here" He said with a small smile, looking at each grave. "Mostly Emma" He said chuckling softly. "She was always asking me to find a prettier girlfriend you know? And she loved Ice Skating. She would have love you. Look up to you even"

Elsa started tearing. She was having trouble breathing, but she knew she wouldn't have realized if her vision didn't get so blurry.

"I know I would've like them too" She said whispering, with her voice cracking. She kneeled down slowly, and gazed at the graves as well. "Mostly Emma" She repeated. "I'm sure we would have made fun of you all day" She said, and wiped some tears. Jack let out a short chuckle.

They stayed in silence again. Elsa was trying hard to calm herself down, and Jack was lost in thoughts.

"I miss them so much" Jack said after a few minutes, whispering. Elsa looked to him, and he still wasn't crying. She didn't know if he was holding back, or he simply didn't need to anymore.

"They're still with you, you know that, right?" Elsa said, squeezing his hand. Jack smiled.

"Of course" He said. "I'm pretty sure they made me meet you" Jack added with truthful eyes. Elsa hold back a sob. "And I'm pretty sure that my father would pat my back now, my mom would pinch my cheeks and maybe then yours, and Emma would be singing that childish 'seating on a tree' song" He added, both of them chuckling.

"Thank you for bringing me here, Jack" Elsa said. "It means a lot to me"

"Thank you for agreeing to come, princess" He said, and he kissed her softly on the lips. "Are you ready to go?" He said, standing up.

"Go ahead" Elsa said, and Jack frowned slightly in confusion. "I'll be there in a few minutes"

Jack decided to say nothing, it was actually a bit heartwarming to know that she wanted to spend a few more minutes there.

Still, being the curious guy he was, he pretended to walk away, but he hid behind some bushes that were near the graves. He wasn't expecting what she did next.

"Hey" he heard her say, in a timid voice. He felt Goosebumps all over his body. "I... I don't know how to start- this probably seems terribly weird but-" She said and stopped. He heard her breath deeply. "I just wanted to say that, I would have loved to meet you" She said. "And... If it's true that you made me and Jack meet, thank you." She said and he could almost feel her smiling. "He's... one of the most amazing people I've ever met" She stayed quiet for a moment. "He's one of the most important people I have" She said really quietly.

Jack could feel his heart pumping loudly in his ears.

"He's such an amazing guy" She said again. "He's so sweet and caring, even if sometimes he doesn't look like that" She said giggling. "You raised him well" She said quietly. "I'm always happy when I'm with him" She added, making Jack smile from his hiding spot. "I'm... so in love with him"

Jack was struggling to stay in his place and not to rush to his girlfriend to hug her and kiss her.

"I hope you're happy as well" She said, and after slightly caressing Emma's grave stone, she got up slowly.

Jack panicked and rushed towards the entrance, praying that she won't catch him.

Once he breathlessly got to the Cemetery entrance, he started to grin like an idiot.

"Jack?" A voice suddenly said making his head snap towards it. "I didn't think you'll return that soon!"

"Me neither Bennet" Jack said, giving his old friend a bro-hug. "Wait, what are you doing here?" He asked. No one really came to this part of the town unless they were visiting the Cemetery, just a few people lived near it, and as far as Jack knew, Jamie hadn't lost anybody.

"Cupcake house's over there" Jamie said pointing behind him. Jack at first nodded, but then narrowed his eyes at him.

"Wait- You and Cupcake?!" Jack exclaimed and Jamie shrugged sheepishly. "What? But you were terrified of her!"

"Who said I stopped?" Jamie said chuckling. Jack chuckled as well shaking his head. "But what are you doing here? Are you visiting them?" Jamie said with sad eyes, but Jack smiled.

"Yeah, Elsa's still inside" Jack said and Jamie lifted both eyebrows.

"You came back with Elsa?" Jamie said. Jack nodded. "Wow, she must be a special friend if you brought her here then" Jamie said, but was quickly to notice Jack's soft blush. "Or is 'friend' the correct way to refer to her?" Jamie asked with a smug face.

"We'll... Things changed" Jack said, now red as a tomato.

"No kidding" Jamie said chuckling. "Well, I saw it coming" Jamie said smirking. "You were practically drooling the last time, and she appeared to like you as well" He said. "What she saw in you, I'll never know" He joked.

"Shut up" Jack said rolling his eyes and chuckling.

"Anyway, it seems she did you well" Jamie pointed out. "You're smiling and stuff"

"Of course she did" Jack said. "She fixed me" He said with a smile, making Jamie smile as well. "That's why I need to find her a present. A special one"

"A present?" Jamie said in confusion.

"I- I want to show her how special she is, and that I really love her. Thats why it has to be special" Jack said.

"Man, you got it bad" Jamie said chuckling again, but then something popped in his mind. "But I might have just the thing" He said smirking. He took out his phone from his pocket and after scrolling down, he showed Jack a picture.

"Wow! Now that you mention it thats perfect! But I don't think I can find those exactly" Jack said looking at the picture in awe. The perfect gift, without a doubt. How come he didn't think of it sooner?

"I have them" Jamie said.

"Seriously?!" Jack exclaimed.

"Yeah, lots" Jamie said. "I'll give you one on one condition" Jack blinked.


"My mom almost killed me the other time because I didn't force you to go say hi. If I don't this time I'm pretty sure she will disinherit me and kick me out of the house, and Sophie's gonna shave my head in my sleep" Jamie said shivering. "So, if you and Elsa have dinner in my house today, I'll give it to you after that"

"Deal" Jack said without stuttering.

"Jamie?" Elsa's sweet voice said from behind them. Jack instantly tossed Jamie's phone to him in panic, thankfully Jamie catch it right on time. Elsa just looked at both of them curiously.

"Hey Elsa" Jamie said with a smile. "Its nice to see you here again"

"Its nice to be here again" Elsa said politely.

"What took you so long?" Jack asked in curiosity.

"I just bought some more flowers" Elsa said, and grabbed his hand. Jamie chuckled.

"I just invited you both for dinner tonight, if you don't mind" Jamie said.

"Really? I'll love that" Elsa said, and then turned to Jack. "Are we going?"

"Yeah, we'll be there around 7" Jack said.

"Great, I'll text my mom them. See you later guys!" Jamie said and started to walk away.

"Don't forget to invite Cupcake!" Jack exclaimed teasingly. Jamie just glared at him.


"Where are we going now?" Elsa asked.

They where walking again, and where already Down Town.

"I want to show you another thing" Jack said smiling. "A happy thing this time- Not that the other wasn't! But you get me" Jack said and Elsa chuckled. "And then we'll have lunch"

"Okay" Elsa said smiling.

She now recognized the streets they were walking on. She almost felt like they were going somewhere they went before, but she couldn't remember well.

After a few more minutes of walking, she finally realized where they were going.

But something was completely out of place.

Elsa blinked and frowned in complete confusion. Jack just chuckled at her expression.

Instead of the large, black burned house she saw the first time here, now there was a construction restricted area, and no signs of the house, just trucks and construction machines.

"W-Wha..?" Elsa said but didn't even finish the word. She was just so confused. Jack chuckled again.

"C'mon, princess. Lets go closer" Jack said an pulled her by her hand. Elsa followed, but her eyes were still stuck at the whole thing.

"W-What happened?" Elsa stuttered. Jack grinned.

"This" He said and pointed out a sign.

'Winter Wonderland: Orphanage

Winter 2018'

Elsa's heart stopped.

"D-Did... Did you?" Elsa stuttered, everything was just so surreal she was actually expecting to wake up from a dream.

"I did" Jack said chuckling. "One little princess gave me the idea" Elsa looked at him in complete disbelief, her eyes big as plates. "You were right, princess... I'm pretty sure they would have wanted this"

Elsa couldn't breath, let alone speak.

"W-Why didn't you tell me?" She asked.

"I wanted to show it to you when it was done... But since we came here sooner than expected then" Jack said an shrugged his shoulders, smiling down to her.

"But, it will be done in a year" Elsa said, with a confused face.

"So? I wanted to show you then"

Those words made her heart melt. He was sure they would still be together a year from this, he was so damn sure. Obviously, she was sure as well. It was just so sweet and important to her that he thought that way.

"Jack this is amazing" Elsa said, and hugged him tightly. "I'm really happy" She said in his neck before separating from him again.

"I knew you'll like it" Jack said smugly, and Elsa rolled her eyes.

"But why 'Winter Wonderland'?" Elsa asked. Jack shrugged his shoulders again.

"I wanted to kinda name it after you. I thought about something related to princess but some of the little boys wouldn't be to happy about it" Jack said chuckling.

Elsa felt like melting again.

She kissed him softly and wrapped her arms around him, to then break apart.

"I love you" She whispered.

"I love you too, Els" Jack said smiling down to her.


After that- and after Elsa took a thousand pictures of the soon to be orphanage and uploaded them to nearly every social media- they went to have lunch.

They went to a cute and small oriental restaurant, that served Chinese, Japanese and Korean food. Jack asked for some big bowl of ramen and Elsa devoured lots of sushi rolls.

After that, they went for some ice-cream nearby, and Jack asked Elsa what she wanted to do, but she was just so exhausted to do anything, she wanted to sleep till the dinner at Jamie's house.

Jack was happy to comply, since he was incredibly tired as well.

They both walked silently, almost dragging their feet on the floor till the hotel. Once they entered, Jack gave Elsa the room key and told her to just go since he wanted to ask something to the receptionist. Elsa was curious about it, but since she was so tired she just agreed.

She was too tired to take a shower right at the moment, so she decided to just put on some comfortable shorts to sleep some time replacing her denim ones. She will just shower later.

Five minutes later, Jack entered to the room and locked the door since Elsa left it open for him to enter, and collapsed in bed, to the look at Elsa that was already laying down, looking at him as well.

He grinned.

"Did you have fun?" Jack asked, looking at her. She smiled.

"Of course, silly" Elsa said giggling. "I always have fun with you" Elsa added.

'I'm always happy when I'm with him'

Her voice ringed in his mind, and he pulled her close, cuddling to her. He was so glad that he eavesdrop that.

"I'm always happy when I'm with you" He repeated, obviously her not knowing.

"Me too" She said and she turned her body to him, so now they were face to face. Jack was hugging her from the small of her back, and Elsa's hands were on Jack's chest.

Elsa slowly cupped his face with her delicate hands, and leaned in to kiss him.

Jack was expecting a small, almost sleepy kiss, but thats not how it was.

Even if it was soft and slow, it was full of passion. He could feel the heat radiating from her body.

Elsa broke the kiss slowly, but just an inch to let both of them breathe. Their lips where still brushing each other, their breaths intoxicating them. Elsa's cerulean eyes gazed up to Jack's.

He was damn sure he never saw them so big and bright.

He couldn't help but lean in.

He captured her mouth, and this time it wasn't so soft as the other, it was enveloping. It captured Elsa completely, overwhelming her.

Elsa sighed in delight as Jack's lips moved against hers, while feeling her hands caressing her back above her shirt. If she was not laying down right now, she was sure she was going to faint.

The heat that was surrounding her was just to much to bear, but she still loved it, even if it was making her go insane.

Jack's tongue brushed on her lips, and Elsa didn't even wait a second to give him access to her mouth, as she also invaded his. Wandering around every inch they already knew.

Their tongues danced, they didn't battle for dominance, they didn't need to. They just danced with each other, caressing the other.

The heat radiating from Jack was just too much, it was so intoxicating and overwhelming Elsa couldn't help but let out a breathless moan, making Jack groan at the sound of it.

They parted for just milliseconds. Just so that Jack cautiously moved above her. He mover slowly, eyes never leaving hers, so if she was uncomfortable she could let him know.

But she wasn't uncomfortable, instead, with her hands she pushed him slightly on top of her, and Jack knew she was okay with it.

Jack bit his lips and looked down to her, and suppressing a growl he leaned down to take her lips again.

Both of his hands where besides her head, supporting his body so that he wouldn't crash her. Elsa's hands where running through his hair, and brushing through his neck.

Jack left Elsa's lips to make a trail of kissed from the corner of this to her shoulder. He didn't sucked or licked this time, he didn't want to gave her the wrong idea, or upset her.

Elsa, on the other hand, moaned softly in delight every time his burning, wet lips made contact with her skin, purposely staying a bit longer in her sweet spot.

With her hands, Elsa trailed Jack's torso and back, feeling him shiver every now and then. When they made it to his nape, she slipped a bit of her hands inside his shirt, feeling the goosebumps forming. Her hands traveled down to his clavicle, and went down and down towards his stomach and an inch lower.

Her fingertips grabbed his T-shirt end from both sides, and she slowly started to pull the clothe up. Jack was too concentrated in her neck, he only realized what she was doing once the shirt was in his mid torso.

"Wait" He said and stopped one of her hands with him. Elsa opened her eyes and looked at him in confusion.

God, he really wanted this, more than anything in the world probably. But if she was not ready, he wont pressure her.

"You don't have to do this if you're not ready" He whispered, looking down to her. Elsa blinked a few times, and then she looked to him again.

"I'm ready" She whispered back, and tried to pull the shirt up again, but Jack stopped her.

"Are you sure? I don't want to if you feel under pressure because of the situation or anything" Jack said. Elsa looked him with sure eyes, and then her eyes traveled his mouth.

"I'm sure" She said breathlessly.

And she didn't have to say anything else.


Jack didn't hold back his growl this time. He leaned down and kissed her fervently, hot and fully. Elsa gasped in the kiss, as she finally managed to roll up Jack's t-shirt to his neck. Jack parted the kiss quickly, and threw away the damned shirt, to then lean down to her again.

He felt wet kisses in her neck, maybe dark hickeys this time, as he sucked and licked every inch of her milky skin, leaving soft bite in some places as he heard Elsa's delighting moans. His left hand was traveling under her shirt, caressing her flat stomach, and his right hand fingers were slightly digging in his right tight.

As he was kissing her neck and shoulder, Elsa was laying kissed overtime she could in his chest or shoulder, thing that was rather difficult since she was having trouble holding back her moans. Her hands were exploring his chest, trailing his abs, caressing her back.

She frowned.

She wanted to feel him as well. Her top was a stupid barrier, impeding his heat get to her body.

As if Jack was reading her mind, both of his hands grabbed the end of her shirt, and in a swift motion tossed it away.

He stared at her in awe for a second. He wonder where on Earth she got that beautiful bra. It was icy blue, almost white, with beautiful Chantilly lace and crystals that looked like fresh fallen mini snowflakes. It was truly beautiful, and she looked like a goddess with it.

Too bad it wouldn't last long.

He leaned down again, kissing her right in her soft spot, making her moan his name.

God, he was going insane.

And how tight his jeans started to feel wasn't helping at all.

As he listened to her moans, not even smirking in satisfaction, his wet kisses trailed down to the beginning of her breast, feeling her shiver under him. His right hand returned to his previous spot, and he mentally thanked her to decide wear some cotton shorts his hand could easily go under and caress her butt.

Elsa was going insane, and the fact that he was in obvious dominance was bugging her.

Without thinking twice, her hands went straight to the button of his jeans, unbuttoning then in just one movement. She smirked in victory when she felt him stiffening and failing to suppress a groan.

She unzipped his jeans, and before she could try to put them down he kicked them off.

Holy fuck he was a freaking greek god.

Jack must have saw her gaping at him, because he chuckled smugly. Elsa looked up to him pouting, but she still leaned to kiss him, but he stopped.

"Nope, I'm sorry princess, but it looks like I have only one clothe on me while you have three" Jack whispered in her ear to then smirk at her.

Elsa blushed tremendously, making Jack chuckle, of course. She frowned at him. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction to take any more clothes from her. So confidently, she kicked her shorts out and moved her hands to her bra clasp, but stopped and bit her lip.

Jack realized this, and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hey, relax, Els. Remember I'm going to stop whenever you want me to, okay? You don't have anything to worry about" Jack said lovingly. Elsa looked at him, and gave him a kiss on the lips, making sure he was closing his eyes.

As they kissed, she slowly removed the bra out of her.

Her heart was bumping like crazy. She felt so nervous right now. What if he didn't like her? He was a fucking Adonis, was she enough? She was pretty confident about her body all her life, but she was nervous now.

Still, she parted her lips, and Jack slowly opened his eyes and gazed down at her, looking her in awe and wonder. Elsa just stood still, beating her lip.

"You're gorgeous" He whispered with truth in his voice, and Elsa felt hotness traveling through every inch of her body. She immediately pulled him down and kissed him passionately.

Jack couldn't just settle with her mouth, as soon as they needed air he traveled back laying kisses that burned on her skin, stopping right at the beginning of her breast. Noticing the way she let out an irritated and impatient sound he knew that she wanted him to continue. He smirked on her skin, and obviously complied.

He began to kiss her right breast, in a spiral motion, as he heard her gasp when he got near her nipple. Once he finally got there, he first left a kiss on it, and he felt Elsa shiver underneath him. Then, he caressed it with his tongue and he noticed he hold back a scream.

Elsa pulled him to her face, looking totally flustered and agitated.

"I can't wait any longer" She said almost inaudibly.

He smiled sweetly at her. Part of him was kind of glad. Sure, he was dying to make tons of other things to her, believe him, tons. But this was still her first time, and even though there was no doubt she wanted this as much as he wanted, he was still being a bit self conscious and he could feel it. He didn't want to creep her out or overwhelm her in anyway. After all, they were together, and he had no plans on ending this. They have time.

Slowly, and communicating with his eyes, he grabbed her matching panties from her hips, not taking her eyes from her, just to know if she was still okay.

She nodded almost imperceptibly, but her eyes were shining in confirmation.

He pulled the lacy clothe off, brushing his fingers against her long milky legs, until they came off. Elsa was breathing heavily, just watching his every move, mesmerizing him.

Then, he proceed to take his own underwear, watching as Elsa was shaking slightly in expectation, he wouldn't make her move.

He blushed furiously when Elsa gaped at him, he was pretty sure no one had ever before. Girls normal just complement it, or looked at him with lust.

Seeing Elsa's innocence was making his heart melt, and he wanted nothing more than to kiss her and make love with her.

He returned to his previous position, and Elsa's eyes returned to him, big as plates. He smiled warmly, and he saw how some of the tension she had left.

"If this hurts you much just let me know, okay?" Jack whispered to her, and she nodded. "I love you" he whispered again.

"I love you too" Elsa said, and kissed him again softly, he knew she was ready now.

He didn't stop looking straight to her eyes, he wanted her to know that she could trust him, he wanted her to know that he loved her.

His hands traveled back to her tights, and separated them as much as he could without being uncomfortable to her. He could feel Elsa's breathing increasing. He positioned himself between her legs, and gazed at her again.

She nodded.

His right hand traveled to her nape, and he lifted her head a bit to give her a sweet kiss as he slowly penetrated her. She gasped at first, but slowly kissed back. He continued getting deeper until he found that unfamiliar wall impeding him to continue. He kissed her harder, making sure to muffle any sounds, and pushing a bit harder, he broke it. Elsa let out a small groan when he did, and her eyes were closed hardly when he broke the kiss.

"I'm going to move now, okay? Just relax, princess, it'll hurt less" He softly said. Elsa nodded, as she tried not to move a inch of her body.

Jack rested his head in her left shoulder, pressing cheek to cheek, as he slowly started to move inside her. Elsa flinched at the first thrust, but he instantly felt her relax after.

He couldn't describe what he was feeling at the moment. He was sure as hell he never felt that with anybody else. Their bodies fit perfectly, and he was not just referring to what they were doing now. They fit perfectly in every way. They could feel each other fully, their could feel each other breathing, they could feel each other's hearts.

Elsa's almost inaudible moans that repeated overtime he thrusted inside her were making him mad. he was trying his best to control himself because she felt so amazing that delicious would not make up to it. He wanted to scream in delight, he wanted to make disappear the intoxicating heat that was almost drowning him, but he wanted to drown as well. She was tight, and wet, and warm, he wouldn't be able to take it anymore.

"Faster" her shaky voice whispered in his ear, sending shivers down his spine. She didn't have to say it twice.

He thrusted faster, making her moan just a bit louder than before. He felt dizzy. He felt drunk, maybe even drugged. Hearing her agitated moans was making him feel like this, plus the amazing feel down below.

Just as he felt like he was about to reach his top, he felt her walls contracting against him.

Fucking God.

"J-Jack" Her voice cracked, she was breathing hard and he knew she was holding it. "I-I think-" He kissed her, he kissed her as he felt her walls tightening his member and becoming even more wet. He muffled her scream in his lips, and he groaned as he got out of her gathering all his willpower to came out and not inside of her. As soon as he did, he collapsed besides her, now feeling all his body sweaty and fatigued.

Elsa was besides him, trying to normalize her breathing. After a few moments, she turned to him and slowly and shakily covered them with the bed cover.

Jack gazed at her, and this time even more lovingly than he ever did before.

He slowly puller her close, and kissed the tip of her nose, making her giggle.

"Do you love me?" Jack asked, as he rubbed her back, giving her goosebumps.

"Are your seriously asking me that?" Elsa said teasingly, as she snuggled closer to him.

"Just answer" Jack said chuckling.

"Yes I do" Elsa said, leaving a peck on his neck.

"Good" Jack said, and rested his chin on her head. "Because you're not going anywhere"


Only God knows how they got out of the bed after that.

Elsa was feeling so torn apart she was actually struggling to keep her legs of becoming jello. Still, she managed to get to the bathroom and wash of the sweat and the... other things.

She couldn't help but grin.

After choosing probably the nicest pair of clothes she brought here, them consisting in a ruffled royal blue sleeveless top, some high waisted white jeans and black flats. She let her natural wavy hair down, and put on a light coat of make up.

Once she got out, Jack let out a wolf whistle.

She rolled her eyes a threw him a pillow.

"Hey! Its not my fault that you're so gorgeous" Jack said. Elsa shook her head and chuckled.

"Just take a shower already! It's 6:30 and we're supposed to be there by seven" Elsa said. Jack got up and walked to her.

"For a kiss" Jack smirked. Elsa rolled her eyes again but kissed him anyway. Jack smirked in history and entered the bathroom.

After Jack got out, wearing a navy blue and black shirt with black jeans, Elsa picked up her cellphone and room key and they got out.

After driving a few minutes, both feeling more grateful and in love than ever, they stopped in front of a cozy looking house.

Jack ringed the bell, and in no more than 10 seconds, a 40 year old blonde woman hugged him like dear life as she cried.

"Oh my gosh, Jack! I cant believe it's you! I missed you so much!" She said chocking in tears.

"Hey there, Mrs. Bennet" Jack said as he hugged back. Elsa just stood at one side shifting uncomfortably.

The woman broke the hug and hazed at Jack from head to toe.

"Oh! Look at you! Are you a model or something now? You look so handsome!" The woman complimented, and thats when she realized about Elsa's presence. "Oh my holy-! Is this your girlfriend? Oh my gosh sweetie!" She said and hugged Elsa as well to then look her from head to toe. "Jackson! How did you managed to get such a beauty huh?" She said to Jack, and then turned to Elsa. "Honey you're the most gorgeous girl I've seen in my life! Jack's so lucky!" The woman exclaimed and Jack smirked smugly. "What's your name dear?"

"Elsa Winters, pleasure to meet you Mrs. Bennet" Elsa said politely.

"Oh dear, trust me, the pleasure's mine" The woman said. "Okay come in! I'll call the kids" She said and got in calling for them. Jack grabbed Elsa's hand and guided her to the living room.

After meeting Sophie -That as well complimented Elsa non-stop and asked a billion times how in hell Jack managed to find a girl like her... Oh and after she said ton of shit about Tooth, they had dinner. It wasn't anything too fancy, just steak with smashed potatoes and some veggies, but it sure as hell was delicious.

They talked about random stuff, such as memories, Jack and Elsa's college, Jamie's college and Sophie's school. They also told jokes and gossips that were traveling around little Burgess. At some point, Mrs. Bennet and Elsa were talking about cooking and Sophie went up to sleep since she had school, so Jamie decided it was the perfect time to call Jack.

"Hey Jack, I want to show you something real quick" Jamie said, with a knowing look. Elsa gazed at both suspiciously but still turned to resume the conversation with Mrs. Bennet.

"Hey" Jack said once they got out of sight.

"I just wanted you to pick out the one you'll like" Jamie said, showing him the potential options of the gift.

Jack didnt even blink.

"That one" Jack said, observing it. "This one is... perfect" He said with a smile.

"Great choice" Jamie said. "Mom made you a special package" he said and showed him the withe gift box with a royal blue bow, special for the gift.

"Thanks man" Jack said and hugged his old friend.

"No prob, its also a great opportunity for me" Jamie said. " Want me to put it in your car? You just have to call Elsa right now, don't worry about my mom, she knows"

"Yeah, can you? Just-"

"I know, I know, I'm not an idiot" Jamie said rolling his eyes and picking up the gift. Jack chuckled.

"I'll call her now" He said, and went to the dinning room again. Jamie's mom already eyed him knowingly and stopped her conversation with Elsa. "Mrs. Bennet, as much as we'll like to stay more time we're still drowned because of yesterday's drive" Jack said the first thing that came to his mind.

"Of course, my dear" Mrs. Bennet immediately said. "Just visit often okay? You've been god knows where for too long already"

"Of course, Mrs. Bennet" Jack said chuckling.

Both of them say good bye to the two remaining Bennet's and after Mrs. Bennet spilled a few more tears, they were already inside the Impala driving down the street.

Elsa was finding a bit odd the route Jack decided to use, but still said nothing.

That was, until something moved behind her seat.

She stiffened.

"Did you feel that?" Elsa asked, and Jack just mumbled in response, not even looking to her.

Something moved again.

"You surely felt that!" Elsa exclaimed horrified.

"W-What? No, I didn't feel a thing!" Jack said laughing nervously.

Elsa turned to the back seat, but found nothing, except...

"Oh my gosh you left your window open" Elsa screamed/whispered. "Maybe something got in!"

"Don't be silly, princess. Its nothing" Jack nervously said, speeding up a bit more.

It moved again.

"Okay, stop the car" Elsa said. "Something's here"


"Just stop the car" Elsa said again. Jack stopped it, but only because they made it to their destination.

They both got out, Elsa almost shivering in fear, as they observed the Impala.

"C-Check it out!" Elsa stuttered. Jack seriously wanted to laugh out loud.

He pretended to check the back front seats, and nothing. Then, he moves to the backseats and he 'found' a white gift box with two holes perfectly hidden besides the passenger's seat.

Elsa looked at him in shock.

"W-What's that?!" Elsa exclaimed.

"Thankfully we made it to destination, you know?" Jack grinned. Elsa looked at him puzzled and once she checked her surroundings she found herself looking at the lake.


"Before I open this box, can you please walk with me there?" Jack asked. Elsa looked at him, and started following, eyeing the box in suspicion.

Once they were in front of the lake, Jack turned to her.

"I wanted to give you something special" He started, making Elsa look straight at his eyes. "Something that... would let you know how much I really love you, and that I really want this to never end" He said, and Elsa's heart stopped. "Something that would let you know how much you helped me, how thankful I am to have you and how happy you make me"

"Jack..." She whispered.

"And of course, I knew how much you wanted one" He said and opened the box.

A fluffy snow white dog picked his little head from it.

Elsa gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. She could already feel the tears running on her cheek.

"Meet Marshmallow" Jack said, getting out the puppy as he bite Jack's thumb playfully.

"Oh my gosh!" Elsa said between tears. Jack chuckled and handed her Marshmallow. Elsa carefully hugged him, as he instantly licked the tears from her cheek. She giggled uncontrollably. "Oh my gosh, Jack! I love him" Elsa sad tearing up again, looking at her little puppy.

"Jamie has two Samoyedos and the female had her puppies a few weeks ago, their giving them in adoption since they're against buying animals" Jack explained. Elsa hugged him, bringing Marshmallow with her.

"Jack I- I have no words" She said sobbing happily.

"You don't have to thank me, princess" Jack said as he hugged her back. "Just... promise me this is forever" Jack whispered. "Because, I know I'll love you forever, I know I won't let you go. I only want you"

Elsa melted at the words.

You know that moment when you finally meet someone, and say 'This is it, this is the one'?

It doesn't matter if you've been together for weeks or for years.

It doesn't matter if you're together or not.

You just know it, when you see that person.

The way you smile, the way you feel, the way you always want to be with them.

That person that makes you melt, and gives you mini-heart attacks every now and then.

That person you can stay so far from.

That person than not necessarily is your other half, or your soul mate, or your Prince Charming. Just, yours, because you don't need to put a name to them.

That one person, that when you see them you can think in a future, in a 'Happily Ever After' In a 'Forever'.

That's what Jack and Elsa were for each other.

That's how they felt about the other.

It doesn't matter how many time they were together, or the ups and downs.

There were always going to be up and downs, they knew that. The difference, was that they were not afraid.

Because they love each other.

And they forever will.

"I promise you" Elsa whispered back.

A.N.: Okay, okay.... I'm crying rivers here someone please help me.

So... this is it I guess....

LOL, kidding! There's always a sequel guys :)


I.Can't. Believe. it.

And I can't believe this is my last A.N. for this fic oh gosh.

ANYWAY. There's LOTS AND IMPORTANT things to say.

#1 I nearly died at the smut part oh gosh, that was my first time ever doing that and I didn't want to go SO into it... at first I was planning to but then I thought that it was actually going to be awkward since it was Elsa's first time.

I'm terribly sorry for the ones that didn't want me to do it explicitly, but I wanted to try it, plus I'm pretty sure you skip it!

How did I do?

#2 The flowers in the graves have meanings: -Poppy: Consolation. -Pink Carnation: Gratitude. -Larkspur: Beautiful Spirit.

#3 I decided to name Emma Emilia because I realized that she would have the same name as Emma Frost from Marvel lol.

#4 Samoyedo is my dream dog, but I'm against buying dogs when theres so many out there in shelters or streets looking for a family. Someone gifted me my Pom, and I don't think I'm lucky enough to get a Samoyedo as a gift.

Anyway, I think Samoyedo's are perfect for Elsa's dog.

#5 Sequel WILL be out, but not soon. Why? Because for my longest fan fictions I tend to plan it all by writing main ideas on a notebook, chapter by chapter and then type it down. So I'll plan first, and when I complete it all I'll be posting it after. Also, I don't think I'll be posting it daily as I did, or maybe I will, idk... I just don't know what 2017 has for me yet :)

#6 I'll be working in a short fic (for some inspiration and release stress and stuff) That will be ten chapters tops, and it'll be called KISSING LESSONS. (please don't steal) I'll probably post the first chapter tomorrow. It's a collage AU again... guess who will be giving Kissing Lessons to who ;)

#7 I'll also be working on my other fix WHEN IT'S ALL OVER (that only has two chapters ;( ) I just LOVE the plot of that fic, and I'm dying to complete it.

'But why are you doing a short fanfic then?' Because I have this idea on my mind and I'll go crazy if I don't write it down he he

#8 I'll miss you so much, really. I cant believe this.


#10 If you didn't fav this story yet.... I hope you do now *blushing*

#11 I'll be uploading this story in Archive of Our Own soon! :)



Hope we'll continue to read each other :')

Till my next work awesome people! I LOVE YOU!!


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