Guys, Lies and Deadly Spies...

By blue698

281K 11.2K 2.9K

Highest ranking: #1 in spy. Humor/Action. For the first time ever, agent B92 is exposed to teenage life. Read... More

1-The Mission.
2- Home Sweet Hell.
3- Human Behaviour 101.
4- Agree to Destroy.
5- Tyme in Detention.
6-The Wo-man Cave.
7- Best Served in the Night Time.
9- Death Like Sleep.
10 - Grayson.
11-We're Going on a Trip.
12- Assassin's Annihilation.
13-'Back in the day' Mentality.
14- Do you wanna build a camp tent?
15- Abnormally Normal.
16- Wine me, Dine me...
17- Screwed.
19- Wrong Turn.
20 - Cranky Nights.
21- Oh oh, we're in trouble...
22- A Bud in Me.
23- Boys Will Be Boys.
24- Secrets Unwind.
25- The Final Show Down.
26- Brains and Brawn.
27- New Beginnings.

18- Challenge Accepted.

7.6K 338 56
By blue698

"Anything else?" Valak asked.

I shuffled uneasily in my seat. It was Monday morning and before getting to school, Trent and I passed through Valak's office for an evaluation meeting. She'd asked about our weekend and I got so lost in the moment telling her about the camp fire games and the other girls I'd met there, I even told her about Adanna and the skinny dipping and rock climbing games we'd played. All the while she'd been slowly munching on gigantic strawberries as red as her nails seemingly unimpressed by anything I had to say.

"B92, I'm glad you had fun, I knew this mission would be good for you. However we're running out of time and I need an update on the mission. Did you manage to find out anything from Grayson?"

I was startled by the mention of his name. "He... he uh..." If I told her about Grayson they'd definitely bring him in for questioning, he was the culprit after all. He was the one who'd stolen the chemical that had sent us all on this headless chicken run of a mission. But there was no telling what else he'd tell them. "Uhm, he's still a suspect. I don't have much on him, but I will soon," I assured her.

"Really?" Valak asked. "Nothing at all?"

If the Agency found out I slept with Grayson after I realised he was the target, there was no telling what they'd do to me.

"He's a tough nut to crack."

"Mh." Valak kissed her teeth to get the strawberries off and wiped the sides of her mouth. Her face maintained it's bland smooth look, her bright green eyes were cold and still but I could hear the machines churning in her head. "Maybe we should bring him in for questioning using other methods."

"No," I answered rather to quickly. " Isn't that against the law?" I turned to Trent for backup.

"She's right Val, we can't bring him in just because he's a ghost on the net, it marks for suspicion but the Court won't stand for it."

"Hmm... We could just snag him in the middle of the night and take him into one of the old torture houses-"


"How else do you suggest we do this then? This mission is getting no where by following the rules."

"We're still trying to figure out what's happening in Xenon's lab, we'll find a way in."

"Well you better do it quick before I use more plausible methods to get what I want." There was a menacing look in her eyes and I'd seen it enough times to know she was getting impatient. I had to get in that house quickly. Perhaps if I managed to uncover the large company, the Agency wouldn't pay Grayson any mind.

As soon as were in the car Trent and I composed a plan to get into Xenon's house. I'd suggested we break in, we could even do it that night. I'd asked for a copy of the house plans so I could come up with a safe route that would get us in and out in no time.

"Or we could just ask to come to his house," Trent stated simply. "We're his friends, I doubt he'll suspect a thing."

"Well, yeah. But my plan sounds cooler."

"And a lot more complicated. Do you want this plan fool proof or not?" He seemed to want this mission over and done with more than I did. "I take it Valak still doesn't know what happened between the two of you?"

"Two of who?" I asked.

"Come one B92, you don't get that glow from your everyday lotion."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Denial was not just a river in Egypt.

"You know I heard you two last night right? You're not exactly the quiet type." I felt my face heat up. "And I saw all those bottles of wine in the bin this morning, there's no way you downed all that Cheval Blanc by yourself."

In my defence, Grayson owed me some good wine already, things just happened to escalate when he came to drop it off. I hadn't meant for them to, but the second I saw him all I wanted to do was rip his clothes off, and who would stop me? I'd already done it once, what was one more?

"Quit telling yourself that was the last time, we both know it's not, but just be careful B92. If anyone else in the Agency finds out you're smashing a target, you are so screwed."

"Don't you think I know that?" I retorted. "And believe me I want to stop but I can't. You know, last night I didn't have a single nightmare? Not even one, or the night before."

"I feel like the wine has more to do with that than the sex," Trent pointed out.

"Possibly," I admitted but the sex itself was a therapeutic release I didn't know I needed. So far, for every time I'd done it, I could feel myself unwind and relax, almost like what the weed had done but better. This strain had hands, a body and a mouth and I was willing to smoke it all night long.

"I just hope you're not falling in love or anything, cause then that would be an even bigger problem."

Love was a myth in the spy world. It was forbidden to even share relations unless you were in the same line of business. Nonetheless, I wasn't worried about falling for Grayson, no man was that good in bed. My attraction to him was purely carnal.

"That's never going to happen," I assured him.

"Never say never," Trent shrugged as he put the car in park. "I have a literature test to go ace, let's meet up later?"

"Yeah sure,"I replied. I myself had Math, on a Monday morning. But I didn't care, these classes weren't important anyways. What was important, was getting into Xenons house, and finding what I was looking for.

"Ms. Jones... Ms. Jones. Earth to Blayze!"

I gasped and focused on the teacher. She was quite young but strict, so strict none of the boys dare to try look up her skirt and that was extremely rare according to what I'd experienced. She'd asked a question and I had no idea what it was. The board was blank so I had no idea what she'd been teaching, and this was the fourth time she'd called out my name and, on all times, I told her the same answer.

"My hand wasn't up."

"I know that, but I expect you to know the answer." She replied. "Seeing as I've been standing up here for the past forty minutes teaching the same topic repeatedly."

"Well, I don't know the answer and clearly your teaching is questionable since no one else seems to know the answer either."


"Don't." I cut in as I stood up and packed my bag. "I rather be there than here anyways."

The detention room had less people that day, probably not a lot of students called their tutor's teachings stupid at eight thirty in the morning on a Monday.

"B92," I was startled by the sound of my name. There in the corner was Grayson. He sat leaning his chair against the wall with his feet on the desk. I stood and walked over to sit beside him. "What did you do so early in the morning?" he asked.

"I told my teacher she sucks at her job." I replied with a shrug.

He chuckled and nodded at my answer, offering me a bag of Lays. I dipped my hand in and picked one to chew. "And you?" I asked.

"Didn't feel like learning," he said. "You took a lot out of me last night."I chuckled and sat back like he did. "Wanna get out of here?" he asked with a naughty look on his face.

It was Monday.

Which meant back to my mission. I had to focus on the mission.

But I was in detention so me escaping and going out with Grayson wouldn't change a thing. And we'd be back by the time the next lesson began.

"Where to?" I asked, he smirked and got up.

"Come on," he led the way. Sneaking through the halls like church mice, dodging the teachers that were on break sipping their morning coffees. We waltzed through the library, nodding at the old hag that was sure to die anytime soon and eventually got to the man cave.

"No. No beer," I answered before he could ask.

"I upgraded the stock," he said pulling out coke and ice. "Would you like a glass of scotch?"

"Scotch?" I almost laughed.

"Excuse me for trying to cater to your expensive habits." He poured me a glass and set it on the table.

"What is this?" I asked as he inserted a CD into the Playstation.

He grabbed the two black controllers and handed one to me. "Mortal Combat. You are going to love it." he assured me.


"What?" he asked.

"I thought we were going to..."

His eyes widened in realisation. "We could definitely do that if you want to."

I didn't know what it was about Grayson, but he seemed to have had a positive effect on my libido. "I thought that's what we were doing."

"No, I just wanted to hang out but I'm down..." he nodded leaning in.

"Let's do both," I suggested, a naughty grin plastered on my face. "Loser takes off a piece of clothing."

From the look Grayson gave me I could tell he loved the idea. "You're going to be naked in no time."

"Don't be so sure," I warned him as we started the game.

By the end of three rounds he'd proven me wrong and I'd lost both my socks and blouse. On the fourth round I decided to be a little daring and remove my underwear instead.

"Oh that's sexy," he sighed as he watched me slowly slip my panties off.

"Now your turn," I said.

"But I haven't lost game yet, those aren't the rules," he replied playfully. He slowly crawled towards me till our noses almost touched.

"Screw the rules,"I smiled devilshly.

"Where were you guys? You missed Biology and you, Grayson, missed Geography," Xenon asked sternly. We'd managed to make lunch a few minutes before it ended. "Need I remind you how crutial it is that you pass this year's classes? You won't graduate without them." Grayson and I shared a glance as we took a seat at the table.

"I'm aware, I've got it under control," he replied casually.

"Speaking of passing," I spoke up, there was no better moment than the present. "Xen, I hear you're a really good tutor, do you mind if I come over to your place? I have this Math test tomorrow and I could use some help."

"We didn't get a Math test," Louis said.

"I did, baldy. She gave it to me as punishment for disrupting her class earlier." Louis eyed me suspiciously, and I returned his glare with a death stare.

"It's alright. You could come with us after school. We were meant to be studying anyways," Xenon replied as he continued stabbing his chicken salad with a fork.

"Wait we have a study thing this afternoon?"

"Nito..." Xenon sounded frustrated.

"I genuinely forgot, I'd already made other plans-"

"Well cancel them!" The whole table went silent. Xenon was doing his best to remain calm but he seemed seriously ticked off by his friend's behaviour. "Exams are around the corner, it's time to get your head out of your ass and focus. Got it? So you're coming, in fact everyone at this table is coming."


"Some more than others," Nito said making a gesture towards Grayson.

Everyone at the table chuckled at his innuendo and continued stuffing their mouths with food. "Jheez, do your parents not feed you?" I asked with a frown.

All they could do was give throaty chuckles, not letting my statement get in the way of their feasting. I took a bite of my burger and smiled. So far everything was going according to plan. This afternoon I was going to find a way into Xenon's lab and figure out exactly what was going on, then I'd end this mission once and for all.

End this mission once and for all.

I'll admit, the statement didn't feel as much a relief now as it had then. Now I had so much more to lose. I'd never admit it out loud but this mission had been one of the most enlightening experiences of my entire life, sure there were a few pot holes here and there but where was the fun in everything going one's way.

"You're aware of the plan, right?" I asked Trent as we made our way to the parking lot where we'd meet the rest of the boys.

"What plan?" He clearly hadn't been paying attention during the briefing.

"Once we're inside, I'll ask to go use the bathroom, then you distract everyone until I'm back, got it?"

"Seems simple enough."

"Good," I sighed as we approached the gang. After Nito had a smoke everyone got into their cars and began making their way to Xenon's.

I didn't need to follow behind; I already knew where Xenon lived. So there on the road as he hobbled about at seventy kilometres an hour I sped past him. At the traffic lights Grayson grey BMW pulled up beside me and I couldn't help but notice the smug look on his face. The roaring engine grew louder as I lowered my window.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Winner gets to tie the loser up tonight," he dared me.

I ignored Trent's 'ew' and revved my engine, slowly putting on my shades to cover the afternoon sun from burning my eyes.

"You're on." I growled as the traffic light turned green. He whizzed past, taking advantage of his clear lane, but I knew it wouldn't last. Not only was I the best assassin in the Agency, I'd been trained by one of the best drivers on the Alpha team. Beating Grayson was going to be a piece of cake.

"B92 are you crazy? Stop!"

"Shut up Trent!"

Soon we were head to head, Trent screaming his lungs out.

"That the best you can do?" I yelled at Grayson and sped up, we neared a crossroad and a large lorry was just about to pass though. I quickly shielded Grayson from going past and bulleted my way through just before the lorry could scrape Trent's side.

"Whoo!" I cheered parking the car outside Xenon's huge gate.

"Who's the ancient one now?" I taunted Trent as he panted heavily in a poor attempt to catch his breathe.

Soon enough Grayson arrived, as well as the rest of them. "I went easy on you," came the sorry excuse as he got out of his car.

"Best believe I'm not going to make that mistake tonight," I told him as I walked past.

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