The Violent.《Z.M》

By The_Monster_MK

167K 6.5K 1.9K

"You will keep struggling but at the end you will always be in my firm hold." All right reserved 2016©The_Mon... More

Chapter 1. South Part ?
Chapter 2 . Surprise !
Chapter 3. of course I know you.
Chapter 4. Going to be sold soon.
Chapter 5. Mother Natural decided to come.
Chapter 6. take a look.
Chapter 7. A soul should be set free.
Chapter 8. Blood.
Chapter 9. His Violent side.
Chapter 10. Good girls are bad girls.
Chapter 11. Nice shoes.
Chapter 12. Hateful thoughts.
Chapter 13. Unknown Past.
Chapter 14. Rough.
Chapter 15. It's Liam.
Chapter 16. Smoke.
Chapter 17. When Hell freezes over.
Chapter 18. Blind.
Chapter 19. Panic.
Chapter 20. Remember me?
Chapter 21. Even salt looks like sugar.
Chapter 22. Missed me?
Chapter 23. Welcome back.
Chapter 24. I need you.
Chapter 25. Eager enough.
Chapter 26. Him.
Chapter 27. What a coincidence.
Chapter 28. Courage.
Chapter 29. Numb.
T R A I L E R.
Chapter 30. Hitched.
Am actually alive
Chapter 32. Vexed.
Chapter 33. Lost.
Chapter 34. Cigarettes.
Chapter 35. Comfortable silence.

Chapter 31. Fool's paradise.

1.7K 89 35
By The_Monster_MK

Feeling used but i am still missing you and i can't see the end of this just wanna feel your kiss against my lips.

•Anna's P.O.V•

"If Zayn didn't pay me well for this, so help me god i am going to ruin his face." Lucky mumble while he drove through a dark and strange area.

There's one question and one word running through my head.


Why did he lie?

Why did the government lie?

Why did Angelica lie?

Maybe she doesn't know.

I frown shaking my head confused.

How on earth did i end up here?

I stare at him, awaiting for some sort of explanation from him but he says nothing.

He gave me a glance, noticing my confused face and said nothing.

I huff angrily.

"Would you mind telling me what the fuck is going on?" I ask patiently.

"Oh the princess has finally spoken, thought you were going to have this 'i am so confused' face all the ride." He says sarcastically.

I glare at him.

He gave me a brief look and then stared back at the road.

"Why are you being angry at me? I told you, Zayn is alive." He says shrugging.

I gave him a blank look.

We already know that cute pumpkin. My subconscious say.

"What? What do you think is going on?" He asks.

I scoff.

I had this hope inside me and i am glad i didn't lose it but i need to know, why or what happened to make such an ugly lie, like this?

Someone is going to have his throat sliced. My subconscious whisper.

"Look Annabelle, i am not the one who's going to explain everything for you, Zayn is the one and my job was to deliver you to him and that's it but guess what? I got my baby maker kicked and kissed you, that was the most horrifying thing i have ever experienced in my whole life so can you please, please just shut your pretty little mouth and hold back your important questions for your master, thank you." He says, pausing to take a long breath.

Nope i ain't gonna shut up, i am the one who's being played here.

"Excuse you but what would you if you found out that your master died or technically have been tortured to death by some anonymous people and you have known this by the television while you were sitting peacefully in his living room? And then someone who claims to be your new master turns to be just a friend or i don't know who to my old one which is dead and then BAM! He tells you that he's alive? After all this tears you tell me he's alive?"

Tears? Are you being serious?

"I am not sure if you know anything about what i have been through these last two weeks- nearly three but you owe me an explanation." I stated.

"Me? Owe you an explanation? I don't think so." He says, shaking his head.

"You're the one who told me that Zayn is alive, then yes you do owe me a fucking explanation and you are starting to get on my nerves." I say trying to calm down.

"So what? You can't do anything." He snickers.

I narrow my eyes at him and hum.

He stares at me, maybe having flashbacks to when i kicked his d.ick forty minutes ago and shook his head.

"Ok you can do anything but let me be honest with you, hearing an explanation from someone my tears got dried out because of them is better than me." He says while he turns the car and stop infront of what looks like a dumbed park with a sign saying

Welcome to the alphabetical park.

"Why did we stop here?" I ask looking around, seeing nothing but trees.

"Because we are going to walk." He says, shutting the engine of the car off.

I snap my head quickly to him, i swear my neck bone almost got broken.

"Walk?" I ask widening my eyes.

"Yeah, walk." He says getting out of the car leaving me speechless.

In this dark and cold forest, i am going to walk in high heels and a sleeveless thin/short dress? He must be kidding me.

Wait, why didn't i thought of this? Like what if that lucky blue smith is a serial killer and he wants to kill me? He just drag me here by telling me Zayn is alive to be just an easy appetizer to him?

Also he mentioned being Zayn's enemy in the beginning so i believe that he wants to revenge for himself by killing me.

I am not sure of the serial killer thing but he's one hot serial killer and i would like to be killed by him. My subconscious hum.

Why can't you be at my side once?

Because you say so many things that makes no sense, a serial killer with six million dollars? Wake up Annabelle, you're not that important. She say shaking her head.

I groan annoyed by all these bad thoughts that suddenly showed up in my mind.

Breath Anna, if he wanted to kill you, you would have been dead by now. I tell myself trying to calm down.

I guess so but what if he wants to rape me?

A knock on the window beside me made me jolt in my place, i almost screamed my lungs out, i look to my left and found him raising a questioning brow at me.

"Would you please get out of my car?" He asks, opening the door for me.

so you can kill me? hell no.

I stare at him suspicious and didn't move a leg.

"What?" He narrows his eyes.

"It's past midnight and you think i would come with you to wherever you want to go in this dark woods? No i am not going to leave." I say crossing my arms over my chest stubbornly.

"Zayn was right about you being stubborn as hell but he didn't tell me you were a bitch too." He says.

Did he just call me a bitch?

Ah-oh here starts world war three.

"Did you call me a bitch?" I ask, climbing out of the car, slamming the door behind me.

"You heard me." He smirks smugly.

"You gonna regret that you motherfu-"

"Woah hold on baby girl." He says interrupting me, raising his brow looking at me up and down.

I stare at him fuming with anger.

He sure knows how to say baby girl very well. She faints again.

"And besides being a bitch, you're dumb." He says smiling showing me those white teeth.

"What?" I lean my head to the side a bit confused, still frowning.

He smirks placing his hands inside his pants pockets confidently and turns around walking down a rocky path into the woods.

"Follow me or you're going to get eaten by brown bears baby girl." He says.

"Stop calling me baby girl!" I shout.

My voice echo through the forest around me.

"Shout louder it will make the bears find you way easily." He says loud enough for me to hear, turning to face me.

"I am not that dumb, brown bears had extinct many years ago." I raise my left brow at him, smirking.

"Just shut up and follow me Anna." He says annoyed.

I look around me and shiver from the cold weather.

Screw this sleeveless dress.

"I told you i am not going to leave th-" i stopped mid sentence when i realized what he's done, he got me out of his car.

That's why he called you dumb! she bursts into a fit of laughs.

"You bastard." I mumble.

If i wasn't just inside your mind, i would marry this man.

I roll my eyes annoyed.

I look to where lucky was standing but didn't find him.

"Lucky?" I call out.

"Move Anna." I hear his voice and i quickly follow it.

Walking real fast i almost stumble upon a rock, i curse under my breath.

"Can you please wait up for me, i am wearing high heels and it's not easy to walk in this rocky path with those fucking-"

"Stop whining and keep your voice low." He shows up next to me and i yelp.

"You scared me!"

He looks at me weirdly and shook his head.

"I wonder what did Zayn find in you so interesting to buy you twice." He mumbles.

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing baby girl, just keep walking." He says walking faster.

I groan.

Screw you lucky blue smith.

Stop being harsh on my sunshine. My subconscious remarks.

Screw you too!

After a minute or two of walking in silence we reached a small wooden house which looks haunted.

I stopped walking and stare at it.

"We're not going to enter that house, are we?" I ask lucky.

He stopped beside me and stare at it too.

"Why?" He asks back, frowning.

"It looks haunted." I whisper.

"No it doesn't, now move or you're going to freeze to death." He whisper back mocking me.

"Why can't you be a gentle and talk to me nice?" I snap, furrowing my brows.

Or why can't he be gentle and let you wear his coat.

"I tried once and it made me kneel down in pain."


"Uhm, you were acting rude when that happened." I say.

"Don't wanna know what will i get when i act nice and gentle with someone like you." He grumbles walking towards the door of the haunted house.

I roll my eyes and follow him in silence.

"I really don't understand why you brought me here." I said while waiting for him to open the door.

"Because we need to hide." He says, opening it in one swift move.

"Hide? Hide from who?"

"The government idiot." He says entering the dark house.

I follow him squinting my eyes, trying to see the light switcher anywhere.

"Light, Selen." Lucky demands.

I frown, did he just say Selen?

The house lighted up and it looks better than it looks on the outside, it has this warming aurora.

"Hello lucky." The familiar robot-voice say.

Will i stay confused forever? I thought.

"Welcome slave two." it greeted me.

I roll my eyes at that.

"Okay, i really need to know what is going on, I thought Selen has been shut down by the government two days ago." I say, frowning.

"The system has been transfered to this house behind the government's back, we made sure they doesn't know anything." Lucky explains as i know everything and why we're hiding away from the government.

He sits silently and calmly on a sofa on the far corner of the living room, beside the staircase.

I took off my heels and walk bare feet towards lucky and stood infront of him.

"I need some sort of explanation now." I demand stiffly, putting my hand on my waist.

He looks at me from up to down and raise a brow.

"You are not going to leave me sit in peace, right?" He questions.

I shook my head and narrow my eyes.

"Okay, guess i will just give you some details of what is going on." He shrugs.

"Sit." He motion for me to sit beside him.

I eye him suspiciously and sit beside him leaving a quite big distance.

Just to make sure that i will be safe if he tries to attack.

Is he some kind of animal to you?

"He faked his death because the government was planning on killing him, as you already know, Zayn is running a big company and he is this famous business man in the public eye but what you don't know is that behind the light he works for someone, someone that is way bigger than all of us and wanted dead by the government-"

"Is is some type of James Bond movies?" I interrupt.

"What?" He asks giving me a bewildered look.

"I mean, you're making me alot confused than before lucky." I say honestly.

"I told you that hearing it from Zayn is better, i suck at these kind of things and it's not my place to explain all of this fucked up stuff to you." He sighs.

"Should have believed you in the first place." I murmur.

i stare at my bare feet and think, why did he brought me here?

"Okay how about i ask a question and you just answer it, no need to explain to the whole situation for me." I suggest looking up to his face.

His angelic face.


"Alright." He agrees.

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask.

"Because Zayn told me to." He answers casually.

"Who knows about this?"

"Me, Angelica and couple more people you don't know." He answers.

"Angelica knew that Zayn was alive?" I furrow my brows, feeling kind of betrayed, i don't know why.

That's why she never shed a tear, she knew.

Know that she was bitch from the beginning. My subconscious snorts.

"Where is Zayn?" I ask, leaving the part of Angelica to discuss it later.

"Five minutes or less and he'll be at the door." He say and my jaw almost touched the ground.

Did he just...

"What?" I breath, standing up with a shocked expression.

"What?" He asks back.

"Zayn...Zayn- you just told me that Zayn is going to be at the- oh my god." My eyes widen as I brush my hair away from my face and breath hard.

"Hey, calm down." Lucky chuckles.

We're going to have a celebration people! Yay. My subconscious say sarcastically.

"How dare you tell me to calm down! I am having a panic attack here!" I whisper, breathing heavily.

I am gonna see him, he's alive, he's alive.

The truth of Zayn being alive sank in and i am overwhelmed by it.

"Ah-oh baby girl, do you have feelings for your master?" He smiles cheekily.

I stare at him unable to speak.

Isn't it obvious sunshine?

"Shut up, now tell me-"

Three knocks came on the door interrupting me and i look at lucky alarmed.

It's him,isn't it? I thought.

"He's here." He says confirming the thought in my mind.

Oh my god.

Lucky stand up making his way to the door but i beat him to it.

"I will open it." I say excitedly, even though i am confused and kind of angry at him but i just miss him so much and can't wait to see his face.

I took a breath and hold it.

Opening the door, i found the man i missed the most, the one who made me cry and hate my life.


And i can't help of asking myself, is this fool's paradise?

"Hello Annabelle."


A/N: finally zaynie is in the picture again!

Hot stuff is coming right up in the next chapter, hope you liked this one.

See you soon lovelies❤✨

P.S: wrote this chapter twice so i don't know if this was good:(

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