Star Trek Imagines

By emcorn

19.9K 320 54

imagines about the crew on the Enterprise. leave me comments if you like what I'm writing and send me any req... More



729 8 1
By emcorn

Sorry if I haven't write anything in awhile, part of me hasn't been in the mood and Idk why. I've gotten some help from a good friend Toodlesnoodle to help with some of my ideas for my stories. Thank you for the help. But here's an imagine for you guys! Thanks for being so patience! Comment if you like it. Requests are welcome!


You were at a bar near the academy. You were trying to get over your cheating ex girlfriend. You find her under a guy when you went back to your shared quarters. You yelled at her as you kicked them both out of your room. You told her you wanted her stuff out of your place tomorrow.

You wear a short black lace dress as you sat next to a cute guy. You ordered three shots of vodka. You was so mad but you knew that you wanted to forget about her as you throw back your third shot of vodka.

"Damn, I like a girl who can handle her alcohol," says the guy next to you.

You saw that it was Captain Jim T. Kirk and you smiled. You thought maybe a one night stand with him when help you get over your ex. You throw back another shot.

You said," Well, I'm just trying to forget an idiot." "Really?"

Kirk asks," What did this idiot do that you want to forget him?"

"Caught her under a guy in our bed," you explained.

You laughed at Kirk's face because you work on the U.S.S Enterprise with him and have conversations with him. Not a lot of people knew you had a girlfriend.

"You're gay?" Kirk asked, sipping his whiskey.

You pulled him away from the bar and to the dancefloor. You danced with him.

You whispered in his ear," I'm not gay."

"But you said her?" Kirk asked. You grind on his dick.

You said," I like both genders, Kirk." He moaned in your ear while you teased his dick.

"Oh, maybe, I can make you forget about going to another girl ever again," Kirk replied.

You smiled and nodded at his offer to make you forget. He pulled you out of the bar and to your quarters. You and Kirk had sex all night. He was as great as the girls around the ship said about him being great in bed.

You just hope you don't catch any feelings for him and have your heart ripped out again. But right now you don't care because you was wasted and he made you forget being hurt by your ex girlfriend. You thought one night with Kirk was what you needed.

             The Next Day

You wake up and looked around. You remembered last night and looked for Kirk next to you but he wasn't there. You frowned because you thought he left. You then smelled pancakes and bacon being made. You put on Kirk's shirt from last night. You followed the smell of breakfast. Kirk was putting the plates on the kitchen table. You two were enjoying breakfast.

"Hey, you're up," Kirk said, flipping the last of the pancakes.

"Yeah, I wanted some coffee," you told him, as you made a cup of coffee.

"Last night was really great," said Kirk, putting his hands around your waist from behind you.

"What does this mean for us?" you asked, putting your coffee down.

You hoped you wasn't just another one night stand for him. You really liked him. You like all the talks you two had working on The Enterprise.

"I really liked you, (Y/N)," said Kirk, turning you to face him.

"I like you too," you replied.

"I'm taking you on a date tonight," Kirk says.

"Okay," you replied, smiling," What time?"

"Great, after breakfast, I have to do something but I'll be back at six," Kirk answered.

"Okay," you said.

You two was eating and laughing when your ex walks in.

"(Y/N), what the hell is this?" yells (Y/ex's/N).

"She's move on from your cheating butt," said Kirk," She deserves someone who will cared for her and only you."

"And you think you're the one that can do that?" your ex asks.

You looked at Kirk, waiting for his answer.

"Yeah I do," Kirk answered.


"I'm going to break (Y/N)'s heart like you did," Kirk explained.

"Get your stuff and get out," you said, "I never want to see you ever again."

Your ex get all of her stuff.

"I hope you enjoy your new man whore," your ex said," He's just going to break your heart in the end."

Your ex left.

"Do you really mean what you said?" you asked.

"Yes, I want to be with you," Kirk answered," All of our little talks over the months on The Enterprise made me want to be a man and stop being a heartbreaker to woman."

"Really?" you asked, putting your dishes in the sink.

"Yes, I'm tired of one night stands," Kirk explained," I want to be with one woman now."

You smiled and said," Okay."

"Listen, I have to run to a meeting, but I'll be back later," Kirk says.

"Alright," you told him.

He kissed you before leaving. You smiled at the thought of being with Kirk. Maybe he'll make you happy for once in your life. You don't know if he was going to break your heart or not, but part of you don't care. You just wanted to be happy with him. You would just take things one day at a time with him and see where it leads.

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