Mason's Angel (Completed)

By Yellow1017

9.1K 368 96

"What's your problem?" He asks darkly. "What's your problem?" I spit back. "Why do you keep following me?" H... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Coming soon: this summer
Bonus chapter 1
It's out

Chapter 15

267 10 5
By Yellow1017

DST 1: ch 15

I hop on the island in the kitchen watching dad cook, which Seth helps with. They don't trust me to help because last time I almost caught the kitchen on fire. I look over to where Bear's dishes used to be and frown. I miss him a lot. I feel my body stiffen as she makes her appearance. "Get your dirty ass off there." She scolds me. Her eyes are on me, and I hop off waking out of the kitchen.

"Call me when dinner is ready." I call to my dad before running up the stairs. I can't be in the same room as her, and to make things worse my mom is home. Shutting my door I flop on my bed taking in the calmness. My door suddenly bangs open making my body go ridged. I look to see my mother standing there with her arms crossed over her chest. Her eyes narrow on me, and I can tell she is about to scream at me.

"Why do you keep locking yourself in here?" She questions. I sit up sighing, but don't answer. "You haven't even started your fucking chores!" She yells. I flinch back from her tone, but that makes her smile.


"Nope. Save it." She says cutting me off. "I want you to do your chores. Seth did his, and you got home before him. Get off your lazy ass and do your chores. Start with this room, it's a fucking mess." I just sit there taking it all in feeling the tears burn my eyes. "Don't eat dinner until it's done." She says. Walking away she slams my door shut behind her as she stomps away. As soon as she is gone all tears fall down. I look around my room to see some laundry on the floor, but that's it.

    Seth didn't do shit. I was the one that did the dishes, and got the downstairs together. I force myself off my bed and head to my speakers. I turn it on and hit shuffle on my phone. Music starts blasting through the speakers making me smile. I wipe my tears before moving to get my dirty laundry into my hamper. My door opens and I look up to see Seth, who frowns at me. He comes to me wrapping his arms around me, and I cry into his shoulder.

"What happened?" He asks in my ear. His voice just reaches my ear over my loud music.

"Mother." I sigh into his shirt. He pulls me back looking me right in my glassy eyes. I can see the guilt in them, but he looks away letting me go. He stands up turning my music off before he looks back to me. I watch him frozen as my heart cracks in my chest as tears slip out.

"She wants it off, I'm sorry. I promise I'll help, but don't come down." He tells me. I nod my head watching him cautiously. He gives me a small smile before leaving my room closing the door behind me. I stay on the floor just letting the tears fall. Every bad thought running through my head making me cry more.

    After who knows how long of crying there is a knock on my widow. I force myself up groaning along the way, and get to the widow. Opening it before looking to see who it is, and turn around to freeze as arms wrap around my waist. I'm turned around, and my eyes stare into those all too familiar ocean blue eyes. They darken as they take in my tear stained face and puffy eyes. His right hand cups my face gently as he rubs his thumb along my cheek.

    "Angel, what's wrong?" He asks. I shake my head stepping back. He frowns at me as his grip tightens keeping me close to him. "Come with me." He says pulling me towards the window. I look at him with wide eyes, but I can feel myself wanting to go.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask glancing at my door.

    "My house." He states casually. I look at him with wide eyes. I've never been to his house, and I'm kind of nervous. "Or we could just go somewhere else." He offers seeing my scared state. I nod my head even though I kind of want to see Bear, but I can't bring myself to be comfortable at of the thought of going to his house yet.

   "Okay." I say confidently. Mason grins at me, and guides me to stand in front of my window. "Wait! Through the window?" My voice shakes at the end. Mason kisses my shoulder rubbing my arms.

    "You will be fine. Want me to go out of it first?" He asks. His words are calming, along with his hands rubbing on my arms. His touch warms my skin all over, and I can feel my eyes close for a second.

"Can you?" I ask softly. I turn my head to look at him, and our eyes lock. He smiles at me kissing my cheek. I can feel myself blushing bright red as he moves away from me. Within a few seconds he is out the widow with his hand out for me. I gulp taking his hand, and he helps me through the window. The cool air covers me in an icy hug making me shiver. Mason puts his hoodie over my head, and fixes it on my body.

"There." He smiles. I smile back as the warmth from his body and sweatshirt wrap around me.

"You didn't have to." I tell him. My eyes widen as I realize he is only in a dark blue tee shirt. It hugs his muscles tightly, but I look away quickly to meet his eyes. "Why would you give it to me? You need it!" I whisper shout. Mason rolls his eyes at me before he moves us towards the vine latter thing that rests on the side of my house.

"Come on. We have to get down quietly so they can't hear us." Mason says in a whisper.

"I don't care if they hear." I say crossing my arms. Mason gives me a flat look making me let my arms hang.

"Yes you do. Now come on, or I'll push you off." He threatens. My eyes go wide as I hurry to follow him. He climbs down effortlessly and quietly. When he is on the ground he looks up to me, and I gulp before climbing down.


"Where the hell are you taking me?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest. Mason sighs as I lean more into the passenger seat of his car.

    "A diner." He says glancing over to me.

    "Why?" I ask confused. Does he know I didn't eat? How would he know that. I pull at the sleeves on the sweatshirt looking down to my bare legs. I only had shorts on when I was in my room, and now I regret that.

    "Seth said you didn't eat." Mason says making my head snap to him.

    "When were you talking to Seth?"

    "That's why I came. He told me what happened." Mason explains looking at me after he parks the car in front of a small diner. I stare at him with wide eyes.

    "Really?" I gasp out. I look down at my lap not knowing what to feel. I guess this is Seth's way of helping. I sigh before looking back to Mason. He opens his mouth to talk, but his phone starts ringing stopping him. He groans cursing under his breath as he answers it.

   "What?" He snaps. He rolls his eyes at whoever is talking to him on the other line. I sigh looking out the window as see a woman clutching her purse close to her as a man in black stalks closer to her. Fear swims in her eyes, and washes over all her features. Without thinking I open the car door and hurry towards them. The cold air stings my bare legs, but I ignore it feeling my heart race.

    "Hey!" I call as I get closer. The woman gives me a look to get help, but I focus my gaze on the man. He turns to me and his dark brown eyes narrow on me. He has a scruffy black beard, which isn't too long yet. He has dark bags under his eyes, and the hood over his head just rests after his hairline.

    "Stay out of this girly." He snarls. I narrow my eyes on him taking a step forward. He raises a knife pointing it at me threateningly.

    "Leave her alone." I state. The man laughs stepping towards me, and I gulp not liking the look in his eyes. The knife plays between his fingers as he stalks closer. The woman runs away to her car, I'm guessing, leaving me here. Wow, I save her but she can't return the favor?

"Touch her and your dead." Mason's cold voice threatens behind me. A shiver runs down my spine from his tone, and I can see fear flash through the man's eyes for a second.

"Stay out of this boy. She deserves what she is getting." The man says. Mason chuckles stepping to my side his body tense wanting to fight. The man, stupidly, makes a move to grab me, but Mason grabs him. Grabbing the collar of the man's sweatshirt he lifts him up.

"What did I tell you?" Mason taunts darkly. The man only grins moving his arm. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder making me scream. Mason looks to me taking in my shoulder as I fall to he ground. Mason has the man by the neck snapping it before dropping him to the ground. I glance at my shoulder gulping as I see the knife sticking straight out of it. Blood is trickling out of the wound around where the blade is. I look away whimpering as I feel Mason's arms around me.

"That fucker." He mutters under his breath. "Come on, I have to take you to D and T." Mason sighs lifting me up. I whimper from the throbbing in my shoulder as I burry my head into Mason's chest. His heart is beating like crazy, and I can feel him breathing fast.

"Mason calm down. You need to stay calm so you don't kill us on the way." I yawn. Mason places me on the car seat buckling me up carefully. He looks at me taking in my state, his eyes are the darkest I have every seen, and that scares me.

"Don't fall asleep, Angel. I need you to stay awake." He tells me, panic behind his words. I roll my eyes as he shuts the door. He hurries to his side starting the car. He speeds onto the streets, and down the road scaring me.

"Mason, I am fine. Slow the hell down." I say yawning.

"You are not okay, Dylan. You have a fucking knife sticking out of your shoulder!" He shouts pressing the gas a little more. I grab onto the side of the seat with my uninjured side fearing for my life. The trees flash by us as Mason speeds on the roads, and I'm just praying no cops come. This wouldn't be fun to explain especially because Mason just killed the man.

    A house comes into view, that seems somewhat familiar. I think I've been on this street before, but that's not important. Mason pulls into a driveway, and as soon as the car is in park he is out. He lifts me out of he car as fast as he can hurrying to the front door. Banging on the door with his foot he waits for someone to open it. The cold air makes me shiver and I can feel the cold wetness from the blood soaking into the sweatshirt. I burry my head into the crook of Mason's neck shielding it from the slight breeze. I can feel my eyes start to leak as the pain in my shoulder intensifies.

    I hear the door open making Mason sigh in relief. I don't look up, though, afraid of them seeing me cry and judging me. "What the hell?" I hear a familiar voice groan annoyance clear in his voice.

    "D, she needs help." Mason says quickly.

    "Come in." D says. I look up catching those all too familiar forest green eyes. He catches my shocked look, and just smirks back. Mason walks us in and places me on the couch. I look to the other leather couch to see another guy sitting there. He stands up right away, his features match the guy D's a lot. Two big dogs race into the room right up to the couch I'm on. One is familiar, all black making it hard to see his eyes. The other one is a brownish tan color with a black face. They are both growling as the sniff me, and I gulp watching them.

"Gunner, Hunter away." Mason commands. The dogs look to him before walking off to what I think is the kitchen.

    "Why would you bring her here?" The other guys asks. His blue green eyes take me in before they zero in on my shoulder.

    "What the fuck happened?" D asks. I gulp looking up at Mason. "Well, don't tell me you did this Mace." D says narrowing his eyes on Mason.

    "She was stabbed trying to save a woman, and I killed they guy." He says quietly his eyes locked with mine. I hear both guys groan at his words making me bite my lip.

    "Let me fix her up. I'll bring her to my room, and you can stay down here." D says.

    "Hell no!" Mason roars. "Take her to my room, and let me come." He says snapping his head to D.

    "Ty, keep him down here. I'll fix her up in your room, Mace, but keep your ass down here." D warns looking Mason dead in the eye. Mason nods his head looking back to me. He leans down cupping my face in his hands gently.

    "He will help you, okay?" He asks. I nod my head just wanting the stupid knife out. "I'll be up when it is all done." He kisses my forehead quick before pulling back. I feel myself blushing bright red as the other two gag at it. I look down as I feel someone pick me up. I let them feeling my legs shake from the intensity of the pain. I whimper making Mason try to get me out of D's arms, but Ty holds him back grabbing him.

    "Come on, better get that thing out." D chuckles. I close my eyes nodding my head slightly as I feel him walking. "Don't sleep yet. Wait until I tell you that you are out of the woods." He tells me. I groan opening my eyes shooting him a glare. He smirks at me as he walks up the stairs.
Hoped you liked it.

Don't forget to comment and vote because it shows me you want to see me.

XO my lovelies

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