Solangelo OneShots!!

By pplstudy

27.6K 348 177

This is my first oneshot book... Get ready for fluffiness. And sad stories. I'm pretty sure there's not go... More

Painting Beads
Cedar Point
Ice Skating
You are my sunshine
authors note
message for readers

Shopping At The Mall!

2.7K 42 37
By pplstudy

☀️Will POV☀️
Nico and I are walking downtown to the mall. I'm soooooo excited because he haven't been shopping since the giant war, let alone at a mall. He also haven't been to one before so I felt like this is the perfect time to go. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the huge building. "I know a couple stores that you're going to adore!" I squealed. "Really Solace? Why don't you take me into your favorites first." Nico insisted. "Okay Neeks"

Still holding his hand we walked into the Forever 21, we walked to the men's section, though I sometimes shop in the women's clothes. Nico looked around and furrowed his eyebrows trying to take in the bland colors and music.

☠️Nicos POV☠️
So Will took me into the men's section of the store. "You'll look super nice in this Nico" Will said, holding up a dark green sweater. "I think not." I answered. Will knows I only dress in black because I only look good in black. "Come on Neeks you can't wear black all the time, you have to switch it up." Will pushed. "Fine." I said with an eye roll. We looked around some more but saw nothing that we agreed on that looked good.

"Okay up next is Journeys because you need some new shoes and Journeys isn't too expensive compared to Nike or Foot Locker." Will declared. I looked down at my worn out black adidas. We walked over to the check out area in Forever 21 and I pulled out my unlimited money card that I got from the Lotus Casino. And gave it to the cashier. Once we payed for the sweater (which I personally did not like but I'll do whatever to make Will happy). We walked into Journeys as Will happily swung the yellow Forever 21 bag in his left hand while holding my hand in his right. "Will what's your shoes size?" I asked. "Um 11" He answered. "Big foot" I teased. "Nico! Quit it" He complained.

We went inside of Journeys and looked around I didn't see anything that caught my eye until Will pointed out a pair of high tops that were yellow. "I like these!"
"Of course you do, look for your size and I can get it for you" I insisted. "But what about you?" Will asked
"What about me?"
"Don't you need new shoes Neeks"
"I'm fine"
"I insist."

We payed for everything and left.
"Okay Nico I know one more store that you'll love" Will exclaimed. "What is it?" I asked. All the stores here seemed boring, even though I haven't went into them, they were all focused on women's clothing or food. We walked around the mall to one store that said HOT TOPIC in big bold white letters.

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