Demon Girl

By WickedNightli

382 20 4

I'm just gonna Say it, Summer is part demon. Its in her blood, and you cant deni that she has an evil side to... More

Demon Girl
3- Filler
Dress to impress

Dangerous? Nah

57 4 1
By WickedNightli

"Nah, I'm good."

"You have never gone through the city before. Explore, we know all the cool places!" Kyle says.

He was going to get Summer to come. One way or another. Unlike Summer and wanting to be invisible, Kyle wanted his sister to feel a part of things. A popular. Not some dork nerd no one pays attention to. The Smiths were social class A. top of the rank. Maybe not i grades, but I mean, they did decent in class.

Also, Summer hadn't really gone out and into the downtown city park of town. So.. There was that.

"I've got things to do!" Summer started to walk a different way.

Kyle turned to his buddies.

"Ms. Smith! Were Taking you're daughter with us!!" William yelled making Summer turn back.

Rick scoped her up and threw her over his shoulder. The group laughed, including Lillian.

"Put me down!" Summer yelled.

"Kyle's orders" Rick says walking back to the boys.

"Don't stay out too late," Dr. Smith said. Kyle smiled and they started to run off.

"I don't know if letting Summer go off with them is such a good idea." Lillian started.

"You know them well enough, they're good lads." Ace Smith argues.

"I know that. Its just that, I trust Summer better when she's on her own, even in some big city. And I know Kyle is very protective in a brothery way, but still..."

"You were just saying earlier how she was fine!" Lillian laughed at her husbands expersion.

"I know dear, but Summer on her own, its just better." Lillian ended.

"I swear Kyle!" Summer yelled again.

After they got around the block, Rick put her down so she could walk.

"We're going to meet up with some of the girls. Will's girl and Rick's" Kyle says.

"Good for you." Summer said, not trying to sound sarcastic. She pushed past the boys and started to again, leave and get where she was trying to go.

"Where are you going! We're inviting you to do something fun!"

"I'd rather not. Thanks for the offer though." She bit her tongue.

James tried grabbing her hand to stop her from walking off completely. With all the Supernaturals, its not the best place to go alone at night. Just like any city. A teenage girl walking alone, at night, by herself, bad happening for the most part.

With out meaning to, Summer moved her hand swiftly away from his grasp and used her demonic power to push him into a dead end ally they were standing in front of. It was an instinct to Summers.

His back hit the wall and slide down. The other boys rushed to his side and helped him up.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I should go" Summer whispered. She rushed off.

Kyle tried following her but she vanished into the night. As expected.

"James, you okay?" Kyle said returning.

"One hell of a power. I felt it." He said walking out of the ally way.

"That's probably cause its from Hell." Rick commented.

Kyle interjected "Don't talk about my step-sister like that." He started walking towards the place they were suppose to meet up with the girls.

"That was not human, Kyle. You said she was dark and light?"

"And Human. Lets just drop it."

"Who's Human?" A girl named Ellie said walking up to Kyle.

"His Sister" Eddie answers.

"Oh" Ellie says.

Ellie was tall, with brown wavy hair. Model skinny too. She was dating William. The girl who stood next to him was Ella, she had big curly brown hair, a little taller than her boyfriend Rick.

"Why you have a human sister?" Ella asked this time.

"Step-sister, and that's just the way she is."

"She's not really human, but-"

"Human enough to be labeled Human." Stated. "Now, enough talk of my sister, she ditched, and We have a party to get to"

"Oh, one of them types.." Ellie inquires.

"Just because she doesn't want to party tonight, doesn't mean she is one of them types" Rick tries to defend.

"Yeah, right. Who doesn't want to go to a party with us?" Ella starts laughing.

"Girls, please, you haven't even met her. Probably doesn't even know what she'd missing."

"Maybe she's some secreat dangerous girl who loves risks and thrills! We dont know!"

"Ask Kyle, Eddie, He probaly knows" Ellie said taking Willys hand. "His sister right?"

They all started to walking again, headed to some club.

"Secret and dangerous? psh. On our way over here, we saw some girl walk into a werewolf club. She smelled.. Human."

"Whats that got to do with anything, Ella?"

"Oh you know, it was just odd. Human in a werewolf club on a Friday night, and on a full moon."

"Do we want to check this out?" Z asked.

"Can't we just go to the party??" Ellie wined.

"As anglic blooded creatures, we have the obligation to help those in trouble.."

"Z, you dont even know if this girl is really in trouble. And, when did you want to get all helpy helpie?" William persisted.

"Well, I'm curious. And, I love picking fights." Z strted to seperate from the group.

"I'm going with him!" Eddie yells joining Z.


Z put his hands up, but kept walking. He didn't care. Eddie laughed, and they walked off around the corner from where the girls had come from.

Kyle and the rest walked in the opposite direction of Ed, and Z.

"They are going to get themselves seriously hurt."Rick commented.

"As long as they get back to the house, they'll be fine."

"Werewolves on a full moon though!" Ella exclaimed, "They're crazy!"

Carzy is as Crazy Comes.

The boys let it rest. Brothers protect each other but, if two brothers were going to pick fights with wolves, the others should not get in the way. Ella said it might be a learning lesson for Z and Eddie. Those two were always gettign into fights. they acted more like demons, or darker/black magic blooded creatures then what they were. Since they lived in the human world, everyone knew its hard to stay with your blood nature. Everthing is taught, but not eveything learned.

When Z and Eddie finaly found the wolf "club" they were looking for, it turned out not to be a club, but a leased building. It seemed like the werewolves made it look like some club, but it wasn't.

They walked in, and the door rang a bell signalling someone had walked in. A counter was only a few feet away. Some red-head wearing a black apron was leaning forward against it. reading a book.

"'Sup'." Z said trying to remain Cool.

The girl looked up. Her eyes were green, and as she her smile grew, you could see she had sharpened her teeth. "Hello." She said waiting. "Welcome to the Wolves Cub. How may I assit you?"

Eddie cleared his throat "Well, hi, were looking for a girl.."

"What kinda girl?" She says suggestivly.

Z and eddie looked around. The walls were covered in what seemed like tatto looking scteches and painted weirdly with neon.

"Human." Z says looking stright into the red-head eyes. Catching the micro-expression of fear she had.

"We dont Allow humans. Supers only." She used slang for supernatural creatures, not mythic for mytical. Or gifted for both. "You're mythic, aren't you?"

Curiosity struck when there was a holler coming from the back room. Blocked by a curtain.

"Are you sure no Humans have been here?"

"I turn them away if they do."

Z smirked. He was gifted. He may be an angel. But he had another power, like most gifted. He kept his eye contact with her. Keeping his thoughts in a simple stream of instructions. Z looked the girl up and down.

"Are you sure, you haven't let a human smelling girl? you must have killer instinct," He complimenting, "Why don't you go behind that curtain, and make sure, no human smelling girl has walked in."

The girl had lost her sharp smile, and in a daze nodded her head and walked behind the curtain.

"You totally just hypnotized her didn't you?" Eddie said giddly.

"Eddie, bro, chill out." Z said calmly.

The red-head came back, still in her daze. She retuened to the counter and started typing things on a computer.

"So?" Ed asked.

"So what?" The girl said lightly, looking up.

"Human girl?" Eddie asked.

The curtain was pulled aside, and a tall broad boy walked out, a girl followed behind. He reaked of dog to Z and Eddie. And to the boy, they smelled of soap.

"Can I help you?' The boy growled. Instendly taking a defense agaist the angelic boys.

Z and Eddie looked at each other. "We're not here to pick a fight..." Z started to say.

"Quinn." The girl said coming out from behind. She stroked his arm, and the intese fire in his eyes camlming. "I should be going anyway. They can drive me home."

"You want these angelic-"

"You can go." She inturupted Quinn.

He takes a last glance at the two brothers then leans down to whisper something to the younger girl.

"I already told you, and No." She said.

"Are you sure?"


The boy, Quinn, huffed and walked back through the curtain. The girl rolled her eyes and looked at the brothers. She was holding a small vial.

Z and Eddie looked a bit in shock. They were joking when they said Summers was dangerous...

"We should go before midnight..." She said moving her way around the boys.

Z looked at the red-head before turning to leave. "Thanks" He winked.

The brothers followed the girl out. The went past one store before she turned around.

"You cannot tell Kyle or Tyler. Please" She said.

"Summer, what are you doing with Werewolves?" Z asked.

"Z, right?" She asked nicely. He nodded. "I really don't want to get in trouble." She begged.

"Are you dating that Quinn dude?" Eddie asked.

"What! No. ew." She looked appalled at the idea of dating a dog.

"you had, like, total control over that dog, how'd you do that?"

Summers bit her lip. Hesitent to tell the brothers.

"If you answer our questions, we won't tell Kyle or Tyler or anyone, you were with.. Wolves." Z said, making the word wolves sound like the most disgusting word ever.

"Deal. But you cant tell anyone." They nodded. Summer didnt think any questions they would come up with would comprimise her anyway. "Its just a trick. I can use their sub-cousious to calm them or make them think something, anything I want."

"Whats in the vial?" Eddie asked.

"I have trouble sleeping. Werewolves have to have vials of this stuff to keep them calm. My mom will be happy I picked it up myself. She doesn't really feel comfortable around werewolves." Summer answered. "Are we done with the questions?"

"I don't know.." Eddie shrugged.

"If you're both dark and light, why are you called human?" Z asked, thinking of his couriosity from ealirt in the evenning.

"Thats what I'm regestered as. It's complicated" She rolls her eyes in expression. "Do you guys drve? car, or portal?"

"Car, but not ours, we rode with William. We can meet them at the party and get back."

"No, I'll just take the portal." Summers said. her pace increased as she started to walk faster.

"Woah, woah woah," Z said. "Little girl isn't getting off that easy! Theres a party!"

"Parties aren't really my thing..."

"Tonight it is!" Eddie says putting his arm around Summers.

"Who Needs to go a party when the party and comes to you!" A guy shouted behind us.

Eddie and Z rejoiced to see Kyle and the gang. It was William who shouted. Ellie under his arm.

"So, you you must be danger girl?"

"Nah, just bumped into Kyle's sister." Eddie says.

"Kyle, this your sister?" Ella asked the blond.

"Yep. Thats' her. Under Eddies arm." He says.

Hearing that, Eddie removed his arm from around Summers.

"She's not like your other sister." Ella says.

"Shes not related." Kyle says.

"Wait, why aren't you all at your party?"

"We stopped by, but it wasn't worth our time." Rick states.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Kyle asked his sister.

"You're the one who told me to Explore the city."

"Well, I meant with us." Kyle said.

"Jeez, sorry. I'll just go back home then." Summers says

"ah, No." kyle states.

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