
By BayRenmen

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For Lena the one person keeping her from happiness and love is her fiance, Mason. For Stef, the one person ho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 9

1.9K 54 16
By BayRenmen

Chapter 9

That night after everyone ate, Dana and Stewart decided to call it a night and head to a hotel. Besides the fact that Stef's apartment was very small, they had some business that they wanted to quickly take care of in the morning. But they promised that they would all meet up for brunch the next day.

Stef was sitting in bed as Lena was beginning her nightly routine in the bathroom. Stef found herself constantly gazing at Lena through the open bathroom door. The past month had been such a blur to her. Who would have thought that she would fall for her boss's fiancé? But she had. And she knew that everything that they were about to go through would most definitely be worth it; for she could not imagine being without Lena.

While Lena stood by the bathroom counter top Stef couldn't help but look over her scantily clad body. She only was wearing her lace panties, and a tank top, paired with one of Stef's plaid shirts. Her body was driving Stef crazy. They had yet to be intimate with each other or even see the other fully naked. Granted there was that day where Stef bathed Lena after the incident but that was complete different. And since then Stef has been pretty hesitant to make a move because of Lena's bruises and the amount of stress she was dealing with. But tonight, something different was in the air; something new to even Stef.

Lena on the other hand was more than ready. Since moving in with Stef she has been trying to throw subtle hints here and there, but Stef didn't seem to catch on. But tonight, she could tell that things were going to change. The whole day caused Lena to feel like a new person. She has her family back thanks to Stef and she knew that this was just the beginning.

She could see the way Stef was looking at her through the mirror and that alone was doing something to her. There has been a couple of occasions where she has seen that look in Stef's eyes but she never acted on it. Causing Lena to swim in her own insecurities as to why. She knew that Stef had a past with different women that she just left high and dry. This was no secret and it was made clear that whatever it was that they were doing was not the same. But she couldn't help but think that maybe Stef just couldn't help it. What if she did get tired of her and decide to just up and leave? Lena just pushed those thoughts to the back of her head. She couldn't let them get in the way, because the one thing that she did know was that she loved Stephanie Marie Foster. So, no matter what happened, it wouldn't be something that she regrets.

Lost in her conflicting thoughts she didn't even hear Stef get up from the bed; it wasn't until she was in the doorway that she noticed her. "Hello, beautiful," she said in a soft tone letting off a sweet soft smile. Lena just smiled in reply looking down, amazed at how this woman can make her blush with just two words. As Lena leaned her back against the counter, Stef took a seat at the edge of the bathtub.

"Love, there's something I feel as though I need to get off my chest. Just so that there's no questions, or doubts, or confusions". Speaking with her eyes, Lena just gave Stef her full attention though she was filled with worry. Taking the cue Stef continued to lightly smiling u at Lena before looking to her hands again for words that she knew would not be there.

"I've never really been in a situation like this before. I'm not sure exactly what to say".

"You know, Stef, it's ok. If you want to leave, then you can. I won't hold anything against you. You've done so much..." Stef stood and held Lena's face within her hands. Looking at her as to ease her worries and to put to rest her insecurities. "Love, I would never leave you. There's nothing that could ever make me not love and want to be here for you. I love you so much Lena Adams I honestly do. More than I have loved anything in such a long time. I want you to be my partner, Lena. I want to be with you, I want to be your...your girlfriend. I have never felt as committed to someone until the day I realized that I was crazy in love with you. When Mariana asked if I was going to adopt her alongside with you, so many amazing thoughts swarmed my mind. Thoughts of us building a life together Lena. I am in love with you".

As tears welled up in Stef's eyes she looked to Lena's as hers began to silently run down her face. Just like that all of Lena's doubts and insecurities about her and Stef were far gone out of the window. For once she felt free to let her body and heart take over rather than her mind.

Wrapping her arms around Stef's waist she pulled her in closer and kissed her breathless as their tongues took place in a heated affair of their own. Ready to finally see Stef, Lena began to pull Stef's pajama shirt up and over her head as she now eyed her exposed breasts. Attempting to go in for the kill, Stef stopped her by lifting her up and placing her on the counter. Quickly taking off the extra shirt Lena was wearing and her tank top; she began kissing and sucking all along Lena's neck and shoulder. To her surprise, Lena began doing the same as she started kneading each of Stef's breasts.

Usually it was Stef that did all of the work during sex. Since she was a cop and appeared to be the more dominate one in most relationships it was almost expected. But Miss Lena was not backing down. Turned on even more, Stef locked Lena's legs around her waist and held her close as she carried her into the bedroom. Lena continued to place soft but meaningful kisses up and down Stef's shoulder and face as she continued to graze Stef's back with her nails, getting an involuntary moan out of Stef.

Laying her on the bed Stef began to climb up her body pressing her breasts against hers as she moved in for another kiss. As the room began to get hotter and their breathing began to increase, Stef couldn't take Lena's hand rubbing up and down her back much longer without her doing anything. It was like the more Lena touched her the further and further out if this world she was taking her. So she reached for Lena's hand and held it down over her head as she used her other to reach further down Lena's body.

Lena's breath began to hitch as she anticipated exactly where Stef's hand was traveling. Stef left her lips and started to lick up and down her neck and suck along that same trail. She felt Stef's warm fingers glide across her belly button as every nerve in her body began to stand at attention. Then finally they dove beneath her panty line. Lena could not even focus on what she was doing to Stef in that moment for she has waited for this moment for what seemed eternity. But not just the moment that she would be in bed with Stef but for the moment where she can feel both completely vulnerable yet completely safe. For the moment where she would know that she knew in her heart that she was with the person she was supposed to be with. For the moment where she could finally be making love to the person of her dreams.

Her breathing became more and more audible as she felt Stef's fingers slide through her folds and rub back and forth against her clitoris. "Ahh! Stef." Lena's voice slightly cracked, not realizing how long it has actually been since she has had any attention there. Lena's body was on ten as Stef continued to rub her as she moaned louder and louder, panting her name in between. And Stef captured one of Lena's nipples inside her mouth as she licked and teased until it pearlized. Almost certain that the neighbors could hear their escapades or at least Lena, neither seemed to care as Lena arched her back in pleasure.

But to Stef's surprise, Lena was able to free her hand and suddenly flipped Stef over so that she was now straddling her. Lena smiled down at Stef's wide-eyed face that showed both amusement and shock. "You are way stronger than you let on, Love". Lena just smiled and laughed as she bent down to give her woman a kiss. "You've done enough for me. It's time that I've took care of you". She whispered looking deep into her eyes.

She then sucked on one of Stef's nipples just as she was previously doing to her and began to twist and tweak the other between her fingers. Now it was Stef's turn to lose control of her breathing. After ensuring that she left as many marks across her chest that she could she began to kiss her way down. She licked and kissed small circles around her belly button as Stef let out soft moans. She began to make her way lower and sucked on her hip bone as she felt Stef's entire body twitch. "Lena!" Pleased that she was able to find one of her spots Lena smirked as she kept sucking harder and harder switching up sides.

Needing more, Lena sat up and began pulling off Stef's panties off. "Wait, Lena. You don't have to right now. I know that this is your first time..." Lena leaned up to silence her, kissing her deep before pulling away. "I want to, baby. I would really love to get what I want". Before Stef could say anything else, Lena already made her way back down the bed. Before she knew it she felt Lena grab the back of the both of her thighs and lift up and wide exposing everything to her. "Lena, really..." But it was too late. Lena took a long broad lick from her opening up to her clit as she latched on and continued to suck and tease. "Ohh Myyy!" Stef let out the loudest moan she has ever made. The sensation of making love with the one you actually love with something brand new to her and something so indescribable.

Lena began to pump two fingers into Stef as she continued to eat. Realizing she was hitting one of Stef's spots by the way she continued to shake and moan, Lena picked up the pace until Stef's entire body was arched and shaking. Stef couldn't even yell anymore as her voice was caught in her throat. All she was left to do was whimper as Lena never slowed her pace. "Lena! Love! Oh My!! I'm going to.." But it happened before she could finish. Her body released as her yells filled the room and Lena was right there to lick up every part of Stef.

She moved back up and placed kisses all over her face and lips as Stef came down from high. "Lena, my love, never in my life have I ever felt anything like that and so quickly."

"I guess that means I'm a natural, huh". Lena grinned. Stef just laughed and kissed her as she climbed on top of her; ready to show her what she can do. But before she could make her descend Lena stopped her once again. "Stef, I'm in love with you too".

The entire night was spent with them making love to each other over and over and over again.


The next day Stef and Lena found themselves running at full speed into the restaurant for brunch the next morning. They were supposed to meet up with Lena's parents, but they over slept after their eventful night of exploring each other's bodies. They were lead over to the table by the host where both of her parents were there smiling.

"There's my two beautiful girls!" Stewart said as he and Dana stood to greet them. They exchanged hugs and greetings as they took their seat. "My Dear, it's a good thing your father and I have become use to waiting to see you. You two were almost an hour late...Eventful night I presume" Dana inquired with a mocking grin. "Mother!" Lena and Stef both blushed as Stef laughed it off and placed a hand on Lena's leg. "Oh I am just joking with you two".

Everyone went on to placing their orders and talking about small things here and there. When Stef remember that she had some news. "So this morning I received a phone call from a person that I know in social services. They would actually be able to get us a fostering license pretty soon. I've done a few favors for them so they are really willing to help. The only thing is we just have to take a weekend class and pass a living inspection".

Stewart and Dana exchanged a look that didn't go unnoticed to Lena and Stef. "How exactly are you two going to pass the inspection? Stef only has a one bedroom apartment," Stewart asked.

"Yes. Where is the child going to sleep? And do her homework? Children like air and room to play. Then what happens when it comes time to adopt. As she gets older she's going to want privacy and her own space," Dana chimed in.

Lena was completely taken back by their sudden change in attitude. "Wait a minute. Where is all of this coming from? I thought that you both were on our side".

"We are dear, we are. But there is something that we must show you first".


Gazing out of the window, Lena was growing more and more impatient as Stef drove following behind her parents. At this point they were on the other side of San Diego, the area pretty close to where Lena worked. She has absolutely no idea what her parents were up too and she was growing increasingly anxious by the minute.

Stef even gave up trying to start a conversation because Lena just kept getting distracted by her own thoughts. So instead she gently caressed Lena's knee as she softly hummed to the music playing on the radio. Stef wasn't as nervous as Lena but she was definitely curious to say the lease. She knew that Dana and Stewart were all for them taking care of Mariana and for Lena to have a better life. But she had no idea what they could possibly be up to. She had no idea of their capabilities.

Stef noticed that they began to slow down as they turned down a quiet side street. The houses seemed like big beautiful homes that had the capability of holding beautiful happy families. Stef use to patrol this street occasionally, but not much seems to happen. She remembered looking at the different houses and wonder what it would be like to live there with a happy family to always come home to. Even now as they parked outside of a rather abandoned looking home, the grass still seemed greener.

Dana and Stewart got out of the car as Lena and Stef proceeded to do the same. They looked about the outside of the house as they waited for Stewart and Dana to approach. It was a beautiful brown craftsman-style house. It was evident that it had been vacant for at least a few months now, for both the grass, hedges and trees in front of the house appeared to be overgrown. But the house was beautiful. The two women stood there in awe; yet still confused as to what they were doing there. A couple of men came walking out through the open front door and to a moving truck that neither of them seemed to notice until now.

"Ok, what is going on?" Lena asked turning to her parents. Ignoring her question they smiled and looked to both of their faces. "Don't you just love it?" Stewart asked wrapping his arms around both Stef and Lena. "Yes, it is. But why..." Dana cut Stef off out of pure excitement. "A landscaping team should be here to fix up the outside. But wait until you see what the inside looks like. You two are going to just die."

"Mom!" Lena stepped away and turned to look at both of her parents. "Can you two please explain the purpose of us being here". Her parents just looked at their daughter and laughed to themselves. Their daughter was very smart, this they knew, but at times they wondered about her. ""Honey, you two really didn't figure this out yet?" Stewart began, "This is your house, yours and Stef's". Both Lena and Stef's mouths fell to the ground as they replay what was just said in their heads. "Wait what do you mean our house?" Stef asked in complete shock. "Well, you two need to pass that living inspection. And you two need the room to live and be happy. Nothing against your apartment Stef, honey, really. It's lovely but you two could really benefit from the space".

"Mom, Dad, wait a second". Lena knew that they needed the extra space, there was no way they would get Mariana by staying in Stef's apartment. But this was too extravagant. Also, she was scared that this would be too overwhelming for Stef. She knew that Stef wasn't the one to settle down and play house in the past. She still wasn't convinced that Stef was able to take in all of this. Lena's head was spinning, she wanted the house, but she didn't want Stef to leave either.

Stepping up and placing her hands on Lena's arms, Stef locked eyes with her. "Listen, baby, I know that this may seem like a lot and a little overwhelming. But they are right. If we want to take home Mariana, then we probably should start with accepting the house" Stef whispered. "This isn't too much for you"? Lena questioned. Stef hugged Lena tight and said, "My love, I can't wait for the day that you realize that I'm not going anywhere. But until then I will just prove it to you. Now let's go see our new house".

Walking into the house the two were taken away. It was their dream house. To the left of them was a spacious living room that had a classic piano placed against the opposite wall. To the right was a dining room with a large wooden table that movers were arranging and setting up. Straight ahead past the stairs was a huge spacious kitchen with window seats over looking the most beautiful backyard. But right as they were about to cross the stairs Stef stopped as she heard a familiar voice from up the stairs.

"Stef what's wrong?" Lena said before looking to her parents who stood together smiling. Stef ran up the stairs and to the voice that she knew too well. "No, no honey. That dollhouse is supposed to be in that pink room over there, not in the master bedroom. Oh would you look who it is."

"Mom?" Stef ran over to the short ginger haired woman with the biggest grin on her face. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh Stephanie. Mike called me and told me everything. Nice man he is. Unlike my daughter who kept me out of the loop. But have you seen this house. Four bedrooms for goodness sake. The Adams went all out for you two. Oh and look at this beautiful woman right here". Without skipping a beat the small woman hugged Lena as soon as she reached the top step. "Lena, honey, you are gorgeous. Look at this hair. Goodness gracious no wonder my daughter has finally fallen in love. I'm her mother, Sharon". 

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