By Jerome277

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This is a story about the capture of 3 Sasquatch in the mountains that divide B.C. and Alberta Canada. In the... More

Chapter 2 The Cyclotron Building U.B.C.
Chapter 3: The first interview
Chapter 4 : " The Crowleys "
Chapter 5 : "The Second Interview"
Chapter 6 : "The Night and Morning Before Balenn"
Chapter 7 : Balenn
Chapter 8: Vilos
Chapter 9 : Region 12
Chapter 10 : Region 6
Chapter 11 : The Astral Plane
Chapter 12 : Playland
Chapter 13: Magic Crystals
Chapter 14: The Welcome Ceremony
Chapter 15 : The last Interview

Chapter 1:The Ehesti and the Canadian Rockies

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By Jerome277

                               A strong scientific theory exists pertaining to the various races on earth. It suggests that earth was colonized centuries ago, from other planets. The distinct differences between the Chinese, Caucasian, Black and Indo races would seem to give credence to that theory, that the Chinese originated from one planet and the Indos from another etc. Not being able to time travel as yet, we are unable to go back in time, to prove or disprove the theory. Another form of humanoid life has been sharing this planet with us for centuries. They do not care to live openly as we do, but prefer to live in seclusion. We have come to know them as the ABOMINABLE SNOWMEN, SASQUATCH, BIGFOOT, YETI. Because of their ability to endure extreme temperatures, they have inhabited this planet longer than any of earth's humanoid species. If the [colonizing theory] is correct, than we obviously lost our connection with our mother planet eons ago. The EHESTI, as they prefer to be called, have never lost that connection to their mother planet. Even today, they travel back and forth from their home planet, BALENN, to earth as easily as we drive to the corner store. The EHESTI have developed the ability to control molecules. They can take the molecules from a tree or rock etc., and with concentration, change its form into something else. They can perform this same feat with the molecules of their own bodies. They have perfected that ability to such an extent that they use it to travel. By concentrating on the place they wish to be, and invoking this molecular power, they "transpose" or move themselves invisibly from one place to another. Unlike earthlings, all the EHESTI originated from the planet BALENN. Balenn is a semi-physical planet, not far from our solar system. Although Balenn is spherical, like Earth, that is about the only similarity it has to Earth. The EHESTI live inside their planet, as opposed to our living on the surface of Earth. Being only semi-physical, Balenn appears translucent, allowing light rays to pass right through the planet and on to the orbiting satellite spheres. The texture of matter on Balenn would seem unstable to us. The outer layer of their planet is the densest. To the human eye, most life forms have a crystalline like appearance on Balenn. Colors are visible in various shapes, but not distinct. As on Earth, all things are in motion. The motion is rapid enough to produce crystallized appearances, rather than physical form. When the EHESTI are at home in their planet, they do not use physical form. Their powers over molecular form allows them to take much smaller shapes, thereby allowing many more of them to live within the same planet. The Sasquatch forms. which they use when on Earth, have many advantages. They can stand extreme cold and heat. They have telescopic vision. Their size makes them unlikely prey to predators. In 1983, two of these Ehesti, named Beenan and Beem were in Balenn, discussing another trip to Earth. Both of them were in their mid-life timeframe [approx. 600 yrs. earth time]. They had traveled extensively in the first half of their lives, both through micro space and outwardly through physical space and beyond.

Although the Ehesti in their non-physical forms, can go for long periods of time without food, every now and than, they savor the memory of some past meal. When they allowed this memory to build, it motivates them to transpose to earth or some other planet, to feed. Beem and Beenan had just discussed food and they were ready to take on physical form again and return to Earth. Beenan went home to prepare, all the while thinking of the other enjoyable pastimes of Earth, such as observing humans. With their telescopic vision, Ehesti can watch many things that happen on Earth, providing the weather is accommodating. Beem's thoughts were on the succulent Mountain Avers plant, roots and all. That was his favorite food on the planet earth. He had been to Earth many times before and enjoyed each time immensely. Human encounters left a lot to be desired though. He did not trust humans at all. Beem went home to tell the others in his family of his pending trip. Beem's companion pre-cautioned him about human reactions. Although earthlings could not kill Beem, he would still feel the sting of the attempt. He could also be detained by humans, if they knew how to do it. He wished they could communicate better with earth people, but humans had learned to construct powerful mental blocks, completely blocking out any reception of telepathic communications from the Ehesti. The Ehesti people know of many other life form that do the same mental blocking, and just as effectively as earthlings. If the Ehesti want to communicate with these [ blockers] than they have to learn sounds, words and sentences, which is very time consuming. They had not bothered to try that yet with humans. They chose instead, to stay away from humans as much as possible. All is ready: Beenan was ready for his rendezvous with Beem, but first a quick" pass through" with his companions. [ As humans hug one another to show affection, the Ehesti, being able to alter molecules, become semi-physical, and mingle their molecules together as one, forming the symbols of their family group.] They than disperse back into their own chosen forms and go about their business.

Beenan, feeling really good from the [pass-through], proceeded to the rendezvous spot, where he was to meet with Beem. Beem was already there, waiting anxiously. Ok Beem, we're ready. Lets begin the concentration. They both focused their attention on 20th century earth, to a place on Mount Robson, in the Alberta Rockies, at approx. 10,000 ft. above sea level, in the time frame [end of July]. They had a focal point already pre-established by other Ehesti, who had been there before them. In what looked like a "scattering of stardust", they were no longer visible on Balenn and began re-assembling their molecules at the pre-determined focal point on earth. Reassembly of their molecules into chosen forms, took about 3 seconds. They were 2 1/2 meters tall and hairy. Their predetermined landing spot was in a cave on the east side of the mountain. It was mid-day, July 28th 1983 The sun was shining and the temp. was 55F. The inner-space sun that shines on Balenn is a constant. There are never any clouds or rain. There is no night, as we know it. Because Balenn is semi-transparent, its casts no shadows and consequently no darkness. Inner-space sun is not a heat source, like on earth, but it is just as bright. Beem and Beenan were understandably not as impressed with the sunny weather as we would be. Now that they were in their earthly bodies, Beem and Beenan began to feel the tug of gravity on their muscles. Beem noticed his hunger feelings first, of course, but Beenan was adjusting to the sudden shock of cold. It was similar to the shock of cold water a diver experiences, wearing a wet suit. The cold was short lived, and the warmth soon began to fl ow. There were signs everywhere of other Ehesti having been there and although there were no Ehesti visible locally, they knew that others from Balenn would show up sooner or later. Beem spotted his first Mountain Avers plant about 500 meters away. EUREKA he roared. Come Beenan, lets eat!!. Not right now Beenan replied. First come and have a look over here.

Beem reluctantly walked over to see what he was pointing at. On a mountain top about 2 miles away there was another Ehesti waving and looking over at them. [Although the Ehesti have telescopic vision, they cannot see through solid objects.] They were able to communicate with their new found Ehesti, telepathically, and they agreed to meet on Mount Robson that evening. Ok now can we eat whined Beem? They both proceeded to the Mountain Avers plant Beem had spotted earlier. These plants were growing surprisingly close to the forest growth, further down the mountain, and not well above the timberline, where they were usually found. That struck Beenan as odd, but he assumed that as so many Ehesti had been there before them, they must have eaten up all the plants above the timberline in this area, leaving only the sparse pickings lower down. The Ehesti did not like venturing too far down the mountain. They could run into Humans and also mama bears. They could communicate with the animals telepathically, bears included. No amount of telepathy could reason with a mama bear protecting her cubs, however. By staying above the timberline they avoided both the bears and the humans. Neither of them sensed any bears in the area so they proceed to eat the Avers plant. Beem began at once to dig up the roots with his huge hands. Beenan was happy with the bark and the berries for now. A jet fl ew overhead, on its way to Vancouver. Beenan looked up, with his telescopic vision, and spotted a woman's face in the window of the jet. He waved, and sent her a telepathic greeting. She was not blocking his telepathic attempt to greet her, like most humans do. She returned his greeting and waved back. Beenan was shocked. He had never been in communication with a human before. What a surprise!! He was so surprised, he forgot how fast the jet was moving and it was too late to reestablish contact. The jet was now over the horizon. Beem!. did you hear that? I communicated with a human. So what!? Beem replied, his mouth full. You know what happens when we meet humans. they are so full of fear that their first instinct is to kill us, communication or not. That's true he replied, but maybe these are special people? If we could meet these special people we could learn from each other. Fat chance Beem replied, how are we supposed to fi nd these [special ]people? At least we know some humans are telepathic now. That's a starting point. What if that woman comes looking for us? Way up here? Never, Beem replied, OK maybe your right, but now that we know at least some humans can communicate with us, how about if we agree, here and now, to attempt communication with every human we see, in case one of them is special, like the woman on the plane?. OK with me, Beem replied, But I'm not going out of my way to spot them. The chances of finding another are very slim. We'd be wasting our time. Ehesti don't waste time, that's a human trait, quipped Beenan sarcastically. You are eating so much, your brain is scrambling. Ha-Ha You know what I mean, Beem replied. Yes, the odds are against us, but don't forget, we have all the time in the world. Ha-ha returned Beem sarcastically, such subtle humor! They went back to eating their Avers plants. While they ate, they hummed what sounded like single notes, for long periods of time. The Ehesti notes vary up and down in frequency, as in our songs and music. The changes are so slight, that to the human ear, it all sounds like just one note. The Ehesti ears, however can hear the minute changes quite clearly. They react, similarly to the way we react to music we like. Beem and Beenan ate heartily and hummed their favorite songs for about 2 hours. That's it for me, murmured Beenan. I am full. I'm getting there myself, replied Beem but I think I'll eat for a while longer. Not me. I'm going over to the south ridge for a while, to look around. OK, I'll be along soon. Beenan walked over to the south ridge very slowly, still humming and enjoying the full feeling in his stomach. When he reached the ridge, he looked for a comfortable spot to sit down and rest, with a good view of the valley below.

He found just the right spot, a nice fl at ridge with the sun brightly shining on it, and it had a panoramic view of the valley. He had to do some agile maneuvering to get there, but he made it. The rocks were quite warm and comfortable to sit on. Beenan sat quietly and began to scan the valley below with his telescopic vision. The heat waves radiating up from the valley floor were almost visible. Dark, black clouds were approaching from the southwest, as the day slipped into afternoon. He was able to spot two deer on the edge of a swamp down below. Looking even further south, he spotted a cabin in the woods. He could see the tin airtight wood stove through the north window. There was no sign of life. It aroused his curiosity and he was thinking of sneaking down to take a look. The memory of past experiences with other humans, soon chased away his thoughts of investigating. Yoo Hoo where are you ?,called Beem. Over here on this ledge. Come and look at this cabin. Beem sauntered over, feeling full of Avers, ready to play or do some fun things. He looked over the ledge and spotted Beenan about 20 ft. below. How did you get there, he asked. Around that way. Beenan pointed, and as he swung his arm around to show Beem the way, his hand hit the trunk of a small evergreen, growing horizontally out of a rock crevice. That blow, in turn, jarred loose some small rocks which suddenly released the entire ledge that Beenan was resting on. A giant rockslide resulted, with Beenan right in the middle of it. Beem looked on awe-stricken, but not with sympathy, because he knew that the Ehesti, with their molecular manipulation ability, could not die. Beenan could feel the pain of the rocks touching him as they fell together, and he immediately concentrated on his original Ehesti form, which caused the cells of his form to restructure into the non-physical form of the Ehesti. Once free, he reconstructed himself back on top of the ridge, standing next to Beem. Well! Beenan, that was a neat trick. You talk about my brain being scrambled!! I hope your little rockslide didn't wipe out anymore Avers plants, there are few enough as it is, Beem chuckled.

By the way, that cabin you were going to show me—is that it?, Beem pointed. Yes that's it. Why are you staring? Can't you see the humans down there looking up at us, he replied. Oh! yes. I guess I was so busy making my "big joke" as you call it, that I didn't notice them. There was no one around the last time I looked, Beenan replied. I was even thinking of going down to investigate the cabin. Beem stood up taller. It looks like a father and son out hiking. They are heading for the rock slide you caused. Lets get comfortable, and watch what they do. They both sat back on the ridge, a little further back than they would have, before the rock slide. Look he's carrying some fi eld glasses, remarked Beem. That means he can see just as well as we do, when he's wearing them. That also means he might have seen you fall from the ledge Beenan, and he is probably going to look for you in that pile of rocks, thinking he'll fi nd your body. Beenan and Beem watched as the man and his son approached the rock slide. They both began pulling away rocks form the slide. I was right !,exclaimed Beem. They are looking for you. What do you think we should do about it, Beenan asked sheepishly. I don't think we should do anything, replied Beem. I have already tried to contact them telepathically, but with no success. But they could be down there for days looking for my corpse, returned Beenan. We should do something. No, Let's just wait. They probably need the exercise anyway, and think of the animals we are saving from their guns, while they are busy looking for us. I don't see any guns, Beenan returned. Maybe not, but they have guns hidden somewhere. I have never seen a human out in the forest yet, that didn't have a gun hidden somewhere close. Ok, Beenan replied reluctantly. We'll leave them alone for now. Let's head back to the cave and see if your friend we spotted this morning, is still around. It was about a five minute walk back to the cave where they first arrived. When they got back, their visitor had already arrived and had a [heater fire] going. {

The Ehesti had learned the art of separating the heat and light from an energy source. } A heater fire produced heat but very little light. The dark fi re burnt as readily as any ordinary campfi re. A faint outline of flame is visible, but that is all. The heat remains the same as from a normal fi re. When it gets dark, a faint blue light is visible to the human eye, but of course the Ehesti can see the fire quite plainly. They sit around the campfire and amuse themselves just as we do. My name is Bo, exclaimed the 3rd Ehesti, extending his hand. I arrived here before you did so I build us a fire. I hope you don't mind. Not at all and pleased to meet you. My name is Beenan and this is my friend Beem. We just arrived this morning. Are you looking for food? Yes and no, replied Bo. I have been here many times before, and am beginning to enjoy living here. I have developed a taste for some other plants that grow here. Have you tried rosebuds and rosehips? Very tasty and nice aroma. No we haven't, Beem replied. Maybe tomorrow you can show us? Be glad to. There are hundreds of them on the north slope. Blueberries and wild Strawberries are tasty too. Beem stirred the fi re with a stick, so the ashes would burn evenly. There was a short silence. I heard a rock slide earlier. Did you see it, asked Bo? Did we see it? Beenan caused it, remarked Beem. There are two humans down below investigating. One of them might have seen Beenan fall. We thought it best to leave them alone. No matter, said Bo, humans do not even believe we exist. Sometimes they do not even see us when we are well within their sight range. Because of our molecular powers, they cannot capture, wound or kill us, so with no solid evidence, as they call it, we could not possibly exist. Boy, talk about feeling rejected, exclaimed Beem, this is ridiculous. If we could only communicate with them, said Beenan. Who needs it, said Beem, they made their own bed; let them sleep in it. Bo was about to reply when Beenan interrupted. Bo did you hear me communicating with a woman in the jet that fl ew by around noon today? I heard something alright, was that you? Yes, he exclaimed with excitement. I spotted her so I waved and said hello telepathically to her. She waved back and replied, telepathically also. That means that we can communicate with some humans. Isn't that great? Great, says Bo, but what I was about to say before you interrupted me, was that I have already found someone near by, who is the same as your woman on the plane. We communicate quite often. Really; said Beenan? At last, maybe we can make friends and learn about others who might be able to talk to us. Not quite said Bo. This is a seven year old child. A seven year old child? That's what I said. Her name is Cecil. She lives with her parents on a mountain top about twenty miles south-west of here. I don't normally attempt telepathic communications with humans, for reasons of which I am sure you are aware. With Cecil though, I was about a mile away on an adjacent mountain top, eating, when I spotted the smoke from their chimney. I decided to spend more time in the area and observe them more closely. I am slowly learning their language by the way, just by listening and watching them. I hung around the area avoiding detection, but I let the child see me from a distance once in a while. After a time, I attempted to telepathically talk to her. She was surprisingly receptive and soon we were able to communicate quite well. We have walked through the forest together for short times. She told her parents about me, but they do not believe her. I saw her just last week. If you are going to be around a while, I will take you over there and introduce you, if you like? No, forget it, said Beem; she is just a kid. What can you learn about adult humans from a child? What we need are reasonable adult humans to communicate with, that can speak for us to the rest of them. Then maybe we can help them. I would like to meet her said Beenan; but for now I think it is almost time to retire for today. Before you retire said Beem, let's go back to the rock slide and see if those people are still there. Good idea, said Bo; I would like to see that slide myself. They all hurried back to the ridge where Beenan had started the slide. They left their fi re unattended. Looking over the ridge, they spotted just the father. The son was nowhere to be seen. Beenan pointed to what looked like a tree pinning down the man. Beenan's immediate impulse was to hurry over and rescue the man, but Beem interjected. What do you think, Bo; is he really pinned under that log or is this a trick to get us down there. The man has fi eld glasses, so we think he spotted Beenan when he fell with the slide, said Beem. My opinion, says Bo, is the same as Beem. There are some humans that will do anything to get fame and fortune. Capturing one of us would definitely catapult anyone to fame and fortune. This could very well be a trick. Where is the boy, asked Beem? Uh Oh, said Bo. I suspect the boy was sent up here to fi nd us, under the pretense that his father is hurt and we should help. If that is the case he is probably back at our fi re right now. I hope he does not stumble into it, said Bo. Let's get back right away. What about the trapped man, asked Beenan? If it is a trick, he will be out of there by sundown. He would not spend the night there, just to trick us would he? I am going to help him now, said Beenan. Be a little more patient, said Bo. If we help and they tell about us, there will be helicopters and mountain climbers swarming all over this mountain within a few hours. Let's get back to the fi re and see if the kid has come up to look for us. "Hold it right there, all of you. I have you covered. The kid was faster than they had expected and now they were spotted. What should we do asked Beenan? Don't panic, just do as he says and then slowly fade into the rocks and bushes when he is not looking. What if he shoots, asked Beenan? It is only a slight sting, and we can heal up in about two minutes, answered Bo. So why not rush him; asked Beem? No, said Beenan. If he can't hurt us, we should not hurt him. The boy was twelve years old and was wearing a Boy Scout uniform, except for the hat, which was a straw hat. He weighed about a hundred pounds and was of Mexican descend. His name was Orell. His father was a scout-master. Orell pointed his gun at the three Ehesti and signaled for them to walk towards their fi re.

They walked slowly along the trail. The Ehesti could have disappeared anytime they wanted to, but instead they chose to wait for the area nearer their camp. The rocks were big enough to hide behind. Their disappearing would look like they ducked in behind one. They were approaching the Ehesti campfire. Orell could not see the fi re burning, but he could see the ring of rocks and what looked like burnt wood inside. Orell's intent, was to bring them down to his father, who would then take charge. As they approached the cave and the "heat only" fi re, Beenan stepped over the fi re to avoid being burnt. Beem and Bo also stepped over. Qrell not seeing the fl ame, just black, burnt wood, walked right through it. Suddenly he screamed and leaped into the air. The fi re had burnt his leg, but not seriously. During the excitement, the Ehesti silently slipped into the bush and rocks. Oh boy, now I've done it, said Qrell to himself, realizing that he had lost his prisoners. Dad will be furious. Not knowing what to do next, he decided to stick around until dark anyway, hoping the Ehesti might come back. He put his gun down on the ground and sat down to examine the peculiar fi re with no light. He put a stone next to the fi re and sat on it. He stared into the fi re, wondering why he could see no flame, yet the heat was intense and there was no smoke. Meanwhile, Beem, Beenan and Bo were regrouping behind a rock outcropping, about one hundred meters away. I told you they all have guns, said Beem to Beenan. Okay, but that man "could" be pinned under that log, don't you think? No way, said Bo. This whole thing is a set up just like I said. There is one way to fi nd out, said Beem. It is dark now, and if it is a hoax, the man should have moved by now right? Wait, said Bo. Where do you think the boy was taking us? Probably down to his dad. They would tie us up and take us to their towns where we would be put in a cage, said Beem. Beenan broke in; "but we can't be killed or confi ned because of our ability to rearrange molecules; you know that, so they are no threat to us. Come on, let's go back to the ridge and see if that man is still pinned under that log, said Beenan. What about the kid, said Bo? We will deal with him after we see if his father is still there. Okay, said Bo and they all headed back to the ridge. By now it was quite dark and Orell was still sitting by the warm fi re, except now he could see the blue outline of the fi re in the dark. He starred at it with fascination, as if trying to see a real fi re in the blue tinge. He put two more sticks of wood into the fi re. Lo and behold they ignited and began to burn normally, creating light and heat like they were supposed to. The Ehesti fire disappeared behind the brightness of the real fi re. The sudden fl ashing of light from the fi re made dark shadows dance around everywhere. Orell was spooked a little by this so he grabbed his rifl e. He looked around him thinking that those creatures might come back and capture him. Even though he had his gun, there were three of them and they might be able to fool him. Beem and company approached the ridge and looked down. We should not have waited so long to come back here; now it is too dark to see, said Beenan. They all stared over the ridge, trying to see if the trapped man was still there. Oh-Oh, said Bo as he pointed towards their campfire; light. That means the kid is still at our camp and is adding more wood to the fi re. Should we go back, asked Beenan? And do what; asked Beem, sarcastically? We could take away his rifl e and scare the hell out of him, said Beem. No, said Beenan. Could you not sense the fear in that boy? What good will it do, to scare the pants off of him? Let's just play it by ear, said Bo. Let's get back to camp and see how close we can get, with all that bright light. They hurried back to the campsite. When they arrived back at camp, the boy was gone but the fi re was still blaring brightly. What do you make of this, said Beenan? I'll bet he is hiding somewhere close by, said Beem. I don't think so, replied Beenan. If he was scared, he probably headed back to his father. I have an idea, said Bo. He broke a long thin branch off at its base. It was about fi fteen feet long and quite straight. He put some dark powder on the big end of the stick and approached the fi re. He ducked behind a garage sized rock about fifteen feet away. When he was sure there was no danger, he pulled out the stick alongside him and stuck it out towards the fi re. He carefully dumped the black powder that he had put on the end of the stick, onto the fi re. The powder spilled into the fi re and the light slowly dissipated until it was again a dark fi re. They all waited, hiding, ready for anything. Five minutes passed. Beem stood up cautiously. Okay, I'm going over there, he said. Bo and Beenan watched as Beem slowly approached the fi re. He sat next to it on the rock that Orell had rolled up, he waited. After fi ve minutes of waiting, Beenan and Bo came out of hiding and also approached the fi re. They sat down on their respective chunks of wood next to Beem. Well, it looks like he is gone, said Bo. I hope so, said Beem, I am getting tired. Let's turn in. You don't suppose the kid found our cave and is waiting for us there do you; asked Bo? What about the trapped man down the hill, interjected Beenan? First things first, said Beem as he headed toward the cave. Beem did a quick walk around search of the cave until he was sure there was no one else there. All clear you guys, no sign of anyone being here except us. Good, you and Bo go ahead. I am going down the hill a ways, to see if that man is really in trouble. All things considered, I still think this could be for real. You go ahead, said Beem. Bo and I are going to get some sleep. Beenan headed cautiously down the slope to where he had seen the man pinned under the log. An hour had passed before Beenan arrived at where the accident was supposed to have taken place. It was dark, but not overcast, so visibility was not bad, with the light of the half moon and the stars. It was very quiet. Only the sound of the wind in the trees prevailed. Beenan stopped to listen for a while. He was now about thirty meters from the spot where he had seen the injured man. There was still no sound. He was thinking that Beem was probably right and he was on a wild goose chase.

As he approached the spot, much to his surprise, the man was still there, pinned under the tree. His son, Orell, was asleep about seven meters away. Beenan looked at the man. He seemed to be asleep also. It looked as if his leg was pinned under a rock not a tree. The tree lay on top of the rock. Beenan studied the situation. He could lift the log up easily enough, but he was not sure about the rock. He walked around the tree to view the accident from another angle. Wondering how he could remove the tree without waking them. It looked quite simple. One end was suspended high enough that he could put his shoulder under it and lift the log off. He put all his strength into it. It worked. He was able to remove the log to the side and set it down quietly. Both Orell and his father were still asleep. Next was the rock. Just by looking at it, he knew he could not lift it himself. He could however, use his powers of molecular control to reassemble it close by, or he could get help from Bo and Beem. He decided to try the molecular control. He walked over to the rock, put his arms around it and concentrated on a spot three meters to his left. Slowly Beenan and the rock began to disappear and than reappear on the spot he was staring at. The whole process took about one minute. Beenan than sauntered off into the forest, feeling pretty good about himself. Stop. Someone shouted and twenty fi ve lights turned on all around him shinning directly on him. Beenan was overwhelmed. The whole thing had been a trick all along. Boy, would he get some razzing. Immediately, he began to concentrate on the cave. He transposed himself up there. When he got there, Bo and Beem were asleep. All the members of the Sasquatch hunting party converged by the tree Beenan had moved. Their leader, Frank, did not know what to say. No one knew of this Ehesti power to transpose before now. The Sasquatch hunting club had its headquarters in Vancouver, B.C. and boasted three hundred and fifty members.

They were all going after the prize of one million dollars the government had offered to anyone who captured a Sasquatch alive. Their group consisted of ten men only, mostly from the Vancouver area. They had been given a tip from some hikers that Sasquatch had been seen in the area. It was the general thinking of most people; that any being shaped like a human, but only bigger, heavier and hairier was automatically a Sasquatch. I have never heard of a Sasquatch doing a disappearing act like that, said Frank. Meanwhile, the rest of the men were taking down the lights and loading everything into the pickups. They had been out there for over a week and now they had had it. They were tired and were going home. Wait, said Qrell. I know where their camp is. I was up there. As a matter of fact, I had them captured for a while. What do you mean "for a while" asked Frank? Qrell proceeded to tell them the story of the fi re with no light. What about it Bill. Is your son fi bbing or not? I would say he is telling the truth Frank. He usually does. Okay Bill, replied Frank. It is too late to go up there tonight, but fi rst thing in the morning Orell can lead us up there. Orell was pleased with himself. Now he could prove he was telling the truth and maybe they would make him a full fl edged member of the Sasquatch Hunting Club even though he was only twelve. Back in the cave, Beenan could not decide if he should wake up Bo and Beem. He decided that he had better wake them up. He gave them each a light kick. Hey, said Beem, what are you doing? Oh, it's you. Did you rescue your poor hiker, he asked with a snicker? Bo opened his eyes. What's up; he groaned. Beenan just got back from rescuing the damsel in distress, joked Beem. You both were right; it was a trick all along. They were waiting in the dark for me. I lifted off the log while they were sleeping I thought, then removed the rock. As I was about to sneak away, a circle of lights switched on and there I was, captured by the Sasquatch Hunting Party. Did you slip away or did you have to show them your powers, asked Bo? I had to use my powers of molecular control to disappear. I had no choice.

Oh, great, said Beem. Wow they know we have these powers and they will try to counteract them. It won't be long now, before they all converge up here, said Beenan. The boy will probably bring them up here at first light or maybe even tonight. We all agree on that I think, said Bo. Come with me, I have a nice comfortable place about half a mile away. It will take a little longer in the dark, but we should get there in an hour. The three of them set out in the dark for Bo's secret place. You know Bo, said Beem, as they were walking. It could be that your adventures with that young girl you mentioned are the cause of all of this. Yes, I have been thinking the same thing, said Bo. Too bad, replied Beem, that shows, you cannot trust any human. Reverse your thinking Beem and ask yourself how do we treat strangers on Balenn? We get just as defensive, until we are sure we can trust them, said Bo. We are not quite as vulnerable though, said Beenan. Beem was starting to feel uneasy because they were dropping down too low in altitude. Beem knew that the further down hill you go, the more likely you are to run into more humans. Have you seen any signs of humans around here, asked Beem? Not since I have been here, replied Bo. The area is not as secluded as it used to be though. They walked through the forest quietly for the next half hour. Why can't we just transpose over there, suggested Beenan? Where's your sense of adventure Bo replied. Beenan said no more. They traveled along what seemed like a rock bridge between two mountains. They were in a valley between the peaks but still at an elevation of 5000 feet. The sound of crickets singing was predominant in the quiet night air. They were climbing now, up the adjacent mountain. Bo's foot slipped and some small pebbles came bounding back down on Beem and Beenan. No need to rush it, said Beem. I think we are alone. Bo was thinking about what Beem had said regarding his new friend to the south. Could she be the one who finked on them? Probably not, thought Bo. It was probably her parents.At any rate, it would be best not to see her anymore. It would be best to leave the area entirely; too bad. It would sure be nice to meet a person that he could trust. Anyway, tomorrow they would have a good talk about it and decide how to proceed. Here we are, exclaimed Bo. This is it, asked Beem? Where do you sleep? Aren't we kind of low on the mountain? We are still in heavy timber. You know what that means, bears, wolves, etc. What made you choose this place? I'll show you, said Bo. Come over here. Beenan and Beem followed Bo to a rock outcropping. Believe it or not, said Bo, the inside of this mountain is hollow. There is no entrance or exit, but I spotted a small opening up here. Bo jumped up a little to touch an obvious hole in the rock. When the sun is right, I can see the empty chamber inside. How do we get in, asked Beenan? The same way you moved that rock Beenan. We use our molecular powers. First, you should see the inside chamber so you know where to project yourself. To do that, we will have to wait for the morning sun. What, exclaimed Beem. You mean we have to do molecular projection each time we come and go. That could become tiresome. Wait until you see the inside, said Bo. You will change your mind. This way, with no entrance or exit, it will be impossible for the humans to fi nd us. Good point, said Beenan. It will be good to fi nd a safe place where we can sleep for a while. We've got two or three hours to kill, said Bo. Beenan started to build a fi re. Are there any Avers roots around, asked Beem? As a matter of fact, said Bo, there are. Look over there by that shrub. Wow. Where did you get all of these, exclaimed Beem? Actually that's the only part of the plant I don't like, so I throw them away. Now that I know that you like them, I will save them for you. Great, said Beem, at least we won't starve. Okay, shouted Beenan, the fi re is ready and we have three comfortable stools to sit on. Hearing that, they all proceeded to grab a stool and take a seat by the fi re. Back down the hill, at the slide, Frank and the Sasquatch Hunting Party were beginning to rise.

Frank was hoping toreach the cave before the Sasquatch woke up. Orell was up too, he had not slept at all. He was awake during the time the creature was moving the log and rocks off his father too. After seeing the powers that Sasquatch had, he was beginning to get scared. What if they used their powers to zap him away? He decided he would stay with the group and try not to be the lead man in the caravan. Frank touched him on the shoulder. Time to get up Orell; the sun should be up in about one hour. Frank and the entire crew quietly picked up their gear and began packing for the hiking trip. They had done this many times before. They were now as efficient and quiet at this as any military operation. They never made breakfast or even made a fi re, because of the time it would take and the noise it would make. Instead, they would eat their solid rations while hiking. Okay Orell, which way did you go, asked Frank? I can't tell in the dark, said Orell. Well, which general direction and were there any trails. Yes, there was a very good trail. It starts somewhere on the sunset side of the mountain. Somewhere over that way, he pointed straight ahead. Okay, we will fi nd it, said Frank. Let's get started. It would be nice to surprise them. This time we will use a net on them. They won't slip through that. What do you mean said Orell? You saw him dissolve and move that huge rock. Why would you think a net would hold them? This is no ordinary net, said Frank. There are tiny wires interwoven with the strands of rope. When you apply the power, an inductive field builds up, suppressing any electrical activity that takes place under the net. If the Sasquatch get trapped under it, and their powers require electricity or any kind of electrical balance, then the net should work. Wow, said Orell, you guys are sure up on these creatures. We use every bit of information we get from people who have reported encounters with the Sasquatch, replied Frank. One of the more repeated reports is that the Sasquatch just seem to disappear. We hope they use some form of electrical energy to perform that feat. If they do, than the inductive net should contain them.

Meanwhile, Beem, Beenan and Bo were still sitting around their fi re, a long way from where the hunters were going to look for them. Frank and the boys hooked onto the trail quite easily. Even in the dark, it was a well enough used trail, that anyone could follow it quite easily. They reached the mountain top in about half an hour. The sun was just beginning to show its first light. Orell showed them where the camp fi re was. Frank sifted through it carefully. He noticed small crystalline particles in it, like tiny fragments of broken glass. You say the fi re was hot, but no light Orell? That's right he said, but when I added wood, it burned like a normal fi re. It must have something to do with these crystals, said Frank. He ordered his men to pick up every crystal for analysis. This is where I was when they disappeared, said Orell. There were three of them. They disappeared that way. He pointed towards the cave. Frank!, shouted one of the men. We found foot prints. They all lead to that cave. Frank rushed over. Could they still be in there? I doubt it, with all the noise we have been making, replied Frank. They proceeded to throw the electric net over the cave entrance and attached it to the battery pack. Frank than drew his pistol and entered the cave. Inside the cave, he found tufts of hair from the Ehesti, but not much else. They had obviously been there earlier, but were not there now. Frank decided to wait a few hours and see if the Ehesti returned. They all took camouflaged positions around the area and began the wait. Qrell and most of the other men took this opportunity to eat some of their rations for breakfast. It was early morning now and the sun was shining brightly. Bo rose from his seat and climbed the rocks until he was looking down the small opening in the rocks. He could not look directly down it, because his head would block off the sunlight. If he stood slightly on an angle from the sun, with his head about one meter away from the hole, then he could see inside the rocks to his hidden chamber. Bo could have transformed himself inside the chamber at any time because he knew where to focus.

Beem and Beenan had not seen inside the chamber until now and therefore did not know where to focus their concentration. After being shown by Bo, what the chamber looked like and where it was they were all able to project themselves inside. Anyone watching would have seen three Ehesti disappear into thin air. But they were not in thin air, they were inside this chamber with no entrance. Sufficient air passed through the small peep hole for them to breath. There was not much light except for the small shaft of light from the peep hole. They slowly became adjusted to the darkness and began to look around. Mot bad, said Beem, as he wandered around, looking into every nook and cranny. What is this, exclaimed Beem, as he picked up a branch of what looked like Aspen. Have you taken to eating aspen now, asked Beem sarcastically? There are many plants we can eat on this planet, Bo explained, not just the Mountain Avers. And yes, Aspen is one of them, but you only eat the cambium layer; try it. It's real tasty. Beem peeled off the bark and took a bite. Not bad, he mumbled, with surprise. Try this, he said, as he handed the branch to Beenan. Beenan examined the branch and tried it himself. They paused for a while to try a little more. I could learn to like this stuff, said Beenan. What about the rest of the plant, like the roots, asked Beem? I don't know, I have never tried them, replied Bo. I am not a root man, I'm a bark man. He raised his hands as though someone was going to throw something at him for his subtle joke. Beenan found himself a nice place to rest and stretched out. I think I'll have a nap, he said. You guys go ahead and sleep, said Bo. I am going to transpose back outside to see if I can spot the humans and what they are up to. Maybe I will go with you said Beem. I'm not so tired right now. Me neither said Beenan. I don't want to miss anything. So, Beenan, Beem and Bo blinked themselves outside to the spot they entered from. It was still a brilliantly, sunny, summer morning with only a few clouds northward. Visibility for the Ehesti was almost fifty miles on a day like this. Bo signaled for Beem and Beenan to follow him to a place where they could see the mountain peak they came from. It was the same spot from which he had originally seen Beem and Beenan, only this time, he was not making himself visible. Beem sauntered over beside Bo and stood there in the open assuming he was too far away from the hunters to be seen. Better stay behind a tree or rock Beem, said Bo. They probably have some very powerful binoculars. They crouched behind some rocks and leaned over the top just enough to watch the hunters. There is the kid that captured us, said Beem, just to the right of that ridge, he pointed. I see him replied Bo. I can see others hiding also. It looks like they are eating. Oh-oh, there's the net, said Bo. What net? asked Beem. On the cave you guys, the one we were in earlier, said Bo. I still don't see it, said Beem. It is camouflaged. Keep looking you'll spot it. I think I see it, said Beem. Do you suppose they think we are inside the cave and the net is going to keep us in, asked Beem? Better than that, said Bo. I have watched them use that net before. It has small inductive coils in it. They hook it up to a power supply. They think it will upset our ability to transpose ourselves. Any chance it might work, asked Beem? Not at all, said Bo. Our internal system is far too advanced to be affected by mere induction, but there is really only one way to fi nd out for sure, smiled Bo. Now you have me thinking, said Beenan. You told us yesterday of a small girl with whom you can communicate and I spoke to a woman on a jet flying over, so there are "some" people with whom we can communicate obviously. It would seem to me that the more people we come in contact with; the greater our chances of establishing communications with a few of them. What are you getting at, asked Beem? If we keep avoiding the humans, we are also lessening our chances of finding these clairvoyant people, replied Beenan. Good point, said Bo. How do we meet lots of people at one, so we can pick out those special few? We could go to a football game or somewhere where lots of them gather at once, said Beem. I think not, said Bo. They, including the clairvoyants, will be too wrapped up in the game to pay any attention to subtle incoming clairvoyant messages. Even if we wait until the game is over, the commotion caused by their hurried exit would also block out any of our attempts to communicate. I'm sure they would accept our appearance as avid football spectators in costume, but that won't help us communicate. I've got a better idea, I think, said Beenan. Oh-oh, here we go, I hope this one is better than your idea about helping out the poor human pinned under a tree. Take a listen and see what you think, said Beenan. First of all, it all depends on whether or not Bo is right about the net not working on us. I can guarantee it, said Bo. Okay, if the net cannot capture us and we cannot be killed or hardly ever wounded, then we really don't have much to worry about from them. It occurred to me that, if we were captured by them, then we would be exposed to hundreds of them. Surely, we would then fi nd some who could communicate with us? We would have to make them think that we were really captured though, so they will take us into one of their densely populated cities, like Vancouver. Thousands will gather to see us and some will be clairvoyants. If we can assemble enough of these clairvoyants together, then we can tell them who we are and why we are here, etc. Maybe then, we can help them to help themselves by passing on some of our knowledge. Who knows, we might even get to like one another. That would end all the hunting of us that they do. We could even get them to instruct us how to make the sounds they do, so we can talk physically. It sounds like your plan might work, said Bo. But what if they try to kill us regardless? We can just disappear, and try again at a later date, replied Beenan.

You mentioned the net, said Beem. How does that come into play? They think that their net can capture us, so we transpose ourselves back to the cave and pretend we are trapped. They will believe that the net worked and will then take us away to the city. Once we are in the city, we will be exposed to thousands of people. That was our main objective, wasn't it? What do you think, asked Beenan? Is it a good plan or not? Sounds like it could work, said Bo, but we will have to do some more planning. Let's go back inside and work on this said Bo. They all blinked themselves back inside their rocky chamber. They made themselves comfortable and Beem spoke first. You don't suppose this plan could backfire, do you? How? We can't be killed or hurt, so what is there to loose, said Bo. I think what he means is, could it backfi re on the humans, where they would hurt themselves, said Beenan. An example would be; once the word got out that we were captured, would some people kill one another in an attempt to free us? Or would they kill one another to try to steal us? If this was to occur, we could stop the needless killing by simply not going through with the plan, replied Beenan. Sounds pretty iffy to me, said Beem. We can help them once we can communicate. We can teach them how to better understand themselves and then leave the rest up to them. I agree with Beenan, said Bo. We have to somehow help them prepare for the upcoming Indigo children. They will just get confused and misinterpret our message, said Beem, as they always do. That is always a possibility, said Beenan, but I still think it is worth the risk. Anyway, what have we got to do for the next little while? Okay, said Beem, reluctantly, I'll go along, but I am going to say "I told you so" when it backfires. Okay, said Beenan, we all agree then, let's start planning. First of all, when should we do this, asked Bo? We could take advantage of this group being here, or we could wait for the next group. I'm for doing it while they are here, said Beem. Yes, me too, said Beenan. Okay, should we go today or wait until night fall? Our capture might seem more believable if it takes place at night, said Beem. They might think they can hold us better at night. No, let's not play games with them, said Beenan, let's do it now. Let's go back outside, said Bo, and see what is happening. They all blinked themselves back outside. You realize we will have to inform Balenn of this. They will still be using these cave co-ordinates to project into for future travel, said Bo. We would not want a reception party waiting for everyone of us who transposed back here. I'll go, said Beenan. This is my idea, so I should tell them. Go ahead, said Bo. Beem and I will wait here for you. We'll try to anticipate any irregularities in our plan, just so there are no surprises. See you in a while. Beenan concentrated on his home in Balenn and in a blink was gone. Bo and Beem went about gathering food, all the while thinking about their plan and what might happen to them if the plan worked. Beenan approached his family back on Balenn, in his crystal like form. They were all quite surprised to see him, but pleased. Nice to see you back, said Bula. I am just back for a short while, said Beenan, to tell you of our plans. Just hold on a second, said Bula. He called in other family members. They greeted him and Beenan proceeded to tell his family of their plan. He explained to them, how this was an excellent opportunity to mingle with the humans for a while, under the pretense, of being captured. We could accelerate their understanding of our existence by hundreds of years, said Beenan. This plan, he said, will mean that we will have to change landing co-ordinates in that area for a while. Doing that means that every Ehesti will have to be advised, said Bula. They all began to mumble to one another about the proposal. Beenan waited patiently, hoping they would approve. Bula raised his arms and all mumbling stopped. It's unanimous Beenan. We will work out another co-ordinate for that time and space. We hope your adventure with the humans will climax in a visit to Balenn, with some of them. It has been too long since we have had the pleasure of a visit from earth people, said Bula. Good luck on your venture Beenan. Beenan was overjoyed. They all came together for the pass through again forming their family emblem.

When they dispersed, Bula bid farewell to Beenan again and Beenan transported himself back to where Bo and Beem were waiting. Bo and Beem were still eating when Beenan appeared. Bo noticed his return first and asked "how did it go"? Real good, said Beenan. They are working out new co-ordinates now and they approve unanimously of our venture. Great, said Bo, we can begin anytime then. Beem overheard from about fifty feet away. He sauntered back and joined the group. I overheard you guys. It sounds like we're ready to go. Just about, said Bo, but first let's scan the area for a few minutes. I'd like a rough idea of what's waiting for us.

After slowly scanning the area with their telescopic vision, the Ehesti were pretty sure it was safe to begin. I count ten humans, said Beem. Same here, said Bo. Are you guys ready to depart? Anytime, replied Beem. Okay, let's all concentrate on the spot in the cave and transpose. In an instant, they were inside the net covered cave, surprising Orell who was also inside, searching the cave. Orell could not believe his eyes. There they were, all three Sasquatch that got away from him earlier. Frank, he yelled. We've got them. They are still in here. He dashed for the exit, forgetting all about the net on the doorway. Oomph, he grunted, as he bounced back from the tension on the net. Let me out, he yelled. Frank rushed over and released a corner of the net so Orell could get out. Did they hurt you, he asked Orell? No, but they sure startled we. It looks like your net works after all Frank, or they would not still be in there. It kind of looks that way Orell, but I could swear that I searched every square inch of that cave earlier. The question now is, will they come peacefully or do we have to bind them in the net? Frank rounded up all his men from their hiding spots. Okay, we have them, he said. At that point, all the hunters let out a "hurrah" of success. Don't cheer yet, said Frank, we still have to get our prisoners back to Vancouver.

Frank was not so sure they were captured. He had searched the cave himself earlier, and he was pretty sure, that there was no one there. Now suddenly they appear. Does that mean that they gave themselves up, thought Frank, or is there some other reason they are in the cave. It could be the cave had a secret place where they were hiding and I just didn't spot it. I could have been more thorough, he thought. Oh well, never kick a gift horse, thought Frank as he went about the task of preparing for the journey back to Vancouver with his prize possessions. The Sasquatch hunters had with them a five ton van, similar to a moving van. It was modified to accommodate the Sasquatch, if they were ever able to catch one. There was a spill proof water trough at one end and sand on the floor. The walls were well padded so it was impossible to hurt them. There was even padding under the sandy floor. Gas jets were visible from the corners. These were for in emergency situations, where their capture got so wild they would have to gas them to tranquilize them. In one corner was a stack of Mountain Avers plants and roots for food. These hunters had learned what food the Ehesti liked years before, from their observations with telescopes. The van was air conditioned and there was two way communications with the cab just in case. The entire box of the van was lined with small inductors, similar to the one in the net. The walls and framework were made of very high tensile strength steel alloys designed to take the force of train crashes without breaking. Frank was sure the van would be secure, but he was not so sure about, how to transfer his prisoners from the cave to the van. There was a long way to walk before they got down to where the van was waiting and anything could happen during that time. Frank decided to wrap the net around the Sasquatch and secure their hands with the end of it. That way, they could not jump out from under it, while they were walking down to the van. Frank suspected that they would come along peaceably though. Their plan was to shoot tear gas into the cave, forcing the Ehesti to exit through the cave door and into the awaiting net.

Just as he was about to give the order to fi re, the tear gas, the Ehesti came out on their own and walked into the waiting net. They stood there patiently as the men secured their hands with the ends of the net. Beenan attempted to talk to each of them with his telepathic voice, but no one responded. He was disappointed that no one answered him back. I heard you, said one of the hunters, My name is Allen. I am a professor at the University of British Columbia. My specialty is parapsychology and archaeology. I also have telepathic abilities as you have already noticed. Thank goodness, someone can communicate with us, sighed Beenan. We're real glad to meet you Allen. I came on this journey hoping that maybe my telepathic powers of communication might be of some use. Why did you let yourselves get captured, he asked? We know of some of your problems in the twentieth century and we thought we could help. We are not really captured, said Beenan, but we want to give that impression for now. Will you go along with us and not tell the others? I sure will, said Allen and anything else I can do for you, just ask. Allen and Beenan were talking while not looking at one another or even showing any signs of being in conversation. How far can we be separated and still communicate this way, asked Allen? That depends on the restrictions you put on your own ability Allen, Beenan replied. The true maximum distance for telecommunication is unlimited, he stated. In our situation though, let's not push it. The closer we are; the better for communications. Perhaps you should try to stay close. I don't have much influence with these guys, said Allen, so maybe you had better not count on me to help you. That's okay, said Beenan; we can take care of ourselves. All we want you to do is gather up as many of your clairvoyant people as you can, to interpret for us with the rest of them. The more of you there are, and the more in agreement you are with your various translations, the more likely are the rest, to believe you and us. I understand, said Allen. I will do what I can. Where are you taking us anyway, asked Beenan? We are taking you to the special wing of the University of B.C., which we have prepared for you. I can't elaborate right now, said Allen, but you may not need your clairvoyants, if things work out the way we planned. Frank signaled his men to begin hiking down the hill. Orell stayed back for a few minutes to check out the cave one last time. He wanted to fi nd the secret place the Ehesti must have used to hide. He covered every possible angle, looking for sliding rocks or hidden chambers. There was nothing. Orell stepped back away from the cave for a moment, staring at it. Where could they have hidden, he asked himself? At the same time as he was standing there, the Ehesti on Balenn were changing their landing time spacer co-ordinates for that area. This was in accord with Beenan's visit a few minutes earlier. The travel people on Region Six of Balenn were instructed to discontinue using the co-ordinates of the cave as a possible landing spot for travelers from Balenn. They shifted their focal point to a shrub area about fifty meters away. This change also returned the cave back to its original condition from before the Ehesti began to use it in the 19th century. Before Orell's eyes, the rocks began to move flowingly and particles came up from the ground to hold fast back on the rock walls and ceiling. The cave returned to its original condition from the 19th century. The color of the rock also changed to a lighter shade. Some cobwebs disappeared and others sprang up out of nowhere. Cracks sealed right up like invisible mending. Even the smells in the cave changed. It all took only about two minutes, but the restoration was perfect. Orell was awestruck. He had just witnessed the molecular change of rocks. He had seen them do that on television, but never thought it possible in real life. Plants were now growing, that were not there two minutes ago and all traces of foot prints were gone. It was as if no one had ever been there. Orell rushed after the hunting party to tell them the news. He slowed down and thought for a minute. The changes he had witnessed were so subtle that the hunting party might not even remember what it originally looked like. It was also possible that his mind was playing tricks on him, being as he had slept so little in the past few days. He decided to keep it secret for a while instead. He caught up with the hunting party and walked with them the rest of the way to the van. He pretended he was "rear guard", like in the army. His job was to be alert and make sure the enemy didn't ambush them from behind. There could be hundreds of angry Sasquatch waiting out there, waiting to pounce on him and rescue their friends. That thought became too vivid for him, so he hurried into the group to walk with his dad and Frank. Boy, this is sure uncomfortable, walking with our hands bound in this net, said Beem. It won't be for long, said Bo. By the way Beenan, we heard your chat with Allen. I hope we can fi nd more like him. I'm glad you overheard, said Beenan. He is too frightened to be of much help right now, but what he had to say about our destination was encouraging. By the sound of things, we are not going to be thrown into a jail cell anyway. Beem mumbled under his breath, as they continued down the path. The weight of this net on our heads is more uncomfortable than the hands being bound, said Bo, attempting to ease the tension he knew Beem was feeling. Speak for yourself, said Beem. The clown who tied my hands thought he was tying down an elephant. I have a good notion to transpose right out of here. No don't, said Bo. It is only a short way from here and I am sure our hands will be untied. You had better be right, said Beem. I am not going to stay in these bonds much longer. There is the van, said Beenan, straight ahead about one kilometer away. They all walked cautiously down the steep path for the next ten minutes. As they approached the van, the first thing Beem noticed was that there were no windows. "How are we going to focus on possible clairvoyants if we can't see them outside, asked Beem? I am learning to like your scheme less and less Beenan. Stop grumbling, said Bo, sternly. Allen popped into the conversation. I can hear you guys plain as day. It's to meet you Beem. I heard Beenan call you that. Okay, Allen, nice to meet you too. Try to ignore "my grumpy attitude, he said. I am with Beenan and Bo all the way on this. I just like to grumble once in a while, it feels good. Good to meet you too, injected Bo. Hi Bo, said Allen. I hope you guys are comfortable in the van even without windows. It is well ventilated, said Allen and you can see out the vents when you stand up. They arrived at the van. Frank signaled for one of his men to open the rear door. There was ten feet of head room in the van, so the Ehesti did not have to bend down. Frank signaled for them to climb inside. Vie have come this far guys, said Bo, as he started up the steps into the van, still covered over in the same net with Beem and Beenan following right behind. They climbed into the van with Allen right behind them, helping to undo and remove the net. Every one was watching, so the three of them just slipped out of their bonds as though they had been tied far too loose. Neat trick, said Allen smiling. How do you like your new home for the next fifteen hours or so? Looks okay, said Bo. Even better, interrupted Beem, grinning as he held up an Avers plant. You people know more about our habits then we give you credit for. If I had known you were going to be so hospitable, I would have let myself get caught earlier, jested Beem. Everyone believes that this net is restraining you, so when we reach our destination in Vancouver and transfer you to your new home at the University, we will have to put the net back on, said Allen. This van is lined with the same inductors as the net, so everyone thinks you are secure. See you guys later, said Allen, as he descended from the van. I will be riding in another truck with Frank. I think I will tell him of our communications, but not about the ineffective net, just yet. They might do something stupid if they knew you weren't captured. We'll tell them when the time is right. Don't forget about getting other clairvoyants, said Beenan. I won't, replied Allen. I think Frank will help me with that also.

Allen left the van. Two men closed the door and locked it from the outside. This is going better now, don't you think, said Beem, chomping on an Avers branch. So far so good, said Bo. This van is comfortable. We might even get some sleep. The van and two other trucks pulled away from the campsite. The caravan included two crew cab trucks, two cars and the van. They had about forty kilometers of dirt and gravel road to cover before the highway. Let's take this time, to figure out what we are going to say to these people, when we finally do set up communications, said Bo. I am for letting Beenan do all the talking, said Beem. That might be a good idea, said Bo. If we all try to communicate, we might create more confusion then help. Okay with me, said Beenan, but we all should decide together how I am going to answer their questions. They will naturally want to know who we are and where we came from, said Bo. How do we handle that? Can they accept the truth? They will expect us to be from one of the planets in their star system, replied Beem. How do we explain the existence of Balenn with that kind of thinking? Some of those who will be hearing us will be astral travelers. The astral travelers should be able to verify the existence of Balenn, said Beenan. I think if we explain our existence as best we can in their terms, it will be okay. What if they ask us about being caught in their net? Should we tell them that we can escape whenever we wish? Maybe not until the end, as Allen suggested, so they will feel secure in our captivity, replied Bo. The van was now traveling on hard top surface and the ride evened out considerably. Bo stood up to look out the vent. Nothing but trees and mountains, said Bo. No people in sight. Beenan and Beem stood up to take a look too. The highway was paralleling a creek for a while. They were in a valley with snow capped mountains to the east. There were lower mountains to the west. In the lead crummy, Allen was riding with Frank. Orell was in the back seat all by himself. I guess you know I have been able to communicate with the Sasquatch, said Allen. No I didn't, said Frank, what did they have to say? Well first of all, you should know that they are coming along voluntarily to try to be of some help at U.B.C. You mean our induction net is not holding them in? I kind of suspected that, said Frank. I searched that cave thoroughly earlier, and there was definitely no one there. Then suddenly "poof" There they were. What else did they say, asked Frank anxiously? Then I wasn't seeing things shouted Orell from the back seat. Both Frank and Allen turned to look in the back seat. Orell was sitting high up on his seat, ready to tell his story. What do you mean, asked Frank? I was the last one to leave the cave area, where we caught them and just before I left, I decided to take one last look in the cave. I saw the rocks change shape slightly and plants sprung up that were not there before. It was really strange and scary, said Orell. What do you think of that, Frank asked Allen? I have not had time to ask them about their abilities, said Allen, but when we get to the University, we will be able to ask them all kinds of questions. They did specifically ask for me to gather more clairvoyants to interpret them. I was hoping you could help me with that Frank. I can think of two clairvoyants, besides yourself that I have met. Sure I'll give them a call, said Frank. You obviously don't think they will learn our language fast enough with your teaching apparatus. I'm not sure, replied Allen. They have some obvious super powers, but I'm not sure of their ability to learn from our teaching methods. Meanwhile, Bo was still looking out the vent. Boy, it is getting kind of warm in here, said Beenan. This ventilation is okay, but inadequate. These bodies we are in are made for cold weather. It sure is a hot, sunny day, exclaimed Beem, why don't we ride on the roof of this thing. It should be nice and cool up there. That's not a bad idea, said Bo. We will probably be cooped up in here for quite a while. We could sit up on the front edge of this box and rest our feet on the cab. Sounds like fun, said Beem. If they spot us, we can just transpose back here. They won'tbelieve their own eyes. Okay, let's do it, said Bo, it's getting hotter all the time in here. They stood together in the van, just below where they were going to project. In an instant, they were sitting on the van making sure they did not make noise with their feet on the cab. This is great, said Bo. Nice and cool and a beautiful view. A dragonfly hit Beem in the forehead. Bo laughed, but not too loud, Beem picked the bug from his hair. Beenan transposed himself up there too. Bo was sitting on the inside, between Beem and Beenan. They held on to a ridge beam and handles that were put there for jumping up to clear snow, etc. I guess a few bugs in the face won't hurt us, said Bo, shielding his face with his hands. They turned southward onto Highway 5 which is only a two lane highway that follows the North Thompson River to Kamloops. They were about fi fifteen kilometers north of Blue River, B.C. The only other sign of life was an older blue Studebaker heading northward and approaching their van rapidly. Should we slip back inside, asked Beenan? No, we will be past them in a second and they probably won't even look up, said Bo. Look at the top of that moving van Brian, said Emma, as she pointed upwards from her front passenger seat. Brian and Emma lived in Blue River. They were heading to Prince George to a Studebaker owners meeting. Weird, replied Brian. It must be some kind of publicity gimmick. Three Sasquatch riding on top of your van should attract all kinds of attention. That's odd, said Brian. There is no advertisement on the truck. They must be dummies, don't you think Emma? They look so alive, she proclaimed, they are moving around. The van zipped by the Studebaker. Beem turned around and waved as the two vehicles passed. Emma waved back at them, but she knew they didn't see her because they were too far away. Too bad we never got a picture of that she mumbled.

There's a helicopter heading this way up the valley, pointed Bo. They leaned forward to see better. It was about ten miles ahead of them, but with their magnification vision, they could see it clearly. It was flying at about 500 meters above the valley floor and heading towards them at about 150 kilometers per hour. Beenan could see the pilot and two passengers. The passengers had suits and ties on. Beenan and Bo did not realize it, but in their attempts to see better, they were bracing their feet on the cab. The driver hearing the noise on his cab was puzzled. Did you hear that Bill, he asked? Sounds like rocks hit the cab or maybe a bird, said Bill. I think I'll stop and take a look, said Mike the driver. The helicopter was now close enough that they could see the Ehesti riding on the top of the van. They could not believe their eyes, so they slowed down and dropped down 200 meters to get a better look. The Ehesti realized instantly that it was time to duck back inside, which they did. Mike pulled the van over after he radioed to the rest of the caravan what he was doing. He stopped and climbed up on the side of his cab to see what caused the noise. There was nothing there. The helicopter was directly overhead and hovering. Seeing nothing, the helicopter resumed its journey, while Mike climbed back inside the van and proceeded down the highway. That helicopter probably spit up some rocks, said Mike. I wonder why he's hanging around like that, asked Bill? It looked like a regular commercial fl ight to me. The van is still secure from the outside, replied Mike, so everything is fi ne. Inside the box, the Ehesti were busy plucking the bugs out of each others hair. There were even bees entangled in the long Ehesti hair. That was close, said Beem. I am surprised that they didn't check inside the van. They wouldn't have noticed anything out of the ordinary, said Bo. I'm glad we went up there. It's still too warm in here. Some of these bugs are still alive. Back inside the crummy, Orell was talking to Frank. What do you suppose Mike stopped for, he asked? Let's ask him, said Frank. Mike, do you copy, he said over the radio. Yes, we copy, said Mike. Orell here wants to know why you stopped back there? Allen was kind of interested too. We heard a noise on the roof of the cab, said Mike, so we stopped to investigate. There was nothing there though. There was a helicopter hovering overhead for a while, but it took off. You must have seen it Frank, he asked? Yes we did. It looked like a commercial Okanogan Helicopter. This is a favorite fl ight path for them. Did you check on our guests to see if they are okay? No, I didn't. The door is still locked from the outside, so they must be still in there. Okay, Frank replied. When we get to Kamloops, we will stop and let Allen take a look. Why Allen, asked Mike? Would you rather do it, he asked Mike? Oh no. Allen can go. I was just curious. Okay Mike, give us a shout if you hear any more strange noises or see anything strange. Will do, said Mike and he hung up his microphone. Tell me more about your communications with the visitors, said Frank to Allen. What else did you talk about? We never really had enough time to talk, said Allen, but when we get to Kamloops, I will go back there and talk some more. Is there something I can say to them for you, he asked? Just tell them that I thank them very much for coming along with us and apologize for the charade with the net, etc. For the benefit of the others though, we must keep it up, don't you think Allen? I guess so. It does make things easier to explain.

They were now only about fifteen minutes out of Kamloops. They passed through a town called Heflley Creek. Beem and Bo were napping in the corner, while Beenan was in deep thought, preparing his answers for later at U.B.C. Prior to their departure on this hunting trip, Allen had prepared a place to keep their captives. It was in a room directly under the cyclotron. They assumed that if the inductive net and the wired up box in the van would contain them, then the forces produced by the cyclotron, would also contain them. The room was solid concrete all around, with the cyclotron overhead and solid rock underneath. There were television cameras in the corners to monitor their every move. There were twenty television screens in the room, with a familiar object or action on each screen. When anyone pushed the red button below the screen, a voice spoke only the name of the object or action on the screen. This way, they hoped that their captives would learn the language, while being held captive. Many other recording devices were also prevalent, such as weight sensors, moisture and light sensors and sound spectrums sensors rising way above the twenty kilo-cycle that the humans could hear. Beenan stopped for a moment to look outside. They were coming into civilization. The highway was still paralleling the North Thompson River. The river had swollen to seventy meters wide. It was dirty looking, compared to earlier, where it was fast fl owing and dark blue in color. Beenan enjoyed watching the rushing water. The caravan began to slow as it approached the City of Kamloops. Frank decided to stop at the McDonald's Restaurant on the highway, because it had lots of parking for the whole caravan. When they all fi nally came to a stop, Beem and Bo woke up. We are in Kamloops, said Beenan. Beem looked out the vent on his side. It was desert like country, with blowing sage brush on one side of the van and a populated McDonalds on the other side. Quite a contrast, said Beem. They heard someone outside the van opening the lock. Allen slipped inside quickly, closing the door behind himself. How are you guys doing so far, he asked? Okay, replied Beenan. How much longer do we ride, asked Beem? About another seven hours. It will be dark by the time we get you to U.B.C. You'll get to see the famous Fraser River Canyon and a narrows called Hell's Gate. Things will get much greener and it won't be quite so hot. The road is less windy so if you want to, you can sleep. By the way, Mike, your driver, heard some noises on the cab roof a few kilometers back down thehighway. Do you guys know what it was? It was just us, said Bo. We went up oh the roof of the box here for a while to cool off and I guess we made a little too much noise. You know it has to look like you are captured, if anyone is going to believe us about you, asked Allen? We know that, said Beenan. No one saw us except some people in a helicopter, but they didn't see us long enough to matter. Sounds like you guys are having fun anyway, said Allen. By the way, if you are interested in learning our language, we have a teaching apparatus set up in your new home at U.B.C. Oh good, said Beenan. I would like to learn as quickly as possible. Good, I was hoping you would take that attitude, replied Allen. I think you should know that I told Frank that you are not really captured. He assumed that himself, after seeing you disappear last night. He says "thanks for coming along." He agreed to keep it a secret for now. He has two friends who are clairvoyants that he will call when we reach U.B.C. Once you see what we have set up for you to learn our language, you may be able to communicate with us all, sooner than you expect. I am not sure that your language will allow us to express our thoughts properly, said Beenan. We can show you telepathic things that have not yet been made into words. By the time you make us new words for the symbols we show in our telepathic communication, years will have passed. I feel safer communicating telepathically said Beenan. There is much less chance of miss understanding. Okay, we will do it your way, said Allen. We will learn and use your language for the simple things of conversation, said Beenan. Thanks, Allen replied. Right now I am starved and I am going to grab a hamburger before we leave for the coast. I trust you have everything you need. It's kind of hot, said Beem, under his breath. Okay, we will put another air conditioner in right away. That should bring down the temperature to twelve degrees Celsius for you. Great, Beem sighed. Thanks. You are okay.

Allen waved as he left the van. We will talk again on arrival at U.B.C. See you later. The door was locked behind Allen. As soon as Allen had left, they heard two men on the roof installing the air conditioner. It only took about ten minutes. The workmen climbed 'down and turned on the power. It began to function almost immediately. The room temperature dropped to twelve degrees Celsius. Beenan was standing by the vent, watching the crew return to their vehicles with trays of food from the restaurant. The men laughed and joked while they ate. Frank radioed it was time to leave. There was a quick rush to get rid of the garbage and everyone fi red up their engines. The caravan pulled out and continued on its way to U.B.C. The rest of the journey went along smoothly. They never had to stop at all, until they reached the freeway turn off in Vancouver. The, Ehesti slept most of the way. Allen and Orell went over the events of the day. Orell showed a feeling of uneasiness about it all. Allen assured him there was no need to fear the Ehesti. As they entered the freeway off ramp, before traveling the fi nal ten miles to U.B.C., Mike had to bring the van to an abrupt stop to avoid a pedestrian. This sudden jolt awakened the Ehesti. Beem sat up fi rst and than stood up. He went over to look out the vent. This is it, he said, the big city. It sure is noisy, said Beenan and smelly, said Bo. Come and take a look out here, said Beem. Beenan got up to take a look. Boy, just like a beehive, he said. I can count about forty vehicles out this side. I suspect our journey will be soon over, said Bo. Should we plan any strategy before we get there, asked Beenan? Let's just go along with their wishes for now. Every thing seems to be well planned. Let's just co-operate, said Bo. It should all prove quite interesting. They went through a lot of effort so far to make us comfortable. I think our new home will be quite comfortable too. Our new jail you mean, said Beem. The gates were locked at the entrance to U.B.C. Frank got out to open them. He was glad they arrived after sunset. There would be less commotion to deal with. When the caravan had all entered the university grounds, the last vehicle stopped to close the gate. They still had two kilometers of winding road to navigate.

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