Young Justice: Wonder and Sup...

By NinjagoKaila

72.6K 1.4K 305

She wasn't just and ordinary girl. Her father was Superman, and she joins the Young Justice team with her bes... More

Independence Day
Welcome To Happy Harbor
Drop Zone
Alpha Male
Usual Suspects
Auld Acquaintance
Happy New Year
Beneath and Bloodlines
Summit and Endgame


2K 51 26
By NinjagoKaila


At the cave Robin and Aqualad were sparring, in civilian clothes, an I was intrigued to see who would win. The fought back and forth and then...... They stopped. M'Gann and Conner walked into the training area with Wolf. Oh well. I walked into the training deck and stood neck to Robin and Kaldur.

"You know they're a couple right?" Robin whispered.

"I believe I knew before they did." Kaldur said. Then Artemis and Wally walked in.

"Do we tell them?" I asked smirking. Robin and Kaldur smirked.

"It is not our place." Kaldur said.

"So if Zatara is our babysitter of the week, why is he still here?" Wally asked pointing to Captain Marvel, who was talking to Zatara.

"And why is he eating my snacks?!" Wally exclaimed.

I looked to see Captain Marvel eating a energy bar.

"Recognized. Batman 0-2." The computer said.

"Computer, National News." Batman said. The computer complied and showed us the latest breaking news. My eyes widened at the state the cities were in. Ginormous green plants were attacking cities around the world! They're destroying buildings and hurting people!

"Should we get out there?" Robin asked.

"Yeah! My city is being destroyed!" I exclaimed. My mom! Was she safe! Holy claptrap!! I have to see if she is ok!

"No. The league will soon have the situation under control that's not why I'm here. According to your intel, Sportsmaster supplied the Cadmus blockbuster formula to Kobra." Batman said.

"Who combined it with Bane's venom to create Kobra venom." Wally said.

"Which the brain used to create his animal army." Robin said.

"And upgrade wolf." Conner said. We both pet his fur.

"The brain also used inhibitor collars, like the ones at Belle Rev Penitentiary." M'gann said.

"Batman, is it possible that the plant thingies have Kobra Venom too?" Artemis asked.

"I had Green Lanter run a spot analysis. The vine's cellulose does contain of a Kobra venom variant." Batman explained.

"This can't be a coincidence." I said.

"That the criminals are operating together worldwide." Aqualad finished.

"Exactly. It's now clear our enemies have formed some kind of.... Secret society of super villains." Batman said. Roin pulled up another screen.

"Plant creatures have sprouted in Gotham City, Paris, Star City, Taipei...." Robin was cut off when the screen went staticky.

"Dude?" Wally asked.

"It's not me! Someone's cutting in the satellite signal. All satellite signals." Robin exclaimed.

Audrey was thinking about who could be doing this... Oooh! If they are creating plant thingies that's not good. Who knows what they could be plotting with those!

Suddenly the screen stopped going wacky and villains were on screen. Oh flipper snapper bubbles! What could they want!

Joker knocked on the screen like it was hilarious.

He had his stupid grin on his face, "Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt your regularly scheduled mayhem to bring you this!" Joker flipped a knife open and pointed off screen. The camera followed. It now showed more villains. We are sooo screwed!

"From the injustice league!" He said putting emphasis on the 'in'. I gave Wally a look that said 'are you seeing this!?' He gave a 'no duh!' Look and we looked back to the screen.

Count Vertigo, in the video, started talking.

"We. Are responsible for the attacks on your cities. If you wish to save them, a ransom of ten billion American dollars is required. The delivery instructions have been sent to the United Nations. There is no time limit, but, the longer your governments wait..."

Vertigo let joker finish the sentence, "The more we get to have our... jollies! Hahaha!" Joker said.

The screen went black. Well now we know what they're planning! Robin played back the video and paused it on the villains.

"Count Vertigo, the Joker, Poison Ivy, Ultra Humanite, Atomic Skull, Black Atom, Wotan, seven heavy hitters. Probably behind nearly everything and everyone we've faced." Robin said.

"There's your secret society." Wally said.

"Not so secret anymore." I said.

"Perhaps after India, the realized they would deduce the truth, and saw no point in hiding any longer." Kaldur said.

"Yeah, we'll that was their mistake! Right now, I say we go kick some plant creature butt!" Wally said. Oh Wally.

"The Justice League will handle the plants. I have a different job for this team." Batman said.

"Oh man." Wally said. I heard a thump and I smirked knowing Artemis had hit Wally.

"With the plants attacking so many locations simultaneously there must be a central control system. Your mission is to destroy it." Batman said. Wait.....

"You realize what you are really asking them to do." Zatara said.

"They're ready." Batman said. Oh shoot, I know where this is going.

"Ready? Ready for what?" Wally asked. I face palmed.

Artemis hit Wally again, "Hello Wally, if the big guns are fighting plants, who do you think we'll be fighting?" She asked.

"I don't know, I guess we'll... Oh." Wally said.

"We'll Batman? I trust you are correct." I trust you can locate the enemy." Batman said.

We are know in the Bioship flying to the Louisiana Bayou. To go fight the injustice league. Yay. Not. I mean, I know we will win of course. But that doesn't stop my worrying.

"What's in the duffle?" Wally asked pointing to a bag by Aqualad's feet. I too became curious.

"Plan B." Was all Aqualad said.

We all went back to prepping for the fight. M'Gann moaned.

"You okay?" Conner asked.

"Dizzy." Miss Martian said.

"Martians get airsick?" Robin asked.

"Not me, her." Miss M said.

"I feel fine." Artemis said. The others looked at me.

"I'm not dizzy." I said.

"No, not them, the Bioship. She's trying to shield us from something!" Miss M said. Suddenly we went spiraling out of control.

"Now I'm dizzy!" I shouted.

A big blow knocked us out of the sky. We landed in the water and a hole was ripped into the roof of the Bioship.

"Ahh! He's hurting her!" M'Gann said.

"Supergirl! Keep him busy! Meet us by the edge of the lake!" Aqualad said.

"You got it!" I said flying up and punching Black Atom. I flew through the hole just as it started to close. Black Atom flew a few feet before stopping. I braced myself for the attack and Black Atom flew at me. He threw a punch and I grabbed his arm and flipped him through the air. He stopped himself and charged again.

He threw more punches. I blocked him and then sent a kick to him. He blocked it and landed a blow on my back.

"Ahh!" Well I'm going to have a bruise.

Black Atom's fist was coming towards my head. I didn't have time to block it and Wham!

The last thing I though of was, 'Yep. Lots and lots if bruises.'

Then everything went black.

Aqualad's POV
(Never had his POV before :D)
We had all reached the shore and were about to plan what to do next when Supergirl landed right in front of us. She was unconscious.

"Supergirl!" Robin yelled. They were coming.

"Robin, Miss Martian! Disappear!" I commanded.

I knew they had to get away so the mission would not fail. Robin and Miss Martian complied and they were gone. As soon as they were, a sense of dizziness came. I fell to the ground and was rendered unconscious.

Audrey's POV

When I came to, I sat up and found myself in a cage. Everyone except Miss Martian and Robin was in it. The others moved and sat up. The bad guys are flying us through the air. Probably to their secret compound.

"There is no chance of escaping." Wotan said. Aqualad grabbed the bars and shouted,

"You are not the only one trained in the mystic arts Wotan!" Aqualad tried using his electricity to break the bars. And it didn't work.

"Atlantian, do not pretend you are in my league." Wotan said.

I put a hand on Aqualad's shoulder. He turned to me. I gave him a small smile telling him it would be alright. He gave a small smile back. The Bioship flew in out of no where and knocked Wotan away. His powers failed and the cage disappeared. We all free fell.

I hovered in the air before catching Artemis and Wally and set them both on the ground. Aqualad, Wolf and Superboy landed next to us. Superboy glared at Ultra Humanite and lunged at him. Wolf followed. Artemis, Aqualad, and I saw Poips Ivy, and they reached for their weapons. But they had been taken.

"Ugh. I feel naked." Artemis said missing her bow and quiver.

"And not in a fun way." She said.

"Artemis!" I exclaimed. She laughed. Aqualad smirked.

"We will make our own fun as we have been trained. Maneuver 7!" He yelled to Artemis.

She ran and jumped onto his hands. Aqualad launched her up and Artemis brought her foot down on Ivy. I turned to see Black Atom.

"Round 2?" I asked. He growled.

"Alright!" I yelled charging.

We were all fighting different villains:
Aqualad and Artemis vs Poison Ivy
Superboy and Wolf vs Ultra Humanite
Supergirl vs Black Atom
Kid Flash vs Count Vertigo

Where the heck were Robin and Miss M?! I punched Black Atom but heard a beeping noise. I turned to see the big plant on the compound blinking red and green.

"What the--- oh!" I suddenly realized what was going on. I smiled and nodded and kept fighting. The big plant blew up and Robin and Miss M were standing where it used to be. My super hearing picked up what Robin said.


I laughed. Only Robin. I turned back to Black Atom but suddenly I was blasted with electricity!

"Ahh!" I yelled.

The lightening was being created by Wotan! I fell to the ground and I couldn't get up! But when the lightning suddenly stopped so I sat up to see Aqualad put on the Helmet of Fate. They got that when the rescued the late Kent Nelson. Robin and I were in Gotham spying on Lex Luthor. BlackAtom had left to battle Superboy.

"Aww come on! Don't want round 3?" I asked.

I heard growling and I turned to see Ultra Humanite.

"Oh. Hi." I said smiling. The smile quickly disappeared and I flew at the ugly monkey. I punched and kicked at him. Blocked a few blows from him and..... Laser eyes knocked Ultra Humanite to the ground. He was knocked out.

I turned to see Superman and the Justice League coming from the sky.

I grinned at Superman, "I was just about to take him out!" I said.

Dad grinned and sent me a salute. I saluted back. Wow. He really is the Blue Boy Scout.

We surrounded the villains and they put their hands in the air. Well except for Ultra Humanite. I smirked. But it quickly went away when Joker started shouting.

"Another day? There won't be another day! Not for any of us! Hahahahaha!!" Joker started moving his fingers like there was a puppet attached to them.

Some plants sprouted from the muddy ground. The flower bulbs popped and green gas billowed out.

"Joker venom spores! Don't breathe!" Batman yelled punching Joker in the face, knocking the crazy clown out.

The gas built up higher until Dr. Fate flew up and sucked all the gas into an energy thing.

"Fate had intervened!" He yelled. It was over and we won! Well, at a price.

Most of the league had left, our mentors had stayed.

"How could you have let him put on the helmet!? Naboo will never release him. Kaldur will be trapped in Dr. Fate forever." Wally said.

I frowned. Forever? Dr. Fate lifted the helmet off of his head. Aqualad now stood their holding the helmet. Kid Flash ran up to him.

"Naboo let you go?" He asked.

"He almost did not. But your friend Kent was persuasive. He says hello." Aqualad said.

We all smiled. I grinned at Robin who grinned back. I looked at his Robin costume and mud was all over it. I gasped at looked at my own outfit.

"Agh!! I just cleaned this yesterday!!" I yelled in frustration. Everyone started laughing. I think Batman even smirked. Robin walked over and put his elbow on my shoulder.

"You know your not that much taller than me, right?" I asked. Robin smiled cheekily.

"I know, but someday I will be a whole foot taller than you." He said.

I laughed and started to walk to where Batman and Superman where.

"I doubt that." I said. Robin started following me.

"Oh really? Well, when I am taller than you, I get to pick what you owe me!" He said.

"Ok, cuz it's not gonna happen!" I said. Robin and I started laughing. Well, mission was good, and tomorrow will be even better!

//AN: Sorry the update took forever! I might have another part uploaded at the end of this week if I'm not busy. 

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