Mortal Cup.

By moonpigdotcom

17 2 0


Mortal Cup.

17 2 0
By moonpigdotcom


She walked through the darkened corridors, moving without a noise. Her clock wrapped around her body, a trail of smoke in her wake. A small tuff of brown hair peaked from under the hood, it shined in the restricted moon light which filtered through the windows.

The large windows which hung above the corridor, showed the moon. It shined brightly, causing the girl to let out a hiss in protest. A few passers by, jumped back as the girl glided past. It was almost if her studded heels which adorned her feet, didn’t touch the floor. The dark smoke, floating upwards, fogging up her face.

At the end of the corridor was a double door, oak and very sturdy. It seemed to be locked. The girl simply placed her hand in front of her and the lock unlatched. She stifled a laugh at the Faeries attempt. Of course they would try to stop her, what mad man wouldn’t? The large doors swung open, revealing a large room. Its walls the size of a cathedral. The intricate art work on the walls, cherubs with bows and arrows. The girls eyes widened, as she looked the walls up and down. She temporally forgot why she was here.

“I see they still impress you, Esme?” A gentile voice, broke Esmes train of thought. “They impressed your father too.” The girls head whipped around and glared at the old man, whom sat bemused on his pedestal.

“The cease to impress me, Marius.” Esme replied in a bored voice. “As for my father, he was sucker for all things Faerie” Marius laughed, but it was humourless. His grey eyes were hollow.

“You cannot lie my young child, you are you fathers daughter. Aren’t you? Faeries have that effect.” Marius told her. Esme sighed and brought out her dagger. She wiped the blood of the end and watched as it glinted in the moonlight.

“Then you know why I'm here?” She asked, throwing back her hood. Marius sucked in breath as he watched the dark figure turn into one of an impeccable beauty.

Long brown hair was braided with strands falling free and curling around a heart shaped face. Sharp green eyes, frozen with hate and curiosity burned into his own. Dark tattoos took over her skin, peaking beneath the sweetheart neck line. Marius had to admit it, Esme Carter was one beautiful woman. Gifted with the beauty of all the angles above.

“Alas, my dear. I know not why, you of all should know that.” He sighed, dragging his eyes up to her face. Were rosy red lips were brought between her teeth. “I cant see the future, only guide it.” Esme laughed, it was sour and full of hate.

“You think I care? It is my duty, on behalf of the council to-” She took a step forward and brought the dagger up. Her cat like eyes watched as Marius's chest rose up and down, “Kill you.”

A second hadn’t passed, as the dagger flew through the air and landed in Marius' stomach. His high pitched scream, echoed. It hollowed out into a siren. The windowpane cracked. Before Esme carelessly pulled out another and threw it at his head. The dark blue blood, dripped onto the floor. The body falling limply onto the carpet with a thud. It didn’t seem to bother Esme as the daggers flew back to her hand. With a click of her finger she was gone. Nothing but a black smoke, the only reminded she had been there.

Hi everyone. Hope you all like me story and I hope you vote and shizzz<3

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