Goodbye Cullens(a Twilight an...

By Demigodfrominkheart

388K 8.2K 1.1K

***DISCONTINUED DUE TO BULLYING*** My name is Meredith. I'm the twin of Renessmee. Of course Mrs.Myers left m... More

Chapter one*about me*
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter five
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter eight
chapter 9
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 20
Not an update
Writing again
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's note
my mental health
continue writing
chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
not a chapter
chapter 27
story over
Its out guys!!

Chapter 21

7.1K 189 64
By Demigodfrominkheart

y'all I Know it's been a long time but I moved again and this is a shitty school but I recently got unlimited data and an old laptop. I'll try to write a bit.

*Meredith's POV* 

We spent the rest of the day just hanging out and when it came time for bed I was nervous. I would be starting high school in the morning, the note on the mirror, and I was scared to have a nightmare.

"Klaus..." I trailed off feeling like a child.

"What is it love?" he asks and I blush.

 "Can you -um- ,maybe, staythenightwithme?" I rush out embarrassed.

He lets out a little chuckle, 

"Don't be embarrassed baby girl; I'd love to stay the night with you."

I smile a grateful smile and lead him to my bedroom.I go to the closet to pick out clothes to sleep in; Dad's old t-shirt and fuzzy pants.

 After changing, in the bathroom you pervs, I climb into bed with Klaus to find him shirtless. I feel the heat rise to my cheeks and he laughs; I glare at him and put a magic barrier between us so when I lay  down when he tries to wrap his arms around me he runs into a wall. He glares and I just smirk,

 "Pay backs a bitch love" I put an emphases on love to annoy him. 

He huffs and I let down the barrier and curl up next to him. I drift to sleep with him playing with my hair.

*Klaus' POV*

After I hear Meredith's heartbeat slow down I take some time to think without risking her reading my mind. She's so beautiful. I love making the blood rush to her face. I love how badass she is but innocent at the same time. Love is anyone's greatest weakness but I can't help it. She's my soulmate. My other half. The one literally made for me.

 Niklaus Mikaelson.  Original Hybrid. The big bad wolf. The most feared man in the world. 

Why was I destined with this beautiful girl in front of me? Most people will never meet their soul mate. I deserve least of all to have this amazing and fascinating creature in my arms. 

I will protect her at all costs. I'll kill that bitch Bella if she tries to hurt her. Meredith will be treated like the princess she is. That is my last thought as I fall asleep with my world in my arms.

*author note*

How many readers do I still have? I know I'm horrible and this is a shitty chapter but hopefully you'll like this. Enjoy? 

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