Shorts and Paragraphs

By meow_321

109 9 0


Shorts and Paragraphs
Summer's Peace
City Snow Globe
River's Bend

Winter's Warrior

22 2 0
By meow_321

Winter's Warrior

Her face veiled in black, she silently sat, stoic. She heard the babbling of the priest's prayer, still in denial.

He had been her only hope, her only refuge, her reason to smile. He had brought light into her darkened world, making it a paradise.

He had given himself for the world's benefit, only to return in a casket.

She didn't even get the chance to know what it was like to wake up next to him, her hair cascading on the pillow and his arm around her, protecting her from any and all harm.

She stood, smoothing her black dress and took two steps forward. She accepted the folded flag that his mother had decided she should take, then she knelt down before the coffin.

The priest and the four guards left the tent, leaving her alone for a last moment.

She then cried a single tear, it landing on the glossy, black coffin that was at the head of the make-shift room.

"Thank you." She whispered into the sad air.

"You gave me light and happiness." She stopped and looked down, and with a laugh continued, "You always liked this dress on me, you picked it out for your coming-home party that I was going to plan." She started strong, but slowly faded to a murmur, her words creating white in the cold tent.

"I'm so sorry." She stopped and sniffed, then released her pent-up breath.

"I'm really going to try for you, and you only. I won't give up, only because you said not to." She paused, then placed her hand on the casket.

"I love you..." Her voice cracked, creating more tears that joined the first.

She leaned down and kissed the box that held half of her beloved. The body, not the soul.

She stood and walked towards the exit of the tent, but turned and spoke.


She then turned and left.

It was only a hoarse whisper, but one that was echoed to the grey skies, a closing sentence that rips the soul into shreds.

As she cries, his love and courage washes over her, soothing her and comforting her, a brave man to tell the world of.

A brave hero that will be forgotten neither in her heart nor in her mind.

By Moriah


**I put the number of words at the bottom for my own reference, sorry!

This was inspired by it being Red Friday when I wrote it, and by Lana Del Ray's Dark Paradise.

Have a good day! If you wonder what Red Friday is, just leave a comment and I will message you or reply :)


PS Please let me how you like these! I will still post, [Even if you don't like them!], but I would love to know your opinion!

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